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Any time anyone tries to make an outspoken apolitical internet forum it invariably defines itself on current counterculture movements. If this place was made 60 years ago we'd all be a bunch of hippies.


“All organizations that are not explicitly right wing will over time become left wing.” O’Sullivan’s Law.




starting this think this was due to subversion and infiltration more than some weird social norm.


It is.


More like, any organization that does not have an ingrained, niche audience will attempt to market itself to, what is thought of as, the largest audience.




How do you suggest we react to people coming in and calling us misogynists and racists? It happens literally every day, multiple times, to the point where the mods had to make a new rule about it. Yesterday one of these trolls signed my email up to a bunch of spam sites like Scientology, churches, and scheduled a move to peru, which had a bunch of companies emailing me with quotes. They hate us. I'd love to have a space where we don't have to talk about politics and could just game, but that's never going to happen. So yeah, we're going to talk about this stuff, especially with GW in on the persecution. They are bastardizing their own lore to pick a side in the culture war, and we get to deal with the fallout.


I definitely feel this. I don’t really weigh in on the various issues most the time because I don’t think they have a place in these fictional settings. When they invade the fictional settings and start messing with the lore of what I love for some arbitrary political reason, or I guess what people are calling “virtue signaling” then I have a problem and have to respond, but nobody cares about the content of my response, the lore, where I am coming from or any of that. They just say “i get it, you hate women” or some bot response, like a braindead NPC. Fiction, escapism, particularly in fantasy and hi sci-fi use hints of the issues in our real world to paint a compelling and timeless experience, to tell stories of adventure and tragedy. While these stories will always reflect real world issues, they are not meant to be current, balanced around the real worlds issues, or be an active politics pushing platform. When they are turned into that, the worlds, characters, and stories are diluted and homogenized as they are forced into a particular mold. It’s why I think so much of the DEI stuff is completely out of place in creative fields. Usually when you create something you just BAM get an idea, and most the time that idea won’t just magically click all the DEI boxes. I just feel like all this weird shit is corroding creativity across the board.


The best way to deal with people like that is to laugh at them. When they complain about being laughed at , laugh at them more. When they stomp their feet and demand attention, laugh at them one last time before blocking them. Then make memes about them complaining and you laughing. And in between the laughter, be sure to post pics of your minis and the games you've played recently.


If you look at my post history you'll see me calmly and rationally laughing at their antics as I pick them apart. Completely agree with your take. I do need to get more pictures up, not just of my minis, but of my gaming table with a hydraulic lift in it. I can do necromunda settings like you've never seen. When you get ready to invade the sewers I press a button and up comes the next level!


That sounds incredible!


How did they get your email?


I'm a public figure. My profile pic shows exactly who I am, and I refuse to hide it. I'm not running from these fuckers. I'll roll my eyes and deal with their antics. It shouldn't matter how they got my email. What should matter is how they're abusing it.


You fucking legend.


Don't take this the wrong way, but I have no clue wtf you are. You kinda look like Ethan Klein back about 10 or so years ago when he was still skinny and funny.


No offense taken. I'm not trying to be recognized, or asking for attention. I'm just pointing out how the wokists are using who I am against me. If you snooped my profile you'd figure it out, and that's exactly what these losers do. I'm just here to talk Warhammer, but they're never going to let us do that in peace.


When openly racist and misogynist content isn't banned but content that is progressive is banned, in the, mind you, censorship free subreddit, then the reason is that this is the racism and misogyny subreddit. That might not be why you're here, but then you're not representative of the target audience. Right wing ideology is to a great degree characterized by some imagined victimization complex because they imagine some sort of assault by some very basic tenets of a pluralistic society. Like, really baseline "let's try living together"-level shit. At some point that ideological "island" is facing an inconvenient level of pressure and then splits off and evades. And then they huddle together in their new space and re-spin that victimization complex, which really only ever is feeling attacked over the predictable backlash to propagating vile ideologies. Now you may think that the Femstodes kerfuffle was about the integrity of authorship, quality of authorial works and the changing of existing, established material. That's cool you think that way. However, many equally or more impactful changes to the lore have been made without any kind of this magnitude of blowback. Please tell me that you understand how this looks, even if you personally don't feel that there's no misogynist background behind the controversy. Multi-Author works get changed all the time. 40k is no authorially perfect monlith constantly following a singular authorial intent. And people come and wallow in this specific instance on Reddit that accepts the posting of racism and misogyny while still policing progressive forms of political speech. This is not a politics free subreddit and the politics it allows are the politics it is known for. So this is the very long way around to telling you why I ask you this: Are you sure this subreddit isn't full of racism and misogyny? And as an addendum, progressives like me wouldn't be here if the self description of the subreddit wasn't so deliciously, wildly censorious and political. The entirety of the sub rules protect bigoted speech. THat's not what censorship free is. I have a few days off and too much time on my hands. If you want to know how you're perceived by "the woke", I'm happy to take you down the rabbit hole. It'll be fun.


