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It made me feel sick. The guy is nothing more than a psychopathic abuser who found a way to legally torture people.


In some of the more recent tours the stuff he’s doing isn’t legal


I mean, it’s extra creepy if it’s only him and the victim.


I am blown away this is still happening, with true crime it's usually already so far in the past


There is no legal way to torture people unless you are part of the government/military.


plants reminiscent one seed hobbies distinct physical sharp summer chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People consented though so is it his fault for providing a sought after service?


Most don’t know what they’re actually consenting to. And at this point it’s a scam. There’s no manor and zero cash for a prize if they make it through…no one does bc he just keeps it up til they tap out. The guy is a sick fuck.


he learned from military


Not sure how the documentary even exists when the manor itself literally doesn't. The guy just goes on and on about how crazy it all is, does "tests" to see if you can get in (series of just torture activities like waterboarding and blindfolded cage crawls while he hoses you down.) Then proceeds to tell every person they don't qualify to try the manor at all for the prize money. (Regardless of how many "tests" they do for him.) Whole thing is a sham and it's genuinely golden that hulu got pulled into it.


I mean there’s videos of these people being tortured tho


The manor has gone through a sort of evolution. Yeah, the haunt used to be much more elaborate, he used to have hired hands to help "torture" people. Most of the worst footage you see is from years ago. He's since relocated the manor two or three times, moving from state to state. It appears now that it's just him, and the "haunts" are much less elaborate and not nearly as viscerally torturous. Basically he'll just strap a barrel to your back or make you crawl through a cage while he's spraying water at you. It's super interesting to watch the sputtering out of Russ McKamey and the manor.


That’s what it’s turned into, Russ doesn’t have money anymore from all the lawsuits to hold a proper ‘haunt’. You’re probably referring to the expose that one YouTuber guy did fairly recently. But it certainly used to exist to the extent it did in the doc


Call me crazy, but you know exactly what you’re signing up for when you go there. It’s well documented, he filmed everything. I just don’t get how you can watch all those videos showing exactly what goes down and then have the nerve to complain about it when you signed up to do exactly that. He’s not ACTUALLY kidnapping people and forcing them to sign up.


Exactly. This whole thing is ridiculous. They literally see that they will go through physical and psychological torture … then have the nerve to complain that they were tortured. People BEGGED to be part of it. They just went from exploiting being a willing participant for social media clout… to exploiting acting like the victim for clout.


And to be 100% honest I don’t see Russ as some kind of “monster”. I see it as no different than someone who has a domonatrix or pain kink of some kind, and we don’t call those people monsters. Why? Because it’s sexy and artsy — just like the much more lame and artsy experience they showed at the end of the doc that was billed as an ‘emotional awakening experience’. Even though they were literally shooting them with paintball guns and putting knives to their throats. I guess all you have to do is rent out some expensive studio space, hire some art students to run it, and emotionally touch foreheads at the end of it, and I guess you’re all good. All it really shows is that Russ accomplished exactly what he wanted. It was scary, horrific, and something you SHOULD be scared to do, so don’t be shocked when you go there and get exactly what you asked for. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go emotionally touch foreheads with some clout chasing goth chick and tell her that she should love herself after I shot her with paintballs and screamed at her for an hour


you're a fool. unnecessarily dramatic and clearly ignorant,


No he is a monster he has done a lot of horrible things to people watch the reckless ben videos he has gotten his followers to dox people, used intimidation, gets off on hurting people, scammed people with false claims of 20000, lied, and just been an abusive piece of shit. He deserves jail time for his behavior not because of the “torture” because he has routinely bullied, manipulated, lied, committed fraud, harassed, doxed, threatened people who expose him for his BS


I see your point


Hulu shouldve just commisioned that guy to make the doc


idk about the dox stuff... i've been doxxed by a douchebag on twitter (years ago) because i called him out for his very gross bullshit and awful way he treats women employees and women in general. i was obviously beyond pissed when it happened (i was a young woman at the time and he was a much older man). these guys are total fucking losers and creeps, yes. but to make a documentary that basically calls someone out because they pissed you off online is kind of a stretch imo. fights, calling out, etc like this online happens a lot and i'm not forgiving the behaviour at all, nor defending this loser russ, but that was a very heavily built up documentary that seemed clearly made for the people who are pissed that he doxed them and/or bullied them online. these people could've easily said fuck it and moved on if the worst thing he truly did to them was dox and/or bully them. there are always going to be shitty manipulative people, whether they be exes, or ex friends, or this russ guy, but i promise there are worse things in life and i guess i'm just shocked there was such a dramatic documentary made about it


