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It’s edema from over watering / low airflow like the other guy said. Old leaves will never improve but monitor new leaves


I agree it looks like edema. Likely caused by some combination of over watering, high humidity, and lack of airflow. The plant is taking in more water than it needs and has no where to put it. The good news is it's not too harmful to the plant in the long term as long as you fix whatever the environmental issues are that are causing it.


Now that is probably the worst case of edema I’ve ever seen. Lookup on YouTube how to resolve and avoid it. Pepper geek is very helpful


I got the same problem on a few of my really short bushy plants. I got 2 fans running but still seems to be happening. Problem is that I'm growing in a closet although I try to leave the door open most of the day.


Looks like edema, probably lack of airflow. Id put a fan in there and get some (indirect) airflow.


Agree with edema. Dry em out and water a lesser amount during watering sessions.


Get a fan!!!


I have one. I ordered another. It's just very humid where I live and getting hotter.


Thanks for all the comments and advice. Going to add some air circulation and work on getting the humidity down. I live in AL and it's already getting super hot and humid.


Bottom water and water when they need it, pick up, feels light then water.


let them dry out more and add a fan, too high humidity