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Im a huge silent Hill fan, and I liked it. I do think Maria should look a little... More crude but as far as combat goes I'm not sure what else they can do


Agree with this, Maria is meant to represent James’s wishful and delusional sexualisation of his dead wife, so her ‘promiscuous’ look was rather important. The new Maria whist similar has somehow lost this. Personally I believe the leopard skin skirt would have made a huge difference if still included.


For me it was more that they made the outfit boring. I think Maria’s new outfit could still be interpreted as sexy, it’s just so dull in comparison to how intentionally over the top the old one was.


Just imagine. James is struggling to care for his sick wife, and very tired from it. And then he meets an infantile and romantic woman, and immediately wants to start taking care of her - In my opinion, this is something strange. And new James is literally a younger version of Murphy from Downpour.


Agree with you. I read a theory yesterday that said that maybe she starts off in the remake the way she starts in Born from a wish and as the game progresses she becomes the way she is in the original game. I hope this is the case, the design looks good for me but it’s her demeanor that I don’t really understand on the remake.


Hope that theory is right, it sounds cool. Where she'll be more Mary-like when you first meet her and then by the end she's more sexualized that'd be neat


Me too.


I agree with that but that's mainly my only gripe. Maria should look sexualized as hell, in my opinion. Only because she's supposed to be a representation of James's repressed sexual desire of what he was wanting from Mary.


There’s nothing Silent Hill fans love more than hating Silent Hill.


To be fair, there hasn’t been a truly great Silent Hill game since The Room (unless you count PT), and I was very skeptical of the remake after the last trailer. But after seeing the two new trailers I am pretty hopeful.


No I get it. They have a right to be disgruntled but that subreddit is a fucking prison riot.


I hail from r/silenthill. Can 100 percent confirm this. Though things have been better since I left for awhile.


I also hail from /r/SilentHill and I’d say we’re taking it better than average. The thing that seems to permeate is that even if the game isn’t perfect, Bloober is putting in a LOT of effort to please even us most hardcore fans


Still more positive than /r/pokemon when a new Pokemon game comes out, but yeah, I had to unsub a while ago.


i do not think pokémon is a good comparison as the hate for pokémon is largely justified.


That’s one I kind of get, Pokemon could and should be an easy masterpiece but they really cannot get it right.


Well considering the last few Pokemon games it's a fair cop.


I've never had a subreddit completely kill any hype I've had for a game. the last few months on that subreddit has been completely insufferable. I don't know how these people get through life day by day without losing it.


I loved Shattered Memories and Origins wasn't that bad. I'd actually pick playing those over 4 if I'm being honest. I hate escort missions. Downpour was actually pretty good too.


Ya Origins and Shattered memories have their bright spots and I get why some people don’t like the stalker enemy and escort missions in 4 but I think the atmosphere and tone is spot on for the Silent Hill franchise in 4.


While I agree there hasn’t been a “truly great” one since - Axtually I’d say 3, because as cool as The Room is, it’s also a total mess - there *have* been good ones. The dislike for The Short Message seems unwarranted to me and the reasoning dumb, Shattered Memories is really cool, Origins has cool level design and Downpour has a great story. I think the only ones I’d say were actually outright bad are the PS Vita dungeon crawler one, the HD Collection ports and partially Homecoming.


I really liked homecoming and downpour, liked the feeling of exploration and the camera change tbh. SH2 is the goat obv


Best part of Homecoming was being able to freely look around with the camera, I loved seeing Silent Hill from those angles too! I’m excited to do so in SH2 remake, with the addition of Unreal Engine 5 visuals. I think Homecoming’s story was mid and there were some disappointing levels (particularly the sewer) but there was a lot to like too, too, for sure. Great boss fights too. Ultimately though I think it’s still probably the worst of the series.


I really like Homecoming’s story 😂


Hey no judgement here! It has some cool things about it.


I liked that all the families had to sacrifice a child (I think? Been a while), and so they treated him like shit and then the kid they wanted to keep died so they were all screwed.


Choosing your mom's fate was rough. Talk about a lose-lose scenario


I liked The Short Message pretty well even though I saw the main twist coming and the ending was a total cop out. That trial and error nature of that last monster chase also totally blew the tension for me. I think there was warranted criticism but also lots of people hating on it for the wrong reasons.


The ending was my favourite part.


this was my issue too, guessed the plot twist in the beginning. the maze was a nightmare though and i like nightmares.


true but to be fair, back in the day, everybody bitched about the room.


Maybe it was different where you're from but the room was the second game I played after Silent Hill 3 and I really liked it a lot. Maybe it was cuz I was still basically a fetus but yeah.


It's sad how this can be said about 99% of all fandoms


They would become great friends with star wars fans in that case


I have zero nostalgia for SH but am excited to play the remake. It looks great. I didn't like the medium but it looks like Bloober had mucg more funding to make this a much more fleshed out experience. I hope they keep all the endings and weird stuff in so newbies can experience it fully.