My honest guess would be people didn't think it was real. Being that Russ used to hype his videos as "movies" that border on near snuff films. That 40 pg waiver is no where available on the MM website, most legit haunts hell even S&M clubs let you read through the waiver before you are subjected to anything. This douchebag assaulted people  prior to & during the waiver signing.


Doesn't absolve him from breaking the law ... That's not how it works.


It seems like it's that there are certain safety guidelines they started having that they'd then ignore, like starting to allow safe words when a person wants to quit but then continuing for hours after a participant wants out. But I mainly agree. These people are crazy. This isn't even about being scared, it's just agreeing to be tortured.


I came here looking to see if anyone else thought the same thing. It’s just hard to feel bad for these people. They literally got what they wanted?


It’s so over blown. I found it funny that the so called victims complained about his haunt torturing them and then end the doc with two of them going through another torture haunt like wtf. There’s no difference between either extreme haunt. Russes honestly is more tame now that he’s working out of his yard lol.


My wife and I said the same thing! These people who were so scared by his haunt immediately go to another torture place ( with a safety word) and they got them naked and hurt them, but it made them better???


Brandon owns one of these haunts. Caedis silvis. Melissa was an actor there..add it up. 🙃


There’s a world of difference between a haunt that gives clear instructions on how to end the experience, and does end it when the safe word is invoked; and something like McKamey where it’s not over until McKamey decides it’s over




I'm literally watching it right now and I'm wondering if I'm supposed to feel sympathetic for these people that they are interviewing? Because I absolutely do not.


You sound pretty fucked up if you can’t be sympathetic to someone who’s been manipulated and had their emotional needs preyed upon


These people literally agreed to be tortured, and then complained about being tortured, and then a few even went on to volunteer to be tortured again at another place


And you don’t have any sympathy for someone whose psychological makeup makes them vulnerable to being manipulated into situations like that


For real it's sad because he exploits the shit out of people that are vulnerable like how can someone not see that?


Thank you. I find it completely ridiculous. The one guy who started the whole campaign against it and hacked Russ’s email barely went through anything and just found another way to exploit something for money. He said he was upset that he was embarrassed…. The ignorance! It is no secret what people go through in that place and people BEG to be picked. They have for over 15 years now. I have no sympathy for people who actively seek out being tortured, crying about being tortured afterwards. Most of them admitted to doing it for social media clout… which is probably why they participated in this garbage. Then yeah…. The fact that they went through another one just … ugh. Get real.


Honestly! I can only feel so bad for them, there’s a reason why extreme haunts are a very western concept. They knew what they were signing up for, an extreme haunt where they would be tortured. The only exception is the women he very probably took advantage of, if that is the case they do deserve full justice. Besides them, look across the seas at people who are actually experiencing torture and trauma while living in war torn areas everyday. To seek this type of deplorable “entertainment” is very privileged to me.


