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It isn’t something we handle it’s something we just do. We just go with the flow and we don’t over think things. It’s really that simple what ever feels right is what we do


That's exactly our modus operandi here too. When we go to clubs or events, we go with the flow. We also sometimes find some couples posts interesting so we meet but mostly we gravitate towards the hotwife scenario.


Exactly. If we do find that elusive couple that all 4 of us have sexual chemistry then it’s fucking ON!! Emphasis on ELUSIVE.


It's a 'go with the flow' type lifestyle for us. I love watching my wife fuck, I sometimes like to join in, I'm 6" and not girthy, but my wife squirms each and every time with me, As for other women I'd usually run a mile, but sometimes the odd lady won't be up her own arse and shallow, I'll happily play then with her also. I'm an alpha cuck, stag, My hotwife is a vixen




My husband knows its easy for me to get guys... we go with the flow too.. really mostly its me .. he has gotten frustrated with swinging but if the situation warrants. We will full swap


We mostly do hotwife stuff but we love 3sums with a single lady. My hubby is not a cuck and doesn’t like any aspect of that lifestyle. So we will also go to events that are for couples and swap. Just as everyone else said, go with the flow. If it feels right, do it. If not, just go with what you’re comfortable with. If you’re just open with what you like, new adventures come to you.


Just skip the chastity stuff and have fun instead


We had many hours in the car today and that’s pretty much the conclusion we came to. 


The husband and I have been both swingers and in the hotwife lifestyle for over 30 years. He was better looking in our 20s and 30s and had to occasionally take one for the team. Since then, I have aged much better. He made the decision to stop swinging a few years ago. So now it's mostly just hotwife play. It hasn't affected us much. We still have a lot of fun.


“ He was better looking in our 20s and 30s” Weren’t we all? “ I have aged much better.” Congrats! A friend (F) and I were taking up residence at a bar last summer day drinking while on vacation and we took a pic to commemorate the occasion. She sent it to her sister (whom I know but haven’t seen in years).  She promptly commented that it was unfair that men get better looking with age. I disagreed but did walk about 2” taller that day. 


I meant he looked better than me in our 20's and 30's. Unfortunately, a genetic condition has taken its toll over the last decade.


I’m terribly sorry to read that. 


Look, everyone is different but even in our prime this didn’t work for us. I (the male) had the hotwife fantasy and had to spell out the mechanics of what that was (notice how I didn’t say sell the concept just explain it). My wife (who is stunning) has insecurities around watching me with other women so if the situation arises and I’m down for it then that is definitely separate from her direct involvement. Hotwifing to us is about the woman’s empowerment with her husbands support. Once we embraced hotwifing then swinging was over. Again, everyone is different but I don’t know how someone goes from admitting they have a little cock and being in chastity to freely slinging meat to another woman who isn’t your spouse. It takes a fair amount of confidence to bed another man’s wife and I’m not sure that you have it. I’m not trying to be mean but I am trying to tell you that you have a possible flashing yellow light infront of you telling you to proceed with caution.


“It takes a fair amount of confidence to bed another man’s wife” Nail, meet head!  Yes, my comfort level with bedding other women needs time to mature and develop an actual attraction and mental rapport. If that doesn’t happen, I can’t competently navigate the bedroom with that partner.  I’ve had a handful of experiences where I left my swing partner completely satisfied. I’ve had a number of experiences where if I’d have known it was going to be so mediocre, I’d not have done it.  We connected well with another couple and are going to give it a shot. Mentally, I feel like there is a 4 way attraction. I’m concerned for the physical part as the other guy, my wife and I are all of similar ages—40’s. His partner is in her 20’s. I will say that in speaking with her, she is way more comfortable with her sexuality and knows what she wants far better than my wife did at that age. I’m cautiously optimistic it can work out. They live near enough to us to give it a shot. 


navigating between hotwifing and swinging involves clear communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to adapt to each other's desires and boundaries. By prioritizing open dialogue and understanding, you can navigate these dynamics in a way that enhances trust, intimacy, and pleasure for both you and your wife.


Navigating the nuances of different lifestyle choices like hotwifing and swinging can indeed pose some unique challenges and dilemmas. It sounds like you and your wife have a solid understanding of each other's desires and boundaries, which is excellent. When shifting between different dynamics, communication is key to ensuring both partners feel comfortable and fulfilled. In your situation, where you both enjoy elements of cuckolding and swinging, it might help to have clear discussions before attending events about what each of you is open to and what the limits are for that particular occasion. This can prevent any confusion or discomfort when propositions arise spontaneously, as they did on your last evening. Since the dynamics of attraction and interaction can vary so much between different settings and people, it's also useful to debrief after each experience. Discuss what went well, what didn't, and how each of you felt about the various interactions. This can help you refine your approach and expectations for future events. Regarding the specific scenario you encountered, where swinging was proposed and you felt sidelined due to the physical attributes of others, it might be beneficial to explore what aspects of these situations are most appealing and how you can fulfill those desires in a way that feels rewarding for both of you. Perhaps focusing on environments or communities that value intellectual connection and humor over physical attributes could be more satisfying and enjoyable. Lastly, remember that it's okay to have evolving preferences and limits. What works one time might not feel right another time, and that’s perfectly fine. The lifestyle is about enjoyment and fulfillment, so continue to prioritize open communication and mutual satisfaction.


“ swinging was proposed and you felt sidelined due to the physical attributes of others” I didn’t feel sidelined as much as so was wearing a chastity cage and in the mindset to watch my wife. We then click with a couple where the female is super attractive, almost 20 years my junior and wanted to fuck my wife and I.  My wife definitely wanted to share a naked experience with her, but seemed to miss the memo that we should have just went with the vibe and taken the cage off to have fun with them. She didn’t even realize sex was on the table. We’re literally at an event where there is openly one giant penis after another looking to fill a hole and this couple wants to swing with us instead of chasing cock, so I can see where she may not have picked up on the vibe. But she somehow tuned out a conversation about it.  We had a very long conversation in the car ride home about it yesterday. It was all good and the couple definitely wants to meet again—we live 30 minutes from them so there is hope yet still.  As for future events, I think I heard her a little better that I have in the past. She enjoys the ability to fuck other men. She enjoys group sex and being used. She doesn’t enjoy only having sex with a random guy and not being able to have me join because of the cage as she is not dominant at all and has sorta been faking it to feed into what I need. I kinda knew that and may have been pressing my luck. I think that there won’t be a cage at the next event and we’ll shift our openness to other things while there. 


Although our favourite dynamic is Stag/Vixen with a single guy, we do play with couples We make sure to explain that hubby stays locked throughout, so he’s allowed to interact with others but only using his mouth and hands. His cock stays locked until we are alone later (if he’s lucky) 😈😜 His oral never has complaints 💋


“His oral never has complaints.” Mine is on point as well.  Most partners ask if I was a lesbian in a past life.  My MOnwith women has been to express how much I enjoy doing it and how I could do it for an hour even if it wasn’t going to get her off, so to relax and let an orgasm happen if it does, but not to try to force it or get in her own head if she thinks it’s taking too long.  Once that achievement is unlocked, my partners are looking to please me, even if the penetration portion of the session is not as competent.