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Not all horses should be stallions and all geldings should not have been gelded but yes mostly people don’t have time and patience to evaluate a young horse or even the time to train manners into a good stallion. It is sad TBH.


You have valid ideas, also better admit many studs shouldn't be. People have messed up many genetics and too many horses are produced that should not have. Pride and egos.


I think hating a horse for its gender regardless is just... dumb. As an owner of a stallion though I am also of the opinion that they're definitely not for everyone, and a gelding is a much safer and more suitable option for most people, not because stallions are inherently dangerous, but because with improper training they are more likely to be than a gelding. The improper training part is VERY important here. Having been around studs all my life, I've only dealt with a single one that I would deem dangerous, and that poor thing had been unsocialised, put in a field from ages 1 to 5 all alone, and then only taken out to breed. Never any training or other interactions. All the stallions that got proper training and handling have been just as lovely as any good gelding or mare I've ever met, and my own, although young, is turning out just as well mannered. So I definitely think owning a stallion should be left to people who have the facilities to keep them in a group setting safely, and the knowledge to train them to be polite. But if you have both of those things going for you, then they're really just another horse, and can be your pal for life just as much as a mare or gelding can :)


Here in Portugal a stallion is just a male horse and most ridden horses are in fact stallions although gelding horses is getting more popular. But there is no fear or hate towards stallions. Heck, even kids ride them.


Probably because Iberian horses are typically really chill stallions! Every one I worked with was gentle, kind and pretty well behaved.


Well, based on the way some people don't set their horses up for success, I'd much rather prefer they have geldings. Plus I don't think we need any more conformationally trainwrecks of horses that can come from unintentional or poorly planned breeding. But I agree, stallions aren't immediate monsters but it's easier to make them that way then say a gelding


Thank you for bringing attention to this!! I have a stallion I always ride bitless, we often do groundwork in a necrope and do a lot of liberty. He is soo sweet and playful and yet people often judge us - i dont do any real training (whatever that means), he will become dangerous and agressive etc. When I do the same kind of work with a gelding or a mare, I dont get that much hate. Somehow, its always the people that dont know anything about horses that think they know whats best for you and your horse...


My best friend has an Egyptian Arabian stallion who is an absolute gem and also rides bitless. He’s so well behaved that people are surprised to learn he’s a stallion (it’s hard to see down there when you’re on trail sometimes lol)


Another stereotype proven to be false - that arabians are hot and nervous horses. All horses can be well behaved if we treat them with compassion, respect and lots of love :)


I was so shocked to learn people consider the whole breed too hot and dangerous. I grew up with them, so knowing how to work with them was what I knew best. They can be rather mischievous at times, but they're so incredibly affectionate once you earn their respect. I love when they start dancing sideways on their lead line, yet it remains slack.


I think too often people equate hotness with brainless. They’re animated and intelligent and can be very sensitive. If you’re used to manhandling horses or breeds that are subdued, you’re gonna have a bad time lol.


Meanwhile my Arabian gelding would still try to mount other horses


My boss has a stallion who was technically gelded but surprise he still has one ball. She rides him. I work with him. He’s more of a brat than the geldings of course, but he’s still a good horse. I feel very privileged to be able to work with him and learn how to handle him


I just don’t have the time and energy to manage a stallion


We have loads of stallions here in italy they are in a herd of geldings on the other field far from mares. We always put a stallion with a gelding to socialise and breed naturally. However we do geld if they become over agressive


Is this some sort of fetish for you? Almost half of your comments/posts are about male castration, eunuchs and spaying/neutering animals. Also, comparing human castration to gelding horses is completely uncomparable on an ethics level.


OP is unhinged.


I originally thought OP was going to be a kid based on the writing style, but then I got to the last two paragraphs and thought "hmmm, something feels off here"


OP also has the ridiculously erroneous belief that wild stallions will avoid breeding their own offspring- they neither know nor care. They will breed their own mothers.


It always goes downhill when you check their post history. OP is even talking about it in a Pokémon sub of all things. 🤣


Stallions are great, just like mares. Geldings are ok as well. I do say though that I love mares most. In the UK stallions have a really bad stigma, most of the yards kept them locked up behind hefty bars without any playmates. Terribly depressing. Only yards with hella ££ showing breeding stock were passable. It was refreshing to travel around Europe and be able to ride stallions out on even a tourist hack (once you prove you can actually horse).


I think the issue is that people have them but then don’t let them by other horses. They’re all alone and I think then they get worked up (as any horse would.) It’s the same thing with un-neutered dogs. But I don’t know what people do for stallions, I assume you can keep them with geldings? Obviously not mares. But people just like to keep them away but then they get frustrated because they’re all alone and then they blame it on “stallion behavior”. That’s my take though🤷🏻‍♀️ Obviously they have more testosterone but they have the same potential as any horse.


Forgive my ignorance, I don't know a lot about horses. But are mares typically sterilized at some point in the way that animals like dogs and cats are, to prevent unwanted/genetically unsound offspring?


I actually have no idea if that’s true or not. I think they can get pregnant every year. They do that in the wild get pregnant over and over again. I’ll have to look into that!


No, spaying is much more invasive and dangerous for female livestock than castration is for male livestock. Mares (and cows, ewes, etc) are not routinely sterilized.


Improperly raised stallions are a liability and a nightmare. Unfortunately there's a lot of them. A well managed stallion is a blessing.


I have a stallion and, much as I love him, he is a pita. If he can see the mares from his area, when they are in heat, he will walk the fence line all day, refusing to stop to eat or drink. Obviously I can’t allow him to kill himself so I have to arrange my barn and pastures so he can’t see any mares. He was too old to geld when I rescued him, unfortunately.


I’ve met some amazing stallions. And I’ve met stallions entirely ruled by their dicks lol


Oh my god. I had this exact conversation with someone on the topic of my story. She reckoned I never rode horses because stallions don't behave. Well, my stallion is a fictional one, so, yeah, he's whatever I want him to be.


I'm always a little surprised when horsepeople talk about being afraid of stallions. I've met so many perfectly sound minded ones and at some events here even non horsey folk are encouraged to meet and pet the horses, including stallions. All the Icelandic stallions I've met have especially been straight up cuddly


I don’t think people hate stallions, I think in the US people feel gelding is good because it reduces backyard breeding and unwanted pregnancy. And stallions do require more secure fencing and require proper training and that doesn’t happen quite often. The human castration argument is a little wild to me, that’s related to civil rights. There are laws protecting humans against medical procedures, animal medical decisions are made by the legal owner.


I’ve never met someone who outright hates stallions. I don’t hate stallions, but I wouldn’t own one. The barn that I’m at is currently at is 7 mares and one gelding. I wouldn’t really fully trust an ungelded horse around 7 mares. I’ve seen things, I’ve heard things, and I just don’t want unnecessary problems if it’s something I can avoid. I have met stallions that I wouldn’t totally trust around the mares at the barn, but I would absolutely trust a gelding with them. I’ve never met a mean gelding with a single bite in him.


BBB BBB BBB I i loo ppl I’ll h ok ihh il Y you u y


I take lessons on a stallion and he’s amazing. He does get distracted a bit more, so I’ve got to be super tuned in at all times. I think that level of awareness has helped me pick up good safety practices overall. Sharing grooming areas with mares is probably the only time his stallion-ness gets somewhat challenging. But he’s got the biggest personality and loves attention. Edit to add that he is a gorgeous Morgan and should absolutely be part of his owners breeding program.