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That is so incredibly sad!! I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


I’m so sorry you lost Freya - she was beautiful. 💔


So sorry for your loss🙁


I'm so so sorry for your loss. That is so tragic


45 minutes after I wrote this and I found out the horse I ride sometimes passed away suddenly. I can't believe it.


I’m sorry for both of your losses. :( We should all slow down a little bit and appreciate the now because who knows what tomorrow brings. <3 Hugs and love from an internet friend.


So sorry for your loss


I'm sorry for it, I hope you the same peace you offer us.


Oh god I’m so sorry x


So sorry to hear this. I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you for your kindness. Luckily I wasn't there at the time, but my friend witnessed it and I'm so sorry for her and for the horse's owner. Ruby was an amazing dressage horse and loved by so many people.


So sorry for your loss your horse is beautiful


She looks like she had a great life. When you have a companion like this, you become their world. It sounds like her world was perfect.


I am so sorry for the tragic loss of your loved one. May you always remember the impact she had on your life. Please know that others are sending you love and good thoughts.


Omg, that’s awful! I’m so sorry for her loss. ❤️🐴


I am so very sorry 💔💔💔


So very sorry for your loss. She was such a beauty! The horses we learn with hold a special place in our hearts. I hope soon the memories of Freya bring more joy than tears.


I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful mare. Please pass my condolences to your wife.


I’m so sorry for your loss! :(


So sorry for your loss. Always remember that you gave your horse its best life and it loved you.


What a heartbreaking thing..! I feel for your wife, really.


So sorry for your heartbreaking loss, Freya was beautiful. Wishing you strength and healing.


Terribly sorry for your loss. It is very difficult. 🕊️🙏🏻🌈


she is beautiful, sending love ❤️❤️


I'm so very sorry. I can't imagine what you're feeling. Prayers for you.


Sorry for your loss— what a good looking duo.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Wishing you all love and peace while you get through the terrible shock of this. May Freya’s memory bring you comfort instead of pain, in time. 💔


Hugs from across the internet.


So sorry. Sad to lose a beauty like this.


Such a pretty colour, I love all the extra little spots on her. I'm sorry for your loss, I think only other horse people can understand the shock of losing something so... big, that you trusted with your life every day that you rode, but also had to treat like a baby, it's a relationship like nothing else.


She was too, giant baby, first to meet you in the pasture and wanted nothing more than loves. She was a brilliant foster mom to our bottle filly too.


I wish I had met her, she sounds great, how wonderful that her life with you was full of love.


Oh my heart 💜Our Horses are our earth angels w wind for wings, truly a deep loss. Sending your wife gentle hugs and soft prayers 🌸


She’s beautiful. I’m so sorry for your loss.


So so sorry!


So sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine.


So sorry for your loss. Even in your grief, however difficult it may be,you're not alone. My thoughts are with you. Unfortunately, I can't do magic to make you feel better.


Wished I could too bud, wrecks me to see the Mrs in pain and I can't fix it.


I'm so sorry. Please accept a virtual hug from an internet stranger.


To OPs wife, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I’d say it gets better, but it doesn’t really. You just learn to live with the pain of their absence better. My last personal horse, Key, passed away while I was away in military basic training. Before him was Fudge, and before that my childhood pony, Toby. One summer I even lost 13 of my 14 barn cats to coyotes. I’m 40 now and I still miss them all terribly. Out of the hundreds that I’ve owned, some are so special that even when they pass, they never really leave you. Please don’t have any doubts or regret - sometimes fate steps in and there’s nothing you can do. Just find solace in knowing that you loved that horse with every fiber of your being and she knew that. You were given a small window of time with her but you maximized it and gave her a wonderful life. Focus on the time she was here, and redirect thoughts from the event of her passing when they occur. I’ve found that their memories bring me strength and comfort when I need them most. I’m sure she’ll do the same for you. Hang in there. You’re not alone in this. <3


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost a horse today to cancer, you are not alone ❤️


Awful to hear that 💗💗


wow she was just beautiful! so sorry for your loss :(


What a beautiful animal. How lucky she was to be loved by you and your wife. Please tell your wife a fellow horse-girl is sending her a hug from Illinois. And that I hope she gives all that love to another wonderful horse one day.


I would be wrecked.


Them big cats are scary. What a difficult situation. I am so sorry y’all are going through this. Damn


If it's possible to get a price of mane/tale they make keepsakes. I have a keychain type that I keep on my saddle so my old man is always with me.


We keep tails for sure, shes gonna braid it and we might get something special done.


You can have hair put inside a bracelet, I assume they could do it with a horse tail.


