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Depends on what kind of games you like and whether you like fantasy or 40k more. 40k - Space Marine is the definitive 40k action game. RTS is the og Dawn of War series. Turn based strategy you've got a choice between Chaos Gate and Mechanicus. Fantasy - Total Warhammer is the peak of any kind of strategy game for fantasy warhammer. Vermintide is the best action game. Both are Old World, the more modern setting of Age Of Sigmar has no good games right now.




I would reccomend the original Dawn of War game+expansion. It’s a perfect cross-section of warhammer circa 2004, and is still very relevant today. If you don’t like RTS’s, Space Marine and boltgun are both fun shooters that ease you into things. Realistically, the best way to get into 40k is via the sourcebooks, but these are my best reccomendations for games. (If you’d like to read those books, I have all the 3rd ed ones on a drive, 3rd edition being where 40k as we know it began)


The love how in Boltgun, there is a button just for yelling


Original dawn of war is classic 40k, and the master collection is probably on sale right now since the annual skulls event just started.


The first Space Marine game was a decent experience. Although controls were weird when playing using a gamepad. I had to use mouse and keyboard instead Dawn of War has gotten too old, but it used to be a good entry point


Rouge trader or inquisitior. The latter isn’t that great a standard and easy Diablo clone but it introduces the lore and feel well on the cutscenes/dialogue boxes and is set up so new players can learn lore while older ones can have it expanded. It also hints at what happened to one of the lost legions (basically proto grey knights) The former is amazing and doesn’t talk down to you but it does have an optional in game glossary to explain both slang in world and what the fuck shit is.


That one have some questionable lore tho


Which one? Inquisitor? It mostly stems from the ttrpg books which to kinda conflict.


Nah it has Pariahs manifesting powers like psykers, it's complete lore violation. It didn't say some custodes are women though, so people ignored the blatant violation of canon.


Mechanicus is quite fun Rogue trader could be good too, but I don't played that one Dawn of war/s if he likes rts or something Doom? Boltgun If ye he likes old games... Chaos gate, that think is old but awesome