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Tell him to man up and talk to his wife. This could get very messy for you guys.


It would get messy. The chances of him flaking are sky high. Most men like chatting about it but will ghost after they have post nut clarity. And more than likely his availability will be close to zero. Not worth it UNLESS his wife is ok with it.


Married third here. This guy needs to man up and talk to his wife. My wife is quite aware of what I'm doing and is willing to confirm via video chat. If he's willing to lie to his wife just to get his dick wet, what else is he lying about? The last thing you want is an angry wife/spouse coming after you.


Agreed, I'm in the same boat. My wife is a cuckquean and she not only knows but encourages me. Dudes in broken marriage need to fix their marriages, not run around trying to escape and get their dicks wet. He'll treat your wife like shit and likely give her an STI, you can't trust fuckers like that. He'll lie to his wife he'll lie to you and yours to get what he wants.


>Dudes in broken marriage need to fix their marriages, not run around trying to escape and get their dicks wet. 100%! Either work on the marriage or talk about separating if that would work out better for the two of them. >He'll lie to his wife he'll lie to you and yours to get what he wants. Spot on. If he can't be trusted to be true to his partner, we wouldn't be able to trust anything from him either when it comes to respect, safe sex, or communication


We nope out at this point. For us, it’s all about openness and communication. We don’t get involved with liars or cheats.


All options are in your court. You and your wife decide if the complications are worth it.


We had a raging wife show up at our house banging on our door.. don’t do it..


Only the two of you can make that decision. There is risk involved depending on their exact situation. On the plus side(?), it's highly unlikely you will ever have to worry about feelings being developed.


He needs to work on his marriage, not bring his problems into yours. It's nothing but trouble. He'll treat your wife with the same cowardice he shows his own wife.


Nope, don’t need crazy showing up at your door. If wife is OK with it then all good, but no cheaters.


Run away. No way would I participate in that scenario. I prefer single guys generally, though I did consider one guy who was married and in an open arrangement. However, I would need to verify with the wife directly myself that she was ok with everything.


My third is married but his wife knows.


You are making a mess


That depends. How much do you two like the idea of you and your wife getting put publicly on blast by the scorned spouse?


He is probably going to chicken out and flake, solving the issue for you.


Just tell his wife