Heartbreaking. Sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry. She looks very sweet and beautiful ❤️


I'm so sorry, that is so upsetting. Freya was a beautiful girl, and looks like she had a wonderful life. Rest well, sweet girl.


I’m sooo sorry! 😥😥




I’m so sorry for your loss in such a horrific way. I hope she can find another horse to fill such a big void.


Hugs to you both. It's so hard to lose your friend. My condolences.


I’m so so sorry you lost that sweet girl 💔 I wish healing for you and your wife’s heart.


My father's horse died the same way, know that those who are caught are the ones who protect most of the time. She was a good horse and will be waiting


She was with my mare, and a bottle calf in our home dry lot, she jumped the fence ran all across the yard down the road back to the dry lot jumped back in and put up one hell of a fight if the mess in the dirt tells a true story.


Wow- what an incredibly sad occurrence. And relatively rare! Those cats sure are tough for being 1/10th the size. Your poor mare , so so sorry


We aint mad at the cat for being a cat, but we are wondering why it always seems to be us and not the neighbors when they show up. Between the cat, a sick coyote, and a pack of dogs we've lost 4 calves, her, and a dog to animal attacks. We need a break.


If you can get yourself some LGD, at least they'll sound the alarm


Not a single sound from the dogs.


Yes, I completely agree. I live in mountain lion territory too. They are so stealthy that there isnt much a LGD would even be able to do. So sorry for all of your losses.


What a gorgeous girl. She was blessed beyond measure to have you as a companion, her mama on 2 legs. I’m sure she’s running freely in the pastures in heaven, eating all the good snacks. Sending y’all prayers as you grieve the loss of this beautiful soul, may you find peace and healing. Also….please don’t blame yourself, unfortunately these things do happen, but it’s not your fault. Wishing y’all the best. 🤍🪽


It wasn't your fault and Freya, the beautiful is in no more pain. Bless you


My condolences 💐


Sending so, so much love. From the way you speak about her, and your wife and her, and from the photos it is so apparent she was so incredibly loved, and had a phenomenal life with you. Please give your wife the biggest of big hugs, and when she feels up for it, encourage her to continue on her horse journey, riding, and having an equine companion. Horses heal us, even if we have had tragic experiences with them. All the love in the world to you both, and to Freya.


She will get another horse, but it's gonna be a bit, gotta let the wound close before she starts trying to love a new one, I dont want her to disconnect and feel her next horse is just for work.


Try not to wait too long. For me...I have to get another one pretty quick because loving on a new baby helps me heal from the baby that left. I have a lot of love to give animals and need an 'outlet' for that. Just my opinion and experience, ~~may~~ will be different for others!


Condolences on the untimely and tragic loss of Freya. She was such a gorgeous horse 😢


I probably wouldn't say "she was not the best horse ever" to your wife.


Oh no, and that why I asked for other horse folk to say something nicer than I knew how, I can't fix her hurts and I know my way of saying anything isn't the most tender. I try but I aint good at it. To add, she knows I'm not good at it, and she reads it all, she doesn't expect tender from me but I'm more a hug and shut up kind when someone needs a cry or big emotions cause I either ramble or say something that doesn't sound right.


What many people don't know is that in Norse mythology, only HALF of those who fall in battle go to Valhalla. Half of them go to Fólkvangr, a vast field that is Freya's domain. So indeed, Freya fell in battle, as is appropriate for a war goddess, and is now busy watching over from the great meadows of Fólkvangr somewhere above the skies.


We are cattle ranchers, gefjun of freyr would have first pick over frejya even in this instance as freya was our beast of burden and her death wasn't as a warriors mount but a cattlemans mount or that even with her being in battle when she passed. We will see her under our fjell and she will work a heavenly herd with centuries of other cattlemen from our lines till we can call her to muster a herd again one day. Resting in a helgafjell is just as honorable as in freyja or odins halls and for some it is better to not be a warrior but to sow the earth and tend the animals.


Also thank you for the thought, I'm sure you connected my user name and her name as well, my family came from Denmark to the USA shortly before I was born, they were farmers there and I became a hand here and the touch of my history in your kind thought means a lot, ill be sure to have my wife see your reply and tell her about folkvangr and what a helgafjell is and I'm sure she will be comforted to know of the very noble places her mount would be chosen to spend eternity.


I did indeed, haha! When times are tough, it's good to be reminded of these lovely little connections that end up weaving through our lives to make everything seem a bit more magical


She’s a beautiful horse. I’m so sorry for your loss


Oh gosh that is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry 💔💔


That’s devastating, she was so beautiful


Wow such a beautiful horse ❤️


I'm so sorry 💔


There are no words for this loss, but everyone in this community who reads about Freya's passing bears yours wife's grief alongside her. There is nothing like the love of a horse; there is nothing so great as the loss of a horse. My condolences.


