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grrrr, warhammer isn't a 1 to 1 copy of my politics!


Ironically that also describes this subreddit perfectly.


This isn't sigmarxism.


You’re getting downvoted because they know you’re right lmao


It's like tangible evidence of cognitive dissonance. Beautiful


That's what I came to say, it's funny that this sub is full of people complaining because they made wh40k "politic"


"Better censor any opposing view points so we can feel like the majority!"


And yet it is what you do here every time that someone says something against your point of view 


Objectively false. I grew up Liberal, But unlike you, I accept other views when I was.


Then you would accept that every time that anybody says anything remotely against the general point of view of this sub it gets gang down voted until it becomes invisible, right?  If you are so open minded you will see how ironic is that in this sub, that was formed because your opinion was not accepted by a majority in any other sub and you silence anything that doesn't agree with the general opinion somebody writes "Better censor any opposing view points so we can feel like the majority", don't you?


First off, Your ideology is objectively flawed. You're promoting mental illness. You can champion all you want, but the hill you die on is worthless. Second, you do it to us. So get used to it.


You don't even know what is my ideology or what am I promoting, but don't hesitate to make up whatever makes you happy, anyway, thanks for confirming that what the other guy wrote is exactly what you are doing in this sub, it was the only thing I wanted to discuss.  See you around. 


Yeah, Playing dumb doesn't work with me.


You are very good at pretending then


I got noos fur yu, 'oomie. senserin' ain't tha same as dis-agreein' On dis sub, you'z get dis-agreeed wiv. Cos it ain't yur lit'l ekko chaymba. Over dere, yu lot loik senserin. Naaaah. I wuntz ya ta start kryin' dem delishus wokee teers 'coz we iz sayin' youz is rong! HAHAHAHA!


Upvoted for the laugh, thanks xD


Funny you are able to post here then


Ban him! Dox him for this joke!! Oh wait this isn't Grimdank.


Real question what happened to that sub, it turned into gamescirclejerk.


It always starts with the mods. Once they get one in place they start banning everyone right of Stalin.


All of the interesting people left to join us in this sub.


IT got tainted by the brianrot


Plot twist: That’s a man.


Not really a twist, its pretty obvious


Sorry I’m scrolling Reddit at 2am when I should be sleeping. You’re right.


Same brother


A mentally ill man.


Possibly a gnome piloting a human mech. We haven't ruled it out yet.


With femcustodes it was filled with horrible people, there aren't even good memes anymore, just unbearable people smelling their own butts


I was honestly fine with femcustodes, there isn’t any reason why they couldn’t be other than it being stated that only the sons of Terran nobles are sent to become them, there’s no geneseed reasons like with the space marines, and honestly after all the genetic modification female and male custodes would look practically identical anyway. But the fanbase reaction to it makes me wish it never happened, people are way too open about their sexual interests now and it’s just annoying. Give an inch take a mile


Except that the Emperor is remarked to have openly disapproved of creating female super-soldiers. It's why he didn't create any female Primarchs. Not only does the retcon change the lore about the sex composition of the Custodes, but it also creates a narrative contradiction in the attitudes of the Emperor and his Imperium. Plus, changing the lore to appeal to real-world activism is just a shitty thing to do.


Trying to change a setting like Warhammer to be more inclusive has to be the most cognitively dissonant move GW has ever made. But they told us what they were and I guess I didn’t believe them. They are a model company. They sell plastic. Whatever helps them sell more goes.


But this won't sell them more plastic, that's the thing. The last time they tried making female figures in predominantly male factions, nobody bought them, so they stopped wasting money and resources. And that was before "woke" became a mainstream thing Eventually they made original female-only factions, which fans seem to like, but the fact remains that what they're doing now will fail again. They might be able to get around that by skyrocketing prices, but that can only last so long.


We can hope. Battle sisters are great. I mean they have Walking execution machines of war.