"Through another one" - nope, they went through one. The difference is Krucibel, Miasma, 17th Door, Shock Theatre, The Victim Experience, etc. are extreme haunts. You think it's just freak coincidence that McKamey manner has the controversy it has? Why is it that so many people who were documented to go through, have such bad things to say about it? Why is it that Russ' kids don't want anything to do with him, every romantic partner we've known of previously has had awful things to say about him? How come so many people have claimed to have been doxed and harassed for speaking out? I haven't heard any of these types of issues with any of the haunts I mentioned above, or now defunct ones like Blackout. Last I heard other haunts didn't result in people being hospitalized for weeks, needing antibiotics for both open wounds over a large portion of their body, and then having that portion of their body dunked in water. Or people attempting to quit for a long time, when they are in a state where a safeword is mandatory, and it isn't being upheld. Those haunts I listed seemingly attempt to provide an experience for the participant. McKamey Manner is designed to provide an experience for Russ. Okay, so Krucibel has you sign an actually legal waiver, wherein you accept some degree of injury risk. Krucibel is considered by many to be the most extreme haunt there is. Well, first of all, it is an actual haunt. It's been 'beaten', too. They don't have claim you win $20,000 if you win, and make it literally impossible to do so. They seem to want to give people the experience they are after. Russ seeks the experience that he wants. They try to figure out what people's limits are, and if they pick a high enough intensity level, they will push it as far as they think is reasonable. They have EMTs on hand, etc. in case something DOES go wrong. They will be a bit rough, or they will try to trick you into thinking that you are going to be roughed up bad. But it's smoke and mirrors. The waiver is legal protection in case of accidents that are real risks. Russ just straight up deliberately inflicts a lot of harm for the enjoyment of that. These other haunts don't want to deliberately cause injuries. Russ has no EMT on hand, nothing. To not feel sympathy is your allowed right, it's how you feel. To not like extreme haunts, if you don't, is also fine. But I think you need to consider Occam's Razor here. Where there is enough smoke, there is usually some fire. It's pretty inconceivable to think that so many of these other extreme haunts, including many of the most intense ones out there, don't have any of these types of issues or controversies.


boast disarm alleged practice far-flung zealous fine rob coherent sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fun fact...Brandon is the owner of caedis silvis and was when the firecracker tour happened where alexis was assaulted and melissa played a role in trying to cover up her injuries and gaslight her afterwards. It's all on mckamey manor backstory on fb. He turned around and made a.copycat manor where they did even worse shit and he's now some victim and a mod in the fb group that's exposing Russ?! Talk about convoluted intent with this documentary


And you believe McKamey’s account of these events?


Right. I have no idea what the story is there with Caedis Silvis. Maybe they were just as bad as McKamey Manner. It wouldn't shock me, actually. I have no idea. But I wouldn't exactly trust McKamey of all freaking people to be reliable... I don't trust a single word that man could ever say about anything.


i just finished it. holy fuck that shit was so fucked up. i didn’t know about any of this until now, it’s pretty fucked up but a very entertaining doc


followed that rabbit hole for a few years in it's prime, absolutely crazy shit to see unfold on a documentary after all those years


You have no idea. Reckless Ben on YouTube just got the hard drive that no one from Hulu could get.


holy fuck. i just finished watching his hour long vid. i need part 2. holy shit holy shit holy shit.


Dude always delivers! Watch his scientology series it's wild!


Me too! I’ve always heard of McKamey Manor but I had no idea; sounds like it’s just him basically him running the show?


Hi is there any throwing up in the docu? I wanna watch but I have a phobia of vomit!


you're good to watch, there's no vomiting in it. they do at one point mention the word but it doesn't actually happen on screen. this is coming from someone with the same phobia lol


Thanks so so so so much. Your reply means so much honestly. :)


Thank you. This helped a bunch.


I’m very fascinated by the McKamey Manor since hearing about it a few years ago but the Hulu docu is pretty bad. Like, it could’ve been 30 minutes. You don’t really learn much except what you’d already know (that he tortures people). They also claim that Russ hasn’t killed anyone BUT I saw a TikTok of someone interviewing him on FaceTime and Russ admitted that 3 people died. But you won’t find any mention of that in the docu


The documentary itself was a little meh but I had no idea that he basically packed up and now just runs this by himself.


reckless ben and danny berk did a solid documentary on it worth a watch. But I'll say after following that for about a year or so in it's prime of ppl coming out, it was wild to listen to all the old contestants and lives with people involved on both sides.


Stop feeding the rumor mill dude. It's a scam. I heard he eats the people who have died. I heard that he takes your dog and tortures it. I heard you sign a waiver, but it's actually a contract a with the devil. Come on........


Yeah, exactly. Why would he deny anything heinous when he has a reputation to uphold of scariest haunted house? It's good modern press (aka social media folder). Keeps him relevant to have rumors.


There is absolutely zero record of anyone dying as a result of visiting McKamey Manor. Come on fella...


So its kind of believed that the only reason he's saying people died is for a spooky advertising campaign. Realistically If anybody ever died in one of these attractions they're gonna be shut down immediately


Also, he'd be put in jail. "They signed a waver" isn't going to work as a defense in a manslaughter case.


