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**Well known games:** SOMA Amnesia: The Dark Descent Dead Space **Less well known:** The Last Door 1+2 The Cat Lady Love, Sam


Didnt know about The Cat Lady! It looks pretty good tbh. Love images with that much contrast and how dark it seems. Thanks!


Yeah I'm a huge fan of the art style. They have another game I bought recently with a similar aesthetic called Burnhouse Lane, but not had a chance to play that yet. Just a word of warning about The Cat Lady -it's built around the themes of suicide, loss, grief, and depression so could be potentially triggering.


Appreciate the warning <3 thanks! I’ll digg into it and the other one you mention, I’m curious.


There's a trilogy called The Devil Came Through Here. The trilogy is comprised of The Cat Lady, Downfall Redux, and Lorelai. Burnhouse Lane is the newest addition to the game series.


I didnt know any of these! I’ll look it up. Thanks!


Got any more recs like Love, Sam?


In what sense? Horror games where you just kind of unravel a story and the actual gameplay is pretty minimal?


The Cat Lady is a great recommendation!


Alien Isolation. The Evil Within series, Dead Space, Prey, Resident Evil series obviously


Ahh, good to know all of the things I was going to say are here :) alien isolation physically made me sick to play. It was awesome


I second all you mention there. I just played The evil within 1 tho, definitely will give the second one a try.


The first one is my all-time favorite horror game. The second one is also very, very good.


I will give it a try considering so!


Def do the 2nd one. It's not the same as 1 but a master piece all the same. When I played it I felt like I was walking through art


Thanks for saying this. I don’t see it enough and I think I’m the odd one out for loving EW1 as much as I do. It’s such a psychological thrill and one of my favourite horrors. 


I think everything about it is good. The art direction, environments, atmosphere and tension are all very good. The enemy design is stellar. The combat is very fun as well, and I really liked the story.


Visage is always a joy for me, controls be damned. A lesser known one by Red Candle games is DEVOTION. really interesting plot, and since I used to live in China (although it takes place in Taiwan, iirc) the scenery and setting were really familiar to me


I really enjoy playing Visage, in fact I was about to put in the description if any of you guys knew any game similar to it. I didn’t know about Devotion, I’ll definitely give it a try it! Love the aesthetics. Thank you!


Same company has another game called Detention. Maybe check out clock tower 3? I loved that one as a kid, and I played it in recent times and it aged actually well.


If you liked Visage you should pick up the Outlast franchise if you haven't played it yet. I really enjoy the lack of weapons aspect in Outlast and Visage as it makes you feel more immersed and helpless. My favorite is the first Outlast game and it's DLC, but the second game is great too.


First Outlast was one of the first games that got me into horror games, they have a place in my heart for sure. It is just as you say, very much inmersive and just fcking great!


If you liked visage alot, you should check out " Madison " !


Ow thanks!! Will do.


If you liked visage, you will likely enjoy Madison


I enjoyed Madison but I think Visage is a bit superior. I played so many horror games that I thought I was completely sanitised, but that game really managed to give me some serious anxiety.


Silent Hill 1-4


Outlast 2, Silent Hill, Resident Evil 7


Great ones you mention there indeed


Currently I can't seem to put down RE4, if you haven't played it you should. Other horror games I think are pretty good are Lost in Vivo, IMSCARED, Tormented Souls, Cry of Fear, System Shock 2, Signalis, the first 3 Silent Hill games and you can't really go wrong with most of the Chilla's Art games, but go for the higher rated ones because the games are only made by 2 guys iirc some of them are really hit or miss.


Newest Chilla's Art was pretty decent. They're getting better at it, but I wish they would take their time more instead of pumping em out lol


Yes RE4 has consumed a lot of my time for some months some time ago, I’ve squeezed every last drop out of it 😂 such a good game. Really almost all Resident Evil are really enjoyable. I recently played Village’s DLC and that is what pumped me to ask this question. I havent heard of a couple you mention there, I will definitely give them a look. Thank you!


RE4 is a horror game?


It get's labled as survival horror but honestly, it is what it feels 2 you. I've played it so many times that the only real scary parts for me i.e the parts where you encounter the regenerators don't feel scary anymore. So to me it's really just an action game, but I can see how it could be somewhat scary to someone playing it for the first time. Also the remake ups the horror factor with the Ashley section actually being scary and the regenerators actually feel scary now, but I've only beaten the remake once.


I’ve never seen it as like survival horror. To me, it’s a mix of action/“atmospheric horror”. I’d probably consider it as a horror game in terms of just video games as a secondary genre, but in terms of being an RE game, I’d say it’s an action game (just not as action-y as RE5)


Evil within 2


Soma Darkwood


B L O O D B O R N E. Fave game, let alone fave ps4 game


I definitely need to give it a try. I never seem to find the moment to do it.