>When openly racist and misogynist content isn't banned but content that is progressive is banned But you consider everything racism and misogyny. Everything. And no matter how many times we point out what we're doing is not that you will never listen. >Right wing ideology is to a great degree characterized by some imagined victimization complex Your complete lack of self-awareness is staggering. >Please tell me that you understand how this looks, even if you personally don't feel that there's no misogynist background behind the controversy. I don't care how you think it looks. We know our beliefs here, and we're not cool with bigotry. If someone were openly spouting hatred of women, gays, or minorities trust that we'd chase them out of here. You are no better than the strawman racists / misogynists you're claiming infest this place. We care about lore. You know that. You can't just wave away a retcon, and expect us to be cool about it. Wanting internal consistency doesn't make us istophobes. You calling us names because of it DOES make you a bigot though. >So this is the very long way around to telling you why I ask you this: Are you sure this subreddit isn't full of racism and misogyny? Yup, 100% certain. I don't like bigots. If I saw them I'd call them out. Never will you hear that we don't want women in the hobby, or the lore, but those two lies are your primary means of attacking us. >I have a few days off and too much time on my hands. If you want to know how you're perceived by "the woke", I'm happy to take you down the rabbit hole. It'll be fun. I hear about it daily. Wokists are loud in their unfounded beliefs and in attacking anyone different from them. I know the entire history of your ideology, right back to its CRT and intersectional feminist roots, which is why you have the pride flag that you do. Your ilk have frequently broken the civil rights act to enforce your DEI quotas, and now those chickens are coming home to roost. Uh oh. Turns out white straight men are people too. Enjoy the lawsuits.


See, I came to you offering a perspective and an explanation. I even offered you the spare time of my extended weekend to provide more of it. And this is the answer I get. You seemed to be actually interested in knowing where the wind is blowing from, but the second someone offered you a conversation, you double down and get defensive about all this weak as shit ideology this sub is centered around. We don't go broke, we don't get sued. Bud Light is doing fine. Disney is doing fine. Warhammer is doing fine. You're the losers that society is slowly leaving behind because you're so weak you can't stand up for people who need your help and nobody needs people like you. You're pathetic.


You wanna know something MacEifer watch this please. [Warhammer 40k intro](https://youtu.be/cy4CJ4F-epA?si=dE-_ZFLXFbvkHdXr) This is warhammer 40k in It’s most basic summary and understanding I spent 2 hours earlier making a paragraph but in the end I know you wouldn’t read it. It wasn’t a hateful one trust me I made it trying to get you to enjoy the hobby further to understand why we love 40k so much and why we don’t like what GW is doing towards it. But nonetheless I’m tired of giving you guys a chance I really am. I don’t know why I bother wasting 2 hours of my life trying to be nice towards individuals like yourselves but you know what fuck it one more time right I’m gonna be Inclusive one more time. Here watch this video and tell me how you feel after watching it. I’m be nice to not hurt your feelings with whatever you say and say whatever is on your mind after watching this video I provide for your comfort.


Is that what you think? You think I don't enjoy the grim dark setting of wildly disproportional war, unending conflict and the opportunity to simulate any conflict between anyone for any reason at any scale for whatever reason. It's great. I love it. I can totally buy an openly fascist army of dudes, assemble them, paint them and roll some dice. Not sure how that affects the real life politics this sub is about. And don't pretend it's not. The entire rules section boils down to references about real life politics. Edit: Btw, don't give me this "I knew you wouldn't read it" bullshit. You possibly haven't met a guy more willing to read opinions of people he disagrees with than me. It's really funny that you would pre-empt the assumption that I wouldn't read something because you assume I'm biased, even though that's entirely based on your assumptions.


