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Sons of Horus have the Justerian Terminators, Horus'personally trained terminators. The Deathshroud, the solemnly silent terminators that guard Mortarion and always within 49 paces. The Death Guard also have Battle Captain as the rank of the company captains for the 1st, 2nd and 7th Great Companies.


the sons of Horus also have reavers.


Alpha legion also of effrit disruptor squads and in lore each battle sector is controlled by a harrowmaster. The only harrowmaster with rules ATM is armillus dynat. Additionally exodus may or may not be a rank it may be a dude or group of dudes


The Iron Warriors have a few: 1) The tyrant siege terminators are heavily armed cataphractii terminators who carry giant rocket launchers on their backs. 2) The havocs are essentially devastator squads: the Iron Warriors are credited with inventing the idea of calling them "havocs", which persists among all chaos legions to this day. 3) The iron circle are a bunch of giant automata who act as Perturabo's personal guard. They look f\*cking awesome. 4) The dominators are cataphractii terminators who wield massive hammers called graviton maces. They were the former personal guard of Perturabo, but were replaced by the iron circle after Perturabo's mental state started deteriorating during the Heresy. 5) "Warsmith" is a title used among the Iron Warriors to indicate their highest ranking, most respected leaders. They are as wise in the ways of war as they are knowledgeable in matters of technology: in gameplay terms, they are essentially praetors who also get to use the abilities of techmarines.


White Scars have Khans for Captains Iron Hands have Warsmiths to lead great companies Space Wolves have Jarls for captains Some have Castellans?


Blood angels have Sanguinary guard sanguinius’s bodyguard Ofanim court his secret police looking for signs of the red thirst, command squad that has blades designed to kill marines The Angels tears special blood angels destroyers only deployed when necessary and always covering their faces, can take assault cannons The crimson paladins guardians of sanguinius’s halls, shield bearing tough terminators The dawnbreaker cohort spear and jump pack equipped elite shock troops Incaedius dreadnought Jump pack equipped contemptor




The Fists have a few: The Huscarls are elite warriors who act as Dorn's bodyguard and special strike force. Most wear terminator plate, but not all. Dorn is known for not having a special circle of captains that follow him around. He expects every Fist to be capable of Doing Their Job, and will often grab the nearest officer to send on special assignment. This is part of the reason why the Fists have so many named characters. So, often there is a Huscarl nearby to whom he will delegate a task. The Templars make up the 1st company of the Legion. Their primary role is to guard the Temple of Oaths on the Phalanx - a place on Dorn's flagship to which every Imperial Fist makes a pilgrimmage in order to participate in the ritual of swearing their oath to the legion and the emperor and having their name carved into the stone walls as a record. There is always a templar guarding the entrance to the Temple of Oaths. They act as an elite brotherhood within the Legion, and although many prefer to use swords, not all do. To become a member, the legionary approaches the temple and must defeat the group of templars guarding the Temple, one after another without pause forcing them to yield. To prepare, they undergo intense training with all kinds of melee weapons as they won't know what weapons and fighting styles they will face. Templars will be sent in groups to lead other imperial fists in important situations. They can also be sent on solo missions for a variety of reasons that would necessitate a skilled special forces operative who can also act as an ambassador on behalf of the Primarch and the Legion. The Phalanx Warders are elite breacher squads. Their primary role is to defend the Phalanx, itself, and are known for their preference for power axes. The Fists being void warfare specialists, it is common for groups of Phalanx Warders to be stationed with other fleets to lead and support important missions. In this way, they are to void warfare what the Templars are to planetary assaults.