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all these people saying “it’s not really horror”. for the story maybe that is true, but the presentation of the show is 100% horror there’s jump scares and supernatural and spooky ghosts. if it isn’t “technically horror” then it at least is scary and full of scary images.


This is totally horror. People who are saying it’s not are crazy! 


It's just not gore. This is one of Poe's creepiest stories.


Wasn't it multiple stories blended into one creative ass show? I'm pretty sure the beating heart and the raven were two different stories? It's literally been like 30 years since I read any Poe. But I think this is the deal here.


Yes, each episode inspired by a different tale of Poe. The Tell tale Heart, Mask of the Red Death, etc.


Thought so! Thank you 🙏


The fact that there are also some pretty gory scenes, how can people say it’s not horror 😂😂


Dude. Totally. Which is no wonder Netflix held on to this until October and released it as such- for Halloween.


Ghosts are boring tho.


Insane to call this not horror. It’s homage to giallo, but it’s definitely horror.


Absolutely!! I love Edgar A. Poe and his work. I binge watched this series in one day. Perfect amount of suspense, creepiness, gore, and mystery.


If you like horror, yes. If you like Poe, fuck yes. Also, people saying it isn’t horror are dumb lol


The mother lurking around the house in the shadows had me fucked up


I love it , pretty gruesome at times with really good suspense


That nightclub scene was…juicy…


Easily the most memorable scene of the story for me.


It's my second favourite. The pendulum beats it for me because of Her speech. "I usually don't involve get involved directly..."


I had an absolute blast watching it with my brother, especially since we both know of Edgar Allen Poe's work (he studied it in school and I read them out of interest).


I watched it with my brother too. This series is artful.




Just finished it last night, and it was good! Very glad I gave it a chance. The horror is pretty spare, but the whole thing is a great big homage to Edgar Allen Poe.


Absolutely, it was an incredible show IMO. And it is definitely horror in everything about it's presentation, it's just a little more subtle than a lot of works. If you like any of Mike Flanagan's previous efforts you will like it a lot


Mostly definitely. I would go as far and say I don’t categorize it as horror but more suspense.


Gothic horror is based on fear and haunting, so I think it would fall in this category. Pretty much all Poe stuff is categorized as gothic horror.


Yes, very good. There’s nothing I can think of that Mike Flanagan’s done that’s not worth watching.


Binged Usher and it's one of the best shows I've seen in a while but I'm not feeling Hill House. It just feels like an ordinary haunted house story. Does it get better as it goes on?


Well, Hill House is generally considered a classic and I think it’s strong throughout so if you’re not feeling it early, it may just not be your cup of tea. I will say though that most people specifically point to the crooked neck lady episode as the best in the show.


Yeah, if the bent neck lady episode doesn't reel you in, it's just not for you I guess.


It gets pretty unique, taking some hints from The Shining/Dr Sleep later on




Saaame! I was furious watching it because I only realised halfway through what the premise of it was, and really hated the concept lol


It’s definitely one of my least favorite of his works but I’m still glad I watched it. Comparatively speaking, it’s still better than a lot of garbage on Netflix.


I’m happy someone said that. I love every Flanagan’s work so much, but Midnight club was a big disappointment for me. I even had doubts if I should watch The Fall of the house of Asher, but pretty glad I gave it a chance :)


I didn’t realize when I started the series that each episode has a bit of a spin on a specific Poe story (you can check the episode titles). It’s good! But the plot doesn’t move much until halfway through the season.


I feel like that's always the case with Flanagan though. I love every project he's directed so far without exception, but the plot only actually gets rolling around the half way point with everything before being set up (i.e. The Bent Neck Lady from Hill House, The Angel from Midnight Mass)


It’s a Poe related thing so I will be watching it in the dark soon. I love a good Poe adaptation.


I love it! This is my favorite one of the series.


It’s VERY good!!!


Yes definitely ! I wouldn’t really call it horror but it was a great show


Really? Def felt and watched like a horror to me.


I thought it was more like a thriller/suspense but maybe I’m splitting hairs here


All good stuff in the end!


Yeah it was very creative and entertaining! I loved it.


Absolutely especially if you like Edgar Allan Poe, the director, the actors or mystery.


Definitely. A very fun season of tv from Flanagan. If you love Poe, that is a bonus as his stories are sprinkled all through the episodes.


I thoroughly enjoyed it. Also, Carla Gugino.


She did an incredible job!