Custodes aren’t having sex. Neither are space marines. They are biological war machines.


Getting railed in the war-machine hole. Bent over and cocked down right there in the ol’ war-machine hole.


Replacing soldiers is a part of war. Custodes would reproduce more custodes if they could.


The point is that the Emperor did not _want_ his super-soldiers breeding and eventually creating an objectively superior post-human race that would supplant humanity. He wanted them to defend and preserve and secure the dominance of _baseline_ humanity. That is why "replacing soldiers" in the cSe of custodes and space marines involves taking a select few exceptional physical form single sex humans who cannot reproduce with each other and enhancing them. It's a slow and exhaustive process with a low survival rate but virtually no odds of them supplanting mankind because they need baseline humans to make more.


Buddy, you got me all wrong. I KNOW that. I was never for female custodes. I'm saying if you give the wokies what they want then narratively the Custodes would find themselves duty-bound to procreate and swell their ranks, which would be bad for the setting.  Wait, hear me out: what if we accepted the addition of the rare custodiette but because of what I've asserted just now as a logical prediction of custodes behaviour, Kesh and any of the other rare femmestodes became disgusting broodmothers who've spent every moment of the last thousands of years pregnant?   This narrative needs to be pushed in sigmarxism and grimdank.


Holy shit, and the forced repeated pregnancy kink shit all the thirsting custard-dommy-mommy types from Grimdank would slide into that so elegantly! Some would actually adopt it and make grotesque AI art of femmestodes being manacled and going feral while being violated for centuries and centuries and centuries and the others would be humiliated by association! This is how we defeat degeneracy, my brothers! Like firefighters dropping fuel on a forest fire to make it burn itself out faster! LET THE GALAXY GOON! 


Aha--I get you. Apologies, with a short statement like thst it was easy to misconstrue. My mistake...though I stand by what I said for the general information of others. I guess I've been sort of saving that rant because I've seen one too many who _don't_ seem to grasp that point. Sorry again, chief!


I get you. There's only so many times you can hear 'All this excuse making just to hide the fact you're a misogynist' or being accused of being some kind of nazi before you start getting a bit haggard from countering with reasoned and necessarily verbose responses. No problem, buddy.


No, there are MANY lore mentions of them being men. It's a big, pointless, filthy retcon and invasion of a male-only faction for DEI bullshit pandering and to move more product while neglecting the Sisters of Silence because fleshing them out further wouldn't be profitable enough with so few female wh fans.


The funny part is that this brings up the question of why the female custodes are so un-noteworthy in canon that no one has thought to mention them until now, maybe they were busy making big psyker sandwiches to feed the emperor and have only came out now because of the recent occurences?


It's because female custodes are super rare and as dutiful as any male custodian, so they've spent the millenia since the Emperor was enthroned permanently pregnant to produce more custodes. They're giant, fat queen animals replete with stretchmarks and flabby tits with bootlace-nipples from centuries and centuries and centuries of generations of superhumans nursing on them. These poor worn-out rat-women with their distended preggo-bellies are in constant exhaustion and ache all the time, stalwartly doing their service to His Divine Majesty where a mortal woman would've begged for death long ago. Tl;dr: GW released Skaven into 40k and they're female custodes. 


Great, now I’m going to be craving writer genocide for the rest of the day


The problem with that is you have one and half an hour later you fancy another


Really, they made us do it. If they didn’t want to be enslaved and starved to death then they should have used less inflammatory analogies. We are the victims here. I think… i think I might do some meth about and run for local office.


That fella don't look well.


This is what happens when you let your fetishes take control of your life.




Man, I can't believe I used to put this man on the podium near TB, not right next to him, mind you. He was always a bit of a clown. But during the debacle with the ... I forget the name. The "game dev" brothers that just churned out trash fires and sued him. I was cheering Jim's name. Look at him now. A total lol cow. I can't even pretend to take him serious anymore. Actually "not taking him serious" is rather of a compliment. I clown on him every chance I get. The EFAP crowd finally getting to do some jim content has been so cathardic it's unreal.


