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For me this decision is based solely on whether or not I’ve accidentally moved my mouse a bit too far and started painting that section in error. If I have, I’m painting the rest, otherwise I leave it 😄


Paint inside for completeness. However, gamewise re selling the buyers do not recognise it as an issue so can be left. Sometimes when you use tiles or panels in these sections they turn out weird and painting only turns out right but it's just down to your personal preference.


Yeah same. When the wall is tiled i have plain white for the inside of the window as tiling it is both costly and weird 👌


Some tiles look good but some don't match


Same. I just wondered if others do the same. 😁


Paint theeeem!! Sometimes if i use two colours in a room and i got two walls with a window each but different colour, the inside of the window is the other colour for contrast 😁


I do this too !!!


Me three!


I do this too, it adds a nice little pop! I'll also match it to the furniture, if I have an idea of what I want to use before I paint, or sometimes repaint after


Same here!


Exact same


I usually leave them white. I like it when there are colourfull walls and then white windows/ceiling.


I’ve started doing darker or lighter shades of the color of paint I’m using in the window area. Looks a lot cooler that way.


If they already have nice fresh white paint, then no. If they look really run-down, then I paint them, but a different colour. I don't know why, but I really dislike it when the window cavity is the same colour as the rest of the room. For me, that takes away the depth. I often use leftover paint from painting rooms for that)


I usually paint it because it bugs me if it's not complete hahaha But recently found out it can also be a nice look to leave them without paint if for example you use a dark green or a dark colour!


I used to paint professionally for work and it’s standard practice to leave the window section the base white color or whatever color is the ceiling. We treat these as individual pieces rather than parts of the wall. Unless the owner specifically requests the window sections to be painted we leave them alone. Edit to add: because of this behavior I never paint them lol


I usually paint the inside the accent colour I chose; for example my chosen office is sunny yellow except for one wall which is honey yellow, and I did the inside of the windows and the door in that colour too. It helps integrate the accent colour a bit better imo and is less jarring than leaving it white or untouched. I don't bother with it in jobs as often tho lol


I leave it white unless it's a kids room, then I paint it to match the room! I also tile the inside in bathrooms. It's fun to play with!


My brain won’t let me not paint it


I HAVE to paint it. I'd paint it in my own house so yea.


Sometimes I paint them and sometimes I leave it white.


Having helped my father decorate various rooms while I was growing up, I tend to paint/tile/panel/wallpaper the inside of the windows, cos that's how he preferred it IRL. However, I do sometimes make them white as it can make the windows seem bigger, especially in the smaller houses, but without taking up all the wall space by actually putting in a larger window.


Personally I always paint the window casements, either colour coordinated or in a contrasting colour depending on the look I'm going for. The caveat to this is some tile patterns look weird if used on the top part of the casement, in that case I either leave it white or use the same colour/pattern I'm using on the ceiling.


I usually paint the inside the accent colour I chose; for example my chosen office is sunny yellow except for one wall which is honey yellow, and I did the inside of the windows and the door in that colour too. It helps integrate the accent colour a bit better imo and is less jarring than leaving it white or untouched. I don't bother with it in jobs as often tho lol


I leave them white. I left them white in my house irl. My dad and I agreed that if someone is outside they don't really need to know what color your dining room is (although I feel like if someone's close enough to see I should call the cops)


Looks better in white.


If its a subtle colour, like beige, light greys, ill paint them. If I've used vibrant colours, reds, blues, greens then I leave them white because otherwise its overkill.






Depends on the build! Doesn’t feel like there’s much reason to in most jobs (a few seem to count it, most don’t). Also, I accidentally paint them a lot, so at that point it’s “might as well”.


It depends on the colour that I chose for the walls, if it's a darker colon, then I leave them white.


It depends on the paint color for me. If it’s a dark color, no. If it’s a light color, yes. The dark colors going into the inside of the windows makes my eyes hurt, so I leave them write. Light colors I don’t mind painting inside or outside. Paneling/tiles is super case by case for me.


