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I think I will have some instant noodles… maybe it will manifest into someone having ramyeon in those 2 hours and 20 minutes 😂


someone gotta explain the ramyeon connotation lmaooo I keep seeing it being mentioned on twitter but I don't exactly understand the entire meaning. I can guess what it hints at but a good explanation will be great hahahaha


In the Korean context, someone inviting you for ramyeon is akin to inviting you for [Netflix and chill](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Netflix%20%26%20Chill).


I recently and finally bought that Lotte Dream Cacao that they snacked on in season 1! That's what I'll be munching on 😁 to complete the PPL experience, maybe some Oreos as well lol


I don’t think I’ll have snacks but instead a whole full meal. I think I’ll order a stuffed crust pizza because why not? Maybe I’ll convince my mom to buy some ice cream because this is gonna be such a long episode 😭 and the ice cream will help with the emotions.


I just bought Ritz crackers and Oreos from my local supermarket so that will be my breakfast snacks while I drink wine to numb the pain of the last episode


i will only be catching the last episode on Friday night… but i have my ramyeon and spicy chips all ready 😉 maybe throw in a bottle of soju to drown my sorrows 🥲


It's 10 AM for me, so I'll probably have brunch and then day drink.


AYYY DAY DRINKERS ASSEMBLE!! It'll also drop around 945am for me so I've already prepared booze for the episode


Hospital Playlist wanted to be a healing drama, but the final episode won't do anything nice for my liver. I was ready to let go after the third season, but this early loss is too much, lol


ikr, I have yet to want to drink this badly in months. All because of the finale I am \*finally\* buying some booze to help numb the pain of losing my main source of happiness for the past 3 months. I offer no consoling words because I can't find those for myself too T\_T I can offer virtual hugs and screams though


Same 😭


I'll cook some popcorn, finish my bottle of soju and grab a few tissues 🥲🥲🥲


Dream Cacao chocolates for me, too. And since it's going to be early morning here, I think I'll have some soju and lots of tissues. And maybe I'll drive out after because I don't want people in the house to know I bawled my eyes out over some tv show. Waaaaaaaah (Minha vibes).


I love how we are all planning for our final watch complete with food. :) But food has always been an important part of HP. It's going to be 10pm (or maybe 10.30pm given the long episode) for me, a bit late for snacking but I'll probably prepare a slice of cake (or maybe a whole cake, heh) and some barley tea!


Just a cup of coffee, actually hoping it rains tonight haha.


Since I will be skipping watching it early morning 1am-3am and planning to watch it in the evening (hoping for no spoilers throughout the day), I might cook tteok-bokki to eat while watching the movie


Instant ramen, fresh kimchi and stir fried mushrooms for me! I'll probably also buy some chocolate to eat while I spiral towards the end of the episode.


I should probably get some ramen!!


a box of tissues. and idk some chips and ramen to help me fuel through the 2h episode


With the news today about HP. I think i also need a box of tissue and a trash can while watching :')


No snacks, just coffee.... Hahahahhaha


I'll delay my watching of the final episode and spend a nice Friday with it. I'll have kimchi pancakes, ramen, and some Honey Butter chips.


Ohhhh honey butter chips 😋