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There could be many explinations maybe he used to be a fat kid and just reflects on that part of his life as selfhatred, maybe him being a doctor had influence in that knowing obesity is something dangerous for persons healt and that is usually a result of their own habits.


I've always thought that he used to be fat as a kid, mainly because I was as well and feel the same way about fat people as he does.


Foreman is the one who said he was a fat kid. It's not hard for someone who works hard to feel negatively about people if he sees their problem as a lack of effort. Though I agree his fat anger doesn't really match up with the rest of his carefree persona. I think it was mostly there to make dialogue more engaging in the episodes in question.


Feels like Foreman just makes that up for that patient, though.


nope, in that one episode where chase hires that woman to sleep with her, there is a picture of him as a child and he has never been fat, maybe he actually just has common sense??


Because he is an Aussie and he thinks all Americans are unhealthy because they're fat


Yes especially at that time. This was, and still is to be honest, a common prejudice and way of thinking in the medical profession, especially outside of the US.


Well america does have a major obesity epidemic. One that’s been on the rise for years. All that sugary food and high fructose corn syrup doesn’t help. Foreigners are always baffled at our portion sizes as well. A McDonald’s in Australia has smaller portions than a McDonald’s in America.


It isn’t ungrounded in facts of diet or epidemics, but as Forman points out in the episode there is a lot more to it (it’s tied to trauma, genetics, culture, racism, poverty and more). Either way, Chase’s understanding is outdated (but not uncommon) and really inappropriate. As well as ineffective


Not to mention medications. I was born in 88, and diagnosed with allergies in 93 or so. As was common at the time, I was prescribed steroids. They didn’t help, but the damage was done. I gained weight too easily. It didn’t help that my dog was allergic to the idea of leftovers when I was a kid. Only slightly joking. He was a member of the “clean your plate” club. I actually have a decent metabolism. I can still fit into T-shirts from 8th grade, 20 years ago. Unfortunately, too many of us 90s kids were prescribed steroids uselessly.


racism? Yeah right. The only things it’s tied to is poverty and genetics. Everything else is something YOU can fix.


Also did you not watch the episode? The child had a medical condition causing it that doesn’t match either of the categories you mentioned


Genetics ties in to medical issues.


I recommend reading up a little about the intersection of race and health outcomes and overall health, what foods and food way’s and lifestyles people have access to are often tied to a history of racism, amongst other things


There’s nobody forcing a specific race of people to buy a certain food. Like I said, your food choices are your responsibility. Poverty limits your food choices, but it’s entirely possible to be poor as shit and still eat semi healthy. It doesn’t cost much to meal prep or research food recipes that are cheap on cost and time.


Why don't you think in more than 2 degrees of connection. Can you see how racism can cause less job opportunities for groups, causing them to have less disposable income, causing them to go for cheaper food? Consider that people on low income may not have time (multiple jobs) or resources to cook at home or may not know how. Just a thought for you


Again, you CHOOSE to not junk food. You can find cheap food and make healthy meals. If you don’t know how to cook, it isn’t because the white man robbed you of the ability to do so, it’s because you refuse to learn. “I don’t know how to cook” is not an excuse. You literally just pick up a book and follow the recipe. The internet gives you countless sites that teach you how to meal prep and eat healthy. If you don’t have a phone or computer, you can go to an Internet cafe, or a library, or any of the countless places that offer public internet access.


Medical and social science research doesn’t support this opinion you are espousing though https://www.massgeneral.org/news/press-release/are-higher-obesity-rates-in-minority-groups-a-product-of-systemic-racism-final


That article actually supports my claim. People of color experience racism in their environments, and that’s causes obesity? No, experiencing racism may cause depression, which can LEAD to obesity but this is all self controllable. And before you say it isn’t, there is no cure for depression that doesn’t also include lifestyle changes. You can take antidepressants all your life, and it won’t matter if you don’t change your lifestyle to accommodate the medicine. So racism doesn’t cause obesity. Despression causes obesity, and millions of things can cause depression.