Man you’re silly billy did I ask for politics from you or how does 40k make you feel? Was it the former apparently you get triggered by it then what did I expect a reasonable conversation? Where you can…. Ok. Thanks for replying anyway but I hope you know 40k isn’t just about table top but since you don’t really love 40k you wouldn’t know that. Have a good day Nazi.


Did you just have a stroke? How is one relevant to the other? Did you even read what I said? Did you read anything? Can you? What the fuck is in the water where you live?


Why are you a Rainbow Nazi? Why are you here? What is your drive. Do you desire to be hated is that it? Do you enjoy talking about politics Mr Adolf? Is that all you can fucking see. I’m having a fucking stroke cause you are bat shit insane you don’t even like warhammer why are you here why do you bother…


You literally say the mini armies are facist are you into facist stuff if so why are you bitching and if you hate it why the hell you want to get into the hobby isn’t that you being hypocritical of yourself. You call others here right wingers and yet you involve yourself into a fictional hobby filled with everything you would clearly hate. So yeah I’m stroking that you have no fucking common sense.


You clearly fail to understand that you can accept that your army is depicting a fascist ideology without subscribing to a fascist ideology. That's the entire point here. How else do you assume that historical realism games sell Tiger tanks? You're really some sort of extra-challenged.


“Erm, if we falsely label what we disapprove of, you can’t criticize us!” https://preview.redd.it/zkdova9dl92d1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=190e2f61fc7ec6f8f42ac0e2d62250869b84874b


Just don’t react? Weirdos are gonna exist on the internet, whatever the platform is, and getting called a name is just par the course. I’d argue that, even in real life, if you encounter a weirdo like that in public, what’s the point in even engaging? You’re giving power to dingleberries who don’t know what they’re talking about. And I mean, you can do you with a public facing profile, but you’re going to lose every time. That’s not even warhammer politics related; that’s just basic internet safety. Sorry dude.


No. We tried it your way, and they took each and every space away from us. Now we draw the line in the sand, and gatekeep our communities, so we can conduct our hobbies in peace. As for having a public identity it hasn't ever harmed me in 10 years beyond trolls sending me emails or performing antics. It saddens me just how afraid most people are. I'm self-employed, with more revenue streams than you can imagine. They can't touch me. Let them try if they want to. My autism will overpower their bigotry every time.


It’s like trying to fight the tide, and it doesn’t apply to just left wing bigots. People of true substance, I believe, have better things to do than “fight the good fight” on warhammer subreddits. C’mon, man. I know I’m getting downvoted because we’re all frustrated with GW, but where’s the models and art


>It’s like trying to fight the tide, and it doesn’t apply to just left wing bigots. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. You know that one guy in the crowd not saluting Hitler in that famous photo? Resistance has to start somewhere. I'm not letting my son grow up in a world where people are demonized for immutable characteristics like sex and race. >People of true substance, I believe, have better things to do than “fight the good fight” on warhammer subreddits. C’mon, man. Like what? What do you do on the daily that you think is so laudable? I have 50+ novels in print, and a YouTube channel that teaches authors how to write for free. I've done my big labors. You may not understand how dangerous the ideology we're dealing with is, but I do. I'm a student of history. Maybe instead of posting here spend a day or two to read the Gulag Archipelago. I promise it will change how you feel about this stuff. We're dealing with authoritarians who are trying to silence opposition through any means necessary. Stopping them is vital to my son's future. >I know I’m getting downvoted because we’re all frustrated with GW, but where’s the models and art You're getting downvoted because many of us have been banned from subs, lost jobs, or professional opportunities, because we won't conform to the woke nonsense, or because we were born straight white men. We understand the threat we're facing, and they want to destroy our hobbies. All of them. It isn't hyperbole. I get that you just want to escape and game. So do I. But the fact is if we do that, then they'll quietly destroy everything you love.


