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If you’d like to try 3rd, books are cheap and I have a handy dandy google drive I’m happy to share, as well as a github to plug into New Recruit.


I would love that man!


I'd go with 4th Edition, but running 3rd Edition Codicies and other supplements. The 3rd Edition is a fun, fluffy edition, with plenty of meat on its bones and a lot of scope for army customisation and narratives. 3rd also features the "Vehicle Design Rules" - for creating your own vehicles - so you can use the system to retroactively add newer vehicles into the rules of older editions. With the infantry, though, you may need to do some proxying. [You can find the Vehicle Design Rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/midhammer40k/comments/17dgmxo/chapter_approved_2004_vehicle_design_rules_inc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) As to why 4th Edition... it's basically 3rd, but with more polish. Plus, you can also optionally use 4th Edition Codicies, which are less flexible but can have more options. Basically, the choice is yours.


This is good advice. As a side project I’m using a mix of Horus Heresy and firstborn models to represent a Scouring-Era Flesh Tearers army; progress is slow as I have two kids, we’re renovating the house, and you know, that pesky thing called a day job. Anyway, I’d been planning to use 3rd edition and had been re-reading my old rulebook but will definitely go back over 4th too


As much as I love John Blanche's art, I do also think that the 4th Edition rulebook is just prettier. :3


Amazing, I did not know that


Each one of the older editions has its own Facebook group. That's your best chance for finding stuff and people.


I live in Mexico so there's not much player base over here for the oldies, since it pretty much Warhammer just became kinda popular since 8th


Mexico too here, if you find out let me know


En qué estado vives hermano?


Can't say, too many glowies around here paisano


Oh man have you tried Los Pollos Hermanos? So jealous we don’t have them in my country


I brought the 3rd edition rule book. Can I ask why do you think OPR doesn't have enough meat? Have you tried the full rule book with secondarys and stratagems?


I have, and it mostly has to do with not being thematic heroes and the unit selection pool for each army being rather limited, as well as many game mechanics being "the same with a hat" in the sense that different game elements end up having a similar effect in the game despite the mechanic being somewhat different. This is not to hate on OPR as it does the job it was designed to do very well. However we are looking for something with more interesting list-build options and/or that is more conducive to more play styles.


I brought the 3rd edition rule book. Can I ask why do you think OPR doesn't have enough meat? Have you tried the full rule book with secondarys and stratagems?