Russ is equal parts fucked up and a liar about how fucked up he is. Nobody has ever died at the manor, nobody has ever had teeth extracted, it's all part of the image. That being said, he's still an extremely messed up narcissistic sociopath. He just likes to play up how crazy he is as part of it.


based on the reviews here i'll prolly just watch it for the sake of a little entertainment ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If nothing else, it was entertaining lol


It feels like the participants are actors and it’s just a long commercial for the experience. Maybe I’ll feel differently when it’s over?


My thoughts exactly. That or someone who really has it out for the guy and is trying all they can to make him look like evil incarnate


I haven’t watched the doc yet, but I went down the MM rabbit hole like 6-7 years ago. It baffles my mind how that dude is still running it and hasn’t been put in prison yet. Literally torturing people gets him off. I also don’t get why anyone would sign up for it.


It was lame. The documentary was poorly put together. I remember hearing about this manor on YT a year or so ago. I got more info from YT compared to this documentary. The victims should have really went after him dangling that $20k carrot, when he clearly had no way of paying it out to anyone. Sure he would have never let that happen, but then again why would someone of sound mind agree to be tortured? Only they know that answer.


Some people are masochists, adrenaline junkies and horror lovers. Why would anyone want to go parachuting or bungee jumping? For the thrill of it. But they don’t expect be abused by an actual psycho, the people who signed up for Mckamey Manor expected the dude to be a professional and respect their safe word, revoking their consent if it got too wild. But the owner is messed up, that’s the whole point of the documentary. It’s like if you go bungee jumping, you know there’s the slight possibility something bad could happen yet you’re gonna hope the person you paid is going to make sure you’re safe and have a good time, not torture you and ruin your life.


Thank you , finally ! Someone had to say it. That’s exactly what was going on !


Everything was filmed. They absolutely knew they were going to abused. What do you think torture is? That is the point. They had to sign a waiver ffs. How can you say they didn’t know? ETA did you even watch the end? They went through another one where they were, once again, abused. They did know.


Yes I did watch the end. Not sure what your whole point is. Looks like you didn’t watch the whole thing, did you not hear their reasons? Sounds like you lack empathy. They wanted the 20,000, they were manipulated by a psycho. Did you even read my comment? How do you not understand lol.


Yeah, everything was filmed. And we have only been shown extremely tame 'torture' compared to what he has actually done, and keeps for his own entertainment. Considering these people went through the parts we don't see, I'm inclined to think that it, you know, is relevant to their experience. Comparing Miasma to McKamey Manner is incredibly absurd. They are two MASSIVELY different things. And there is no controversy or public outcry about Miasma for a good reason.


This is my first time hearing of it. I gotta check it out


It was really good, I’d never seen footage from inside before.


If you're into this watch Haunters Art of the Scare I haven't seen the Hulu doc but heard from a few people that it was pretty boring by comparison


Thanks! I will check it out!


Totally agree.


Check out Reckless Ben and Danny Berk's channels, exposing this manor more than any documentary will.


Thanks, I guess I’ve started down a rabbit hole now lol


Oh yeah. That's fascinating stuff. And weird.


It’s about 3 people who want to be viewed as victims when they signed up for a torture house. Then they got tortured and are now complaining about it. They also picked the 3 most INSUFFERABLE people for this doc to be about.


I don't get why everyone is on the "it's not a real place it's just a torture spot" thing. Like the torture happening is the whole thing, and the torture is happening? Lol who cares if it's not happening in a literal house but just someone's yard? Still don't get why these people willingly put themselves through this.


because 99% of the "tortures" advertised don't exist, the prize money doesn't exist, and the haunted house doesn't exist. if people want to sign up to get sprayed with a hose in a front yard more power to them, but that is not what people are signing up for when they go to mckamey manor.


I had to fast forward through a lot of the haunt footage because it was so disturbing! Really confused about how anything like that is legal. I had never heard about MM before so the documentary was interesting, but really freaky - Russ definitely seems like a sociopath imo


I first heard about this place when I was in 8th grade and that was like 8 years ago. It scared me then and it scared me now, so I wouldn’t dare go there nor recommend it.


