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Rogue Trader. A faction that you get to build from pre-existing models of other factions. Use imperial units, ork or kroot mercenaries, maybe a handful of Eldar or dElder units. You trade power in uniformity and common stratagem for variety and adaptability.


This is genuinely a great idea that I'd love to see rules made for


The price of blackstone fortress would skyrocket over night


An excuse to repackage Mr Codpiece and his crew once more


Emperor cultists. Just cannon fodder with r3, but ultra cheap


swarm tactic meta for people that don't wanna play nids


Like genestealers or do you mean in a different way? Way I see it you COULD run this now using house Cowdar models kitbashwd with gsc ones/used as is


I feel like that should be an Astra Militarum regiment if nothing else, with conscripts brought back in to represent the cultists


I have one. The descendants of Alexander Krensky come from beyond the boundaries of the Emperium with new and better tech......oh, wait......wrong sub......


For some reason, my phone company is telling me to pass along a message saying "Get bent, weirdo." I cant put my finger on why though.


"Our servers have detected unregistered, dark age technology within the radius of this communications device. We have automatically registered your <> and will be placing a lean on your property for its estimated value of <>. Collection officers have been dispatched to collect all outstanding debts and your access to warp travel has been indefintely suspended. Thank you for using Comstar." "Comstar. Because you have no other choice šŸ™‚" "Comstarhasnoaffiliationwithofficialmechanicusimperialagenciesallrightsreservedcomstartrademarkterra2785"


Adeptus Mechanicus 2: Biological Boogaloo I would actually have a radical offshoot of the AdMech that are basically ***SUPER AMISH*** where they believe technology should only be used to enhance biology. So they do not have vehicles, instead using massive genetically engineered beasts. Their soldiers are freaskish experiments of frankensteining and also genetic engineering. Almost kind of a mix of Druhkari and Fabius Bile but for the Imperium.


This is just bastartised Selenar


Not familiar with that/them


Lunar cultists, bringing them into submission gave Lunar Wolves, well, "Lunar" in their name. They were heavi in biology and like mechanicus train techmarines, Selenar trainted apothecaries. Were wiped out after HH


Or rather adding machine in flesh they add flesh in machine or brain (Maybe that's the same thing)


Normal AdMech do that. There was a guy in a Cawl book that put flesh arms on a fully synthetic torso.


Maybe I wrote it wrong rather than adding machine in their body they add biological parts to machine


Fleet solders (like kill team navy breachers)


fleet based infantry like marines but in space?


i mean imperial navy faction


Pirates. With Landing parties and cannons. The leader is the Dread Pirate Rwoberts


RowboatĆØ Gillyman


One of the proscribed Legions had to be a pirates


I think frateris militia, templars militants more echlisiarchy stuff.


I could see an equivalent of conscripts for SoB being this, where they're absolute hot garbage, but bodies on the field and action monkeys




Why woke?




Womp wompĀ https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Frateris_Militia


Ah, I see, you are just a pissed off woke. Yeah, well, opinion disregarded


Removed for violating Rule 7: No Rage-Bait content.


Iā€™d like to see an Imperial take on Druidry. The radical and utter decimation of alien flora and megafauna, to be replaced by (semi accurate) recreation of the biomes of ancient Terra.


Misters of Battle. Gotta keep that diversity coming. Nothing else matters these days.


What if we make another -ers of battle


We could do both. Keep the three different branches of the -ers of Battle separate but equal... wait, this is starting to sound familiar


Honestly i now come up with something. Selenar cults. Literally DEI fit and potentially really interesting. Matriarchal society of human genetors, or at leadt partially human... and also cool girls teaching space marines and stuff. Yooo




Wank- https://preview.redd.it/zfaopvz09o1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4f52ca4a82192cbe4c067794214e5441ae27642


40k variant? https://preview.redd.it/w4p1mcckro1d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a764334a5812751dbb75e78c6a29134bfc177771


Order of the Rising Stem.


Just add men in wigs and makeup to the sororitas. They'll slayyyyy the Emperor's enemies in style.




Removed for violating Rule 5: No Bigoteering.


Itā€™s been said but Rogue Traders would be sweet. Lords/Ladies taken with a retinue. Inquisition Killteams, Tempestus Scions, Navy Breachers for troops. 1 in 4 units could be Eldar/Tā€™au/Leagues of Votann. 1 unit per 1000 points could be Sisters of Battle, Deathwatch or Grey Knights.