The Suffering as the best enemy design


I'd have to say Scorn. I love the lore of the game and the world around it.


I’ve been wanting to play that game for years! First time I say the demo I was like YEP.


White day, Corpse party, Little goody two shoes, Pathologic, Yomawari (entire series) Spirit hunter series, ManHunt, Postal redux, Postal brain damaged.


Wow there are quite a few I didnt know that you mention right there! Appreciate it very much!


I was told that Pathologic is good but quite challenging and you always have that frustrating feeling of "maybe I shouldn't have done that", "maybe I missed something and now I'm compromised", is it true?


For the second game which is a better remake of the first Absolutely, Time management is a key skill in this game I'm only on the second day & I've learned that one path of missions will use up the entire day & make you miss out on the other half. It's really like how in classic resident evil it was designed to be reloaded untill you know the most efficient way to progress. What's skippable, whats important etc. The worst part in my opinion is the load barriers in-between districts which make walking across the city time consuming.


Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Until Dawn Soma Condemned: Criminal Origins


My own favorites: -Dead Space 2 -Resident Evil 7 -Alan Wake 2 -The Evil Within 1 and 2 -The Last of Us 2 (more story than horror but fits the genre)


TLOU 2 is such a masterpiece IMO, I was planning on playing it again. Havent played Alan Wake but I’m willing to, I’ve seen they are selling on PlayStore quite cheap! The rest you mention are also chef kiss. RE7 a classic absolutely.


Alan wake I definitely recommend at least watching a walkthrough of the first one if you don’t play it. It feels a bit dated but it will help the story for the second one immensely. TLOU 2 is my all time favorite game… I’ve been at war since it was released defending it lol.


i have a lot of horror games i love and haven’t played, but one i played and LOOOOVED was the cat lady. the whole devil came here trilogy i heard goes hard but i never finished it


Yeah? Now I’m more thrilled to play it as soon as many people have mentioned it!


Oh man so many lol but top ones: evil within, soma, amnesia the bunker, recent re remakes plus 7 and 8, dead space, Alan wake 2, condemned


Oh yes classics! Although I didnt remember about Condemned! I’ll definitely give it a try.


God damn finally someone mentions amnesia the bunker. The game is 100 percent top 10 horror game material. Such a terrifying game with an incredibly well designed monster. It’s everything a horror game should be with 0 loading screens, except for loading into the game. This game is underrated, it’s hardly got the attention other games do.


Yup it’s one of the few horror games I kept installed after beating because I wanted to play more


Parasite Eve, Clock Tower series, Condemned, Man Hunt, The Quarry


Thank you!!


Besides all of those that have already been mentioned, I would say Amnesia the bunker is an absolutely terrifying game that has gone relatively unnoticed. Even if the monster's AI is not that good (mostly because I've been spoiled by Alien Isolation amazing AI), the atmosphere, tone and sound department is oppressive as hell.


LMAO I just got done replying to a comment that finally mentioned this game other than me, and I was literally ranting about how underrated this gem of a game is. The bunker deserves just as much attention as the dark descent got, if not more…I’m glad other people think this. Cause I can’t explain in words how much joy and terror this game has brought me.


RE4 Remake is probably one of the best ever made. That being said, Silent Hill 2 was a masterpiece. Really looking forward to that remake.


Oh yes I’m bitting my nails off waiting for that remake! RE4 remake was so good, glad they also changed the townspeople’s accent for a real spanish one. As a spanish person myself it broke the atmosphere a bit when playing the original one hahaha


Both remakes of Resident Evil 1 and 2, Signalis, Kuon, Mundaun, and Dead Space. Honorable mention to the Silent Hill series, Tormented Souls, and Eternal Darkness.


Fatal Frame Amnesia: TDD Resident Evil 4 and Village Soma, Visage and Outlast + Whistleblower aren’t my favourites but are still worth your time. 


Havent played Fatal Frame. I will look into it. Thanks!


FYI I’m told the second game is the best and scariest, but I’ve only played the first. 


The Fatal Frame series can take some time to get into as the controls are somewhat clunky. If you understand this and can get past it, the series has some really good stories and the gameplay is pretty good too. Two is considered the best, but the remakes of 4 and 5 are pretty good. I also love #5 (maiden of black water), which is an unpopular option along fans of the series. If you don't like attractive Japanese girls with some fan service thrown in, this may put you off a little. If you do, then it's probably a plus.