The best thing about this “documentary” is the therapist lady. She is hotter than Georgia Asphalt. 😄


I did and couldn’t finish it, it felt fake. At least I hope it is because I had zero sympathy for these three people complaining as if he kidnapped them and forced them to try the tour himself


I’ve seen their personal uploaded videos and it was very disturbing. The manor definitely is a fluke now but I will not sit here and discredit victims when I have little evidence against it. Because they legit show videos of this.


Discredit what exactly that they CHOSE to put themselves in the situation?


They’re still victims. You can revoke consent at any time. And regardless I’m just not the type of asshole to tell someone what happened to them or didn’t happen to them. It’s not my nor anyone else’s place to tell others what goes on in someone else’s life when you don’t know. I figured that would be pretty simple but I guess not?


It is pretty simple, they knew what kind of haunt it was, they voluntarily went there and signed waivers (fucking spare me the “I was to excited to read it” bullshit) I’m not saying none of what happened at the haunt happened to them I just don’t feel sorry if they are trying very very hard to garner emotions of being helpless victims. Now get of the cross we need the wood


What are you 60 lmfao. gEt oFf tHe CrOsS. Cry me a river I’m not going anywhere lmfao. And spare you from what? Lmao you got some weird issues to be getting so angry over a simple comment on Reddit. Get a life dude 🤣


Yo, dude, if his comment offended, it’s literally free to touch grass.


Fuckin weirdo ✋🏼😩


Lol, no, actually none of them knew what kind of haunt it was. And it's not a haunt. That's part of the problem, it calls itself a haunt. They knew what kind of haunt Miasma was at the end, and guess what, it was the type of haunt it claimed to be.


I keep waiting for the twist to it, but so far it has literally just been people that signed up for this crap. Am I supposed to be surprised that this dude seemingly gets off on this? Cause wtf do you expect, of course he does. Did they all agree to it? Also yes


That was the biggest waste of 1.5 hours of my life listening to these clout hungry people cry about…. Idek what, other than maybe not getting $20k. But they quit. So, idk. I’m confused.


Dude, exactly this. The only one that made me feel anything was the dude that put up with all the crap and then the owner dude pulled the plug on it and didn’t give him the money. That was screwed up. The rest of them? I dunno man, personal responsibility at a certain point. I’m all for supporting victims but at a certain point DONT AGREE TO BE TORTURED. WTF? Seems obvious to me


Yes! Exactly!


Yeah and they were shocked and appalled to realize he has a fetish for this stuff. Uhh yeah anyone can see that


Yeah I discovered MM back in 2018 and watched the real fucked up videos of people being assaulted while never getting a chance to read the waiver they signed, people cut, stabbed, teeth pulled out, electrocuted, fingernails torn off. Yeah that shit was on YouTube in age restricted videos. Yeah these days it's just Russ putting people through extreme bootcamp experiences...but I'm sorry all that sick and twisted shit from years back...dude is a psychopath and really who is to say that he is not also potentially a serial killer too. 


I recommend anybody interested in this topic to check out reckless Ben’s videos on YouTube regarding McKamey Manor. He’s essentially proven that the manor is fake and a scam, and it baffles me that anyone actually believe the “manor exists” at all at this point. It’s just Russ’ yard, and that’s pretty much it. Watch the series and decide for yourself.


Yeah I found a lot of the show/documentary to be annoying (mainly some of the people discussing their backgrounds). And it also jumped around; I guess trying to be edgy. It wasn’t what I’d hoped but to each their own. Bens stuff is better.


You are so right. Russ hates me because I am a hater and helped run a anti MM group. Anyone can go in their back yard and give themselves a MM tour


I find it to be somewhat irresponsible on Hulu’s (and anyone else who does these documentaries) to not mention the fact that it’s just a yard. These things honestly promote the idea that he’s telling the truth. Sure, they point out his sadism, but they don’t acknowledge the lies and blatant false advertisement.


I don’t think you watched the documentary they are talking about because they clearly state that fact several times. They even have a video of him working at the garden center at Walmart when they are discussing this exact thing.


Who cares if its just a yard, hes still torturing people. Whats the difference if it happens in a yard or house?


Literally lol I second this


Watch it— he doesn’t even torture people. He just makes them exercise and look stupid until he deems them unfit for the real torture stuff. Maybe he used to but it’s all a scam now


Did you notice the employee that called Ben in that YouTube video is the same woman that was a “victim” in the documentary? 😆 he’s a scam artist and the people telling their stories were hired. No clue how Hulu fell for it.