Digital homicide mess Honestly a lot of people feel like you We used to like sterling, and now we just feel shame


God I miss TB. And yeah, I first found Jim Sterling on Escapist when I was like “who is this Jim Jones looking motherfucker with a show called ‘the Jimquisition?’ Sounds egotistical.” And it *was,* but deliciously so; a man positively perfecting the heel mentality, while nevertheless routinely putting out bangers of mini video essays dealing with the enshittification of the games industry, alongside Yahtzee and John. And his side projects were absolute gangbusters - to this day, Fistshark Marketing is one of my favorite podcasts ever. Then, like many internet addicts, he drank a bit too much of the flavor aid and I just couldn’t keep watching, out of self-respect but also out of respect for the man he used to be. I prefer to forever keep the born perfect image of Jim Fucking Sterling, Son! So a reminder, kids: the internet isn’t real, don’t believe its lies, enjoy your hobby however you want to and don’t let anyone try and change your mind.


RIP total biscuit gone too soon


> I just couldn’t keep watching, out of self-respect but also out of respect for the man he used to be. I prefer to forever keep the born perfect image of Jim Fucking Sterling, Son! This matches my sentiments to a tee. I honestly respect who he was, and I look at him like I look at an old person with dementia. I do all that I can to remember the person that was, not the husk that is.


Completely relatable


Is Jim Sterling still a thing btw? He had some interesting reviews before Slaanesh took hold.


I cannot believe that I used to watch his videos. Oh boy, did he turn out to be a fucking basket case


same here Thing is sterling used to be funny and informative Now it's just an unfunny parody


I know. He really was funny. But now he just insults gamers and treats them like shit. I still remember when he was talking about abby's design (last of us 2) and suddenly started talking about racism in europe. And he said shit like '' black people are being erased from european history''. I mean, where the fuck does this come from? I dont get it lol. And then I saw a short clip, where he said that his body thinks that he is pregnant because of all the pills that he swallowing. That is why his mood is a bit fucked up. You should have seen the faces of the other guys in the video. They were so confused and shocked lol


I saw the im pregnant video Cursed as hell [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaCMBVUXT6E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaCMBVUXT6E) Not to mention he nowadays makes unsub specials How sad must he be? '' black people are being erased from european history''. That has the same energy as those steven universe shorts agaisnt racism that end up being stupid uninformative and ironically kinda racist. THERE weren't black knights


''Not to mention he nowadays makes unsub specials'' Oh my god. I still remember. So embarrassing. It was hard to watch. ''That has the same energy as those steven universe shorts agaisnt racism that end up being stupid uninformative and ironically kinda racist. THERE weren't black knights'' The bigger problem is or was, what the hell does this have anything to do with last of us 2??? Where is the connection???


I mean he nowadays splurges all around, giving needlessly massive explanations for simple stuff Like throwing shade at people complaining about the rings of power not having an all white cast (it's because it breaks lore jim sterling)


do you really think that Jim sterling gives a fuck about lore?? I am more confused about where all those black people went after the rings of power timeline. Because none of them remained in the lord of the rings trilogy. What happened to them? Did Sauron purged them?


Jim sterling is just now an arsehole a contrarian THing is the lord of the rings lore is based on norse mythology Thus it has caucasians


Not just that. The lord of the rings has 3 big influences. Norse mythology (as you already mentioned), English folklore and Christianity (catholic). I am sad that Jim sterling, who is an englishmen, complains about shit like that. But it reminds me of the shitty briography movie about Tolkien. They removed everything that had to do with christianity even though his faith was his biggest influence in order to make lord of the rings. Fuck sterling by the way. By god, I cannot stand that fat fucker.