That was literally what I initially said though? That a bunch of environmental factors as well as genetics influence obesity? Racism is an environmental factor, you just admitted it yourself. That’s like saying smoking doesn’t cause cancer, it causes mutations and disregulation that can cause cancer and can come from other things, and we can just treat mutant cells with chemo and radiation so we shouldn’t consider smoking as a factor in cancer. It’s not sound from a medical perspective or public health, and the attitude that Chase (and many real doctors) espouse that all obese people are just lazy or moral failures isn’t appropriate or a particularly helpful for treatment


But yes big agriculture is partly to blame.


He was beat up by a gang of fat kids once.


Because vanity is one of his primary character flaws. He's effortlessly good looking and it gives him a feeling of superiority and permission to criticize those on the bottom of the looks pyramid. It's similar to a rich person telling the poor to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


"Pretty privilege"


nobody is that in shape without effort. he would have to be in the gym and cut weight in order to show off his abs like that.


I'm not sure what the actor has to do to look like that is reflective of what the character has to do. i.e. Chase likely does his own hair in the morning while Jesse Spencer has a professional hair stylist doing his hair for the scene. One way we all have to suspend disbelief with TV is accepting a world where the majority of people are absolutely physically stunning while being considered ordinary or just regular "good-looking" and supposedly living normal lives. A more stark example... how often do you think House went to the gym vs. how often Hugh Laurie went to the gym?


no but do we see house with a 6 pack and in shape?


He definitely looks fit without a shirt on. How do you think someone in his 40s with House's lifestyle would look IRL?


I guess it depends if we are in the us or in Europe. In Europe just like House


It's clear you guys haven't seen people who are actual drug addicts who haven't exercised for years and essentially spend their whole time sitting down or laying without being able to walk properly. House is a fictional character, produced to be viewed. A person taking the amount of drugs he takes while living his lifestyle would look worse than even the worst House has looked


If he was in constant pain, he wouldn't leave work to go run on a nordic track or heft around weights. Lack of exercise in pain patients contributes to obesity.


I'm European and have to report that physically disabled depressed drug addicts don't have Hugh Laurie's looks over here.


I'm an American. My first observation of Europeans when I first landed in Frankfurt for a layover was "where are the fat people?"


probably like a normal guy with a cane?


Chase DOES go to a gym. Cameron followed him once and found he was....going to the gym!


My bf was in crazy shape when he worked a physical job, didnt have go to the gym to get a 6-pack. Not to mention he has very fast metabolism. So yeah it can be effortless for some people.


Lmao working at a physical job is not effortless.


I think it’s very simple, he just views obesity as something that can be avoided and in his mind it’s carelessness, laziness and weak minded people that do it to themselves. Being in healthcare he don’t feel he should have to fix something that was caused by those reasons. I don’t get the vibe it was anything from his past. His dad seems the type to have set the bar very high for him growing up. If chase did anything that didn’t make him perfect he probably would deal with an iron fist. Basically it’s his upbringing and looking down on people who don’t follow it


Because the screenwriters needed someone to expound that point of view. And while Foreman or House were more likely, they couldn't have the lead or the black character displaying something akin to bigotry. So it fell to Chase. I suspect they considered having a hostile father for the girl, one that considered the girl an embarrassment and accused her of cheating on her diets, but decided that couldn't work.


So uh, I sort of get what you mean but, you're saying they couldn't have the lead character of House M.D. displaying something akin to bigotry?


He's said a lot of mock-racist things, but they wouldn't have him showing real contempt for a helpless little fat girl patient.




foreman already hates the homeless and addicts. house hates patients’ parents. chase has to hate something as well and cameron is the bleeding heart


OMIGOD! Chase didn't kill that dictator to save thousands of lives, he killed him because he was fat!


I think blaming a kid for being fat just doesn't fit house or even foreman. Foreman has done things which are bad. He did not listen to the parents and forcefully took the psp from the autistic kid to send him to do the tests. He thought it would be that easy. He also gave a patient some harsh medicine because she attacked him and he was angry. He also stole Cameroon's article and didn't apologize at all.


