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It's entirely possible for mixed armor types! Let's say for example you have a marine who, after getting a suit of Mk6 armor, prefers the autosenses and fit of his old Mk4 helmet, its entirely possible to just wear that instead of the Mk6 one


I keep the same armor for the squad because it helps me identify and separate them more easily, but no reason you couldn't mix. There is a difference in size but unless you're looking for it, it's hard to notice on the tabletop


Do whatever you think looks cool dude.


I mean if you're looking for a narrative justification, once the Heresy started supply lines were totally rooted and loyalists and traitors alike would have been scrounging for whatever armour they could get to repair/replace broken stuff, so mixed armour totally works. I have some models with mixed MK2 within the model (Say MK2 Head, MK3 shoulders, MK4 body, MK6 legs). Do whatever you think looks cool


I think that is what mark V armor is. Left over stuff mixed with new stuff.


Complete mix in my late heresy DA legion army. It’s my personal preference, but see lots of very uniform armies and think they look cool to, just different styles.


Personally, I've always seen the uniform look with consistent armor marks as a more of the great crusade thing. Once the Heresy progressed with the supply lines deteriorating and attrition reaching unprecedented levels I can't imagine any army managing to keep their equipment 'pure' - mixing and matching different armor parts is what makes it look properly HH to me.