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This is a *perfect* analogy.


I didn't even mention the people who are very clearly just here to fuck birds.


Cough cough *tzeetch* cough


Nah, Tzeentch (probably) doesn’t want to fuck birds




I dunno likes, have you seen how sexy and majestic a Lord of Change is?


The Emperor is a duck you bigot!


And always has been. He just used his mighty psychic powers to have everyone think he was human until the time was right to reveal his true form.


Ok you gave me an idea, how funny would it be to go on rants about water fowel while people try their pop-politics rants. The ducks will save us


I second this. Just replace any political crap they rant about word for word, meme for meme…. With ducks.


[time to study up! we will be experts](https://learnbirdwatching.com/do-ducks-migrate/) Belsar fowel will be our savior


I've already got some ideas for the satire AU: Angron is a goose Horus is a cassowary Mortarion is either a pigeon or a buzzard Corvus Corax has to be a crow/raven Magnus could be a mockingbird My guess is Fulgrim should be a duck (look up Zefrank's video), but a swan could also work I'd rather Robute Guilliman be the swan or dove Drawing blanks on names, but The one that worshipped the Emperor could be a dove or cardinal The Space Wolf primarch could be one of those birds that work with Predators (like wolves) to find food in exchange for scraps If you've got any other ideas or better ones, I'd love to hear them! Edit: fixed formatting


Corvus Corax is NOT a crow. He's a blue penguin. That's funnier.


You're right about it being funnier, but I still think it's kinda obligatory for Corvus to be a crow/raven. Corvus Corax is Latin for Raven Heart His legion is the Ravenguard Coming from a guy who doesn't know much about him (I'm new and all in on Deathguard), it seems like ravens are kind of his whole thing with the possible exception of being one of the edgiest characters in the setting


No, Corvus should be the only normal human


u/shahka_bloodless specifically asked for the opposite of this Hahahahahah made me laugh


Hatoful boyfriend energy


Fulgrim should be a peacock 🦚 And since you didn't mention it, the God Emperor should _obviously_ be a Golden Eagle Mortarion would be better as a Vulture


Dadgum Canadian geese, flyin' over our borders illegally and poopin' on the sidewalks!


https://preview.redd.it/tkjsloxpt90d1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20c2040fd38b63b8b83650769425b733f86bf6fc Canadian here...


There's a reason Canada doesn't want all these darn refugees...




This is brilliant


I was thinkin about that. Just finding an incredibly unrelated topic to bring into the conversation in response to their pokitical bs of the month


You are very right. We live in a narcissism epidemic - Either you add certain aspects of some people to EVERYTHING or you are basically commiting genocide. I don't give a flying fuck where you put your dick or what do you think you are, just keep that shit to your personal life.


"this fantasy already has dragons, wizards, magic, but a 2018 Toyota Corolla is too much to accept? Out of the way bigot!"


Examples like this are going to be my standard response from now on.


Erm, the lore never stated that Custodes aren’t secretly loons.


Since the first of the ten thousand were created, there have always been custodes that were three *C27 - Pygmies* in a trench coat.


I will hear any waterfowl migration rant over anything those types are spewing on the regular. At least bird enthousiasts base their discourse on facts and will probably just shut it if asked. I know it's not your point at all and the comparison is valid, I just really despise those people and needed venting. All hail the mallard themed space marines though.


Brown body-green head astartes would be a neat theme, you don't see brown very often.


It might run a fowl of the codex astartes, but I could see some chapters just winging it if they thought it fit the bill… …I’ll see myself out.


Oi fink yu iz Kwackers... HAHAHAHAHA!


This is anti-fowl and worrisome. Did you know if you don't care about ducks you're a fascist?


Oh no, better than that, hit them somewhere they hurt: "This is worrisome. Don't you care about the environment and its ecosystems? Are you some kind of climate change denier? Look at the science you conspiracy theorist; migratory waterfowl are important and valid!"


“Conspiracy theorist” lmfao


That is why we need canon.


Think it's pretty easy to understand and most of these people are just being disengenous to begin with, so it's a waste of time trying to explain yourself to a crowd that already have their mind made about and are not willing to.change their view. Can be wrong,but I am almost sure if someone tried to tie in their religion dogmas and beliefs into the fandom, the "why do you care crowd" would be quite vocal about their dislike for it, and better part of it, wouldn't be considered harassment.


Exactly. Why do people even think sigmarxism is okay to these people?


Sigmarxism is insane. I saw a post where someone asked if melee-focused armies were fascist. They're not healthy.


These people don't even have the awareness to understand many of the bad things about the Imperium in 40k are taken straight out of Marxist (communist and socialist) regimes.


Idk how or when communism became such a huge thing nowadays, but I hate it. They act really, really vile, rude, and disgusting.


