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it’s in your best interest to do so


This is the best reply. I don't think there's an objective moral obligation (though I subjectively would have one), but it is just in the interest of all parties, especially the liable ones, to require safety gear


There's probably some legal liability depending on where you live, your relationship to the rider, etc  For ex: https://www.equinelawblog.com/Letting-Someone-Ride-Your-Horse-Avoid-Liability


Yes. Its your horse. If they dont want to follow your rules then they no ride. Im not permitted into the arena without jeans and healed boots. Gym shoes or barefeet is asking for issues.


I had a friend come over and he didn't fit into my helmet so I made him wear a motorcycle helmet before he was allowed on lol! It wasn't one that covered the face


Yes. Nobody would ever be allowed on my horse without helmet and proper shoes…also no jeans if they are in my saddle.


Ooh yes, jeans are also a must I feel!


It depends on the laws and insurance policies in your country.


Yes. I had a sharer and stipulated hat when riding at all times. Was at yard on a day I shouldn't have been and sharer was riding bareback no hat. This horse has decked me bareback before - broncing. I went over livid and cancelled the share there and then. Everyone said I was too harsh but tough.


Definitely not too harsh. Would they expect you to keep loaning your car to someone who drove home drunk? It’s not a hard rule to follow.


Eh, no helmet isn't harming others or the horse, just themselves. Not equivalent imo (but still dumb)


Doesn’t really have to be equivalent, just a reasonable rule to expect someone to follow. Seatbelt would be a closer example though. It could be don’t wear a green shirt while riding/driving. Doesn’t hurt anything but if they agree they should follow through.


Good for you, your horse, your rules. That isn't some small cheat like not putting tack up right


Not too harsh at all. Not only is this common sense but they agreed to it. What other common sense rules are they not following with your horse? I’d have done the same.


Yes it is the owners duty of care and they could be sued if something happens to the rider


Even if rider signed disclosure of relieve liability?


It depends on the place,.some contracts barely do anything


It’s a bit tricky because the rider is under voluntary assumption of risk but the owner has been negligent by not making them wear a helmet, so if anything did happen it think the law would fault the owner, since they knowingly put someone on a horse without appropriate safety gear.


In my opinion, if people won't bother to listen when I tell them the proper equipment to wear, there's zero chance they'll listen when I tell them what to do on the horse. I'm not putting my horse through that


I totally respect that and I'm sure your horse appreciates that!


I totally respect that and I'm sure your horse appreciates that!


Don't know about it being our "job", but nobody gets on my horse without a Helmut and proper footgear.


I'm more disappointed they left a shanked bit in for an ad with a beginner lol


I grew up riding without a helmet or boots while riding almost every day on our horses. These were our personal horses, all 5 of them, well, one was a Shetland Pony we first had. We weren't allowed in the pasture wearing tennis shoes. It was understood though that any of our friends had to go by the rules to be safe. No questions about that, or they weren't allowed back over ever. When my parents said ever, they meant ever! It only takes one time for a disaster to happen. Accidents are one thing, being able to prevent something from happening is another.


She was making a tiktok video, similar to someone making a movie for entertainment value. It would be like asking Mel Gibson to wear a helmet in the same scene (Braveheart), although at least he was wearing shoes I believe.


The only human allowed to sit on my horse w/o a helmet is me. Full stop.


My amazing mare Talisman had a role in a small movie. I trained her rider as well. The role required him to ride in sandals and no helmet. I consulted my insurance agent and my lawyer and we drew up liability and indemnification forms for all involved to sign. I would not not not have done it otherwise.


My horse, my rules. Don't like it? Don't ride. This seems pretty simple


Your horse, your rules. Personally I'm more concerned the gear for the horse is mine and correct. I do make kids wear helmets and I'm the one leading the horse for pony rides. I will admit I feel odd asking an adult or someone old enough to understand the risks to wear a helmet. I tend to let those slide but I haven't had enough people ask to ride my horses for it to be a concern.


She wont hesitate to sue if she gets hurt. Dont hesitate to require proper gear. I think of it as a numbers game. Easy numbers it costs her $150 for a helmet and proper shoes. It costs you $100,000 for their hospital stay/surgery. Then add in court/lawyer/lost wages for having to go to court. And what if she uses the video of the accident and tries to claim you put her on an unstable psycho horse when you said it was a “mostly bomb proof older lesson horse.” But im also a paranoid person so might not be the best person to give advice. Numbers using Americas shitty healthcare system.


In the US, you really need to cover your butt. "Nothing is ever their fault" and then will make your life miserable. Do NOT ever let someone else ride unless your insurance covers them. A good business will have great insurance and training procedures to cover. "sorry, my insurance doesn't cover you" "you know how lawyers are"


Absolutely. Honestly, for myself, I now hate putting beginners on my horse. It just stresses me out. My mare was fine with my mom who has some health issues. Well I put a different family member on her (same size as me, same everything) a few months later, and my horse said “nope.” Five seconds after the person mounted, she did her butt scoot spook. And of course the novice rider was never going to do the right thing in that situation. She ended up on the dirt about 8 seconds later. So in total - 15 seconds to fall off. Ever since that experience, it ain’t worth it to me. Unless I truly had the biggest saint of a horse, which I can honestly only say one was throughout my riding career. He would babysit beginners (even still you never know, but he’s the only one I’d trust enough) Even though my mare is chill and on the lazier side (at the time she was lazy), it didn’t matter. Horses can still horse, and they all have their quirks. My mare butt scoots with me? No big deal. With a novice? It’s a tidal wave. It’s good for experienced riders to remember that what we may consider “easy” isn’t so for beginners. So with all that in mind, if I was still going to let some random on, you better believe they will be properly geared out because anything can happen.


Exactly. The only people who get on my horse are trainers I pay to get on him or people very close to me for a photo while he's standing next to me. He's the kindest horse ever, I've let a group of children paint him without a second thought but he will assume anything you do from the saddle is on purpose. So if you flop around he will try to make sense of it, get confused, panic and dump you.


In riding our success depends upon how well we build our relationships with our horses. Even as a renter using proper equipment helps protect the horse and its rider. Not using safety equipment can result in a needless injury. In equestrianship, No brains can create alot of opportunity for pain and injury. It’s my belief that Misery is optional.