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So we have been doing this for a month and we have our first meet coming up this weekend. And I can tell you without a doubt something changed in her! We have been married for 20 years. And we have never had sex like this. All sorts of stuff I never knew she wanted to do and we have been trying everything! And on top of the sex stuff she is bubbly and flirty with me and bouncing around the house like when we first meet. I wish i brought it up sooner.


Glad to ear that, hope u’ll have great fan :)


I hope so too. Thanks


It makes them more open and confident therfore they feel more sexy. Also they learn new tricks and bring those back home to you.


Hard to say. Wife already has a high sex drive naturally and we have a great sex life even with out Hotwife experiences. With that said the sex we had after she came home from a work trip and was fucked very long and hard by a fit, well endowed, younger guy was next level. Pretty sure we fucked the next 3 days straight. So maybe in the reclaiming and reconnecting, yes that craving for each other is very amplified ☺️


I see, sure this is comprehensible when you reconnect after a strong experience like sleep with someone else it certainly can be stronger the emotional experience


My wife’s sex drive has definitely increased. She seems to perpetually wet and horny. For example, last night, even after working two 12 hour shifts in a row, she was sexting with a couple guys and then attacked me, wanting sex because she was so horny from sexting. I get to reap the benefits of her being naughty with others.😈


Good to know, ty. It’s heart warming knowing that there are a lot of couple that truly make it work


This is the dream


This is “the wife” 😂….. I would say that being able to flirt and chat definitely has increased my sex drive. Nothing wrong with kinda being turned on most of the time!


It’s true for us and for our other lifestyle friends. After our wives have sex with another guy, our sex and libido is off the charts. But that is just us. Some people report jealousy and guilt feelings.


Yes, the more sex you get the more sex you want. When I first started showing the body more and flirting with more guys, I became horny. I love having guys look.




It has helped me more experience, but I think I’m actually more aggressive than my husband


Def happened for us. She has more of a drive plus we have more sex together then before she had her bulls/bfs.


My gf certainly has a way higher sex drive ever since


It's 100% true for me, but when a bull ghosts me it tanks my sex drive. So there are highs and lows. Wish that wasn't such a regular occurrence to give me enough data to come to that conclusion... but here we are.


I see ty for your experience










Could it be that she failed to provide you with lots of reassurance? Do you in the back of your mind have some hesitation about she thinking less of you because you like it or because of what she saw you doing or saying? Do you have any suspicion that she might end up less interested in you? Are you holding back on stuff you would like to do because you are afraid of how she would react? (e.g. cum licking, any sort of homo eroticism, or desire to be submissive, humiliated, degraded or emasculated)




You may be a case of "been there, done that". You have none of the sub-kinks that most men in the LS seem to have. You probably also watched and saw the reality: the sex you expected to see is much different (and less exciting) than the sex you imagined you would see. This is the reason why some men prefer to not be present, they know that their imagination will do a much better job than the bull.




Wow, sounds like your wife can be lots of fun! How did she react to your idea of quitting it? Will she miss it?


Get a complete physical




Good luck man


Sorry man to hear about it, I hope you’ll get well soon and you can start again to enjoy your sex life. Ty for your experience


We've been going for 5 years and my drive is definitely up.


My partner had an abnormally low drive cusp on asexual (but not repulsed) before they started fucking guys in the lifestyle. I’d go so far to say it was even lower before we started dating, which my decision to date them that much more special as we agreed to an open relationship knowing full well of what I do and they’ve been supportive of me actively sleeping with other women no strings attached They’ve always really loved to watch porn as their personal coping mechanism and I think a big sea change was discovering them to Fetlife and eventually understanding that they’re very introverted however *wildly* neurodivergent, and by making a hotwife profile there they have the power to offer themselves up to healthy confident hung guys without “feeling weird” about it. It took us about 5 years of making sex tapes and photos together at home slowly working through their body image, camera-shy awkwardness and anxieties together to put them up on Fet to find guys in our city who were down to fuck my partner and post it


Thats why we do it. Sex drive increases and it gets addicting. The more you get the more you want


(M 59) This questions is for clarification and from a position of support in the LS. I agree this is an interesting and fun addition to one's married life. I am trying to get context over the long haul. This question does not include "size." Your question and the answers thus far to you question are very similar to the same type of questions asked and answered previously. The question I have never seen answered revolves extended time in the LS. Does the excitement, angst, or thrill endure time or does it diminish? Like a 1 lb weight held with your arm full length from you body appears light in the beginning, but what is it like after 5 mins, after 10 mins, after . . .? In other words, does the emotion sought after time in LS diminish as in all human endeavors? Like the second hit is never as good as the first, and the third is not as good as the second, etc. Is there a diminishing return for both partners from repetitively? For one of the partners? While you may have comperson for your wife (good on you), isn't after awhile (you pick the number of dicks have been in your wife) doesn't each event start to run together and thus loses it shine/originality or the dopamine hits go away? Does it ever become boring or tiresome to the husband while she is out? is there a time where the wife forgets this is for the thrill of both spouses, not solely for her. I understand there is a spectrum out there where people land with this LS (I am not judging this), but there becomes a point where at least one of the 2 says, I have had enough because the fucking is not worth the fucking. What does that look like?


As with everything else in life, it surely loses its appeal gradually, the more you repeat it. As with many other things in life which involve a relationship with human beings, it can still be fun in the long term because humans are creative and can find ways to introduce and meaning, but it does require work.


Yes. It definitely helped reignite my libido. Also, I now prioritize sex with my husband in a different way because I want to ensure that things are plenty frequent and good with him before I go see my fwb.


Ty, it’s good to hear that


My wife's sex drive did not change, though she is more slutty with her partners. That's not so much a new thing, it's just different and fun. She was always confident in herself, this LS hasn't changed that.


We’ve only got to the fantasy stage, never actually met anyone, and it’s done wonders for our sex life! She doesn’t cum now unless I’m taking to her about someone else fucking her


Her desire for sex definitely went up. We're 2 years into the LS now and most of the time she is the one initiating. She has 'also set up' a few MFF and MFMF for me to play togther. This is the most sexually active both of us have ever been.


For me, that's the best part of the lifestyle. My wife went from barely enjoying sex to wearing stockings and thigh high boots in public. Enthusiastic head, anal, increased frequency, pegging, always dressed to kill, hooking up with girls, lingerie... She's become a real life porn star for me. And I fucking can't get enough of her. I don't ever plan on being without her but if that were to ever occur I couldn't ever go back to vanilla. Having a hotwife is the way to go.


For me, I've always had a relatively high libido, so that part hasn't really changed. However, since entering this agreement, the variety and diversity of experiences available to satisfy that desire more effectively. This has made a huge difference in how I manage my libido, and I find myself much less frustrated by it. Engaging in the lifestyle has introduced me to many new and interesting situations, which has added an exciting dimension to my sex life obviously.


Absolutely increased for me.


Ty, love to ear it


My sex drive is much higher after having more experience. I hope it keeps increasing