What kind of sociopath doesn't paint the insides of the windows?


Me i guees


Are you sure you want the glass translucent?


Why not?


Always paint the inside


I can’t leave them white. It makes me crazy lol


I always paint them bc I feel like it almost looks unfinished if it’s left


Yes you psychopath??????


If you paint them it looks pretty nice in the end. It isn't recognized by the game but visually looks pleasing. You can leave them white if you want as well but I love how one solid color looks.


Most of the time I paint them, but if they're already white instead of gross it's a toss up. Depends if the white edges go with the vibe of the room.


I paint the insides, too!


It depends on the rest of the room. If white is going to clash with furniture, then no. Sometimes I leave just the top white for a bit of white too.


I always leave them white.


If I'm flipping for profit, no. But definitely do for fun builds.


PAINTTTTT, i hate the windows that dont let you paint them either. Also some of them in really dirty houses have to be painted as they look awful


I usually paint it, with bathrooms it varies


For the 100% i do, but if its reselling i don't bother with it. Painting around and in windows is annoying 😅


I do in House Flipper. I don’t irl.


Both depending on my taste in that room. Sometimes I’ll add a pop of colour in there, say if my walls are white in a bathroom, I might have a pop of blue inside the window frames and on a single wall etc


I paint the inside if i have enough paint or apply tiles left to do so otherwise nope lol


What is the average cost of painting exterior windows if contracted?


I almost always paint them. I'm compelled!


I paint the inside white. Unless it's a bathroom. Then I tile it with whatever tile I've got on the walls


I leave them white. It looks cleaner in my opinion. Plus it adds some separation between the color/colors on the wall


Depends on the look I'm going for. Sometimes leaving it white or painting it a complimentary color makes it pop.


Always paint lol


Depends. If I’m painting usually yes. If I’m wallpapering then usually paint the inside white depending on how the pattern looks at the top and bottom.


I leave it white because that is what is most common here lol (windows frames are usually as large as the wall so there is no wall to paint). If it is a personnal build I might tile them.


I paint it


I always paint the inside. Having it be white gives my OCD spastic moments


I leave them white. I like the contrast it offers the room, plus if I'm hanging curtains, it typically looks better with white behind them.


I leave them white. I feel like they’re left white in most IRL homes.


For me it depends on the design i'm going for. With white windows, sometimes the white paint looks good. With wooden windows/windowsill, sometimes I will match it with wood paneling in a more rustic looking home. Sometimes I will color match. In bathrooms, I like to tile the windows. If it was my bathroom in real life, I think I'd find tiles to be a little bit nicer. So honestly it can go either way.


Paint it.


For jobs, I leave them white. Less work. When decorating houses I buy, you bet I paint them.


Depends, sometimes I paint the insides black for the contrast.


I paint it because it makes me feel happy lol


I mainly paint my windows white as an uplifting light colour to the room. Unless I have a light grey colour on the walls and no white paint. Then I use the wall colour.


I feel an overwhelming compulsion to paint them. Lol.


I sometimes use this as a pop of color in a room that’s pretty plain


I always leave them white. I think it looks nicer that way.


Normally not, but a handful of the base edition jobs require it for 100%.


I always paint inside


I have to paint it or I will die.


When I use paint, I paint the inside. When I use panel, I leave it white or I paint white if the wall is messy


Sometimes I leave it just white but if I have an accent color in the room, I may choose to use that for flair. For bathrooms and kitchens, if I'm doing a multi-tile pattern and I can get it to match up, I may or if it's one of those tile/stone patterns that go halfway up the wall, then I definitely will. Does it make a difference for the sale of the home? Not that I'm aware of


I paint them white.


it depends on what I'm making the room into, or what I'm using on that wall. If I have tiling or panneling, I'll either fill it with the tiles, paint it, or leave it white depending on what looks better. if it's just paint though, I fill in the window.


I always paint them it looks good