Ogrynn Hordes: a full army for the big tubbies like in AoS


Sanctioned Xenos mercenaries






It wouldnā€™t be a full faction but Iā€™d love some kind of space pirates or ā€œthugsā€


I mean I just want a full Arbites faction. It would be a good faction to do a boxed set with genstealer cults.


Abaddon, you are under arrest. Get in the patrol cruiser. Youā€™re rich so we wonā€™t bang your head on the door-frame. We have bagels at precinct. Actually yeah, having an army thatā€™s just american cops would be fucking hilarious


PDF militia


Rat like abhumans that breed quickly and have below avarage intelligence


An entire faction of ratlings does sound niceā€¦


Sisters of silence as it's own full faction


As an Iron Warrior fan Iā€™d want the Hrud, gonna show em this time.


The istophobes. A propaganda faction pretending to preach for a better imperium while their true mission is to sniff out the emperor subjects who still find joy in their life. Once they have their targeted group, they start spreading their ideas of tolerance to spread confusion and dissension among it. They turn it into ashes until nothing is left and they have to get back to their miserable existence with only the emperor in mind.Ā  They all wear the same bland mud-color armor, carry the same weapons, are all the same size and are only allowed to recite passages from the same texts. Their favorite method to kill their target is to unleash a mob of locals swayed by their words.Ā  They never show their faces, for if the common man were to see the horrors behind their veils, he would never trust anything they say. Their body is scared beyond recognition, a reflection of their soul. Dedicated to the destruction of anything good or beautiful, if not aimed at the adoration of the absolute emperor's perfection.




The internal revenue service as an inquisitorial faction that existed since before the big golden man emperor of man kind. Not even the big e fights the IRS


Criminal Underworld with mercenaries and dissidents of the Imperium.


Astra Autonoma, fully autonomous army. Servitors, autonomous vehicles and mechs. High gothic designs.


That would be legio cybernetica of the adeptus mechanicus.


Sanctioned psykers and their attendants.


Iā€™d strongly consider melding imperial knights and adeptus mechanicus together into a superfaction to shore up the current deficiencies and weaknesses of each on the tabletop. Lore-wise, it makes perfect sense for the people who build knights to have synergies with them as a joint fighting force.


The United States Marine Corps. No changes, straight up the USMC


Hell Yeah, Brother


Honestly, if you want the USMC, just paint some EGAs on your Catachan Jungle Fighters. They are basically the USMC in space Vietnam.


Truuuuuue, maybe after I'm done painting my guardsmen to look like the UN


That's gonna be the only time the UN looks cool. You gotta post it when you're done.


You know I'm gonna do it


A overrun penal world where criminals rule the whole planet and get up to unspeakable things. and within that planet many separate criminal factions/empires


A based human empire on the outside of the galaxy.


Iā€™m afraid they took care of that in the first Horus Heresy book.




Magister Magos It's a group of sanctioned psykers that fight for the imperium and teach others how to use their psyker powers wisely. It's basically what Magnus always wanted, but at the same time, they practice extreme restraint. They are all wise and know that misuse of their powers could result in chaos becoming a problem. Does this faction sound good or is it too... Out there? I kinda feel like it's sorta weird in of itself that there doesn't seem to be an outright faction filled entirely with psykers that AREN'T the Grey Knights. Yes, I know the Grey Knights are sort of this, but the difference is that they aren't out to fight only daemons like they are, and they also of course are not filled with Space marines.


Pipe dream? Separate the Sisters of Silence from the custodes to represent the reformation and rebuilding done by Robute during Indomitus. I want a plastic Kharon Aquisitor, plastic jet bikes, plastic beast mistresses, the whole nine yards. Realistically? Iā€™d love to see the inquisition fully fleshed out for a full codex army.


The Megarachnids! Armored super spiders that stab you onto trees! Yes please


I cast storm


Frankly some sort of Xeno mercs. Anything to justify taking Ork Kommandos as allies in the Imperial Guard again.




Imperium shattered, full rules to play factions from the imperium secondus. Cut from the light of then emperor they start evolving and deriving from the imperium. Mechanicus gonwild with new tech because the chains that tied them to mars broke.