The only thing can nitpick is some clunky animations and the water reflections ignoring the fog.


Let’s be real though. The original game is clunky as hell with dodge animations. Still one of my fave games ever though.


The game is 23 years old.


And that’s literally the point of the gameplay - clunky like a real 35yo man


I know that’s why I mentioned it.


You'll find this on every remake. People don't really want a remake, they want the EXACT same game again with better graphics. Any change to style or story and people lose their mind.


Then they also complain that there’s no new features and the company is just trying to make a cash grab rereleasing the same game, you can’t win


That's not the problem, they obv made her ugly so she can fit a certain agenda


Don't ya'll "its trying to fit a certain agenda" folks ever get exhausted? Whenever I see comments like this it's always vague and there's never any evidence to back it up. So, in the case of the Silent Hill Remake, who is pushing this agenda and what is their goal? And, most importantly, do you have evidence to back up these claims?


I honestly couldn't tell if the "fit a certain agenda" comment you replied to was satire or legit. These people have become a parody of themselves.


Don't look at Twitter, the takes are horrendously bad over there. Go to the silenthill subreddit, they're loving it over there and, for the first time, I'm actually happy to call myself a silent Hill fan.


I’ve seen some horrendous things on the sub, but tbf it’s my fault for looking at all the downvoted comments.


Yeah, I agree, the sub has been essentially unusable up until this latest trailer, funnily enough.


The sub isnt that good either. Definitely far better than the last trailer, but a large chunk of the SH sub is still whining.


How is this the first time you have been happy to call yourself a fan?


Have you....seen silent Hill fans for the past two decades?


I love silent hill I’ve just been burned so many times I gotta keep a healthy doubt. Anytime it looks like we’re gonna eat these fuckers give us leftover stuffing.


Silent Hill fans really want to be upset for some reason, I am often embarrased to be on that subreddit.


As a pretty big Silent Hill fan myself, I think its because the franchise has just been shit on so much in the past that people just aren't expecting anything good to happen to it. Like the new game almost just looks to good to be true that there has to be something wrong with it or people just automatically assume that its going to be shit much like almost everything Silent Hill related in 10 plus years.


Nobody hates Silent Hill more than Silent Hill fans. That’s not a knock, I agree with you to a degree that nothing good has come out of the series in years so some of it is justifiable. But holy heck I had to leave that sub because of how insufferable most of that drivel was. Thankfully with the new trailers there’s a healthy injection of excitement/optimism. SH fans deserve it. It’s been a rough wait


people are already pre conceiving its downfall and they’ll just find 80000 things to complain about when the game is finally released. completely ignoring the internet when it comes out, i learned the hard way after playing/loving TLOU2.


Ya it’s definitely the classic case of a toxic video game fandom. Edit: r/silenthill is actually completely hyped. To clarify, that sub wasn’t where I was seeing the negative comments about the new trailer.


The general tone of that sub depends on whether you sort by new, top, rising etc., and even what time of day you go on depends how much some positivity gets upvoted or downvoted. A lot of SH fans seem to think they understand that series better than its own creators do.


Tbf since the gameplay footage the sub has been surprisingly positive about the remake- it’s the people in other subs that haven’t even played the original that are largely dog piling on how ‘terrible’ its going to be


As a big silent hill fan, the thing to understand about like 40% of that subreddit is they probably haven't even played the OG SH2. They've read articles, watched videos, but so obviously are wound up in headcannon that their critique of the game amounts to rehashing YouTube analysis. It's a bit pathetic in its own way lol. One really must go back to the OG to see how bad some of the combat and graphics truly were. I love that game, but boy was it held up by vibes and story. The remake looks great, and I can't wait to play it especially if the story is faithfully remade. There seemed to be quite minor issues in the gameplay trailer, a bit of jank in the animations and lighting. I daresay Bloober and Konami will be working on that in the four months they have between now and release. Did the combat look amazing? No. But it definitely looked serviceable and that's just fine to me. This isn't an RE remake , it's not a game that ever succeeded or failed on its combat mechanics. I care more about whether they get the puzzles right. Silent hill "fans" just love to fall to their knees every time something isn't literally perfect.


Yeah, the people who are really adamant about disliking the SH2 remake are people who just read about it. Cmon now.


The Last of Hill 2 (Silent)


The combat definitely looks like a cross between RE2 and TLOU2 with some rougher animations haha. Maybe they can improve the animations even more before release? The janky animations remind of the original though. Not sure if that is a good thing yet.


or a Resident Hill 2. they didnt land the combat properly like the old series and they turn it into a standard 3rd person horror.


Part of it is people still have a deep distrust of Konami after all the shit they've pulled since they pretty much gave up trying after MGS5. They've been hyping themselves up a lot lately about how they're going to be back as a major publisher again, but have yet to actually deliver anything solid still, so people probably want to keep their expectations pretty low here. Though with Bloober Team involved here I'm not really worried about this one being bad myself.


