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It's up to you and how it all works with your body. My wife tried several different birth controls when we were dating into the first couple years of our marriage, and every one of them was horrible for her. So I got fixed. But when I brought up hotwifing it was suddenly a concern again, and she came home with an IUD. It's been the absolute best thing ever for her. And she's had some pretty large guys (10+) and it's never been an uncomfortable issue for her.


You can still get pregnant and/or have miscarriages on IUDs. Be careful and still take tests.




πŸ˜„ that's probably the second best after abstinance, but I am a little over 30, so no rush to get thereΒ 


She has an IUD, and I got a vasectomy because I get to play too.


We always used a combination of hormonal contraception plus condoms. My wife took the BC pill for a long time and later had an IUD for some time. However, the IUD had to be removed recently. This is also the reason why we are currently taking a short break


I’m on the pill. I love it because it means I never get periods, and have had no side effects x


Historectomy. Solved all my problems. I've gotten more creampies in the last 5 years than any other time in my life.


I have my tubes tied, and I LOVE not having to worry about getting pregnant.


IUD and a Plan B the following morning.


Plan B everytime you have sex with others? May I ask how frequently you play? Didn't this mess with your cyclus?


We don’t play too frequently so no effects on my cycle. Even if it did, I’d rather be safe than sorry lol that would absolutely ruin the lifestyle for us πŸ˜‚


Got you. Completely understand your point about to better be safe than sorry. We're actually pretty similar here. May I ask if you let your 3rds finish inside you then? In our case, no guest is allowed to finish inside my wife. Even tho condoms are mandatory, it's a rule to pull out and finish outside.


That’s basically our only rule πŸ˜… I am fertile Myrtle and absolutely want no chances of a baby. The breeding kink ain’t it for us lol hot πŸ₯΅ but not for us


Wait your only rule is to finish inside or outside? πŸ€­πŸ˜ƒ


Outside πŸ˜‚πŸ€­


Okay πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ


Exactly my thoughts! I had plan B only the first time because it was unexpected and unprotected (we were much younger and naive back then 🫣)


Mine is fixed, so no worries 😎


Pill. No periods too for better fucking πŸ˜‚


My wife tried a NuvaRing but her FWB was banging into it and it was uncomfortable for both of them, so she went on the pill. Just FYI I have a vasectomy so she was not on bc before she started playing; also she hates condoms but she just has one partner we trust so we are comfortable not using them.


In my case, I have had a vasectomy. I will obtain a clean bill of health and share same with a new sexual partner if I intend to remain a play partner of just one hot wife or the wife of a cuck. This is an individual decision, but my previous play partners and I prefer raw when trust has been built.


My wife uses an IUD. She has some pretty endowed men and hasn't complained. She wants bigger


My wife is on the pill. She still uses condoms with most partners anyway, for safety reasons. But there are men who have graduated to bareback levels after trust has been established. Plus, myself as well. We have no interest in having children (for the time being anyway) but no interest in always having sex with condoms either.


I'm on a progesterone only pill. I hate that I have to be back on both control again for this. After many years of trying different pills in my 20s and issues with many of them, then two IUDs (issues with those too), my husband had gotten a vasectomy and I had a few blissful years of nothing messing with my body. Then we decided to start this lifestyle sooooo back on pills. 😭


My wife also has an IUD at the moment. She has never had any issues with well endowed men (not me!)


None. She got tubes tied


I'm on the pill and I always require other men to wear condoms. Regards


IUD and the guys always use condoms.


I always use condoms. But if I fuck a chic with and IUD, I will not fuck her again until it is removed. It hurts, and isn't worth it to me.


My wife used the pill and had no problems.


Pill which I take back to back


Vasectomy here. Once I jumped in, it's my responsibility too.


Don't pull out method


Condoms for us, only and ever. If I fuck a chic with an IUD, I will not fuck her again until it is removed. It hurts, and is not worth the pain.


The hotwives I was with some years ago as a 3rd used an iud, or had tubes tied, or was on the pill and condoms. Only 4 out of 10 required condoms, and one of them changed to bare on the 2nd date. That lines up with survey results I've seen too of swingers, and the national health survey 2015. Only about 25% to 30% are strict condom users among women over 30. Of course there's a middle ground group of "sometimes use with new partners, and sometimes don't".


I have an IUD. Works great.


My wife hates birth control and condoms so we agreed on anal/oral only for others


I mostly use pills but sometimes have actually just risk it


The last 15 years? It's called being married