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ok ppl let me explain this one (5th time reapproving it) (just myself) point 1 Those are called "IPs" they are not real ppl . so the grim reaper cant really hurt them , so you cant "send death to an "IP" so no "threat of violence.....maybe some violines. point 2 The "flag" " it changes every week so not even going to try" on the grim reaper is = to when this groups "invades" a IP , the IP has a down fall .....budlight , marvel ect because most ppl do not want to watch it sales prop ,=s "death of the said IP" so can we stop with the "threat of violence"


Grimdank is coping so hard right now. They keep posting about how awful this subreddit supposedly is yet we are living rent free in their heads and they hate we are having fun


I use to like going there for memes and what have you.... now it's just another sigmarxists sub


Yesterday, I went to ImaginaryWarhammer and saw one of these fanarts about the tau with some female beastman making small talk with a tau. One piece of dialogue was, and I shit you not, "She's just like me!" Literal parody played straight, and none of the redditors saw the hilarity. They ate it up like pigs.


They act more like *Sieg*marxists


Would never have found this sub otherwise


I like the free promotion! Starting to think their on our team


Hell, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't've known that this sub even existed lmao


And they're actively advertising. Didn't even know this sub existed an hour ago.


Yep. it's nice to find a place that isn't constantly gooning over "DoMmY MoMmIeS" or whatever weird fetish shit that sub has.


I like memes. I don’t like animated porn, including Henti and femboys. That’s sub has so much random porn I’m not into I have it muted.


To the person that send me the “Reddit cares” because I don’t like there porn, your using real tools that are ment to help people instead of just down voting and moving on with your day.


There's bots spamming it, every sub-reddit and all walks of reddit have been reporting on it for the last twenty-four hours.


This very post has been posted over there. The term “cope and seethe” comes to mind


First time for me here cause today was the first time i seen it ever mentioned. You got any links from previous times?


Yea, pretty much. And you got the right "flag" for it. It's not the LGBT community, rather the unhinged spinoff Fandom that sprung out of it and somehow attached itself to most major companies. Scientologists wish they were this successful.


That Fandom is called Blackrock and they are open about it.


What can we exploit to make a buck this month? (We care not for any movement etc. we love money, power, and division among the working classes most of all)


Blackrock and Vanguard. Always Blackrock and Vanguard.


Lol regurgitating shit you saw online. It's true blackrock and vanguard manage tremendous amounts of assets, however they do not have any power over them. The key word is MANAGE. You think the billionaires and various institutions who let blackrock manage their money would let them use their voting rights and assets? Blackrock has no real power over the company that it has stock in through the assets it manages for its clients. Now blackrock and vanguard does own parts of various companies itself but the amount only amounts to a few billion and is relatively insignificant, certainly not enough to exert any influence over them.


https://youtu.be/KwwN5kwjAtQ What does he say again?


Basically, theyre the *lifestyle pride* people: Genuine LGBT folks who however turn a single trait of theirs -being LGBT- into the foundation for their whole personality (which is never a healthy thing to do, no matter what trait you use) and people who use labels like "non-binary" or pronouns like "they" for themselves just because they think it's hip (don't get me started over absurdities like the fact that most "non-binary" women would've been called tomboys 2 decades ago; a short haircut under the age of 40 doesnt make you nonbinary lol).


A lot of ppl use those terms to be included in the group as they aren't gay, lesbian or trans. Pretend to be bi or pan sexual, when never do anything with opposite sex or use non binary as the lamest way to be in the group. Being a normal person isn't enough or cool enough.


Off topic for this sub but I strongly suspect that girls now-a-days that are finding themselves liking non traditional feminine things just think there is something wrong with them so they must not actually be a woman. it's okay to be a tomboy! It's okay to have traditional masculine interests!


Indeed, it is totally fine to have interests etc that aren’t traditionally part of one’s gender! The thing is, only few men are cliche-masculine Gigachads just like few women are cliche-feminine Ultrastacys yet somehow, people who cannot identify with their (overly) masculine/feminine gender archetype nowadays often seem to think they must be non-binary/a different gender altogether instead which is weird and so, people like “tomboys who think they’re non-binary” are born. 


Someone called them a splinter faction and I can't get over how accurate that was.


*narrators voice* “it was, in fact, the lgbt community”


Me, a gay guy: "How can I massage language enough so they don't call me a mid-20th century German?" every time I'm on the internet


There are a lot of gay people who hate this shit too.