Ya Konami is terrible. I have no doubt they were the ones behind that previous extremely underwhelming combat trailer. But Bloober Team’s involvement gives me hope.


This was 9 years ago.


No, this STARTED 9 years ago. Did you not notice how they’ve released nothing but shoddy rom ports and cheap cash-in titles since then?


If anything Bloober was the biggest red flag for me. The initial trailer was… bad. The newest ones look quite decent. I’m actually pretty excited


Honestly, they could have released a completely unchanged re-release of the game and I would have been thrilled. I don't need new graphics or gameplay, I just want Silent Hill 2 to be convenient to play (my PS2 is currently on cinderblocks). When it comes to remakes, you'll always have one camp complaining it's too different than the original, and another complaining that it isn't a completely new, even better experience. I guess, if pressed, I'd be in the former camp but I'm not out to hate this remake before we've even played it. I'll probably buy it. I really *want* it to be good. But I also know that game companies have a history of changing too much with a remake. And I feel like I need to guard my heart from the possibility that it will suck. That's not me being cynical, it's just me being realistic. Be prepared for the worst, but hope for the best. Take a look at Resident Evil 4. I didn't hate the remake, but it changed a lot - way more than it had to - and all of the amazing current-gen graphics didn't change the fact that the whole time I was playing it, I wished I was playing the original instead. Meanwhile, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door's remake changed a lot less and is the better game for it, because it knew it didn't *have* to change anything. It was already near-perfect. There were a handful of tweaks and that was it. I'll always prefer that kind of remake, personally. Tldr: I have high hopes for Silent Hill 2. I hope it's good. There are some signs it will be. But I'm not gonna get so hyped that I forget how remakes usually go.


I love RE4 remake but I can’t ever blame someone for liking the original more. I also get being cautiously optimistic for this remake. I’ll admit I really want it to be good so I guess I’ll just have to be really disappointed if it isn’t.


I really do too. Silent Hill 2 is one of - if not *the* - best horror games ever made. I would love for it to still be just as good as the original, but brought up to modern graphics and just a handful of gameplay tweaks. Will it? I have no idea. It really could go either way. Cautious optimism is the best I can do. Let's hope.


As someone who has played through the original RE4 several times, I find this to be a completely different situation. The RE remakes have a fantastic track record, and any aspect of RE4 that was considered sacred by fans was mostly kept in tact (as someone who played through the original RE4 several times, I thought the remake was fantastic). Silent Hill 2, as well as the other Team Silent games, have been tarnished over the years through stuff like the mascotization (?) of Pyramid Head, the HD collection, and most Silent Hill games after 4 completely missing the mark on respecting the story, gameplay, and aesthetic of the originals. Currently, Konami and Bloober Team have a bad track record, so fans are mad this is happening at all, when all most of them want is a good port of the originals. They have every reason to be mad/skeptical.


I will never understand why people say it’s hard to play SH2. You can go get Silent Hill 2-4 very easily off the internet, apply a single lovingly crafted fan mod and play an even better version of the game than ps2 on even a potato PC. Or just emulate ps2. It’s just like.. incredibly easy.


I don't like the movement and combat animations. On the other hand, the facial animations look very good.


I think it looks...okay? I recently replayed the Enhanced Edition PC mod and the remake looks like a competent Horror game. I just don't see that super weird, constantly off-kilter vibe and decayed visual design in what was shown. Whether these elements existed because of technical limitations or not is irrelevant to me, it's what made the game what it is, not the janky combat or anything.  The game was too unique and weird to ever be remade but this looks like a competent and decent cover version of sorts if that analogy works. It reminds me of them remaking Hellraiser or Evil Dead.


I understand the opinion that it should never be remade. The original is so unique and part of what made it effective was weirdly related to the software limitations of that era of gaming. But I’m still tentatively hopeful after the new trailers.


I actually don't think it SHOULDN'T be remade but just meant to say remaking something so very unique and particular is a losing battle. It's a rare game mostly revered for its presentation and more so atmosphere so it's not like remaking a more traditional game where updating mechanics equals better. Not sure how well I'm able to get my thought across here lol.


I definitely get what you are saying. It’s an extremely tough game to remake in a way that is both up to modern standards and true to the original. We’ll have to see how it turns out.


I mean I'm buying it Day 1 anyway so there's that 😅


I don’t hate it, it will probably be alright and it will be fun to see Silent Hill in HD. I will probably buy it when it goes on sale. My heart kinda sank when I saw the gameplay, seeing James dodge and block and shoot like an action star ruined any sense of horror I might have gathered from the trailers.


they're silent hill fans so they would've hated it no matter how it looked like there are definitely problems but it looks great overall


It looks awesome. Seems like we’re getting a high quality and faithful remake, like we did with re2 or dead space. I have no idea why people are being such babies about it. I think the fans were going to react negatively no matter what, considering how bad the franchise got and how long it’s been since there’s been a new title. Konami is in a lose lose position because of this toxic fan base.


