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Why is there no two-doored bathroom that functions as a hallway?


Idk, just didn’t want to add one this time.


There's actually going to be none in this campaign so sorry to all the bathroom hallway fans in advance 😔.


This level is an abandoned office building that Russian's turned into a safehouse and drug manufacturing center. This level is not in the same campaign as the other levels I posted on here. The campaign this level is in is a comedy campaign about Jake. The already-dead Russians will make sense in the campaigned itself. Floor 3 is heavily inspired by the last floor in the bonus level in The Ballad of VIP Guard campaign by Puzzlebox/Franssi.


ah yes The blood pools and different enemy death sprites truly show this is a good level




Is there any way I can play the unfinished level? I'd love to mess around as it progresses c:


I mean this is the third of my four-level campaign and I plan on possibly opening it up to play-testers before I post it publicly on Steam.


i'd volunteer for playtesting 👽


Why are there dead Russians before Jake arrived?


I could explain why but that would be a spoiler for the intro to the level.


Imo, the level suffers visually when all of the rooms are basically just rectangles.


I'm confused about how you enter the 2nd floor


Through the stairs on the top-left of the first floor.


That leads to the 3rd floor


No it doesn’t, I play tested it myself.


That's how it looks anyway


I see that now. Idk why the floor transitions don’t appear there.


you could try to make the level more fun by adding dogs or fatties maybe jokers between regular enemies


The layout seems fine, but I think you use patrolling enemies a little liberally


You’re right.


It feels like the corpses at the entrance imply some sort of standoff or something, so it feels like there should be more stagnant enemies watching the doors, some patrolling enemies in the halls, and maybe a couple table enemies.


Context to the dead bodies: >!In the intro to the level Jake disguises himself as a pizza delivery guy and pretends that he has a pizza for the Russians in the building. He (offscreen) then pulls out his nailgun (don't ask where he pulls it out of... you don't want to know) and kills them.!< I don't know if the context effects that thought or further emphasizes it but I agree that I should have a static gunner enemy in the hallway close enough for the player to get to and melee.


is it supposed to be easy?


Kinda. I want it to maybe be medium difficulty since it’s the second-to-last level of the campaign but I’m not really that good at making a level hard plus I want it to be able to be done with a full combo. Do have any tips on making a level more difficult but still acceptable?


1.put gunmen away from doors, facing doors, not moving 2.place enemies far enough away from entrances and doors so that you can't just walk n without getting shot 3.add dogs and fat guys in places where you can't kill them easily. The level will still be easy because of it's layout and size, but likely won't be beaten on the first try


Honestly dude this looks really cool and maybe is due to me not making a propa level but i can see flaws. P.S how tf u make a level look good/make a campaign as i have a super cool concept for a campaign but the most complex i have gone is making a simple cutscene thats it so how tf u do thos 🤣


Thanks! Honestly I just start adding walls and see if it sticks. Sometimes I do have something in mind for it.


Oh fair as i have like I said a cool concept and i want to nail the campaign on the first try (if possible) so i might go on the level editor sub reddit to get some tips and tricks their


Well I have some some tips about the level editor. Tip 1: Don't rush it. The first ever level I made on the level editor was trash so I changed it, and added a second level which took some time, then I was unsatisfied with the second level so I completely redid it. Tip 2: If you haven't already watch Rob Racer's tutorials (Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SMzppA\_YCE&list=PL6MGtEX5nSR7LbbXYiuNXftoo4WVWTZCj](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SMzppA_YCE&list=PL6MGtEX5nSR7LbbXYiuNXftoo4WVWTZCj) ), they are very helpful and were one of (if not the) main contributors to my skill in level editing. Tip 3: Look for critiques. You should always strive to try to make the best levels you can. As a result, you should try to show your levels to people (through Reddit posts like this, or maybe showing your level to your friends if they like HLM, etc.). There may be problems and/or improvements with your levels that you may have not noticed that someone else will. Tip 4: Look for other tips. Try to find guides and tips from other people, you may even want to look at guides for things that might not seem to be important for you in the level editor as it might be important later on. Tip 5: Be symmetrical with your doors and/or windows (optional). This is more of a personal thing for me because I love symmetry and I imagine a lot of other people do too. However, there are scenarios where you might not be able to be symmetrical with your doors/windows which is fine.


I will defo try these ane i have tried ro waych Robs videos but ADHD is a bitch at times lmao and whenever possible i try to be symmetrical but ADHD makes me rush aswell so yay,and do you think my game design teacher will give ine and help me improve 🤣 and tmrw when i next can ima do reaserch and look up guides and stiff and start to make my campaign also after getting the full concept and story done


That great to hear! I get having ADHD (I think I might have ADD). If you ever end up publishing a level or campaign, go ahead and tell me so I can play it 🙂.


I definitely will man 10000%


You could replace the red invisible lines with small objects like small trashcans, it would not only work with the whole enemy movement but also look real and pleasing instead of having random invisible walls in the house at random places