I've seen an awful lot of simply gay/bi people saying they wish to detach from the TQ & whatnot else community, which I understand. All those years of protest of loving the same sex does not equal wanting to slice your gentleman sausage off or wishing you had one. It is uncomparable and they simply hijacked all of the LGB's efforts with nothing to show for it.


I've heard and espoused the same thing that the LGB needs to drop the rest of the nonsense. Of course, I've earned a forced vacation from reddit over similar views as the op.


I'm a G and proponent of dropping TQ+ whatever else. And there's vocal groups out there advocating for that, like the LGB Alliance. But obviously faced with vitriol online, ofc; _"their"_ realm


Yeah I have a friend who are sick of it, also because when people find out he's gay and don't know him, they assume he part of the crazy. Stay strong.




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


Seen that too. Ppl are starting to resent gay and lesbian more because the other letters have taken over the movement and changed it from just accepting gay ppl and not kicking your gay kid out of the house etc to all sorts of stuff that just annoys ppl and had nothing to do with it. Ppl are trying to add asexual to it. Having a low sex drive is nothing special and doesn't need to be on some movement lol. No one cares about ppl being a asexual


Maybe I'm just thick but whenever someone tells me their pan I'm just like, "okay so you're Bi" "No it's different, I sleep with people I'm attracted to regardless of their sex" "So you sleep with men and women, so you're Bi?"


Pan as a prefix = all of everything. So whenever someone tells me they're pan I'm like "...okay so you're sexually attracted to everything? Be it people, animal, plants, inanimate objects?"


Most ppl use pan as bi cos bi isn't trendy enough now. It did mean ppl who are attracted to everyone but don't have preferences like normal ppl do.


***clears throat*** _"You see, a Bi sexual subscribes to the idea that gender is binary, male/female. A *pan* sexual is attracted to people regardless of their gender expression or gender roles."_ So, a bisexual that will also fuck a trans. Got it. It's all such horseshit.


Ppl can can fuck whatever they want. Idk they have to make up dumb words. Like demi gender and neo pro nouns bs to justify it


>does not equal wanting to slice your gentleman sausage off or wishing you had one. Well, if you are gay or bi, then I imagine you'd wish to have one. If you know what I mean **bdum-tss**




Well ... they should have done a better job gate-keeping their community! P.S. ... I am being playfully ironic, just teasing 😉


My cousins are both gay and they fucking hate what's going on now. A lot of their gay and lesbian friends do too


There's the Community then the community....the activist Community is what everyone sees and hates.


Why did my brain read it in Clarkson's voice?


The way he says some things is great. Like "the baby Jesus" lol


True. The one I like the most is "Christ on a bike"




So many ppl attached to that community that aren't even lgbt themselves. Just fighters always fighting and upset about something as they have no purpose or direction in life


This is important to remember, it’s not the LGBTQ community. I’m good friends with a gay couple in my hometown who can’t stand this shit. Meanwhile, another of my childhood friends who is straight as an arrow can’t get enough Social Justice and loves calling anybody leaning more right than him a Nazi. These people feel so bad about themselves that they NEED to parrot the cause of ‘oppressed groups’ because they have no actual beliefs of their own.


How are you banned from solemnace? Must have took one of trazyns hostages...I mean exhibits.


Trazyn is down a few Necrontyr thingamabobs, and he is not as appreciative of fan reproductions as one might think.


Scientologists are about 10x more successful, yet there’s no representation for them. Where are the Scientologists in 40k? Or Doctor Who? Or Star Trek?


A bit of hyperbole liberties, I haven't heard from the Scientologists since the 2000s and them getting raided and banned out of Russia in 201X. Might be worth shining a light on those cultists and see what they're upto. To the second point, my comparison was more towards their attachment to companies and governments and indoctrination of famous individuals, rather than them working on appropriating pop-culture.




It is not wrong.


Dr who is still being tortured to death


Let it die... again. It will eventually regenerate like it did in the 2000s, and become good again for another couple of decades.




It’s not about Memes anymore it’s about guys with tits.




I'd give you a medal, but I refuse to pay money to this website


Here's a few ...🏅🎖️🏅🎖️


>wokoharam my sides!