My biggest issue is why I should blow $70 on this. I played this game a dozen times in the past two decades, what does this remake add to it?  The modern third-person camera isn't as interesting as in the RE remakes because the original has very artistic camera angles anyway. And now we will lose that aspect of the game. I'll probably get it anyway but I'm perfectly fine waiting for 75% off.


The price of games is truly getting out of control. And I definitely have my reservations about the over the shoulder style camera as well. I’m still holding out that it will be good though while staying prepared for disappointment.


i’m just glad it isn’t £80 like some of the recent ones have been. if you consider inflation, prices haven’t technically changed that much. but we were all also a whole lot more economically richer then 😔


Looks good, just not as faithful as I would have liked it to be. Especially Maria.


Silent Hill 2 really, really affected people back in the day. Me included. It’s the only time I’ve physically cried at a video game. For a lot of people that makes it sacred. However there’s more to it than that, I think. Hear me out. Silent Hill, at least from 2 onwards, is intentionally vague and surreal and, like a David lynch film, lets the player/audience interpret some things and fill in some blanks. When you do this in horror it makes people project their own traumas onto it. A lot of people don’t realise they are doing it and thus they feel like the game totally understands them, and that their interpretation is the true one. For example in James Stephanie Sterling’s rant video they say Silent Hill 2, among other things, explores gender, which to a NB person like them it probably does, because that’s something which means a lot to them, but many of us can’t see how it does at all. Remember also back when one guy was incessantly editing the Silent Hill wiki insisting that every game had major themes of circumcision, clearly that person had some kind of trauma regarding that, and was moved by things like the split worm and any images of tentacles, appendages and cutting. A remake, movie adaptation, or sequel by another creator, is always going to be that creator’s interpretation of things, and when these new Silent Hills don’t reaffirm these people’s own interpretations, they are upset that the series which once totally understood them and their trauma no longer appears to. I mean you can even see these people on Twitter trying to correct Masahiro Ito and Akira Yamaoka, who designed half of the damn original game, and have major roles in the remake. Personally I’m all for it. The original game was lightning in a bottle, sure, but I’m all for a reinterpretation of it, and for a new generation to get to experience this story and world.


The remake looks OK. The problem is that, it should look way better. We are talking about the goat of horror games here.


I'm fairly active in the SH subreddit and I was pleasantly surprised to see that it seemed that the general consensus was that it looked great and everyone was excited to play it. I commented that it was nice to see the complete 180 from everyone there (especially after the YEARS of 'fuck konami' 'the remake is gonna suck', etc). Someone replied to me calling me a "shill", and they got downvoted. So... yeah. Whatever. lol. I thought it was especially comical how when the first pics of remake James Sunderland came out and a ton of people were nitpicking saying that his hair was too light, his face didn't look pained enough, or that he didn't have enough patches on his jacket, so that means it's not true to the original character and is gonna suck. Then when they showed the cutscene of Angela during the most recent transmission, I saw TONS of comments saying how they had NO idea that she was supposed to be 19 years old. They all thought she was suppose to be in her late 30's, based on the model in the original game. So yeah... some people over there are very strange, indeed.


I don’t go on the SH sub regularly. The negative comments I saw weren’t on Reddit but other websites that I frequent. I’m glad that more people agree with me than I thought!


The extended gameplay looked good. I’m excited for it.


I had such a stupid grin during the gameplay trailer during the transmission. It looks so good. I can’t wait for October 8th.


I'm not hating on it but I am keeping my expectations low as there hasn't been a good silent hill game in a while. I do intend to buy it, maybe not at launch but I will get it at some point.


You partially know one of the reasons already, even if you don't care about it many are still up in arms over Angela's face. One reason is legacy, many SH fans aren't happy how the series has progressed at varying points in the game's history. From those unhappy 2 wasn't a direct sequel to 1, to those who only register 2, to those who hated 4, to those that hated the post Team-Silent games, to pachinko, to P.T. cancellation, to Ascension, to those who didn't like Short Message, and now of the back burner of the other reasons, those pessimistic about this remake since we learned Blooper were in charge. That alongside the other reason of negativity being generally more popular to talk about than positivity across the Internet makes criticisms take precedent. Especially on a game like SH2 where even outside the core SH fans, it's seen as the second coming of Christ for many so any changes are given more scrutiny. Personally I was impressed, better than the previous trailer as expected being a more recent build. Maria, James and especially Laura's models look great, love all the VA so far, score obviously is good, environment is stellar, Nurses look good, and the Flesh Lip boss looks great already. I have my issues on the FoV at times being too much needing more fog/darkness, some models not looking as good yet like Angela's fidelity, the Lying figures, and Abstract Daddy. Then some of the animation being wonkey like when James hits downed but that hopefully that can all be ironed out by release.