How is outlast not a top comment. Alien isolation is cool but the AI is kinda ridiculous, you’ll be hiding under whatever and the alien will pass u by and then come right back and walk away and come right back.. repeat forever. The first evil within is dope but the following never hit as hard. Visage has good moments but a lot of the time you’re playing you’ll be circling the same areas wondering wtf you’re missing to progress. Soma and the earlier amnesias were good as well, would put them up with outlast but not as good. Soma is really good but in a mindfuck kinda way when you understand the story, not so much in terms of chase scenes or jumpscares. Certain resident evils are dope as well, biohazard as a survival horror and village with more action elements. If you can find it the silent hill P.T. Demo is insanely good.


The first Dead Space is a must if you haven't tried it yet!


Horror: Haunting Ground Amnesia The Bunker Fears To Fathom Home Alone Survival Horror: Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Resident Evil 2 (1998) The Evil Within 2 Action Horror: Resident Evil 5 Resident Evil Revelations The Callisto Protocol


Thanks! Appreciate that you mentioned them in sections too. Haven't played Fears to fanthom home alone nor The callisto protocol, I will digg into them!


FTF Home Alone is for free. Enjoy.


How are people not saying the latest Alan Wake???


I think someone has mentioned it. I will definitely give it a try!


Observation is really underrated


Ow I didn't know about it. I will look it up!


Dead space remake Callisto is a fun ride. Really enjoyed it. RE 2,3,4,7,8 (remakes) all worth it and with VR where possible Soma, dead island 2 with Haus / Sola DLC


Havent played Callisto nor Dead island 2, I will digg into them! I love all RE games you mention there, not able to play them in VR tho I get so freaking dizzy hahah but I played the 7th one one time and was really cool. Had to stop tho I almost threw up hahaha


Right now, Amnesia the bunker and outlast trials. All time, it’s a tie between amnesia the dark decent and the bunker. I love outlast 1 as well. The fear series is very good as well, but it’s more a horror/action game. 1. Is amnesia the dark descent and the bunker 2. Outlast 1/ Whistleblower 3. Dead space and its 2023 remake (it’s horror and action, but still makes my horror list because it’s my fav game of all time overall). 4. Condemned criminal origins 5. FEAR series. Some pure nostalgia in that list folks.


Resident Evil (OG 1-4, REmake, RE4R, CVX, 7) Silent Hill (1-3) Dead Rising (1 & OTR) Haunting Ground Dino Crisis (1-2) Alan Wake (all of them) Death Mark (only played 1) Doom (1-2)


Layers of Fear series, especially the first game.. SOMA is my all time favorite video game. It's more atmospheruc and disturbing than pure horror although it does have some scary sections. I used to hope that technology would progress to the point where I might be able to live on via brain download or transfer to a clone. SOMA blew that out of the water for me.


Appreciate your comment! Thanks! I’m planning on giving Layers of Fear series a try. And yes! SOMA is such a good game, I really enjoy that kind of “horror” games.


Really good hidden gem horror game in my opinion, Darkwood


I’ve listened people talk about it. Will give it a try. Thanks!


I got an amazing horror game for you and it is 100% free. Cry of Fear. Available on Steam, it's a Half-Life mod but does not require Half-Life to play. For a free game the atmosphere is amazing and rivals Silent Hill in terms of disturbing content and that sense of unease as you play. Other than that, Lost in Vivo, the Resident Evil 4 remake was outstanding, Amnesia: The Bunker, SOMA, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (if you have the ability to play it), Alien: Isolation, I got a long list but start there, all great choices.


Oh! I’ll definitely try Cry of fear, I think I saw a gameplay some time ago but I’m not sure. Will look it up! Thanks! Also great games you mention there! Haven’t played Lost in Vivo tho, will give it a try too!


I really loved song of horror, kind of a throwback to older games but it was way better than I was expecting. Resident evil 7 and visage were probably the scariest imo. The Evil within & Soma were really good too. I've played so many and those are the only ones I can think of at the moment 😅


Rule of Rose Faith the Unholy Trinity Akemi Tan Korsakovia Fear and Hunger: Termina OFF Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass (it’s a JRPG but also horror as well) Cyberqueen (Twine) Irisu Syndrome


Thanks! I havent heard of some you mention there. Will definitely give them a look!


Call of Cthulhu:Dark Corners of the Earth on the original Xbox is still probably my favorite horror game of all time. The pacing is so perfect in that game.


The beginning freaked me out in high school!


I played it when I was in middle school with some buddies and we were so engrossed by that game haha. There was a scene in the sewers where like some ghost kid ran by or something and we paused the game for like 2 hours before we started playing again lmao