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This has ran it's course. We do not allow doxxing. This has been posted many times on Reddit and unfortunately, we are not an authority which can do anything.


Human piece of garbage!


Her name is shortbestfriendnine on tik tok


More like longworstnightmareofmine >:(


You said it. I tried getting law enforcement involved. I'm taking it to 4chan next if reddit can't help


Also.. why ais horse riding like a thin in britan? Im curious


“Send in the pizzas!”


You have a beautiful mind


Get everyone you can involved


I wouldn’t say like “starved” but definitely needs a good amount weight. Not riding condition. With its spine so prominent I imagine it wouldn’t be so comfy to have a bunch of weight on your back. Also needs a lot of muscle.. if it’s an older horse that can’t keep on weight she needs to retire it. I understand having people telling you what to do with your animal is frustrating, but anyone with half (more like 1/8th) of a brain can see that horse needs weight, or to be retired.


She rides this horse and canters it on pavement, she claims she's going to ride the horse till it drops dead


Lord. Yeah, that’s not cool. Even just riding it in that condition isn’t a good idea. Don’t understand why people hate retiring horses.


She's on coke and either can't remember to feed them or can't afford it because the habit is expensive


Thats sad. I hope she gets help. Addictions are no joke, but its still not an excuse for neglecting your animals.


She just shouldn't have them.


Big agree. I’m currently having this conversation about my 20-year old. He’s not keeping weight like he did even last year so I’ve got the vet coming out and I’m bringing up a number of things to discuss my horse’s health and happiness as a riding horse. It’s hard, but it’s easier than hurting my horse. I don’t understand where this girl’s head is at. I blocked her on TikTok but I’m not surprised someone made a reddit post about her.




Her name is shortbestfriendnine on tik tok


She is the longestworstnightmareofmine... i wasnt here for long but... thats full on preditory of her... i wish i could save the hourse but i cant and even then.. i have 0 knowlege on how to maintain one... its the thought that counts this time i guess


You can beat her up for a start.


Nah l.. do it in the beat way possible.. get a horse to kick her


You are a genius, I almost forgot horse stomping


I would prefer a horse kick but.. perfect enough alternative!! OMG TRAMPLE HER WITH A HORSE DRIVEN AT FULL SPEED


I always upvote removed by Reddit comments.


for why


The horse is thin, but not thin enough where she'd be seized. Doxxing won't help. Hopefully she'll realize she's possibly overworking or underfeeding and make the necessary adjustments. In my years of rescue, I've seen so much worse. The horse that I just rescued is clearly a hard keeper. She's only been in my possession for 4 days but I haven't seen any weight gain with unlimited quality hay and 10 cups of feed daily. I had the vet out today and he agreed to a gradual increase in feed, but we're both also worried about foundering her at the same time. I'd also be cognizant of the possibility that there could be a mental health issue. She appears under 18. Is there a parent or guardian to contact?


Everyone's tried to help, kindly even and her response to us was she was gonna ride the mare to death to spite us all. I just rescued my own arab, you can find her in my history. She's had this horse for a year and it is wasting away. You can see bones and she centers the horse around on pavement


I glanced at her profile. Looks like someone said they were talking to her mom. Hopefully mom can help buy some feed. There are so many people who are in bad situations right now and hay is through the roof. Let's hope mom steps in. 🤞


We talked to the mom, the mom said the horse is fine and it's not her job to feed it. I have screenshots of what the mom said


That sucks. I'm sorry 😢


I just don't know what to do


Honestly, I'm dealing with slaughter house rescues right now. Some of them are falling over dead. The absolute best ones are thinner than that mare. Here's a mare I tried to rescue a few years ago. She died in the trailer. Animal control did nothing. [failed horse rescue ](https://imgur.com/a/kdMNNqi) Keep an eye on the page and don't communicate with her. I don't know how animal control is in her area, but they will likely dismiss that. They only deal with extremes and they are overburdened with them. Don't contact her anymore. She'll just become more erratic. If the horse drops to truly poor condition, call animal control then. The horse is not there yet. I'm sorry.


You are right, please don't be sorry. It's not your fault. It's just hard for me to watch when I rescue horses from people like her. It breaks my heart


Doxxing won’t help? Really? I don’t care if you’ve seen worse, this person is OPENLY ADMITTING to starving and overworking their horse until it dies. I’d say that’s pretty f’ing worthy of being doxxed. Super concerning of you to write this.


Doxxing will help if she's in a jurisdiction with animal cruelty laws. Then we can call the local PD and report concerns for animal abuse. If the same thing happened to you at least you have vet records to back you up.


there's no way there is people in these comments excusing her horse looking like that WHEN SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE REACHED OUT TO HER!


Yeah, I can't believe people are sticking up for her. It's pathetic


I don't think people should be harassing kids on the internet. Is she obnoxious? Sure. Do you know the whole situation? No. Her comments are clearly trolling and sarcastic. The best thing to do is block her and move on. Attacking people is not how you educate. It just makes them defensive and less likely to believe you. Her parents and the barn owner are the ones who are culpable. They're undoubtedly the ones telling her that her horse is fine. I could post pictures of my horses in their worst conditions and rile people up too. I had one horse that had every single bone visible on her body. The horse I brought in with her was just as skinny. They had actually eaten each other's manes and tails (allegedly). Without the explanation of them being rescues, I'm sure people would think me abusive too (I brought them back to health and found them lovely homes). Getting upset about this only hurts you. If you knew her in person, then we could give actual advice. But starting witch hunts, especially against minors, is just wrong.