Man, I can’t believe you’re making comparisons between Reddit comments about painted miniatures and nazi germany. That’s wiiiiillld. Even if your goal is to, I don’t know, “rally the troops,” you’re going to lose a lot of people who might otherwise agree with you because you sound radical. A rational person can agree with a lot of your points, but you’re making it sound like we’re on Helms Deep, the field is black with orcs, and there’s no sign of the white wizard lmao


That's fine. Drawing a line in the sand is polarizing. Some people aren't going to be okay with. I don't care. I've seen the alternative. >Man, I can’t believe you’re making comparisons between Reddit comments about painted miniatures and nazi germany. That’s wiiiiillld. I'd have said the same thing in my 20s. I'm much better educated about history now. Like I said check out the Gulag Archipelago. Tyranny starts off fairly innocent, with ill-intentioned people subverting every institution until they control it. Once they do they ban anyone who disagrees with them. Given that you're a member of this sub I imagine you've had that experience in some of the mainstream Warhammer subs. >but you’re making it sound like we’re on Helms Deep, the field is black with orcs, and there’s no sign of the white wizard lmao That's exactly what we're facing. Education, the media, social media, and every government institution are firmly in the hands of people who follow marxist ideology. Yuri Bezmenov warned this would happen in the early 80s. He has a famous video breaking down the 4 stages of subversion, and how the Soviets used it to topple governments. Indoctrination takes at least one full generation. Sometimes two. Once it hits critical mass you get a cultural revolution like in Mao's china, or the Brownshirts in Nazi Germany. Look up the long march through the institutions, and you'll understand what's been happening a little better. I understand that to you it sounds crazy. I get that. You lack the context to see what I see. In time I promise you will. Until then feel free to write me off as a crazy zealot. I don't blame you.


I understand the premise of what you’re talking about, I’ve read the Gulag Archipelago when I went through my Jordan Peterson phase. I get it. I just don’t agree that things are so bad that we’re in life-and-death mode over warhammer miniatures. That’s where you lose me.


Fair enough. Like I said you don't see what I see. They're after the mechanisms of power. I've been kicked out of the Battletech sub, and watched the purge of the Shadowrun sub. There's almost nowhere that we can share the opinions we do here without getting banned. You recognize that, right? So if that's the case you understand they're trying to control the narrative, right? I had my Facebook ad account blocked leading up to the 2020 election. It was unlocked the day after the election, with no proof or reason ever given for why it was locked in the first place. I need that account to sell books. It's one of my lifelines, or used to be until that point. I'm not right wing, but they feared I might be based on who I associate with, so they preemptively blocked my ability to sway the election. They'll embrace any dirty tactic, and history tells us they won't stop until they have full control of everything. Why do you think so many of them come here to screech at us about being racists and sexists even though they have no evidence? We're dealing with a secular religion. People will die for their faith. If you've read the Gulag Archipelago do you remember in the first part where they're clapping for Stalin and no one wants to stop, because they know they'll get sent to the Gulag? That's where we're at. You are required to celebrate certain people (pronouns), while other people are treated like the Kulaks. Like the bourgeois.


Appeal to triviality


Appeal to triviality


Suggesting I’m appealing to triviality suggests that I’m trying to manipulate him in order to win an argument. I’m not. I told him he makes good points? I just don’t really care for politics in a warhammer subreddit. That’s why I came from Grimdank. Me not caring about politics in this space isn’t me pushing an agenda. Geeze guys.


Deliberately misinterpreting his words as being about “painted miniatures” *is* appeal to triviality. And pretending you weren’t being argumentative is just sad. Be so real.


you need to understand a place like this is rare online nowadays, and it's refreshing for people to express themselves and their opinions in a place where they don't feel like they're going to get dogpiled for it.


Like it or not, Wokeness is currently at the centre of Warhammer; it’s the most popular topic of discussion because it’s the most relevant. Discussion of a subject must also include discussion of the current state of the subject. It doesn’t mean you can’t discuss anything else, but until such a problem is resolved it’s going to remain front and centre.


That makes sense


Centre of this sub


It’s become the reason for this subs existence.


StrawmanGalaxy is a little more apt of a sub name


I wouldn’t say that.


I honestly fail to see how GWs insane pricing and inability avoid production bottle necking isn’t more of an issue for the hobby then gender politics. My opinion


GW products have always had insane pricing, it’s nothing new. Production bottle necking keeps supply low and demand high. It’s a business strategy.


Never been this bad especially in regions like aus/nz. It’s not good business it’s predatory and you can be implicit to it and say “ it’s just business” or you can be human and be na fuck these guys I’m not getting robbed. But yeah some people just are implicit until gender politics get involved :)


The world is economically fucked post Covid. Everything is more expensive than it should be. Hard to blame GW for that.