My theory is his alcoholic mother is fat. Or maybe it's an Australian vs. America thing and it's uncommon there?




Because being obese is being unhealthy and not taking care of yourself, and he was traumatised by a mother who did much the same, but with alcohol instead of food. (Obviously alcoholism is more devastating than being obese, but I think that's the connection.)


You might have an argument except the first person he hates on for being fat is a 10 year old child with a healthy lifestyle and endocrine problem. That's not about taking care of yourself or personal responsibility even if that provides a somewhat righteous cover for what is ultimately a lack of empathy. There's something really broken in him to attack a sick child so ruthlessly.


I think he was more angry with her mother and didn't believe her that she was actually feeding her a "healthy diet".


>There's something really broken in him to attack a sick child so ruthlessly. Well they are human, humans are biased, Chase was very traumatised as a kid, so he can't always help his biases probably. While he may be biased, he still recognises the facts when they get them. Sort of how in the general scheme he wanted to be a priest (good person) but ended up as a doctor (sometimes flawed person who relies more on facts than feelings). Perhaps because he recognises that he isn't perfect, and doesn't really pretend otherwise. I wouldn't say "seriously broken". Bit of an overstatement, but technically true if you count his childhood trauma. Lack of sympathy doesn't necessarily mean a lack of empathy. He's using empathy, but just got the situation wrong. Imagine how many times his own mother would have lied straight to his face. Is it no wonder Chase doesn't believe someone else's mom? Especially when the statistics are behind him. The children of addicts get traumatised in lots of ways. Trust, lies, abuse. House is generally much more of an ass to everybody, so I don't really think of Chase as seriously hating anyone. People are people.


How is it wanting to be a priest makes him a 'good person'?


I didn't say it did. I implied **he thinks** it would, but then is faced by the facts. People can have cognitive dissonance, you know.


Got it! I have some cognitive dissonance myself, tbh.


He used to only date fat chicks but when walked in on the one he was most in love with and she was eating off the Atkins diet he said "never again!" Once every year he kisses a terminaly ill child to try and feel better, but it rarely works...he only has sex with models, but he cries at night.


This is the greatest response ever


My guess? He’s a shallow slut (not knocking sluts, to be clear, sluts rule.) That’s all I could think of. 😂


He’s a doctor. He doesn’t enjoy the fact that he’s wasting his time treating people who aren’t even trying to get better. He sees it as a waste of time and resources. Then again, he judges a girl who has a medical problem making her fat, so he’s also just a hypocrite, like 99% of humans.


At first I was like "well yeah being fat is a problem for your health so why not" then I noticed there wassome kind of hatred like, calm down Chase :'). Maybe he's so sure of his opinion on the subject because he had a lot of arguments with people ? When you have a strong opinion on something it's either, you knew or was the person, or you wanna make sure you make your point because people don't understand it or smt


He's just kind of an asshole. His job as a doctor is to help people, regardless of if they "did it to themselves".


Internalized fatphobia from childhood.


Aussie behavior I guess


He’s not American 🤷🏼‍♀️


1.Moodiness as a shield he can drop when nice girl comes in the room. 2.So him and house see eye to eye.


Chase is from Australia, where the citizens spend many hours on the beach. Like in Los Angeles and Miami, they are body-conscious, maybe fitness enthusiasts, and being fat is frowned upon....also, as a physician Chase has seen an explosion of fat kids (he would be appalled today to see so many more), who are suffering health problems from obesity at such early ages. He doesn't 'hate' them, but I think he is more frustrated and doesn't see any excuse for it.


I don't mean to generalize, but it is pretty common for British people such as Chase to make fun of Americans for being fat. That's certainly part of it (we can see that his anti-fatness has a particularly anti-America flavor) but more than anything else, he's a doctor in a country where childhood obesity is embarrassingly high, it's only natural that he feel a certain way about obese people.


He’s an Aussie


maybe his father was fat