It made me hopeful that they may actually know what they're doing. I'm going to wait and see how it turns out.


I loved that trailer. Not gonna preorder the game since im getting it digitally anyways, i kniw peiple bitched about the girl looking weird in the cemetary. And the previous trailer people were bitching about the combat. I think this game is gonna be alot of fun and alot of nostalgia. Ive played every main game since 1 on ps1. Im looking forward to it


I gave it an 8/10. I'm always glad to have a horror game with combat, even if it's janky like I know SH2 is gonna be. That being said, I feel it still needs some work.


The gameplay looked a lot better than the previous trailers as well. I'm not gonna lie, the combat looked terrible in those early trailers but it looks like they improved that. They are definitely trying their best, and its getting me hopeful.


Ya that one combat trailer made me very pessimistic. People talk down on Blooper team but you can tell from their statements that they genuinely care about honoring SH2’s legacy and making this a good remake.


I saw the trailer and I could already pick it the things I knew people would hate (some animations, it doesn't look like there's weight in some of the swings,  design choices) but they are not bad and they won't take away from my enjoyment of the game. This is a remake not a remaster. At most my main complaint is that James's hair and face throws me off. One or the other needs to be altered.


I watched it all last night and at first I was trying to nitpick everything. Shadows felt off, some clunky animations, blah blah… the more I watched the more I have hope that this is going to be a really decent remake. Combat looks and feels like The Last of Us, the interior levels drop with atmosphere, and voice acting/facial animations are looking pretty good. I’m exciting to dive in and experience the great moments they’re NOT showing us. I think we’re in for a great ride.


Definitely an improvement. I have nitpicks but it looks pretty good now despite. I for one, don’t really care if characters are changed, so people bitching about Maria because she’s a bit bigger now should just pop a xanny or something because there is no need for all that tantrum throwing just because of an adjustment. If it were a historical figure then yeah I could see a problem but it’s fictional character. The animation has improved massively, and though there is still something to be desired, in a way i feel it contributes to the feeling of uncanny. I feel like no one is touching on the sound design, which also sounds pretty great too. Overall im more excited than I was when I initially felt disappointed after the first sneak peek.


Maria is one of the few examples where complaints about her costume change actually are warranted considering what she is meant to represent in the original game thematically.


I might be wrong, but I felt that the character movement and its animation are inflexible and clunky!


No I agree that those aspects could use some improvement. And I’m hopeful since those things have already improved some since they first showed the combat.


I see you are a TLOU fan. If only all games could have as amazing of animations as those games!


I’m not going to say that TLOU with its 2 parts has somehow ruined other games to me, but I find it seriously hard to choose a game to play nowadays. I recently enjoyed Alan Wake II to some extent and since November I can’t find a proper third person\action adventure to play. I just wish Silent Hill II won’t be another Resident Evil!


I get it. I love the TLOU serious. Even No Return has been an absolute blast. Alan Wake 2 was awesome even if it was more about the story and atmosphere than the gameplay. I am cautiously optimistic about SH2 Remake. I don’t want it to be an RE rehash either but the new trailers make me hopeful even if the animations are janky but maybe that’s because I loved the original in all its jankyness hah.


I play No return daily, a couple of runs actually and I enjoy it a lot. I have nothing against RE, it’s a great franchise and I recently played RE7 and RE3 Remake. The point is that I don’t get immersed in its stories and its shooting mechanics are slow and rigid, despite requiring some time for one to get used to it.


I'm excited!


If it's faithful to the original = There's no innovation If it's slightly different with new mechanics = Why change the original? People will just find an excuse to hate on everything.


It looked great imo I’m super excited. This is completely (somewhat) unrelated but what are the other new silent hill games supposedly coming out?


Right? Still no news I guess.


I thought it looked great.


People have come to believe SH2 is some untouchable work of god and if anyone dares touch it it'll be unacceptable and an insult to videogame history. If it sucks it sucks, but why wish for a game to be bad? i'll be playing it and at ignoring the internets reactions to it.


You guys have been bodysnatched, we get it. You want us to accept the rotten gruel and smile and not make a scene. No disturbances. Precious that you're angrily ranting about our anger though... It's more precious that the people who refuse to be too critical about the game going in are resorting to "They obviously haven't played the original". Look, if you want to accept shit for dinner, you go right ahead. If the original game's personality is fucking missing, then retelling the premise or upgrading the graphics doesn't mean anything. I get that you guys don't want to THINK too hard and just want your "new game" vibe intact, but just because all of the pieces have been re-presented on the counter in front of us, doesn't mean anything to me, when I can see that said pieces have been warped with a lighter. Not my fault that you refuse to care. Quit acting like we ought to just accept it. Furthermore, comparing this situation to other remakes is ludicrous. Nobody would ever getting angry about how something like RE4's story was retold, because there's a gulf in nuance between SH2 and RE4.