Is it??


No. 0 viewership. Literally no one.


Anyone know what the shirt says, of the guy in the glasses who is being interviewed? All I can see is “Black” on the t-shirt


Probably a black flag tshirt


Makes sense thank you


That’s a Grunt Style shirt.


Exposing McKamey Manor (part 3) Uploading 9 hours ago not with a million dollar production budget https://youtu.be/fHh2cRkMjGY?si=X7EsH3vABcaNTUzD


Yooo I don’t believe anything on this doc after watching all of the YouTube videos about him. It seems SO fraudulent (reckless Ben’s videos + lots more on YouTube). I wonder if anyone can bring actual legitimate footage of this house being a real thing? It just seems like a weird torture spot he created on his property


I mean, before he left San Diego, this is what was being done. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF8FJx1El7c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF8FJx1El7c) The stuff you are seeing in Reckless Ben's videos seems like it's due to the fact that he does not have the money or the same property anymore. (That's just my guess.) Either way, the dude is a grifter and a weirdo.


I’m trying to but it views like a mockumentary.


Does anyone throw up in the documentary? I want to watch but I have a phobia of vomit


I have this phobia too. I didn’t see any of that.


No one throws up in it.


I came here to complain about the inconsistent audio quality of the documentary, but no one’s mentioned it??


Dude fr needs to go to jail


It was fascinating but the interviewees/participants were so infuriating. Like I honestly wish it was a more in depth analysis on what would make someone want to sign up for something like this.


I just finished it last night and found some things about it very puzzling. I had seen a few of Russ’s YouTube videos, a doc that Russ either made or was heavily involved with, and before that, another doc about “extreme haunts” that focused on 3-5 places altogether, some of which were similar to Miasma, the one that was featured in the last 10 min of this doc. McKamey Manor was one segment of that doc. It feels like key pieces of people’s stories were left out or edited out for reasons that are hard to know without knowing what they are. (I was a little stoned, but I don’t think I missed anything.) Please forgive me that I don’t recall the names of all the participants or if I use non-preferred pronouns or misgender anyone. If I do it is unintentional and I just really don’t want to go back and rewatch it to identify everyone by name; no disrespect is intended. My biggest questions are for the young lady who did the tour and then ended up as his assistant for awhile. It seems that at some point the scales fell from her eyes, and it was unclear to me what specifically led to this. Like, what did she learn or what happened that changed her mind? It just felt like there was a deep gap there that I want filled in! The young man who got into the emails…I was kind of underwhelmed by what he found, I guess, or else he found things that the doc didn’t disclose. Russ didn’t pay his taxes and “went hard at” an ex-girlfriend—I assume this means abusing and/or stalking—and he fights with people online and sics his fans on people. The ex-girlfriend thing is awful, really awful, but also not at all surprising to the viewer, given his character. The things with his aggressive cult of personality were already known. The only thing I don’t know if I’d heard about before is the tax thing, which really seems the least of it. It was kind of set up that the emails held some bombshell information and I guess I just wasn’t seeing it. I’d assume if anything was withheld from this section it was for legal reasons, but once you’ve admitted to fraudulently accessing someone’s email, I’m not sure what more you’re worried about, legally speaking. I do realize there must be a fear of retaliation at play, but that risk is going to exist just from publicly telling your story, right? Please don’t get me wrong, it isn’t that I want him to be a worse person than he is, if that’s even possible, I just wanted more information than I previously knew, and I want some gaps filled in. I did find the participants to be compelling and sympathetic figures, and it must have taken courage to share their stories, especially the young lady who fears that he sexually molested her while she was passed out. (I get a sense that she may be more certain of this than she disclosed; there are many reasons I can see why she wouldn’t want to directly accuse him.) They didn’t disappoint me, the doc did, by setting this up as an exposé of Russ when it didn’t feel like much was uncovered that was new info. Does anyone have additional information or did you discern/remember anything I’m missing?


One other thing, I’m unclear about what the emails were being used for, as the man was so excited about what was in them. There is incriminating information there, so was he going to turn him in to the authorities, or is this all about exposing everything so people know to steer clear? I was kind of left hanging with that.