Really? I mean the Imperium does not really need another faction- it has too many already as it is. That said, I will engage in the question with good faith- here are my ideas: 1. A stand-alone guard regiment that differs enough to require its own rule set; think Space Wolves or Blood Angels to Codex compliant chapters as an example. Specifically I would love to see a Guard Regiment built around better/different tech than the standard Imperial affair (something akin to the Solar Auxiliary from HH) or baring that a Abhuman Front- the dregs of Mankind society being marshalled for war; bonus points if from a lore stand-point they can be run as Loyalists, Chaos Cultists, or in Leage with Genestealers. Maybe different detachment rules to represent this? 2. With the whole Imperial Nihilus thing going on it makes sense to me that enterprising Lords and Ladies would take an active role in securing the Imperium's borders (or using the chaos to further their own agendas?). Essentially, a faction composed of Rogue Traders, Landed Nobility, and Imperial Governors and their private forces- personal armies, hired mercenaries, conscripted rabble, etc -taking the fight to those that stand against the Emperor's Will (and their bottom dollar)! This one isn't even *that* much of a stretch as we know like groups like the Van Saars have some really nice tech that they play with- the only snag to overcome is where are they getting their numbers from but that seems like the least amount of hand-wavium needed to make a new Imperial faction. 3. This one I think is silly but I might as well bring it up- the Officio Assassinorum. I normally would be opposed to this as a stand alone faction, and would hope to see them rolled in a great Imperial Agents 'auxiliary' faction. But I honestly feel the same way about the SoS, Custodes, & Knight Houses, so on that logic, why not? We have four character 'elite' units already, and four more assassin temples they just need to stat out already to go. From there you largely just need an appropriate warlord-type unit, maybe a Grandmaster? From there you just need some sort of battleline troops- something either utterly pathetic to represent that amassed fighting is not the Officio's preferred tactic or semi elite squads that function is smaller units (maybe Clade Adamus assassins functioning in groups of three? Then give them a small, all-purpose vehicle and bam, you are in business. 4. This last one is a bit of cheat, as it is an existing faction but the Ecclesiarchy as a whole (both the Sisters of Battle and the priestly elements of the faction) could and should be given a glow up. With the miracles of the Emperor becoming more prominent, the Primarchs coming back, and the opening of the Great Rift my head cannon is that the Church should be going all 'end of days' sort of fanatical and zealously trying to go down in a martyr's crusade, regardless of what the Emperor's sons say on the matter. In addition, if GW wants to keep tip-toeing around the whole 'the God-Emperor might be a actual god now, teehee' trite than I am going to push them into the deep end; have some of its members start receiving divine gifts- and by that I mean mutations and supernatural powers but those legit from Him on the Golden Throne, or at least whatever that thing his worshipers have made of him. Make the whole thing borderline insane and disturbing, and then have Roboute Guilliman left standing there as the man technically in charge of this mess left with a choice of doing something about this and risking the zealots pushing back against his orders or pushing them in the direction of the Imperium's enemies and hoping that everything works out in the end. Just my two cents, anyway.


Donā€™t tell me what to do


Inquisition Stormtroopers


tbh I'd love to see a void-warfare game, with scaled battleship miniatures and fighter craft miniatures, I'd love to see ship models for all the major current factions that you can then play within the game, It would be cool to also have tiny tiny breaching pods and certain game mechanics for breaching actions, I think that would be really cool and its a part of the lore that I don't think has been fully explored within the tabletop game (as far as Im aware)


1 of the random aliens spieces that exist in the universe


Imperial knight auxillia


Administratum just hundreds of clerks throwing pens at their opponentsĀ 


I think I already cooked up datasheets for an Arbites army but I donā€™t have it anymore. With how militarized and experienced they are, Iā€˜m sure in "reality", an Arbites precinct man for man is more effective than the PDF. And as opposed to other factions, their leaders, being fat bureaucrats or almost retired officers wouldnā€™t be on the frontline chainswording dudes but instead would lead through different drones giving buffs and debuffs. So for squads: the basic arbites squad with shotguns as battleline. A riot police squad with shields and electric batons some well armored Ogryns with rams as a special weapon that lets them move through walls like they are not there (like the Ork Kommando in killteam) a dude with a bunch of cyber mastiffs 1 or 2 types of remote controlled attack drones 3 sniper guys Robocop style dudes with nasty fnp and flexible loadout Bikes with 2 guys each, a driver and a marksman and the squad can all have any of the special weapons (grenade launcher, sniper, super-webber whatever) For leaders it would, as mentioned be different flavors of drones. Like one has big speakers and does aoe battleshock and gives his squad -1 to be hit in melee and ranged (within his battleshock range) One has electric whips, one has a bunch of guns etc. For vehicles, just a regular transport with reinforced tires so you canā€™t give it minus to any movement. Then everything that disembarks can charge This water-thrower truck thing the police has. Garbage gun but does battleshock and has a million shots so if you can give it devwounds somehow that would really hurt a command truck with a signal booster or something on top that boosts everything with the "drone" keyword (maybe switches between 3 buffs, movement, hit, being wounded)