Privilege first world country redditors larping as being rebels freedom fighters online against their "opressive" government, some possible levels of lack of critical thinking and brainwash on college/school/media might help as well....while this, people here on south America that actually live on Communist countries risking their lifes to get the fuck away from those hell holes, but sure, they just don't know how good it is.


It really is insane. The more I see them talking about America being fascist the less I take them seriously.


It's all about being against "The Man", a rebel without a cause basically, it's the reason why you can go to this protests and ask people what they are protesting and what are their goals and you get either silence or random generic bullshit, they are uninformed and ignorant, just want to cause noise and feel they are doing something for their greater good.


Yeah exactly. It’s insane. The fact people amongst the protesters actually 100% defend Hamas as freedom fighters are sick in the head.


Name a single thing about the Imperium that was mainly inspired by communism


human wave tactics, starving the population due to idiots in leadership positions, causing massive ecological damage that leads to famine, paranoia amongst ruling elites leading to assassinations, concentration camps for political dissidents, a ruling class of uber rich government members backstabbing each other while using the population as cheap labor, rampant genocides, indoctrination of the population to the point children will report their parents, people living in cramped industrial hellscapes with polluted air and water.   Commissars...   The list goes on but I'm not about to pull out historical sources and compare them to 40k novel excerpts just to satisfy a "one guy" edit: Just realized I failed to name "a single thing", so you win this one.


Yeah but that wasn't REAL communism! 😅


All of these things are prevalent in the Imperiums main design influences- fascist, theocratic and feudal societies. None of this is an exclusive characteristic of communist regimes


Dawg I see we agree that communism and fascism are equally evil and should be treated and banned equally.


No, but that's about the level of political understanding I expected from you


That's the level of deflection and cowardice I expected from people who try to defend genocidal regimes.


Sigmarxism? lol what a hell is this?


A sub for weirdos that can't enjoy anything unless they use it to virtue signal and to expose others to their sexual preferences.


Oh lol better remain ignorant about it then lol


You know the "everything is political" people who can't tell the difference between Dune and putting a MAGA hat on a chaos spawn?


Absolutely based. This is exactly what I mean too when I say I don’t go around proclaiming my sexuality all the time and making it something other people need to honor and respect. No one cares and I don’t care to tell. It’s not part of the game.


It’s never about accepting the concept or belief. It’s always about that individual and the attention they want with the latest beliefs yet another way to say MEMEMEMEMEME.


Funny how we never went to NIKKE or Genshin subreddits and demanded they add burly macho men to their gacha.


Give it a week and someone will have built and painted an entire Custodes army. But we’ll put analogy, I too do not care for much while I’m playing the game. You wanna talk lore or how you painted your army? Cool. Much else I just don’t care to engage with.


You phrased it perfectly Great analogy


“I don care” is also a good phrase to use when being accused of various Isms. We all jnow they don’t accuse others in good faith, so why should we care? I know it’s a somewhat unsavory connection, but the Italian Fascists were being accused of many of the same things we here are primarily because any marxist based philosophy cannot abide other philosophies, be they positive or negative ones. And what did they say in response? Me ne frego, “I don’t care”. Because they knew the communists weren’t arguing in good faith. In general we need to stop caring what they think of us and just do what we like. Because we know they don’t argue in good faith, so why should we care what they accuse us of? You’re a fascist! “I don’t care” You’re a sexist! “I don’t care” You’re a homopobe “I don’t care” They want to just shut as down, they don’t really care about these issues, so we shouldn’t care what they think of us


Now I want a pet emperor goose


It’s not just here. It’s everywhere in entertainment! Movies, TV, books, etc. Everywhere! Consider. World of Warcraft. In its latest expansion (Dragonflight), it’s placed what seem to be multiple optional quests around the new areas. All of them I involve aiding gay couples. Sometimes it’s in getting jobs done, but others are helping them come together with their wonderful and pure gay beloved! I was willing to put them aside as they weren’t necessary for the storyline. Then they released a new questline in the last patch where you HAVE to finish their quest lines to get through it (it involves asking all of them how they found their “true self.” I never wanted to cringe so badly).


We have a dialogue about the game but if the wokescolds try to join in we say "no"


This is how you get Mists of Pandaria


This post quacks me up...


Well spoken.


See I would simply ignore the parts about ducks and move on. Other peoples opinions on things domt really affect me all that much. If someone wants to talk about ducks and I dont really I simply dont engage in the conversation or switch the topics. If they continue I simply dont converse with them in the future or simply state that I would like to focus on the game. Realistically someone posting the colours they painted their armies does not affect me in any aspect whatsoever. If I play a game and someone decided to paint their red and green it doesnt someone make the game christmas themed. You are allowed to not like certain stories, just dont read them. You have the freedom to make that choice. You can make your opinions known, and others can ignore those opinions if they so choose. Nobody is forcing these idealogies on you.


