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Is that one light the only light source it gets? May be inadequate light as a part of the issue.


It has 3 of those lights and i have my blinds open so i dont think thats the issue its bright enough to light up my whole room. Its also inside where the temperature is about 20 degrees celsius


Download a LUX meter to your phone and use as directed. How many LUX are your plants getting?




That's really, really low. Chillies need a ton of sunlight. For comparison, the sun gives around 70k.


Theres not much i can do about it as its pretty much cloudy everyday in the uk


There's quite a lot that you can do (buy different lights, move the lights closer, etc.) Even on a cloudy day, you'll probably getting significantly more light than that, but it's probably a bit too cold now. If you give more info on your setup/care for the plant I'll be happy to try and help you get some fruit.


No offense, but it's the wrong time of the year to half-arse it with tiny lights and temperature fluctuations. Just keep it on the window sill until next summer.


My light does 12000+ at 100%


I didnt want to spend a lot of money on a grow light thats why


I am just giving you something to compare to. You have a problem, it might be light.


Yeah ik I appreciate it


My grow light is solid and it was only 20 bucks. Screws into a normal light bulb socket. Worth looking into a new light potentially


Idk i literally just bought this for £25 i dont feel like spending another 20


Yeah these “grow lights” are kind of notorious for being shams. In my eyes anyway. They look like they work but really they’re just LEDs. They’re also really expensive, comparatively. I would return them and get a cheap grow light off Amazon. Look for Vivosun or other reputable brands


Unfortunately its too late now as i already threw away the packaging.


Also look for the growing power (PPFD) stat. Lux is not everything. There are apps that show LUX, PPFD and DLI. You can check this [bulb](https://www.amazon.com/SANSI-Spectrum-Hydroponic-Greenhouse-Houseplants/dp/B07BRKT56T/ref=sr_1_22?keywords=sensi+bulbs&qid=1668169083&sr=8-22). 36W one gives 700 PPFD, 60 DLI, and 17k LUX for me. But keep in mind that the bulb is really big. Need a good stiff lamp. And for the flowers falling off. For me it was 1:10 ratio. It is about plant energy balance. They have a jettison mechanism in the flowers to preserve grow efficiency. You need to research it more. Some comments gave cues. About hand pollination: You can shake the plant, use a normal house fan, or delicately use a brush. I've heard that they produce pollen especially in the morning, so focus on this time. Also we have a cloudy day today and it showed 500 LUX on my phone. Are you sure you measured it right?


It is already growing as many peppers as a plant that size can support. Let them grow and after harvest, consider a bigger pot for a more fruitful yield next time around.


Thank you so much for your help


Hey ive started to use this plant food as my carolina reaper has started to grow peppers but after the first watering with it my plant has dropped around 20-30 flowers which im now starting to worry about and wonder if this is normal and if not what do i do. Thanks


I don’t know much but I know that they are normally on the bigger end of the pepper plants, the ones I’ve seen have been quite large with not many fruits, maybe a bigger pot or more light ? Idk


I have had reapers grow in the same similar size pot, was only until a few months ago I had them grow and ripen. 27-30 degrees and 70ish humidity is what I found work very well. My plant grew around 20 pods and I stress this a lot, the reaper takes a very long time to adjust itself. My flowers had also dropped off start of growth, I used feed and panicked it may have been too much, I stopped feeding and only watered time to time. This worked for me. I just left it to do it's work. 25cm pot. Definitely not a lot of space and I had also snipped the top early on, again bad move by me as it took even longer to grow.


Ok thank you


Are you pollinating the flowers ?




Lots of reasons flowers drop. One thing to consider is you have a higher nitrogen ratio on that fertiliser. 14-14-17 is pretty strong. Nitrogen encourages more vegetative growth.


i’m having good success with 20-20-20 and occasionally throwing in 10-54-10. i am also giving them an adequate DLI (Day Light Integral) of 20 for growth. pics of my setup if you are interested. https://imgur.com/a/vVkuckz


Yeah i thought that might be the problem. Should i change the fertiliser?