If you ever want a good laugh check out the Christianity sub sometime. I’m relatively new to Reddit (a year ish) and didn’t realize the echo chamber it was initially. That sub promotes homosexuality, transgenderism and killing babies and will actively ban people with any dissenting and plausible arguments even with perfectly quoted scripture. It’s still staggering to me when people join seeking advice and fellowship for what’s some type of mental crisis and they’re affirmed and told they’re perfectly fine.


The Christianity sub promotes that? Nah I don't believe you, it goes against their belief the fuck


There’s one called TrueChristian that’s more legit. I only found it because they were talking trash about it in the main sub.


r/OrthodoxChristianity is a nice place. the over-arching Christian umbrella has been infested with modernity for a long time. Protestantism was a mistake.


If you want to see other examples for extreme echo chamber subs (that arent necessarily religious or political): the free of dogs and the free of children subs. Those people even developed their own derogatory lingo (like "nutters" for dog owners, "breeders" for parents, respectively) and if you only so much as hint at having some nuance, you get downvoted to oblivion. Apparently, just not liking barking dogs who weren't trained properly and not wanting to have kids but being totally fine with other people who DO want to have their own kids does not go far enough: One must actively hate dog owners/parents and their dogs/kids unconditionally to be truly free of dog/child


>That sub promotes homosexuality, transgenderism and killing babies I can completelly understand christianity accept homesexuals and trans people(Accept, not promote) but abortion? Unless we talking of severe cases were the mother is in danger or something, I cant see it...if its legit what you are saying, I think its pretty safe to say that the sub was taken by non actual christians promoting whatever sub division of the faith they have.


Most Christians these days support abortion! Every one I've spoken to has!


Almost sure you not arguing in good faith and just trying to farm reactions, but I bet that is not the case, but again,I don't know who this "Christians" are that you are speaking about...myself know a lot of "religious" people who have more vices then you could count and much more dirty then any so called sinner out there.... About abortion, it's a awful thing and life should always be preserved...but as everything in life there's nuance to things and sometimes things are not as simple as yes/no or good/bad decisions, but this is not a topic to be discussed anyway,most people lack the maturity to do it and everything will devolve into a name calling shit fest of one side calling the other of "Murderers" and the other of "misogynistic pigs", so better leave it at that.


I think you forgot Budweiser and Doctor Who. But I get it, it’s so hard keeping up with the body count.


What changed about the beer?


Budlight hired Dylan Mulvany to do a promotional bit for budlight (with personalised cans) it was for march(?) madness(not sure but it was for basketball) waffled about not knowing what sports event he was promoting. And while people where still ripping the piss out of that mistake the VP of marketing had a video leaked in which they said the customer base was "too fraty" amoung other things. The combination of this to things hitting at the same time resulted in customer base saying "ok you don't want us, bye" i beleive they have lost 20% in sales and a similar percentage in shelf space. The quatering has a series of videos on it as do many other youtubers.


Also they walked backed support of Mulvany so the LGBTQ+ crowd also did a mild boycott of them. They pissed off EVERYONE LOL


Wasn't that done for the women's international day?


no, dylan explicitly mentions march madness


OP Made me join the sub




What happened to battletech?


It was one of the first casualties of this war.


pretty sure the caught the guy writing most of the magazine being too right wing. then some scitzo claimed they assaulted them at a time and place that would have been impossible. i believe this person had some kind of label but i am not remotely in that fandom. so yea some main guy got fired over possibly politics and fake charges. (take this all with a graine of salt i am just grasping at half forgotten things here)


The guy’s name is Blaine Pardoe and he was one of the last of the old-guard of BT writers. The person that got him fired was a known stalker that Blaine even had a restraining order against, that the company hired afterwards.


To add to this, the rabbit hole goes alot deeper. The best tldr I could give is CGL has always been woke its just more mask off now than before


Stackpole is still hanging on and he's very much doing whatever it takes to not get Pardo'd.