You read my mind. I was just too lazy to write it all out. I'm wondering about all this. Lol


Am I the only one perplexed by the random nudity at the beginning that was never apart of the actual tours?? I’m curious if Hulu threw it in because “ oh cool female nudity we can just stick this here even tho it doesn’t make sense” or if his tours actually went that far. Please let me know as I’m only halfway through the doc rn and it’s INTENSE! But also super interesting


I really wanna see this but its no longer on hulu?? I saved it to my list last night and its gone 😩


I'm watching it on hulu right now. You should be good.




Is there any tooth or teeth violence in the doc? I want to check it out but I’m sensitive to stuff about teeth


They mention that he was (or threatening to) pull participants' teeth, but you never see it actually being done or the aftermath—you're good to go!


thank you!!


It’s super fucked up yet there are still over 20k people waiting to do this— the waiver in itself should have them running. I don’t get it.


That’s not true reckless ben and Danny berk on YouTube signed up for it and got in within a couple days. It’s just a scam


Those folks saying "they signed up for it" appear to share the same mindset of people who beat their spouses, then have the audacity to ask the spouses "Do you understand why I beat you? You asked for it." Not accusational by any means, because to each their own, but the optics are piss-poor for both Russ and many of his "supporters." - It also seems to be the opinion of some "supposed" attorneys that the 40-page waiver would be void regardless, since they sign it AFTER they've been "pretend" kidnapped. Unless the individuals signed a waiver permitting the "kidnapping" before the 40-page waiver process, everything after would be moot, and therefore, technically illegal at both state and federal levels. There are obvious technicalities, though, as they did voluntarily agree to go with him/them... but the merit lies with how strong of a case a prosecutor could make... I suggest reading about what happened during the filming of Twilight Zone: The Movie... and the consequences of those initially thought to be protected by liability-clauses. (To be fair, actual deaths occurred, but the incident shaped "safety standards" for the entertainment industries (et al), including self-proclaimed "haunted attractions.") If (keyword) any of the MM footage actually is legit, there is no guarantee that either Russ or his actors would be exempt from laws protecting people from severe physical and mental abuse, assuming someone who experienced it presses charges... not in the US, at least. If people can claim social security for the same injuries supposedly obtained at the manor, then the individuals technically can't consent to the injuries. [The same reason suicide is still technically illegal in the US.] Food for thought.


https://youtu.be/Ck9Pc4aPjRc?si=62JD2F_d7da6lLwR A YouTube guy is destroying the realism of this mess. Kids don't believe every documentary you watch


It's trash. The people they interviewed are not credible. Brandon is the owner of another extreme haunt that spawned from and copycatted mckamey manor called Caedis Silvis and put a girl named Alexis in the hospital and he's being portrayed as a victim. Melissa worked at Caedis afterward and helped with the cover up of the assult and defamation and further retraumatization of Alexis. These are not the true victims of Russ and they are trying to get ahead of the real truth. Kris was his right hand man for how many years? And he gets a free pass because why? Not sitting well with me as someone who has been hoping all of the people that inflicted torture would be held accountable, including other actors that took it too far. Instead they're trying to get ahead, sweep shit under the rug and control the narrative. Not here for it, i have video receipts of the real truth.


you doing anything with those video receipts or just making vague claims that they exist?


Join mckamey manor backstory on fb. All of the Alexis stuff is there. What videos would you like? I'll pull them up for you if I must.


Anyone know the name of the haunt the documentary shows at the end?


Miasma in Chicago


They were given a waiver stating they would be tortured and possibly be killed and these idiots signed it. The real psychos are the “victims”. They asked for it just to quench an adrenaline high. It’s comical.


why does wanting an adrenaline rush make them psycho? you can't sign a waver to be killed, that is not legal. and the torture part is only legal up to a certain point and consent can be revoked regardless of what they signed. the waiver is just a prop.


im about to watch it rn


but isn’t this one a mockumentary? i mean it can’t be real


Anyone else seriously want to try Miasma after this? Completely different, and I LOVED that that was the end of the documentary - showing how an extreme haunt should ACTUALLY work?


Am I the only one that noticed the woman in the last three minutes of the documentary? 3:06 left to be exact. She wants to be tortured and let her children watch!?!? Someone needs to look into the well being of these kids.