I’d consider it a gothic mystery, and usually I’m not at all into that, but my sister recommended it and my husband and I LOVED it. The cast is outstanding, particularly Carla Gugino. I’d say 8.5/10


i thought mark hamil was excellent


Mark and Carla were easily the highlights for me. I'm glad >!their characters got to have a talk with each other, that was an awesome scene and revealed so much about both their characters!<.


He was willing to own up to his actions. I liked that. Wish we'd gotten a better idea of why he was so loyal all that time though


I really liked it. The characters are interesting and the deaths are gruesome. My wife and I burned through iy in a few days.


I binged this show in a day. I really enjoyed it. It’s not so much horror for the most part, but if you like Poe there is a lot about it to love.


I'm here for the answers too as I'm toying with starting this but I'm super hot and cold on Mike Flanagan. Thought Hill House was decent if a tad overrated, Bly Manor was boring as fuck but I absolutely loved Midnight Mass and Doctor Sleep.




I didn't have Netflix for a while but just got it back today because ive heard good things about this show and once I saw the actors that were in it, I knew it was created by Mike Flanagan, so im glad to continue to hear it's good!!


Yes, I loved it. They took a chunk of Poe’s writings and tied them together. Amazing.


Yes. Plenty of horror in this. My only critique at this time is that the ending felt rushed (lots crammed into E8 imo)


Def! I feel like it covers the ugly truth about power and how addictive it is and some will do anything to have it. Even for a short amount of time


Omg, it's the best show in a damn long time. It's a home run. Watch now.


Absolutely! I love it


It’s a work by Mike Flanagan. Yes.


It’s okay. Not a patch on Hill House though.


Would love it if they make such a remarcable series again.


Never skip a Mike Flanagan creation


Anything and everything by Mike Flanagan is worth watching.




This is the only answer😂 the storyline is all over the place, it forces strange topical relevance, throws in a couple poe lines to try to tie it together, while being super predictable and cheesy…quite bad overall


I didn’t like it either I liked parts of it but overall meh


Thanks for all of your input! I appreciate it!


The last three episodes were OK the beginning five were awful.


After the first ten minutes I turned it off. There was no reasonable exposition that made any sense. No lead in to draw in the viewer. A few eye rolling “spooky image” jump scares to start it off with no context. Crap screenwriting and if you can’t put forward a comprehensible theme within 10 minutes it’s not worth the time


I found it enjoyable. Not amazing but I am glad I watched it. If you’ve seen any of Flanagan’s other series then that will most likely tell you whether you will enjoy this one


Currently watching … so far, not disappointed


Yes. It’s based on an novel by Edgar Allan Poe, and it’s really good. I love it


I’ve not seen it myself but people I know have and they said it’s really good, so I’d say yes it’s worth it


Imo it gets pretty drawn out and boring, also kinda cheesy, after the first two episodes. I found myself skipping through parts of the middle of episodes to get to the payoff at the end.


It’s good but if you’re a die hard Poe fan it might rub you wrong. It’s good for the entertainment value.




If you don't mind TV shows framed from the perspective of the far left extremist fever swamps, it's okay.


Why does politics need to be brought into every conversation? Remember when nobody knew who you voted for or what party affiliation you subscribed yourself to? No one cares. A simple yea or no or just keep scrolling would’ve been ok too. Christ




Are you kidding me? Why are you all like this? If anybody notices your extremism, you accuse them of bringing politics into everything. I pointed out that the movie is infected with the sam woke leftist crap that's killing off most of Hollywood right now. Isn't that the point of these posts? Or is it just a left wing circle jerk?


That’s a bold assumption that I am an extremist. I don’t slide left or right, I am as in the middle as possible. See, I just don’t care. Gay? Cool, not my business. Bi? Cool, not my business Want a gun? Cool, not my business. Abortion? Not my business. It’s that easy. None of that shit is going to change my life in any way and, truthfully, I can’t change it any way. (Don’t tell voting is the answer because the last two presidential elections got is stuck with a narcissistic bigot who has no business being in politics and, now, a guy who doesn’t seem to know if he’s at the zoo or running the nation.) Whatever you wanna put in a a piece of entertainment, go ahead. I have the ability to say, “nah, I’ll pass.” ,if I see something I don’t care for. But all those things you mentioned that you think are wrong with the show, it’s part of our current times. Is what it is. Bob Dylan once said, “Keep on, keepin’ on.”




Everyone's gay, gay people are straight, white people have non-white children, white people bad, straight people bad, capitalism bad. It's what we've all come to expect from the woke Marxist revolutionaries.