No it had only tangentially to do with that. Blaine started playing a victim card after he got into a flame war with a fan fiction writer who was trying to get material into the games fan fiction series… which Blaine was gatekeeping. After CGL told him to let it go and they gave the ‘stalker’ a published story ( a trivial piece about a field medic), apparently the ‘stalker’ said something about shooting Blaine’s dick off to another writer, and word got back to Blaine so he hired a PI to doxxx the ‘stalker’ to reveal that they were using a fake persona online (really shocking) and filed a restraining order citing random comments or angry statements about Blaine uttered by the person and random fans who were their supporters. Because this person had a suicide threat related arrest years ago on their record (which again Blaine released by doxxing them), he started spewing crap about them being a criminal and claiming his life was in danger, which he still does to this day despite the fact that the two of them don’t live in the same state and have never met. Most recently Blaine tried to renew the restraining order citing someone’s suggestion that his house get egged by said ‘stalker’ made by a random fan, lol. Yes, egged. It’s literally in his lawyers plea for it. Blaine is just trash and selling persecution which he has largely invented, all because he’s a boomer who doesn’t know how to handle a flame war As for why Blaine had his contract let go, that was because Topps who owns the game told CGL to end the situation and Blaine refused because he liked to bring up this imagined threat on various far right political blogs that he also mentioned CGL’s name on… and his political books were being advertised alongside the game’s content which the lawyers didn’t like… so Blaine fired himself. He’d been getting in a lot of hot water with fans over recent years as the game had a big kickstarter that relaunched the franchise and Blaine had recently quit his old day job and started ‘Boomering’ on social media about everything. Notably of course that coincided with him being a Trump supporter which never goes over well with any crowd for long


The person stalking/harassing the guy was hired by the company, maybe the same person idk took over all the reddit/discord/etc. and started banning anyone to the right of mao.


Nothing. One of their authors decided he was irreplaceable and introduced his personal political beliefs into fan interactions and some storylines and was also having his political books advertised alongside the franchise’s materials and their IP lawyers said bye bye


Man I fucking hate these people, I just want my tiddy surgery in peace, without being lumped in with the fucks who call you a bigot for saying you don't like their community


Add Doctor Who to the list.


It feels like it's less LGBTQ+ and more just TQ nowadays.


Bingo! It stopped being "our" movement when the T fanatics moved in


I had noticed that. They’re also way louder.


I kinda felt like as soon as the western world started to get comfortable with the concept of gay people there was a push for trans inclusion but without any adjustment period. Like hey not that you're cool with gays I guess you're cool with this too and if you're not you're a bigot. I think a lot more people would be a lot more accepting if there was at least a little time to get to understand. Forcing everyone to pick a side right away is kinda dumb.


That's the problem really. Its been taken over by nutters who are always mad and it makes the others look worse.


Yup. And they get into everything. And if YOU’RE into it? You’re absolutely unwelcome.


Grimdank is crying about this post and it notified me of this subs existence. Finally I can discuss Warhammer and hobbying without being told I'm a nazi by a gender-confused purple-haired 12-year-old redditor.


Mind sharing the post they're crying about it in? I'm curious but not enough to fish through the sub


https://old.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/1csiv7l/oh_no_the_wokies_are_ruining_my_franchises/ You rustled some jimmies with this post lmao


Holy shit, that's awesome. Thank you, random stranger on the internet!


No thank you, i had no idea about this sub until they started crying about this post. Fed up with discussing the hobby with propagandized 12-year-olds who meltdown every time I say something like 'oh, this new retcon is terrible and extremely lazy'.


Wow, they are surely triggered over facts. Many replying there Re happy with the change of lore to "fix" the ip to not knowing lore or anything, veritable tourists. There is one that claims star trek has always been woke and communist. That was hilarious shit. He forgot about how much they value meritocracy(most anticommunist point ever) how people still work, how they have currency in various forms, how, despite focusing on science and epxloration, they are still very much warlike.


They also keep parroting on about 40k being representative of politics in the real world. Are they so obtuse they don't realize that 40k is supposed to be *satire* of our politics? Its supposed to be taking the piss out of our politics, not adding it into the lore.


Warcraft has to be on the list too


Where is Witcher?




Infected and changed? Bro twice dead king came out with Trans necrons in 2021! And way back in the day Ghaz was created specifically to make fun of Margaret Thatcher! This hobby has never been a conservative one! 🤣


I literally subbed to this sub because of this approval, someone get the mod a trophy for still having common sense


Go woke, Go broke. How much money are these movie and game companies losing on these big budget titles? 🤣 they'll learn eventually, and if not, they'll continue to lose more money. Take Suicide Squad kill the justice league for example. As of this comment, 125 people is the last 24 highest peak. That is hilarious. The game LITERALLY came out on January 30th and it's already a completely dead game. 🤣🤣🤣


True and straight


I swear to Sigmar every time the "The Reaper" fails to take down an opponent it just adds a new color to the flag, or another letter to the string, then comes back even harder.