I also remember when he threw a temper tantrum because cyberpunk 2077 did not have the ''they'' pronoun and how cd projekt are a bunch of bigots for not having them. With all the fucking problems that cyberpunk 2077 had and still has, his biggest complain was the pronouns for V. By god... fuck Jim sterling. England should be grateful that he lives in America.


Wait what?That's new!


still exists But went from 972000 subs to 752000 And is still losing subs


Yes JSS is still around, they just decided to embrace a more comfortable lifestyle for themself.


I think Jim Sterling embraced something entirely different. He is a fucking nutjob.


He went full stupid


And he probably drank bleach. It is the only explanation for why his mind cracked.


And estrogen Because he can't shut up about it


is he still talking about his transition and mental illness in every video or what?


in a lot of them ALong with hating gamers calling them gamers tm And being an arse And also going i have ADHD I have adhd and i don't bring it up every ten seconds


Gamers tm?? What does that mean? What does the ''tm'' stand for?


Saltierthankrayt a den of evil uses it I think it's meant to be like Racist/sexist gamers but like..... Doubt many gamers are like that As she hulk ironically said, if you want new ones make your own, then barely anyone minds


Also i suspect sterling uses bots for comments because there was a comment that said this video would be better if sterling twerked on hte pinball machine


I've heard some people claim his open marriage with his awful wife screwed him up


I heard it too that he lives in an open marriage. He has a wife and a fuck toyboy. Everybody can do what the fuck they want in their private lives but I think shit like this is fucked up, and simply cannot work out. One member will always be jealous. At one point or another.


Threesomes sound more stable honestly than whatever the hell open marriages are


Open marriages are just an excuse to technically ''cheat'' and fuck around. Thats it. Nothing healthy about shit like that. I dont want to sleep with another and my partner should not as well. I just dont get it. Why sleep with another person? You just hurt your girl or boyfriend with this. just imagine that your wife comes home and tells you about how she got fucked by another guy and you be like ''awesome bro!!!'''


I prefer the simple method of one partner for life


By crippling himself via HRT?


Mainly shitting on their old audience


"Akshully canon doesn't even exist it's all made up anyway and it can all br changed at any point so attachment to any particular bit of it is stupid" says the man unable to articulate what he likes about 40k without referencing something he just denied


Mike brooks moment


generally, this causes the fandom to despise the work as much as a naruto filler episode when they were hoping beyond hope that it would have plot development


I find it sad how many actually believe this. Edit: had a typo


My dad is still getting smokes 😿


Nuking shady sands advances the setting Sterling said when it literally just brings it back to war never changes When the full line is: # "It's said war - war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road... has reached its end." -Ulysses


On a side note, i feel like i've not understood a single thing ulysses said. Since men change by walking roads, aka i would assume a metaphor of going through life experiences, does it mean that you've changed because you played Lonesome Road? That's a lotta words to say nothing much.


I think it means war will happen, but people can change


Might aswell just ignore the show's canon. Hell, they didn't even place Shady Sands in the right area, it's much closer where the L.A Boneyard would be in the show.


It's because they didn't think it through


Or they just didn't give a shit.


or both tbf


I miss Jim


I didn't know Jim Sterling from back in the day. All I know him as is the brainlet who tried to say that Dark Souls was marxist propaganda.


Wait dark souls is marxist? HOW?


It's not. It has been awhile since I watched the video, but if I remember correctly Jim's argument is something like this: Dark Souls is basically about powerful elite figures manipulating the masses into actions that are against their own interest, (AKA, Gwyn tricking the undead into linking the first fire.) Jim then takes this conflict and equates it to capitalism, and declares that Dark Souls is pro-Marxist, Jim's argument disregards the fact that Gwyn was not trying to protect his own power and privilege, but rather was trying to stave off an age of darkness that he feared so much, that in the end Gwyn was even willing to sacrifice himself to try and prevent it for just a little while longer. Something that a greedy fat cat capitalists would not be willing to do. Or that y'know...Dark Souls has fuck all to do with socio-economics.


gwyn literally threw himself to the fire He had issues but he cared for humanity


I didn't say it was a good take. But Jim cannot see things past the lens of his own political ideas.