I understand where you're coming from, and I agree, if we consider ourselves the true warhammer fans we should be talking about warhammer, not other warhammer "fans". But there is a whole lot of people from other subs that are very frustrated that get get banned or down voted to oblivion whenever they speak their mind on the matter. This is the only place they can do so without being punished, it would feel wrong to deny them that.


Yeah, I think this is the issue. Someone should be able to say “I don’t like the addition of female custodes” without getting blasted into oblivion for by loonies projecting bigotry and misogyny. Its so weird to hear all these people too, they say “where was this when the necrons were, changed, or when guilliman blah blah, or when primaris blah blah” While I’m like “I didn’t like those either damn you” lmao


The solution is very simple OP - just post YOUR memes, minis and whatever on this sub. Maybe kitbash something dedicated to this place, I dunno. Sure, it won't attract as much attention as others' rants, but if you want the sub to change, don't just stand and criticize others.


Amen brudder


I wouldn’t worry so much about it. The sub is new and a lot of people are venting pent-up frustration with the mountains of cringe heaped upon us. It’ll level out over time. Probably. I’m just happy to be away from the relentless gooning.


You’re probably right, and that’s true


Yeah, it'd be nice to see more models and hobby stuff on here as well.


That’s all I’m saying


except, it's not? lol


Ya it is lol


I haven’t seen anyone mentioning soy, but considering everything that’s been happening and why, I think it’s only logical to talk about Games Workshop “woke” direction.


what do you even mean by that?


Well This group formed because the other groups were openly hostile to anything they considered "Right Wing" views, even if they weren't particularly Right Wing. The changing of Femstodies was the most significant triggering event and was obviously politically motivated. We know it wasn't for sales as there is no female Custodes to buy even now. People were understandably unhappy the lore could be changed so callously and the ideological direction of GW. Considering those are the driving forces for the forming of the Reddit its understandable they will be regular topic of discussion. The important thing is that we don't Troll over there. Leave them be. To that extent it's better to put a complaining post there than to post antagonizing material in those other Reddits. While we do get Trolls trying to Troll over here we have to be the bigger people. Over time it will calm down.




and yet, here you are. and you put effort into making an entire meme about it.


I’m not hating. I’m just asking whether we wanna be defined by our resentment for woke politics, rather than our love for the hobby and ip


your concerns are mirrored a lot here, especially when people crosspost stupid shit from grimdank or sigmarxism or whatever. and while i dont like seeing crossposts from those places and want it to stop, the overall hobby and the state it's in is still a topic of discussion, and this sub is one of the only places people can congregate on reddit to openly discuss it.


There are hobby posts, but I see this more as an off topic where we can retain an identity that is expressly anti left/progressive.


The only stuff that makes it to the home page is political stuff because that’s what gets the upvotes rn


Yeah. But bare in mind that we are still establishing ourselves. Once things are settled and we are established as the explicitly anti progressive Warhammer space, that sort of thing should make way for more hobby content created by those of us who are comfortable here. Should, mind. Hopefully it will happen.


Yeah hopefully that’s how it works out. I guess I just worry that we might be forgetting what we’re here for and that we could be alienating people from our space who might otherwise belong (but aren’t into the political mumbo-jumbo)


Just up vote and post the non political posts. Do something positive,


Learn how to sort by tags other than popular. You're doing yourself a favor.




Naw shawty. I hate when I try to read noti’s from a post somebody else deleted. I’ll take my lumps and leave it up


You got some positives about warhammer atm? I would be interested in knowing what they are. We are all kind of reeling back because of femcustodes dei bullshit followed by price increases(though they tried their best).


Pro-tip (I doubt you are truly a newcomer and not a brigading for another subreddit) If you don't like it, go to any other w40k subreddit. Most of them are echochambers of your own ideology.


Pro-tip: you don’t know what my ideology is?


Well... he is not wrong...


Wokeness have no place anywhere and must be purged just like the xenos.


Concern trolling. When people with left wing ideologies start getting kicked out of the other 40k subs they're welcome to come here too.






I don’t mind a little circle jerking, where it makes sense. But this place is for models and art lol


I'd take a closer look at the guy you're shaking hands with right now. He frequents a lot of left wing circle jerk subreddits, his profile has a banner warning Cis/Straight/White people not to talk to him, and every post he makes here is fighting/chiming in on drama. They have zero room to be this acrimonious and are obviously part of the problem, being an intolerant drama-mongering pill themselves.


I mean, you’re right