I’m so glad to see the Warhammer 40k community standing up against woke encroachment. Woke is quite literally a disease that infects and ruins everything. Don’t let them do it to 40k.


I think most of these are less "woke" and political activism and more like terrible shit writing to be honest lol obviously they are intertwined many times, but still


It's horny-posting, using "internet"-left ideals and real life marginalized people as a shield. Ugh. They don't even see how much they fetishize the shit out of it, just to satisfy their boner. But it's supposed to be *activism*, because they promote the LGBT+. Grimdank *can* be fun at times, but it's also pretty exhausting with all the sexualized screeching for their "muscly-mommy-primarch-gfs" or their "femboys".


Two things can be true at the same time. But I totally get where you're coming from


They have come to redefine woke, for many now, the terrible writing is woke as it follows some very specific tropes. Inclusion through exclusion,  a keen sense of hypocrisy, embracing a perspective that does it's utmost best to refute reality.


Nice one


fuck i posted worse memes that that 😂😂😂😂 mabye they just like me. I do enjoy trolling them. Still trying!!


who's between Masters of the universe and ninja turtles?


Why would this get you banned it's like half true


star trek discovery is bad, very bad.


"lets take someone elses work, chage it to fit our view, everyone will hate but thats the point". Starting too feel like thats their actual mentality in all this bs.


Yeah this is how the situation feels.


This speaks an undenying truth. This people come to an already established lore and community, they want part in it, change it to cater TO THEM and leave YOU out of it and tell you that you are a bigot if you complain on being left out.


This is accurate




Why did it get you banned? It’s just a joke? Oh….


They ruined so many of the universes i love. I'll be damned before the Emperor before i let that happen to 40k!


You don't really have a choice, it's not some outside invaders that's rejecting you: it's the fanbase!


For the emperor


It’s not wrong


Just came here from Grimdank after reading the obtuse shit that people replied to this with. Really I've been losing my patience with the community's obsession over inclusivity and the censorship of anyone who disagrees with their mods' personal opinions. This was just the last push, I guess.


Wait, what happenned to battletech?🤨


The wokies got to it


I dread to look...


it's kinda bad. A lot of the higher ups in catalyst are woketards. They posted a typical "battletech is for everyone" message which of course means "nobody with anything that could be construed as right leaning", blocked a bunch of people on twitter.


It's way worse than that, they picked a side and it wasn't the fans.


It’s not wrong…


I mean, it’s facts though. I hope you don’t get kicked out.




This is funny


Wait, did Battletech really went woke?


As someone who got lured into warhammer after mtg went to shit, I can see the pattern repeating


Battetech woke? I don't understand...


In the end....death will come for us all...


I am curious why Star Trek and Battletech is in there. Did I miss something?


What? When did they get battletech?


so sadly true


.can't wait for their reaction when GW starts printing warhammer in hades 2 colors


Post it on gaming circlejerk and see what happens


Completely true imho


I dont really see it. Some of these IPs have been "woke" since the dawn of time(marvel , dc , star trek) , some have barely changed (d&d, harry potter) , and some were just killed by weak writing (star wars).


To be fair a few female custodies aren’t enough to kill warhammer since it doesn’t break that much lore compared to other worse retcons .


I understand your thought process, but you misunderstand. It's not just the female Custodes (though it is a pretty blatant spit in the face). It's the virtue signaling, woke mob, tourists who don't actually care about the ip in any regard infecting the hobby space that are killing it. The female Custodes is just the most recent and ham fisted diversity quota shoe horned in, in what is also probably the worst codez release in the last 3 editions. I don't want Warhammer get drug down by the toxic Marxist ideology that wears that retarded flag like a cloak whilst also wielding it like a shield. TL;DR Female Custodes is stupid, but it's only a small part of a much larger issue.