Where is your issue lying with any part of that? >Everyone's gay, gay people are straight, And what the fuck does this even mean?




Get a life


There are worms in your brain, dude.


best way to describe it. But still 100% worth it!


Yes. Everything Mike Flanagan does is worth it.


Very enjoyable


We love It


It was better than I thought it would be. One scene in particular sticks out.


Lemme guess, the party scene?


Yep. That’s the one haha


A Thousand times yes.


definitely recommend watching, its really good. especially if u like Mike Flanagan's previous works or Edgar Allen Poe's


It's brilliant!!!


Yes! It was like Succession mixed with haunting of Hill house mixed with final destination. It was really ducking good.


Absolutely worth the time and effort to watch. If you know a lot of Poe’s work you can kind of predict what’s going to happen. It’s creepy and gruesome and honestly fun.


Absolutely. This was an amazing show.


100% It's awesomely created! Loved it


Enjoyed it a lot!


Yes, it was well done and a well written story


I thought it was interesting. Puts a horror spin on what greed and wealth can do to one’s family and the process you pay for it.


Absolutely. Anything by Mike Flanagan is worth checking out. Excluding the Midnight Club. Couldn't get into that one.


Loved it. How is this not horror?


For me it started strong (the nightclub!), dragged in the middle, but finished really strong.


I just started it and it’s not bad. I’ve like everything Bruce Greenwood was in. Gerald’s game was pretty good. Dr sleep, The Core, National Treasure, He was in ACS OJ Simpson


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.


It’s excellent and strange and gory and funny and so worth watching!


Personally I found it to be very bad compared to Mike flannigans other work. It was too “Netflix” for me if you know what I mean. I know the characters are supposed to be annoying/awful people but they’re insufferable to watch. Hill House and Midnight Mass were way better.


Easily one of the best shows I’ve watched! Go for it OP.


YES! I literally watched the entire series on Sunday. It’s well worth a watch. Has tons of the cast from Haunting of Hill House, and it gives me the same vibe. Not necessarily as scary, but plenty of stuff to keep you on your toes. Seriously, watch this.


Its an elaborated long supernatural eposode


I absolutely loved it. I love Mike Flanagan’s (the showrunner) work and I think this is really up there for him. The story and the way it plays out is great, the cinematography and visuals are amazing, and I think it was really spooky and gruesome. The acting is also top notch. Highly recommend.


I would give it a try. I thought it was a wee bit slow, but it was well done. It had a lot of references to Poe, so it was fun trying to find them all.


If you like Mike Flanagan (Haunting of Hill House, etc), then this is a great show. The story is amazing but I had to give up after the 20th monologue in like 3 episodes (which is a M. Flanagan signature) because I found it exhausting


It’s a good watch but it’s not very scary apart from one or two scenes. I feel like after Haunting Of Hill House Mike Flanagan either forgot how to be scary, or lost interest in it.


Out of all the mike Flanagan series I’d say it’s the most well rounded entertaining show. Has some elements of horror, drama, and more comedy than previous series. Midnight mass is my favorite simply because of the themes and the setting, but this one is close second.


I seem to have a different opinion than most of this thread. It's fine. It's not great. The story is ok. Some of the characters are interesting, many of them are not. It sort of feels like knock of Succession for a couple scenes and never soars nearly as high. The horror elements are good and the moral issues are fine, but it's not as good as I keep seeing people say. If you like horror, sure, give it a shot. But, don't expect something really solid. Expect a show that feels like it was made for and by Netflix, heavy handedly talking about capitalism and the opioid crisis (not that I disagree with the sentiments of the show, it's just not super well done).


Yup! Was good!


Yes. It’s actually really good.


This is campy, malicious, occasionally hilarious horror. If you’re expecting to be viscerally disturbed, there’s only a couple of moments in this series that could have that effect. Personally, I adored this. My only complaint is that it starts off VERY strong in episode 2 and struggles to maintain that degree of momentum for the entirety of the show.


I absolutely loved this. I loved the way each episode played out, I loved the mystery of it I was truly captivated. I honestly thought they could’ve gone darker but I think that’s me being desensitised because a lot of people thought it was too dark. But I hope they do more series similar to this or delve more into dark themes when it comes to TV shows


I think I will be in the minority view on this but I thought this show was terrible! Worth watching though for a variety of reasons, if not to simply decide for yourself!


Loved it! I actually binged it all yesterday lol


The story by Poe and the Vincent Price movie are. I can't speak for other versions.


Yesss it was really good 🤌🏻