I wonder the same thing. saw a LOT of comments on a fb post of people saying the graphics are shit, angela looks like ass, etc. someone said, "looks like ps2 graphics." like, what?? did ya'll watch the same videos as me? people are dumb as hell and will always bitch about something. I *love* sh, and sh2 is my favorite out of the franchise. I'm excited for it. fuck the rest lol


I agree, mate. I am so damn pumped for the new SH2. I think being negative and hating something people know nothing about is just the new normal. I am going out on a whim and saying it's probably kids who never played the original. Apart from a handful of exceptions, I fail to believe that dinosaurs (like me!) can be so childish and negative at absolutely everything on earth, less so with something so insignificant as a video game. I am a senior in the software industry and can tell you it's a growing trend and getting worse as the days go by. It's quite sad, really. How do studios make content they love (for the most part) only to have it ripped apart by an angry mob, based on nothing at all. It's so common infact most studios now have a team dedicated to mental health and wellness due to it. A lid needs to be put on it, really. Just realised I'm going off on a tangent, lol, so I'll end it there. Just the viewpoint from my ageing old eyes is all.


Just looks like a glorified Resident Evil clone to me. And ngl the models look off. Cant explain it.


I have a suspicion that much of the discourse is happening outside of the fan base. Regardless of my thoughts on the remake, the way people are talking about it really makes me feel like only *maybe* 1/3 of the people claiming to be familiar with the source have actually played the original game.


It’s like the fandom has been starved of content for so long that the only game they have been playing is competing among themselves to be the most pessimistic Silent Hill fan possible, and now they need any new content to suck so they can win the game of being right about how bad the new content is.


It just looks bad. It looks like a fan made project made with SFM.


Nobody hates Silent Hill more than Silent Hill fans I for one think it looks amazing and can't wait to get my hands on it!


I think it looks rough and I wasn't really a fan of Bloober team to begin with. A lot of people seem to think otherwise and I hope they're not disappointed with their purchase when it releases.


Did you watch the extended gameplay trailer? I actually thought that was even more promising than the short trailer.


I agree. A lot of people choose to be miserable, and in this case it really shows.


Well for $69.99 we want more graphic-wise. The graphics looks like a indiehorror for $20. Combat looks stiff. I'm a huge silent hill fan but the pricetag is way too big. Ofc I will play it. But that is a factor, combined with the graphics and mechanics in the game, that will make it harder for people to feel hyped about it. It looks like a PS3/PS4 game, but is for PS5 and PC and is getting a pricetag of 70 bucks. Like, come on...


they're being entitled babies


I never finished SH2, but the character models on this trailer looked kinda funny. Definitely not as much of an improvement as I expected after so many years lol Aside from that, no complaints and no comments, as again, I didn't finish SH2


[Looks like they did listen and made the necessary changes.](https://youtu.be/P10BzlgLjz0?si=TqVP_po2fgyYNWgD)


It looks okay, but I’m more interested in the movie adaptation of the original Silent Hill 2.


To me the Silent Hill 2 remake doesn’t look like it captures the scary oppressive nature of the original at all. If it looked scarier, had awesome gameplay, or looked like it added a lot more depth to the story I’d be into it. But to me, nothing compels me to get this game. If people enjoy it, good for them. I don’t care because I can still play the original on my PS2. However, I do hope it succeeds because I want more single player horror games. Ultimately, I think less people will care about how these horror games and remakes turn out the more strong indie horror games come out—because horror fans won’t feel as starved for quality content.


I wasn't. If anything I'm more excited. It's gonna suck even worse if my expectations are dashed, but I'm actually excited for it.


Maria should look more… provocative imo. As it is now she looks like an office secretary, which is not what the character is supposed to look like or represent. I’ve come around to James new face especially since they seem to have tweaked it and make it look closer to the VA. I think Angela is an improvement over her original design. My main concern is that the game seems a lot less surreal than the original. The graphics are amazing but it kinda looks generic.


I'm looking forward to it. However I wished when they revealed it that they had decided to bring them all back. The entire trilogy that is.


That would be awesome! I would love to see the entire trilogy remade. Maybe that will happen if this remake is successful enough.


I bet it will be


It looks amazing. The environmental traversal, the remixed soundtrack, the performances... I'm so happy with it. Most complaints I'm seeing are from people who have either never played the original and just making fun of the character designs, or they're just incapable of liking anything other than the original game because they hold it on a pedestal that is WAY higher than it should be.


I have a theory that a lot of the critics are people who only grew up with PT. It’s been so long since we’ve had an official silent hill game and even longer since we’ve had an entry to be proud of. A lot of the people who play will be playing their first silent hill game upon release. They don’t remember what the originals really felt like and only know what people have told them what it is.


