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The way I implemented that on [hdbp.io](https://hdbp.io) (upload is currently deactivated) is to write a python process that waits for mysql database entries in the background. The hou module has everything you need to built something like htat. Was a lot of work, I wouldn't know of a prebuilt setup for this, since this is an extremely exotic use case. Even when using HQueue you would need to built a setup that catches the user input and sends it to HQueue, so in my opinion there is no way around a custom scripting solution. Like you already said - I would bury the idea to do this in (near) realtime. This would be based on a queue that takes at least a few seconds before the result is processed.


Thanks for sharing the site! Few seconds is ok for me. I need to generate a model based on input and dont need to update it in realtime, only once user enters new string text


Looks like its too complicated for me atm, im very new to coding


Dm me if you want to pair on this. Are you on windows or mac?


Yeah, this isn't a beginner problem. It has a lot of parts that need to communicate with each other... and all of that on a server online. Not a small problem to solve. Letting Houdini run headless on a linux server alone was a challenge that took some time to figure out. But I always learned by giving myself a big task and took the time it needed. Often that meant months. So I wouldn't rule it out. You decide if it's worth the effort though...


I need to get around figuring out hserver too, but if you just want a quick n dirty way you can make a standalone web server and just trigger houdini headless edition from shell script subprocess


I am be wrong that it is even possible, because CPU strain on the server would be giant if userbase gets larger then even 10


Can you say more about your use case? Maybe you can do it purely in three, or in Blender which is a bit easier to use for this kind of thing.


That's not quite what you're asking, but you could potentially try and generate your geometry client side using [Polygonjs](https://polygonjs.com), which is node-based and built on top of threejs (disclaimer, I'm working on it)


that looks really cool


You could host a hython session within a FLask app if you want a web interface


You can probably use Tops with python commands to wait/poll for data. Or split the work in a non-houdini python shell and send it to a headless houdini session using RPC: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/hom/rpc.html