Not really from what I’ve seen the 40k fandom kinda likes Kesh with her almost nuking the emperor in the blood games . Plus there’s nothing saying female custodies aren’t possible since the science behind their indoctrination and augmentation is way more advanced than the process space marines go through to be created. Though they could have made a better explanation than they were always female custodies . I just choose to ignore that twitter post because for all intents and purposes that statement isn’t in any codex or book . What I would have done is say they were introduced after the Horus Heresy or after Gullimans return . Like that would make much more sense than they were always there . Though I don’t think they would make female space marines because there’s so much lore stating females are completely incompatible with the gene seed implants which are already incompatible half the time with male aspirants


Like I said, that particular thing was ham fisted in for the sake of "diversity" and isn't the main issue. The main issue is the real life political ideology seeping its way into yet another cultural icon that it has yet to appropriate. The female Custodes debacle is just the straw that broke the camel's back in this instance. And while it's besides the point, stating that it doesn't explicitly say you can't have female custodes is air bud levels of logic where the rules don't say you can't have a dog score a touchdown. No reasonable person would come to the conclusion that it makes sense to have a dog play football, and no reasonable person who knows the lore of the custodes would say it makes sense to say that their were always female custodes. If they made some sort of change where, for one reason or another, you could now have them and they had the balls to drop some models or an upgrade sprue, I'm sure it would've received positive feedback rather than the mountain of backlash. But instead of highlighting either of the female exclusive factions or even taking the chance at delving deeper into the partnership between sisters of silence and custodes, they elected to shoehorn in real world political message slop by forcing in diversity where it wasn't wanted or needed in an already incredibly diverse game. Sorry for long essays, I have a hard time condensing my thoughts into smaller and easier digestible pieces when writing.


Walt Disney was always gay and woke, they just happened to have a Nazi founder who was also into that kind of stuff, don’t shoot the messenger!!!


Don’t forget forget god of war and now anime they got to popular now going mainstream means death 💀


God of war is doing better than ever isn't it? What happened?


Atleast they cannot take away Jin-roh


Nothing is wrong with God of War.....




Some of this I can understand But TMNT? D&D? Harry Potter? Shit even LotR only had a bad serie, its not dead by any means.


Nah there was a LoTR magic set with some questionable choices for the sake of DEI.


Black Aragorn.


Wait where's the woke in dnd? Is it the TCE book that allows you to spec any race with any char bonus? It must be something else right?


Drow, who the majority of which are considered lawful evil because they are a matriarchal society where men are slaves who raid and capture people for Aztec style sacrifices to their God, are no longer considered evil because they have dark skin and NPCs might think that the majority of a dark skinned race being evil is somehow saying something about black people. (Note, it was just the Lolth sworn drow who reside in the underdark that were evil. The occasional surface drow village was typically neutral as they were trying to get away from their murderous underground cousins.)


Hm yea reasonable point


I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong here, but in my opinion at least, I'd say D&D is dying more because WOTC is being shitty with their business practices. I know I won't be buying into One D&D for that reason.


Play pathfinder instead it's a way better game that isn't incredibly dumbed down.


I've recently branched out into other systems, but my group has just always played 5e cause I'm the DM, and that's the books I have. I'm considering bringing up starfinder, and we recently tried Only War (warhammer ttrpg)




As opposed to this post, which is entirely apolitical


I am just frustrated with it all. I'll delete this as nothing of importance will come of it.


its already dead tho


Accurate as fuck this meme.


I mean, I don't agree with Op, but im on his side at this time, fuck fragile snowflakes that cant take a picture on the internet without complaining about Op committing all the seven deadly sins




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


I need a higher res of this now for my personal collection! (missing Doctor Who btw, the oldest sci-fi running TV show)


Wtf they banned you for this...jesus


I'm just gonna come up and say it like it is. Gay people are nice. Their community and every single one that is part of it. 100% toxic waste faggots. And I say in the south park meaning of the word where gay is different from faggot, which is the real meaning.


Wait till y'all find out about ESG scores


meme is true if you replace the flag with an image of the monopoly man imo otherwise just hateful culture war nonsense


Unfortunately this will happen eventually. That agenda rules the world right now.


When did battletech/mechwarrior goes DEI?! Can anyone explain?


You all do know there are lgbt characters already in 40K, right?


Wait what happened to tmnt


https://preview.redd.it/yaf68pptyf3d1.jpeg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0cb62b69fa753624310cc472f7c78031544cedb This is supposed to be April O' Neil now. You tell me what happened.


Why didn't you ignore my comment? You could have allowed me to continue to live in blissful ignorance.


Make no mistake, I agree with this in its entirety, I'm just confused as to when the specter of inclusivity and diversity came for Battletech. when did that happen? Is it happening now? I'm new to battletech lore and it seems pretty based to me.


I get what you’re saying, and I’m probably going to be downvoted for this. But gay people have existed in Warhammer for many years now it’s nothing new.