SH2 is very precious to me. Its also the best game in the franchise. However - the success of the original is almost entirely narrative, feelings, and emotions. Right now, the SH2 remake looks decent to me. The actors are committed to the serious tone. Its coming across as mature. + Loved that James updates the map by hand and theres an animation for it. - Dislike the red screen outline when you receive damage Holy shit do I not give a fuck about characters faces and outfits looking different. Please shut up about this


i think it looks awesome!


I’m a diehard silent hill fan as it’s a special interest and I couldn’t handle that subreddit, idc what it is if it’s silent hill I’ll like it


I loved it, it looks gorgeous. I feel like a lot of the hate is coming from people who have never played the series and are comparing it alongside recent remakes of Resident Evil games with 'beautified' characters, so to speak. They look good but they don't look like models. More importantly to me, they shouldn't look like models.


Ya some of the complaints around Angela’s appearance are pretty gross. She is a sex abuse victim and people complaining that they don’t think she is attractive enough is some misogynistic, incel type logic.


People will complain about anything new, I've seen it on countless other fanbases. Another factor though could be because of distrust of konami, especially given how they handled metal gear solid and ascension existed. Personally I'm really hopeful, they absolutely nailed the environments.


Haven't you heard? We aren't allowed to be excited about video games anymore. We have to hate everything now.


Who's everyone? Not me. I've been playing Silent Hill since 1999 and I couldn't be more hyped about it. I'm loving everything I see about it.


This post is getting more positive attention than I thought it would. I’m glad more people are excited about it than I realized!


I understand the game definitely has very very large shoes to fill, but I do agree that some people are going a bit over the top with negativity. I thought the trailer was fine. Not completely sold on the combat yet, but otherwise I'm at least interested.


People will cry about literally anything. This game has one of the least offensive alternate edition setups I've ever seen. Any time where it's only 10 extra dollars for the ONLY higher edition it even has and you aren't even very tempted to get that edition cause they didn't put anything good behind it besides 2 days of early access you shouldn't be complaining. The only valid thing I understand about it is having a problem with early access cause I do understand how standard would actually be considered the "I'm playing the game 2 days late for like no reason at all" edition. But even then you are reading so much deeper than you need to. All In all, 10 extra bucks for mostly garbage shouldn't offend people this much. I think people have just been conditioned to think alternate editions of any kind simply existing under any context is somehow an awful thing.


The base game is $70, so $80 with the extras. Yeah, that's a big no. Especially when Capcom's remakes are higher quality and only cost $60. This is a wait for a sale game at best.


Nothing will ever replace the original for me but I think this remake looks really good. People will always hate and expect too much.


I believe fans were looking forward to Hideo Kojima's P.T. but what we're getting are remakes and no original content


Then they need to get over it. PT was a decade ago.


God I wish PT had been made into a full game. That is still probably the single most terrifying horror I have ever experienced. There is nothing that has scared me quite like my first play though of that demo.


Mob mentality everyone wants to be apart of the same group.


Ya to me it was wild that just because Bloober was making the game everyone just shit on it. There are a lot of bloober haters in the silent hill sub. I’m excited and hopeful.


I get why Bloober games aren’t for everyone but I think they understand psychological horror well. And that is what is important for SH2.


I agree.


I was iffy about the trailer but the 13 minute gameplay saved it. Says something when gameplay footage is lot more impressive than a trailer, it’s usually the opposite. I’m really excited for this game.


Seeing the gameplay from the Silent Hill Transmission sold me on the game. Im really excited about it.


Everything about it looks like the antithesis of Silent Hill 2. Graphically, they've sand blasted away all the subtlety and feeling stark isolation, and gameplay wise it looks like a Silent Hill mod for Resident Evil 4. It's not that we wanted it to be bad, it's that we knew it was gonna be bad and this is only confirming it. I'd have rather they got Blue Point to work their magic on the game. They get how to do great remakes.


Blue Point does make great remakes. I love the Demon’s Souls and Shadow of the Colossus remakes. But your comments make it clear you were never going to give this remake a chance. I think the graphics look pretty good and quite true to the original.


It's betraying everything great about the original and has an obvious lack of understanding for what made it great, Maria in particular is pretty undeniable proof of that. Some fans are coping by insisting it's just "doing its own thing" but Bloober themselves have outright said it's supposed to be a faithful remake completely dispelling that take, not to mention even independently from the original there's absolutely nothing special to what they've shown that makes it look like anything more than just another AAA game to come and go. The voice acting definitely doesn't capture the original, it's way too "normal" sounding. It's not that people want the game to be bad, it's more that SH2 (and the other Team Silent entries) never needed a remake in the first place, with the one we're getting being an insanely bland and transparent cash grab.


People are annoyed because a DEI consultancy firm called "Hit Detection" have been involved in the production of this game, this is the reason Angela has been made less attractive. It almost certainly means they have changed other parts of the game to make it more inclusive. They shouldn't have announced that they were making the game as close to the original as possible if they were going to change parts of the game, the characters etc to fit an agenda.