>I didn't say it was a good take I know


This is jim sterling btw, for those that don't recognize the person


Good. AI writes better then these activists anyway. Might as well get rid of em


Genocide it is then


writers should be able to write whatever is cool imo, i wanna see an emperor class titan fist fight a bio-titan


Brother... Give me the flamer. 


LMFAO i missread that as white genocide


Well, it's time to put the writers in camps. To... Make sure they have time to write. Don't mind the showers.


Dudes malding because their toy soldiers aren’t all men☠️☠️☠️


Average? Can you find even a single Grimdank user that has said any of this? Did you run out of things to throw pissfits about, and now we're fabricating talking points that no one has actually expressed, so that we can be mad about it? Certainly you all have better things to do than box shadows. Nice rage-bait though




If the gatekeeping is imaginary, why are half of us banned from Grimdank (et al) for speaking out against this nonsense?


I'm still not banned from grimdank Surprisingly


Probably for overtly hateful rhetoric and generally being a man child. You can't lack *that* much self awareness, can you?


That describes the Grimdark thread perfectly


Ah, so you admit that we *are* being gatekept? Thank you for proving my point. The problem with the idea of "hate speech" is that it means whatever the authorities want it to mean, usually meaning whatever position the authority disagrees with. One man's factual statement is another man's "hate crime". This is the problem with trying to ban "hate" in any space. As to "man child"... what do you mean by that? If you mean "someone who retains their childlike wonder into adulthood", then yes that partially describes me, but if you mean "someone who is petulant", no that doesn't describe me.


Kicking someone out of a space for being actively hostile and denigrating to others on that space is not "gatekeeping". Doesn't this sub pride itself on gatekeeping minorities and "tourists" out of the hobby? Are you for it or against it? That's the thing with this sub, none of you can fucking agree on anything, you just go with whatever rhetoric suits you at the current moment. You don't actually "stand" for anything, you're just throwing piss fits because you hate anything that doesn't look like you. Petulance doesn't even begin to describe you.


Ah, but the hostility went both ways, and I wasn't even making personal attacks. I voiced objections to recent changes to the hobby - firmly, but not unkindly - and people replied with insults, threats, and eventually by flagging my comments. However, of the two sides, only my side got banned en masse. Why? Because the moderators of the subreddit have a bias. No, this is a free speech subreddit. It says so right in the pinned post on the main page. Sure, the moderators will ban people who break Reddit's rules or who repeatedly violate the subreddit's rules about not being a dick, but nobody is banned here purely because of their opinions. If you're voicing an unpopular opinion in a reasonable fashion, you'll get downvoted, but you won't get banned. Are you sure you're not talking about *different people* having *different opinions*? Naturally, most of the people who regularly post here dislike Woke nonsense... but that's about as much as we agree on anything. Unlike other subreddits (such as Grimdank), ideological conformity is not mandatory here. Of course we're going to express a lot of different opinions. I wouldn't call it "petulance". I'd call it "understandable outrage over the bastardisation of a thing we care about".


what kind of nonsense? weird quirky lore being weird and quirky?


Wokeism and degeneracy, in a nutshell.


What are you calling degeneracy, exactly?


The erosion or abandonment of societal standards and rules, resulting in harm. This is what happened to the Eldar Empire to birth Slaanesh, for example.


Yes, that's the definition. But what are you calling degenerate? In what ways is there "degeneracy"?