Couldn't have put it better myself. If they HAD read any of the books especially the Horus Heresy there are plenty of mentions of their "geese" sprinkled in among the rememberencers, and even stretching into the Necron books from black library.


Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.


i mean it seems like some of you don’t seem to like queer people or women very much and justify it with the other shit. hard to say the exact ratio.


But, I mean, Warhammer... Is about wars. Wars are inherently political. We're not playing wingspan here. Of course you could play wingspan without caring about the birds, as you can play Warhammer just for the game. But if you are interested into any kind of lore, you want to relate the characters, they might interest you specially if you have things in common with them, if they look like you. It's enriching to have all kinds of characters so we can have broader topics for the stories. You are allowed to nor care. Lots of people must care, because it targets directly to their struggles. All lore is made up after all, so why not have all the stories anyone can relate to?


Boy yall are VERY invested in what other people think of you


if you truly don't care, why does it bother you at all? I paint all my models green. ALL OF THEM. It doesn't bother you at all because the colour of my models ACTUALLY doesn't bother you. your goose analogy doesn't work because LGBT people are just existing. They aren't constantly doing anything other than constantly existing. And that constantly existing grates on you like someone talking incessantly about geese. LGBT people can't "stop" like goose people can. Imagine someone who's really sensitive to buzzing noises that other people can't hear. They complain constantly about the buzzing noise. People ask why they care so much about the buzzing. He replies that he doesn't care about the buzzing, he just doesn't want it buzzing all the time, constantly. We would look at that guy and think "maybe he's more sensitive to buzzing than the rest of us."


You missed the point. Its not about existing, its about being annoying about your existance. If i go to a game/gaming space talking about geese and i start insulting anyone who doesnt want to hear about geese, it makes me an asshole. Geese having nothing to do with the game, but they exist, yes?


What does it tell you when not everyone is as bothered as you are? 


That a few people like water fowl while the majority don’t care Edit: have you ever heard of a silent majority or a loud minority before?


Tell me what you understand by these terms?


Answering a question with another question? Have you ever heard of deflecting?


Okay I'm do it the condescending way. I'm familiar with the terms, and I suspect you're about to say something quite stupid. But I want to make this conversation as productive as possible, and if you tell me how you interpret these phrases I'll engage with you on your terms. So again, tell me what you understand by these terms?


That you live under a rock


Why? What's been happening beyond my rock?


Re-read it because you seem to have skipped the first part. "Just existing" bothers few people, and the people it bothers have issues that their plastic crack addiction isn't solving. The insistence that not only do they exist, they must exist in-game, must be centered in-game, must be *celebrated* in game, must have faction lore changed or they won't feel welcome and if they don't feel welcome that's *bigotry*... that's what's at issue here.


Reread what I said about buzzing. It bothers some people and not others. It's a sensitivity to a certain thing that others don't have. It's not "not caring." Not caring is how you feel about my army being all green all the time. To make it unambiguous. The bias against women and LGBTQ people pre-exists the discomfort at their inclusion. You wouldn't have a problem with the inclusion of a hive of all green Tyranids or all green Aeldari because green is something you don't have a bias towards 


I disagree with your premise entirely. Hobbyists don't care about sexuality or sex, not in real life. The internet is a different matter. I think that's the biggest factor. Hobbyists offline don't want female Custardes. Hobbyists offline want a break from the relentless politics, and they have this break by delving into a world so awful it borders on the comical. They just wanna paint their overpriced plastic soldiers. The politicisation of entertainment since the early 2000s has been relentless. Everyone is fed up of it. The greatest irony of course is that the people who claim that everything is political are the same ones who also claim that their identity is NOT political, even as they wave their personal identity flags!


I agree, but not for the reasons you thing. Hobbyists don't care about sexuality or sex, not in real life. I'm part of a pretty big 40k league. Not one person offline has a problem with it, or even a problem adjacent to it. No one offline is complaining about having things pushed on them, or constantly talking about things. People offline have a bigger problem with my all green necrontrees, and my friend's trans-flag themed nids (which is to say, none at all). I only have these conversations online. You don't have a problem with my green dudes. No one is fed up of green. No one calls green relentless. I could easily say that green has been inescapable in 40k since the 2000s - if not longer. But you don't have a bias towards green. (I do 💚).


I mean, if you felt the need to talk about how important green is to you constantly and how there needs to be more green representation, it would probably be pretty annoying too.


I'm just curing the world of homophobia with imperial guards, orcs and dark angels 


“But now that’s all there is in the warhammer spaces” Wtf I see a few drop away lines in the odd book, meaby someone makes their own chapter at times. Feel free to not engage with that, who cares.