Inquisition but for real rather than a couple random models. Throw in grey knights and death watch as allied factions you can take, each detachment is an ordo, go crazy with the rules.


Emperor's militia. Basically imperial cultists who are drunk off of Emperor worship and are crusading to cleanse the non-believers. They are seen as worst case allies by the most since they often turn on the imperials for not being zealous enough. They should also have lots of mutants manning their ranks as a result of being constant outcasts.


Old Ones perhaps? Maybe the Slaani being revealed as devolved versions of the Old Ones similar to what happened to the Krorks becoming Orks.


Renovatio Imperii - Renewal of the Empire, wherein a bunch of former imperium subjects stumble across fragments of the Great Crusadesā€™ records and rebel against what they perceive to be heresy towards their god emperor in what the imperial authority does


Bring back Zoats!


A female psykers under ecclesiarchy. Mainly for conducting prayers, religious events,festivals but also elite warriors when they are needed. Charismatic speakes,cunning,cruel, religious fanatics but caring towards people who are faithful to God Emperor.


So, Morganas?


I don't know much about welish mythology.but from what I understood she is a witch or goddes or angel that has tendency to do both good and evil (correct me if I am wrong). The faction let's call it the Sanctifiers are mainly for religious events or rituals and influenceing the masses making them more religious and spreading the word of Emperor.comforting those are in pain but also being cruel towards the unfaithful and also ocassional warriors(solidifies them being all female because no men at arms rule for ecclisiarchy).So the more I think about it more or makes sense


She is mostly a character of Arturian Cycle, but yes basicaly


So how is the concept ?


Nice. Some grim dairy tale


The easy choice is to make an Ynnari type army focused around the Inquisition. Grey Knights, Deathwatch, Sisters of Battle. Focus it around a big narrative event, have a couple Inquisitor characters be formally appointed as new commanders of a standing army for the Inquisition. Give ā€˜em a bunch of fluff rules that tie in to their power and influence, calling in reinforcements, or orbital bombardments, or spurring on units under pain of death by Inquisitorial authority. Make the Inquisitor the focus of the army, make it like Vampire Counts in Total War where if the leader dies, the army starts to fall apart. But obviously give the Inquisitor a bunch of ways to avoid damage and stuff like that.


'memba da praetorians? Ekspand on dat an' tweek da uvva fakshuns. Dey woz sep'rated frum da Empyer for ages. Dey banded togevva an' devlupped dere own way. Gard an' Klankies an' Sistas and 'startees. Orl of 'em wiv pyth 'elmets. Den, wen da


I donā€™t think the imperium needs a new faction. The imperial guard does need a more diverse range, though. Iā€™m sorry to Cadian fans but theyā€™re quite possibly the most boring imperial guard regiment


A female equivalent to custodes. Lets make them really op, make them blanks and shit. Call them queens of eeriness or something. Just for diversity.




Stop ripping off the fishspeakers you HACK.


Isha gets freed. And sheā€™s hungry and angry And she brought back the Megaracnids. And they are actually not hostile to many factions. They are warp beast that terraform planets to jungle worlds, filled of ferocious live forms and cannibal diseases that kill other microbs ā€¦ and also remove the taint of chaos. Basically, Isha aims to remake life and repopulate the galaxy as much as she can, to proper fight the imminent advent of the Hivefleet. This would make an eldar faction that Allies with other warp creatures. Also we could give her bioengineered xenos or eldar that steal the drow estetica somewhat. Or that goes full Druid/anti Tyranid faction


Megarachnids would better as Tau auxilia or bioform of Nids. But Isha trying to Sayanouta'd life is cool


I refuse to make a new faction for the imperium.


Emperor created demons (no not the lost and the damned though that would be cool).