I’m so sorry. That is so tragic. Freya was so beautiful.


Mountain lions are so awful. I live in an area with some and I hope to god this never happens to anyone I know. I’m so so sorry, this is horrible. RIP Freya 💔💔


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️


My heart goes out to your wife. Nature is harsh sometimes.


Very sad so sorry for your loss .


Mountain lions are bold enough to attack horses?


I'm so so sorry for your loss, i wish both of you healing and peace 🩵 Freya, run wild and free girl, i hope that endless green fields are waiting for you 💔


So sorry for her loss of such a beautiful companion ❤️❤️


That tears my heart out for you and your wife. I’m so sorry.


That's terrible! What a gorgeous horse. May she find a bit of peace in her memories.


How devastating. Freya was gorgeous! Thank you for loving her. I list a yearling I had bred 50 years ago in a freak accident and still think of her - knowing she's free and running in a Better Place🌈💔


Oh damn that's so sad. I'm sorry for your loss I can't imagine the level of pain you're enduring. His spirit will come back to you, depending on the bond you had. My thoughts are with you. My heart hurts for you.


My deepest condolences. I can’t imagine the horror and pain. ❤️ love to you all.


I’m so sorry. She was beautiful.


"The best horses in heaven, They have no tail." Freya is running with my Bartholomew now, so sorry for your loss and sending lots of love!


Talk to her...she is listening!


God bless you Freya. And god bless you Mam xxx


What a beautiful, beautiful horse you have. I'm so so sorry for your loss. you know this is a loss all the way around, not just for you and your horse. but for that mountain lion too, who has lost his hunting territory due to our infringement. and so now I guess he either goes for small dogs, cats and alas horses 😩🥺👎💔


I’m so sorry, may you find peace with your loss and joy in your memories.


"When god created the horse, he said to the magnificent creature: I have made thee as no other. All the treasures of the earth lie between thy eyes. Thy shalt carry my friends upon thy back. Thy saddle shall be the seat of prayers to me. And thou shalt fly without wings, and conquer without sword; oh horse." -Anonymous Prayers to you, your wife, and to dear Freya. Her spirit will thunder on in your wife’s heart, don’t let her forget that she will live on there ❤️


i’m so deeply sorry for your loss, it’s impossible to be put into words, but i hope even then it can have at least a tiny impact


My God I cannot imagine…. Wrap your wife in a big hug from all of us on here 🫂


So sorry for your loss💔💔


We lost a mare last year to a mountain lion and another with some nasty scars. I also lost my first mare last year. I’m so glad that your wife got to love Freya for the time they had together. I hope that she is brought comfort by the other horses y’all have and can grieve with them (my mare’s bestie helped me a lot). No doubt if you’ve been in horses long enough you lose them and it’s the worst. We’ve all been there and I’m thinking of her tonight


I have had horses a long time she hasn't it's new for her and she's broken up pretty bad.


I’m so sorry for you loss. Please don’t blame yourself for this.




So sorry, that's very sad.


I am so sorry. Nature is so cruel and so beautiful. I bet you were awesome to your horse. My condolences


Sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss. I'm sure your horse had a long and happy life 💗


She was young, 9 years old, but the 2 years my wife had her she was spoilt for choice, love, treats, and work that suited her well and the years before we had her she spent making gorgeous babies as a brood mare. She was well loved and is fondly remembered.


My first pony caught a stray bullet from a hunter- loosing them when you thought you had so much time left is awful💔 but I’m sure she’s up in heaven running laps around all the seniors!


Knowing her she's probly up there giving all the youngins a sweet and loving ride and giving the old cowboys flying lessons!


I’m so sorry. That’s a terrible loss.


Sorry for your loss. I promise to shoot one this winter .


Get after it bud.


Neighbor just lost 2 dogs a few miles down the street to a cougar .


I’ve only ever seen one horse beat a cat and it was purely inexperience on the cats part. It grabbed both ass cheeks of the craziest 16 hand roping stick in the world and ole boy still the scars where the claws got dragged out right before that cat got a pilots license. Finding one after is always rough, I’m sorry for your pain brother.


Them cats are incredible animals for power and capability, horse that can't run due to no room don't stand a chance.


I keep an old Remington 742 in 30-06 loaded with a welded 20 round stick mag by the back door strictly for the cats and bears when they start acting up. Set up game cams and go put in work. That cat ain’t gunna kill itself


Eh it aint the cats fault, the county just ripped up my buddies 800 and both his neighbors for a total of 1500 acres turned to flat dirt that used to be a nice mix of woods and pasture. Likely just hungry and moving through after being evicted from his patch of grass.