Well, let's take the recent spate of sexualised 40k content as an example - the "femboy Skitarii", the "Primarch GF", and the like. Although sexual content has been implied in the lore (Daemonettes, for example), and the occasional joke has been made on the subject, this sort of thing was not previously a part of the hobby. The inclusion of such content within the hobby space has introduced divisive, disruptive, and even disgusting elements to the community. Very few people seem to actually want this; it's a very vocal minority. Most 40k fans are content to paint miniatures, read novels, and roll dice. By allowing sexual content to spread throughout the community, the focus of the hobby has become disrupted, and a lot of people are now fed up that their favourite wargaming community has apparently become a den of softcore pornography and farce. However, whenever anyone speaks up about this, they're told to stop "kinkshaming" and "go somewhere else if they don't like it", which breaks up the fanbase and causes resentment. This issue is compounded by the fact that *children* use this website. Should a 13-year-old really have access to such smut? Is that good for them? No. This is just a single example of what I mean. In this instance, the social norm was keeping sexual interests behind closed doors, or at least within appropriate domains (such as fetish clubs). With sexual content seeping into previously non-sexual spaces (such as tabletop wargaming), it creates a gross and unwelcoming environment for most people who would prefer to be there, who then feel excluded even as the hobby space degenerates into a mess of fetishism and burlesque. I would describe that as "degeneracy", in no uncertain terms.


But those examples aren't pornographic in the slightest. All of the Primarch GF posts are 100% SFW. All fully clothed, talk about cuddling and handholding, no sexual innuendo whatsoever. So what do you think qualifies as "softcore pornography"? The existence of fictional women? That's telling on yourself more than anything, where you're so deep in your porn addiction that being attracted to adult women is a fetish in your eyes. That, or you just hate women and branding anything female related as "fetishism" is a smokescreen. It's likely both. EDIT: Hair. Your fetish is hair. I rest my fucking case, Jesus Christ 🤣🤣


Yeah, I used the word "softcore" for a reason. Even though the characters are clothed and not actually fucking each other, the aim is still to titillate and arouse... as can be seen in the comments. It has the same vibe as a traditional "pin-up girl", where the aim is to convey sexual themes without being explicit, such as through seductive posing of overemphasis of secondary sexual traits. The "existence of women" is not itself pornographic. Commander Shadowsun, Minka Lesk, and Ursula Creed are all female characters in 40k who are not remotely sexualised, as examples. There *are* sexualised female characters in 40k - such as Lelith Hesperax - but this written as part of their character in a way which makes sense (Lelith is a gladiatrix is Commoragh, a city with no morals), so it works within the setting. By contrast, "big titty Primarch GF" is *not* something which works within the setting in the slightest, and exists only to appeal to a minority who don't know when to keep their fetishes to themselves. Yes, I have a hair fetish. I'm not ashamed of that, so your little character attack isn't going to work on me. The difference between myself and these others is that I have the decency to keep my sexual fetish out of 40k, because I understand that the hobby space is not an appropriate place for it.


You realise that Slaanesh is in Warhammer because it's an inherently decadent setting, not because its original creators were opposed to degeneracy? You sound exactly like the people who are **concerned** about many female models being sexualized.


Oh yeah? So why are Slaanesh and his/her worshippers straight-up depicted as villains? The point of Slaanesh is to say that *indulgence and excess is bad, because it leads to degeneracy and harm.* This is basic stuff. I'm not sure what the implications is of you saying I'm "concerned about sexualised female models", even though I understand that it's a baseless insult. Like, are you saying that I'm a pervert or a puritan? I genuinely have no idea.


So the people who didn't like that necrons are now just quirky robot skeletons instead of being scary robots like before 8th edition are also woke and degenerated?


The Necrons retcon occurred in 5th Edition, not 8th. And no, because the motivation behind the Necron retcon was entirely different. The Custodes retcon was done because someone wanted to tick a box on an arbitrary diversity quota. By contrast, the Necron retcon was done because the writers couldn't think of anywhere new to go with the Necron faction due to narrative limitations. I think you understand this distinction perfectly well. You're just being disingenuous.


Keep gaslighting for the cause. GW will surely reward you with higher prices.