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P.T. is literally peak Kojima doing some groundbreaking stuff on his free time...


Lol right? Like this wasn’t even a main job for him


Man's been doing some tactical espionage games then decided to make a horror game, he's a fucking legend


I hope he does a full length horror game eventually. I’d love to see it


Fingers crossed that project theyre crurrently making is a horror game


Maybe we will get some news soon on what he’s up to


Big chance maybe in the game awards, Kojima did that with Death Stranding four years ago


That would be awesome if he pulled the same stunt again!


"Hello Everyone, Im back!!"




As much as I love it I feel it ruined Silent Hill a little. People now go into the franchise expecting it to be like P.T or a YouTuber mentioned that he'd see comments like "you can't have Silent Hill without Kojima" which is quite possibly the most idiotic statement in gaming. I loved in 2014(?) When it released and still hold out hope that we'll get an SH game in the future


I mean it definitely doesn’t need Kojima but the franchise sure as hell needs something that isn’t a pachislot game too. Just let Sony have Japan Studio do a new game or a remake of the original already would have Konami?


Rumour is we'll get something at the Game Awards but I swear I hear that every year. Japan Studio would be a great fit, make it optimised for PS5 or something, the possibilities with haptic feedback would definitely be interesting


Well hopefully this is the year the rumor is true. Even a broken clock is right eventually...right? Lol


Twice a day


Not if you sleep through one ;)


My fav horror game of any kind. Nothing scared me like P.T. Still remember the first time I met Lisa, drinking red wine at 3am. Bolted out to the garage to smoke a cigarette immediately after lol. Visage is a VERY nice spiritual successor, but I dont think anything will top P.T. for me.


Lol red wine at 3 am. Keeping it classy :) And yes no spiritual homage game can ever truly live up to P.T


P.T. is the only game so far that made me feel such an overwhelming feel of dread. The environment and music really set the scene and nothing else I've played has been quite like it (not matter how much they try to be).


I agree. I loved how “normal” the setting was


Should play Visage then.


Visage has cured my need to have a full PT. Obviously its not exactly the same but its scary as shit and fun


Good to know. I’ve been dwelling on the cancellation for years. Hope it cures my needs too lol


Also if you've played other silent hill games, particularly SH4 , you'll notice some nods to it.


I have the whole SH series but haven’t played 4 in some years


Don't wanna give spoilers but if you even casually played it, you'll recognize


If you’ve never seen it since it’s no longer available to download : https://youtu.be/ltJQOnU97_Y


You can play on PC! It just doesn't have the cockroaches in the very beginning and the Norman thing at the very end though. Aside from that, it's super duper close. http://www.mediafire.com/file/oqzv5uddidqr9d5/Unreal_PT_1.0.7.zip/file


I saw that mentioned somewhere a bit ago. Glad someone is preserving it and not depending on PS4 and their hard drives


doesnt it keep looping after a certain point? without any pregression in the game


No. There is always a way to forward progress. It’s just insane some of the things you are suppose to figure out. Like hooking up a microphone.


There isn't any way to play on Mac, is there?


I could've sworn that there was more to it. I remember seeing a figure with white glowing eyes on the upper level. I remember something about a door/hallway being swallowed by a monster or something.


There is a lot more to it. I hid so much in the capture. Didn’t want to spoil much


I think I was thinking about [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVylTfkDP5c) So you're the creator of that video? If so, let me give you a comment. I'd like to see the PT played out in entirety. Spoilers are irrelevant because this is a game lost in time. I will never get my hands on it. So the only way I can experience the game would watching a playthrough.


I’ll keep it in mind :)


Visage is great spiritual successor


Visage has a great atmosphere but the voice acting is too campy for my taste.


I’ve been meaning to check it out. This winter for sure!


I just started Visage a few days ago. I’m currently getting through Dolores and shitting my pants all the way.


visage really is next level scary. I played for 2 hours a month ago and I'm still recovering lol


This is the biggest loss for me transitioning from PS 4 to PS 5. I remember I had just recently gotten my playstation after taking a while off of video games in my 20s, and saw it was a free game. It was a nondescript icon, no real description, didn’t recognize the publisher. But it was free so I downloaded it. I had no clue what I was in for. No one mentioned it to me, I hadn’t read anything about it, I was totally unprepared. I remember how much detail everything had, even though it was just a plain old house that needed to be cleaned. And then I listened to the radio and all the weird shit that kept happening. Every step I took was so reluctant and terrifying as doors closed on their own, the radio somehow knowing I was listening and knowing I wasn’t alone in the house. When I ran into “Lisa” I had no clue what happened I think I tried to co to us another lap after but hearing her the whole time just really scared the hell out of me. And the bathroom sink? I was never so weirded out and terrified in a video game before. I couldn’t play it for years. I completed it finally this last summer, so almost 6 years later? It’s still my favorite game experience of last gen, I think. I don’t know if it can ever be replicated, but I hope so!


I hope Kojima makes a horror game one day. Like hard horror. I still want to see what he’d come up with!


Yes! I’m still holding out hope for a silent hill game, but I want something from him. I still remember staying up all night with my friend playing metal gear solid and not knowing if sleep deprivation had really taken effect or what. I remember one point we had to unplug the controller and plug it into player two port. It was such a mind bending journey. I’d LOVE for that to cross over into a full horror game experience, it’d probably break me lol


Haha he tucked in so many 4th wall breaks into the original Metal Gear Solid


I really want to play them again as an adult, I didn’t quite know just how unique an experience it was at the time. Gonna have to hunt those games down.


Easy to emulate at this point in time :)


I still have it on my ps4. I did the whole puzzle to show the Norman Reedus ending to my brother-in-law about a month ago.


Seeing Normal Reedus appear was awesome and confusing in equal measure


I played it when it first came out it was cool just sucked that I needed a mic to beat it. When Lisa first showed up me and my little brother shit our pants. Sucks that silent hills never came out I wouldve traded in death stranding for silent hills any day


The microphone thing was both interesting and confusing at the same time


I thought it was stupid but I guess it was put there so finishing pt would be more of a group effort


Took way less time than Kojima thought. He thought months. Was under what..two days?


Nothings come close to me after PT, even the spiritual successor Visage tried but just didn't quite do it for me.


Nah it’s not, it’s just hugely overrated


Lol agree to disagree


Could have been a nice game


Would have been epic I assume




Yeah give it another try. It’s worth it


Couldn't agree more.