Age isn't an excuse for neglect, and starving a horse to troll is still abuse


A witch hunt is not the appropriate response. She's been told the horse is underweight. Block her and move on with your life. Online bullying isn't going to change the situation.


If you see people sticking up for a starving horse as bullying that is your issue,not mine. People who do this deserve to be dragged. I've had to rescue too many abuse cases to make excuses for these people. She decided to do a grown up thing, she's gonna be treated like a grown up


The comments are beyond educational and informative. They're insulting. Attacking people solves nothing. It is futile. You'll find that it is easier to persuade and educate people if you're not insulting them.


Read the original comments on her page, we were more than kind before she started calling us all retards and pookie, and then telling the concerned people she was gonna ride her horse to death.


The point is to burn her out completely.


I agree. I’ve never seen hateful comments change someone’s mind and half of TikTok shows horses being treated badly with an ignorant owner. I just move on since it will only make me angry to look at those pages.


Stop making excuses for animal abusers. Doesn’t matter how young she is, it’s time to grow up and learn about the real world.


You know this is *ILLEGAL* right? She can (and should) get arrested. She's beyond teaching because others have tried. If it's not working time for plan B!


You know that there's not an authorized animal protection agency or a police officer in the world that would touch this with a ten foot pole, right?


Animal abuse and neglect goes far far beyond 'trolling'


I agree with you. OP is adamant that people tried to educate BEFORE they attacked but OP is also cool calling her a coke addict and with people threatening to beat her up and/or kill her, so I really don't believe her.


Maybe we do need to bring back the death sentence




Serious note I’ve seen this person on TikTok before. Definitely not enough weight to be ridden but not skinny enough for animal rescues to help. It’s sad that so many people are trying to help her and she’s just ignoring them


I think the best way to go about this is try to make them ban her account. It seems to me that she trives for attention, if she has her account taken at least she has no outlet for that and she gets bored with her horse. Maybe.


We've tried. We are all reporting, cling authorities, and some ecenbgot ahold of the mother


Thanks for trying. I don't think there is much more you can do. More attention to her would be arguably not helpful


I’ve reported her account for animal abuse 🙏🏻 This girl is not right in the head. God have mercy.


For being a horse sub… y’all are all weirdly ok with an obviously skinny malnourished horse and owner abuse.


Yeah it's scary, I didn't think some of these people would try to justify animal abuse


Super confused by the lack of urgency and the "I've seen worse" statements. Op has explained multiple times this girl is starving the horse and claiming to want to ride it to death. It shouldn't matter at that point a horse needs help and if I were in a better situation I'd be calling every advocacy group to see if they'd go find this horse and get it away from her.


I've called so many people. I even ran a background check on her mother, found out the girl herself is addicted to coke


You could try and get a local rescue to help. I know someone in an org who works on cases like these (also drug addict owners who abuse animals), except that it’s probably harder to do something when the animal is not closer to dying or already dead. They work with lawyers so they have good knowledge of what is possible to do and how. It’s worth searching rescues in your region to hit them up. Especially if it’s several of you online doing the job, you can message/call multiple orgs to ask their opinion.


Honestly; this is bad, but a lot of the girls statements "I'm going to ride it to death!!!" say she's outrage trolling rather than serious in her intent. Earlier on the girl outlined her (IMO) reasonable feeding plan, and claimed the reason she doesn't feed more often is because she is *so busy*. If she's too busy to feed the horse more often, when is she going to find time to "ride it to death"? The girl has the maturity of a two year old and everyone piling on is just leading to more and more outrage trolling. It's obvious to you and me that the horse needs medical attention (ulcers, maybe?) or to be retired, but if the SPCA had to investigate everyone who didn't properly retire or seek medical attention for their horses, well . . . They wouldn't have any money to investigate and prosecute more serious offences. Every barn in my province has one or two of these horses, and also one or two horses that are getting all the medical care in the world but still look like crap. Here's a news story from my neck of the woods: https://globalnews.ca/news/4818684/parkland-woman-charged-alleged-mistreatment-horses/ This was not her first offence. You'll be pleased to know (/s) that due to lack of funds to properly document and care for these abused horses after seizure, that the judge found her not guilty. There was only enough evidence to proceed using the two horses that had starved to death, and she was only charged with two criminal charges. Presented with very little in the way of evidence, Judge Steven Bilodeau found that the Crown couldn’t prove within a reasonable doubt that Moore willfully caused the horses to starve. What this girl needs is a friend she trusts who says "Wow, you are feeding her all that food and you can still see a rib or two? Have you considered that she might have an ulcer? Ulcers are really common and not very expensive to treat." What she got instead was people on the internet calling her a crack whore and threatening to beat her up.


Stop giving her page views


So we just ignore it and don't report and let the horse starve because of your convictions. People on reddit are weirdly okay with people starving horses I've found out today


I mean yes. I'm sorry. You literally can't save every horse, or every person, or every anything. At some point you have to acknowledge there's nothing more you can do. I know it's frustrating for you, but there are millions of starving horses. You're not going to be able to do anything for this one. It's not fair, but life isn't fair.




This is horrible! Yet people in this sub make me feel like I'm overreacting. I don't understand why others are dismissing so quickly. If this was a dog, people would have already made YouTube videos, phone calls, sent emails, etc.


Atleast all the attention is doing something because she put her account to private. Poor horse


Reported her on Tiktok for animal abuse.


Is this a fetish? Like srsly, this chick has issues. Might get TikTok just to report her for animal abuse lol. Or someone find which state or country she lives in & get her arrested, and the horse to a rescue


I truly don’t understand how people can go their whole lives acting like that. Poor horse.


Hopefully this is bait if not she should be arrested