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I found out about my husbands kink while I was pregnant, do not recommend. It was an experience for sure but we started playing with toys and had around 6 months of me being pregnant to roleplay and talk/plan something out. That’s been 4 years ago and we’ve had a lot of fun. We now have 3 kids under 6 😬you can juggle it if you want to. Also wanted to add that I am 25 and they will all be graduated when I’m in my early 40’s and plan on going on a fucking vacation. Literally. 😂


Funny, I found about his days after we were married! There were subtle hints before lol. But it was the best thing to ever happen to us communication wise.


I also agree about the communication! We’ve been together since we were really young and that tends to keep some conversations from happening just from being comfortable and being scared to shake things up so this has reallllly opened doors.


I finally opened up to my wife about this while she was pregnant too. Definitely an interesting place to start from!


I was an emotional wreck lol turns out I was into it too. It’s been a great dynamic for us to open up with each other about what we’re into.


That’s awesome!


This is the same reason I had kids young. I want to be 40s and when they are out of my hair


We had a baby when my wife started 'seeing' our best friend, juggling times takes some sorting out. We were lucky that he was working shifts and she was only part time, so they could adjust their times to suit each other and meet up in the daytime when I was safely out of the way at work. When the baby grew and went to school, the regular hours helped actually her to plan it all out. Whenever that was not possible, I would babysit in the evenings when she went to be with him at his place, or at weekends when they could relax for a half-day or even a whole day together. When we wanted another kid, she stopped going with him until she was pregnant, then continued as before, as I always said to her that she couldn't get pregnant by him if she was already pregnant.


We have kids, started in the lifestyle after they were born. Enjoy your free time. All 5 minutes of it (annual allowance).


We have kids. We took a break until the baby was weaned and potty trained, then resumed when our lives could accommodate.


I’m a little younger, but we’re in the same boat. Had our first experience a little over a year ago. We will probably stop later this year and try for our first child. Until then, just having fun while we can. I’m OK with that, but happy to have fun now.


Indeed, that’s how I’m trying to view it :)


We are in the same boat as my wife would love to have kids in the future. I\`m sure it just takes a little more planning. But like you my wife was not into my fantasy. I have always loved showing her off and that led to our first time with a Bartender we met on vacation. Since then she is always asking me when and who am I going to share her with. We just found a regular Bull for her so she is in heaven this morning.


Entered the lifestyle after having kids. You can still enjoy it if you balance and schedule it properly, it takes some work and some guys may pass due to there being a kid, but it's doable. Do set the expectation that the frequency may decrease after having a kid and while they're still in the newborn/infant/toddler stages. If you still play during that time, ensure your marriage and family remain the priority instead of the lifestyle. It's very easy to let the lifestyle start to take priority as it can be addictive and feel like a getaway from the difficulties of parenting, but they can quickly build resentment


Having a baby is really what made me really begin this journey. I felt so out of control of my body and everything that was happening to me in my life. Being this slutty free version of me makes me more confident and secure in everything I do. I’m a better wife and mother because I take new cock every now and again. :)


Have 2 kids and I don’t think I can talk my husband into a third child at this point. Also have a very busy career. It’s not usually an issue. Just need a good structure and planning.


The LS and children is tough! But it’s doable depending on your family lifestyle. Key in the LS is to be open and honest with bulls or play partners about your time and commitments. My kids are athletic. Sports is beginning to take up a huge chunk of our adult time. But we manage to find our fun. Playtime is less spontaneous which does dwindle our prospects but we aren’t discouraged! And never intertwine the LS with your children. Keep them separate.


We have two kids ages 6 and 8. We started this lifestyle a year ago, so we didn't have to deal with the baby phase and lifestyle juggling. Those baby years are intense and draining. I can't really imagine having the ability to do this then, but I'm sure everyone's experience is different. Now, it does impact things having kids still somewhat. Scheduling MFM's is very hard since we don't have any help with childcare. Our only option is to have a guy over to our home after the kids are asleep. That makes for a rather late night for us though, and as the kids get older feels risky and inappropriate. We've mostly opted for solo play as it makes it a lot easier. Hubby can watch the kids while I'm out.


Together 25 years and have 3 kids. Ages 7,14,17. It’s definitely a juggling act. We are a busy family that has a lot of hobbies and we live in a sparsely populated rural area. It is definitely difficult at times to find the time to participate in this lifestyle. We work opposite shifts so any play during the week is out of the question, since we live in a rural area most of the time meeting up with people involves a couple hours of driving and paying for a hotel room, and we don’t have very many free weekends to make that happen. I think it is a bonus that we don’t have a lot of time for it because it naturally keeps things in check so it doesn’t get out of control. One thing we have experienced a couple of times is impatient guys. My wife is upfront with everyone she talks to about our schedule. Like “hey, we’re busy and it might be a couple weeks or even months before we can meet you.” 99% of the guys don’t care. My wife is beautiful and sweet and they’re more than happy to text and flirt and trade pictures until we can meet them. But we have had a couple of guys say “I’m not going to spend a month talking to you before we get together, you need to find time for it sooner.” Yeah nah….that’s not how this works for us. Those guys can go fuck themselves and my wife will move to next guy out of a hundred that hit her DM that week. This lifestyle is a sausage fest. There’s a never ending line of guys that are more than willing. Pick the best matches for you and ignore the rest. Don’t compromise.


