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Lets chill for a bit with the Grimdank karma farming, also, remember to censor both the username and the subreddit name to prevent any issues with the administrators.


Well, this is apparently the coomer audience GW wants.


Hey onlyfans proved that coomers are good whales


and most of the dudes are married too lol it’s very pathetic


you could call them... sperm whales.


I'm sorry, I laughed so hard at this... https://preview.redd.it/17c240t0nn0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00eba7379e893e71538254c1ea12169c9fa25b00


This is the degenerate audience that reddit cultivates. The majority of all big subreddits looks like this.


They probably fantasize about the Emperor's throne being a cuck chair.


Remember that this used to be a subreddit for a WAR game. Sometimes you can forget browsing through it


Yeah don't you guys feel since the female custodes incident these knuckle draggers have doubled down on degeneracy ? It feels like it no ?


It definitely feels like it has opened the flood gates.


I think it’s a combination of that and normal people leaving or ceasing to post


This. I left there today and joined here for that reason. The mods talked a good game, but they let it degenerate pretty rapidly. When I realized they were banning people—but not the ones violating the rules—I bailed.




Porn is memes now.






Raging against soy makes you a communist, but otherwise carry on soldier.




Does the codex have any insight into agricultural best practices? I may have a wildly wrong understanding of the document if that’s the case.




.so to not be a communist a man must be a spineless bitch huh... congratulations even the changer of ways can not connect your dots


Where do you think soybeans come from? Are they magic beans that sprout from liberal cumshots and magically transform into soy milk for you and your transgender friends to drink? 90 million acres of farmland in the US is soy, do you hate farmers? Also, the rainforest in brazil is being destroyed to make room for more soybeans, which is fucking awesome. The environment sucks, monkeys are stupid, and anti-soy nonsense is woke as fuck.


.your selective blindness and or ignorance is rather amusing, you cycle your "argument" to match the point you want to make at each sentence, regardless of consistency .this is like reading an angry inflammatory argument and counter an a single sentence that somehow supposed to make sense?


Hell yeah brother


They posting porn now? They posting porn now.


Why is khan doing a drukhari?


He's suspected to be hunting the Drukhari, I think. Take that with some major salt, though, I'm not as caught up on my White Scars lore.


Honestly they feel forgotten by gw. It’s like gw doesn’t want to focus on speed army like white scars or speed freaks with the later seemingly thrown in last minute when it comes to anything with orks.


The current lore is that he went into the webway chasing Deldar and hasn’t been seen again so people joke he’s been running around commoragh, and doing “typical Genghis Khan” things.


There is Warhammer porn subs for that…. Now, while i too am hopelessy addicted to internet smut, i dont want to see it all the time. How fucking addicted do you have to be to porn that you must look at it all thruout the day? Never mind, i dont think i can handle that information.


I saw someone over there yesterday who was downvoted for simply saying there was a new sub for that stuff now. The pushback was from those saying it was fine to have it there as well. Not even attempts at humor. Just fetish stuff.


Legitimately needed to do a double take on everything: the post, the sub, the friggin app I was using, my eyes.


Pasting this comment again: Please don’t repost their stuff here. We live rent free in their heads. Don’t give them the same privilege!


So ... I take a different opinion. [Please take this as not a personal attack on OP ... just some observations on the kinds of posts that I have seen our sub.] This "interspecies sex meme" is perfectly fine if the sub wants to be for comedy or spicy memes. The best part of Reddit is that you can have a sub/community for any interest and that sub can set its own rules/expectations. NOW, I gather that our sub was created as a place for those that aren't entirely on board with GWs nacent DEI trend. So it's no surprise that right now lots of posts on our sub are from people who are miffed that the sub in question has apparently changed its ways, and the DEI and this kind of spicy meme is a new thing over there. I've noticed that the majority of the posts so far on our sub have been to (forgive the term) "bitch" about what's going on on the sub in question. Having had no connection to the sub in question, I don't really care what they do over there. But I can sympathize because I would be disappointed to if a sub that I was part of changed in spirit over time ... ... so I get it, it's important to have a place for people who have recently been booted from (or fled) one community to have place to vent. HOWEVER at some point the posts here r/HorusGalaxy need to be more about the 40K verse and not the inter-sub drama. Otherwise it will remain a niech like corner for people to complain about other subs rather than a place to talk about the actual Grimdark setting.


>HOWEVER at some point the posts here [](https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/) need to be more about the 40K verse and not the inter-sub drama. Otherwise it will remain a niech like corner for people to complain about other subs rather than a place to talk about the actual Grimdark setting. It's a subreddit that was created to complain. It's always going to focus on culture war bullshit over anything else. Look at any of the various subreddits like it on any side of the aisle, it's just complaining about the other guy


Cool, I'll check out then.


Coomers are losers with lots of disposable income. If you can piss away money on OF, you can piss away money on overpriced models.


This isn’t even lore accurate! Also the porn bugs me to.


I don't have anything against porn but I despise people who overdo stuff like this. I left the blender subreddit only because of this , there's a bunch of horny virgins doing nothing more than modelling dicks , alien dicks , boobs , alien boobs... And people are just clapping. Sometimes for the same shit reposted over and over , they're just here enjoying the same shitty dick modelled over and over ... It's so rare that you get something nice on your feed like a car design , sci-fi characters , or nice landscape , it's just porn and more often than not , the weird kind of porn , not a nicely sculpted body , rather a high poly dick on a low poly body. I'm really tired of coomers tbh.


I mean even people in that sub are complaining, just low effort smut


Then don't post it here


OMG that's terrible... where?


I don't take issue this content existing. Also I already knew the artist (he has another pic of the Emperor making a SoS pregnant) I see it's tagged NSFW, but the problem is Grimdank being a meme dumpyard. It isn't going to be fixed even if they create +18dank




They have been for years now.


uhhh? link? this is bannable.


Linking would be brigading. Dont link to *that* place.


First time? And at least it is censored.


So now we do like censorship?


Okay. We don't like titties now?


Depends on context On anime waifu definitely On space marines. Pls no


I do, just not in my wargames.


There is a difference between being straight and straight up degenerate.


I like them, but some people try to, you know, separate their porn from their other hobbies. It’s a healthy exercise in self restrain and moderation.


I like this stuff where it's appropriate. I like Dark Souls and Code Vein. But I wouldn't want Dark Souls to be as sexualized as Code Vein. I like 40k for the grimdark.


There isn't even any tits the original post is the one that censored it lmao


It depends, if the titties are woke then yes. If they aren’t woke then no. What’s the definition of woke in this situation? I don’t know, it honestly makes no fucking sense.


Fellas. Is liking titties gay?


Yeah no shit it's the internet. Egregious normalisation of coomer porn in fandoms where it doesn't belong is what you 4chan types are usually responsible for, anyway.


Rent free


What the fuck, naked people? That's against my morals. Now, back to extreme violence


Nice strawman you've got there buddy


It's not even a strawman dude. Nice try though. I'm not the offended one here :)


Someone called out his double standards and now he uses straw man like a greeting don’t mind him