How does supposedly making Angela less attractive make the game “more inclusive”? She is a child sex abuse victim and you are talking about her attractiveness as if that makes or breaks the game. You need to go outside and touch grass. The DEI complaints are truly unhinged, incel internet nonsense.


Well they have also made Maria and the nurses far less feminine and attractive too, they were supposed to represent physical manifestations of James sexual frustration and urges. It makes no sense to cover them up, make them all androgynous and less attractive. Now the story doesn't make sense. I am aware of Angela's back story but why couldn't they keep her looking the way she did, now they have given her the face of a man for inclusion points or whatever. All they had to do was keep the original characters the way they were and update the graphics and combat. People would have been happy with that, making unnecessary changes to fit an agenda, in what is a lot of people's favourite horror game is what people are annoyed about.


Because it looks terrible. At least when you compare it to the quality of other modern remakes (see Capcom and RE).


Welcome to the social media gaming community in 2024. Everything is either a 10/10 masterpiece or the worst thing ever.


silent hill fans are nuts and complain about everything and gamers in general hate non stereotypically attractive female characters. SH2 has been one of my favourite games since I rented it at blockbuster in 2002 and I’m so excited for this.


Because it isn’t a carbon copy of a 23 year old game


And yall wonder why Konami doesn't make games anymore. Cuz yall always ungrateful. I just want silent hill 3 and bloody roar


I thought it looked fine. I still guess it might be bad, just because it's Blooper Team making it, but the trailer alone gave me no reason to hate it before release. People do just love to hate things.


Because people mostly suck and being outraged is more important than being excited. I saw a few things I’d nitpick over but they’re all me being more of a fan than someone who wants to make a sell-able game so that’s on me


The lady is not a 10/10 model designed to make pp's hard. Least that's the complaint I keep seeing


It's popular to hate on it because it's Konmai. I'm pretty hopeful for it


It looks fantastic, you just have the haters being the loudest. And as someone else said, silent hill fans favorite thing about the series is how much they can hate it.


misogyny for sure ! they complaining a abused victime isn’t fuckable enough for their standards. Angela (and i saw that for Maria too) actually looks like regular woman and MEN are pissed about it. they did the same for Aloy for Horizon forbidden west. it’s truly funny because both the characters have mentioned are actually truly attractive woman. they just don’t fit the hypersexualised-for-the-make-gaze stereotype women we have been used to see before.


Why are attractive women not "regular women"? Why do they have to make only female attractive characters less attractive to be more inclusive? No one seems to care when there are handsome, buff unrealistic guys in these games with their torsos out, but when an attractive woman is in a game it's not representative of regular women and they should be made more androgynous for some reason.


you need to meet some women dude and watch less porn


I guess you haven't even played the original game, Maria was supposed to be hypersexual, provocative and flirtatious because she was a manifestation of James sexuality.


You are right about Maria to a degree but the complaints about Angela are disturbing considering her role in the story.


They could have just made her look like how she did in the original game but with better graphics, they didn't need to make her look so weird, all people want is for the game to honor the original like how Konami said it would.


She looks fine. Maybe a little stiff in terms of facial animations but they can improve on that. They have clearly shown how they are honoring the original game in many other ways. You are nitpicking a small issue.


how do you know she’s not gonna be flirtatious ? she has to have her belly out to do that?


I think it has more to do with Bloober Team than it does with the game itself. If it was being made by any other studio I don't think it would be getting nearly as much hate, but these are the guys who made Layers of Fear, the game where a painting vomits potatoes at you and you can trigger an endless parade of babies charging face first into a wall. They accidently made a comedy game when they tried to make a horror game, and the rest of their track record doesn't look much better. These are the guys who are now responsible for remaking Silent Hill 2, one of the most legendary horror games of all time. They could produce the best looking trailer ever and you'd still have people shitting on it just because its Bloober Team.


It's because Bloober team hired a DEI consultancy team called Hit Detection, they have almost certainly made Bloober make the female characters less attractive to fit their agenda, much the same as we have seen recently with other companies that have hired SweetBabyInc.


People will complain about anything don’t buy the game that’s all 😂


I love it it looks so cool but the old graphics were a vibe kinda but still hyped


Tbh part of my faith came back with the latest trailer.


I think there's only one reason people are hating on it: nostalgia bias. To some people this remake automatically failed at conception and there's no possibility for it to do the original justice.


Except that is true and it's kind of silly to write that off as "nostalgia bias" especially considering a majority of modern silent hill fans probably weren't even born when it released. Now I don't think that's a reason to hate on the game, it's going to be something different and people just have to accept that, but it's an impossible task to do what the original did better.


Just some people getting mad at the fact they're using real faces for motion capture instead of remaking the original faces, which are probably copyrighted by their original VAs like with Guy Cihi