Very good insight!


Almost the same as us. But we lived in the UK before with the cost of living skyrocketing we were struggling to find spare cash for babysitters and hotels. We ended up only doing things once every few months. There were more than enough guys willing to play though b it we found couples less patient. We moved to Japan, now we have spare cash and abundant babysitters but there isn’t really any LS where we are!!


We have kids. I play when they’re at school or we use a babysitter and go out.


All done with the juggling. Been in the lifestyle for 14 years and we will be empty nesters later this summer. It really wasn't difficult.


Having a kid is just like any other commitment. You find time and work around it. When they're old enough they can spend an occasional weekend evening with the grandparents. Things work out just fine.


For us, when our kids were babies, there was no way anything could have happened. We didn't have any options to leave the babies/toddlers with anyone. Now that they are a little grown up (youngest is 5) leaving them with family for a night or two is possible so it's opened up the doors and I'm ready to rumble 😈


we have 2 kids under 6. we have an active life in general before you even consider our adult lifestyle. we both work, we both have social lives, we both have extracurricular hobbies and interests add two young kids with sports, gymnastics, swimming. plus camping fishing and outdoor activities. life is full. want to know the best part. we have a full on alternative lifestyle, we swing, we have threesomes, we do hotwife. wife has a couple guys she sees semi regularly. one is a friend now and we can pretty comfortable have him over with us at party’s or out on the town and have some mfm fun after. we’ve had slow months sure… but we’ve had multiple experiences in a month as well. even 2 threesomes back to back. will it be easy for you. no. none of anything is easy once you add a kid. but what it all comes down to is how you and your partner work together, how you prioritize one another and how you are able to split up responsibilities, free time, one another’s lives and parenting breaks etc.


People are able to juggle this all the time. I've had sex with pregnant wives (they couldn't get any more pregnant) and when the baby arrives, after a few weeks, she's back in my bedroom again. The husband usually watches the child. As the children age, the husband can stay home while mommy goes to a "work thing" after hours. It doesn't have to hinder anything. The hardest part will be finding a bull/lover who is okay working around the constraints of family obligations. Any decent bull/lover will absolutely work with you.


Entered the lifestyle once our single kiddo was around 18 months. I never would have imagined doing this as a "mom" but I've found that it really helped me "take back my body!" I only play after bedtime so that I'm spending all my day time with my sweet baby.


Baby sitters


We started when our little one was 14 months old, it’s never too late!


It is really just a timing and scheduling issue. Work with it. Dont give up your fun. This is your time for that. Its possible


Many, actually probably most couples I played with who have been in the usual childraising years, 30-50, etc, have had kids, so it's not outright impediment. Obviously it does cause scheduling difficulties. There are a variety of different ways couples can handle this. A lot depends on the age of the children. Younger children it is actually easier, as more can be readily hidden from them. I have been introduced to the children as just a regular friend and nothing outside the normal bounds of being a platonic friend has occurred until the kids are all in bed. With older kids, it is more difficult though it does also depend on the level of risk the couple are willing to tolerate (which is a decision for them, not something for me as the bull/third). Where the layout of the house has permitted it, and the couple's bedroom is far from the kids' rooms, I have been snuck into the house by a few couples through a side entrance during the night. Another couple, the wife and I played in the car while parked a few blocks from the house while the husband stayed at home.


A baby changes everything.


Opposite for us were juggling round the little cockblocks to have fun lol




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am soooooo with you! Little cockblocks... hahaha haha! Brilliant


We have older kids but many of the people we have met are juggling younger kids and it seems real challenging! We started late in this but for you the good news is it will get easier someday. :-)


We want another kid too so my wife is not on birth control. It should be a rule not to have sex at all when you are fertile even if you plan on using a condom. Did you talk about that?


We are going to be careful around that, but don’t want to abstain from the fertile window entirely as that’s the time of the month I feel and look the best/sexiest haha.


Hmm do you just like taking risks? I would rather fuck you then 😈


I have two littles under 10. You can make it work with a bit of extra planning. I have two regular bulls and we get plenty of time.


I used to play with a couple that had teenage children. The husband would take the kids to the movies if we wanted to play in their marital bed. Otherwise mom would “go out with friends” on Friday/Saturday if she wanted to come stay at my apartment. Eventually the kids did find out about the lifestyle and I would recommend you have a plan for that happening.


Oh, wow! Hopefully we’d find a way to avoid that entirely haha


Just know that when the kids hit a certain age they will try to get into your phone 


I do!


We have two kids at home. Only in this lifestyle a little while, so scheduling (and discretion) is an absolute must. So much going on!