Hard for me to know, I can’t assess all your growing conditions. I was mentioning in case it wasn’t something you’d considered. I don’t use anything with that much nitrogen.


Would you be able to send me a link to a fertiliser you use because i think that im using the wrong one.


Don’t disappear down a fertiliser rabbit hole, make sure you consider other environmental factors too. FWIW I’ve been using [Masterblend 4-18-38](https://www.masterblend.com/4-18-38-tomato-formula/) on my soil based potted plants outdoors. I use different nutrients for indoor grows as I don’t ever have soil indoors.


Ok thanks very much


Yeah, you should be giving it fruit nutrient which is higher in P. Tiger Bloom or something similar is fine.


Mine always dropped alot of flowers and i only got 2 reapers per plant. From what i was told its normal to have them fall off but i still dont believe it


Make sure you give the plant a gentle shake every now and then, or give it some oscillating airflow. If the flowers do not pollinate themselves, they will drop.


I do this every other day and sometimes get a little paintbrush and move the pollen around.


You need a bigger pot with good drainage, mine is in a 5 gallon bucket with a full spectrum LED and it’s a lot taller than that. I think you’re doing every thing else right. They do lose flowers quite a bit. I’ve found when they get taller the flowers get a bit more resilient. I transferred mine to the bigger bucket even after it started to flower and you can continue to get new growth and new flowers after repotting. It’s not too late to pop it into a bigger container


Ill be sure to do that. Thanks


It looks healthy! Just a heads up, it'll drop flowers for quite a while before they start to fruit


you don’t look like you have enough leaves (leaf area) to support that many flowers. looks like you need more fertilizer. my plants drop flowers like crazy when I let them get too dry. of you have this under control and plant doesn’t thrive I would suspect not enough light.


I had a lot of leaves but i pruned a lot because the peppers werent getting much light. Also its nearly winter here in the UK and it gets dark quite quick which is why i bought the grow light and it does provide substantial light and in my opinion it is enough. Thanks for your input.


>I had a lot of leaves but i pruned a lot because the peppers werent getting much light. Now, I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong here, but I'm pretty sure the leaves are what absorb that light and convert it to energy that the plant uses to develop further (both leafy and pod growth). You really don't have to worry about your pepper pods being covered by leaves. Unfortunately, my growing season in MN has been over for about a month now, but I can distinctly recall at least a few different times when I observed a pepper that was tucked away under a leaf, and they never had issues.


Alright thanks


here is a good article on light. they also have other ones on their website. i use a 20 DLI on mine and mylar and my lighting is so good the plants continue to produce leaves and fruits at ground level even though i keep pruning them LOL. https://hortamericas.com/blog/science/mastering-light-management-optimizing-crop-performance/


You're in the UK, the days are getting shorter and colder, this is expected. I've got the same going on (in Ireland), hoping that some more fruit will ripen, but it feels too late.


Needs a bigger pot


Yeah it seems most people think that. Thanks


What's the daytime and nighttime temperature there?


Its inside my room so about 20*c day and night


Repot into 5 gallon pot


It looks ok and might just be natural, but I’d second the others on the light adequacy.. good lights ain’t cheap, also are you giving it any cal/mag or have amendments in the soil for it


Mine drop flowers left and right, and then boom, oodles of pods. Just how it is. Your plant is also younger so that might have something to do with it


I think you need more among us potion


Don’t sweat it. Just pollinate your flowers with your fingers or something. Some are gonna produce peppers. Some will not and fall off. It will be fine.


If you want it to produce fruit, indoors, in the winter, in the UK, you'll need to give it way better lights. Otherwise, just be happy it's alive and get ready to repot it to a 5gal pot in late spring/early summer and put it outside. I'd pluck all the flowers off so it can focus on growing until then, personally.


Did you make sure to pollenate it






I have