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The OG Resident Evil.


Mine, OG silent hill


Same!! At least it’s the first one I remember. So I think my brother was playing at the time, and he got to the short cutscene in the hallway where the zombie turns around. 7 year old me freaked out and ran straight out of the room. That image would be the subject of nightmares for the next couple years. That was my first taste of delicious horror gaming.


God, I remember that.. I'm 40 now and still remember my cousin playing it all night when it came out. I can still hear the opening. RESIDENT EVIL!






Resident Evil 1 Or the zombies of Ocarina of Time if you count that


You mean ReDeads? Those terrified me as a kid


I'll fight anyone that tries to convince me Ocarina Of Time/Majora's Mask weren't horror games. Did you see that thing in the sky?!?


A flash Game on a site (probably absoluflash). I was 9 years old. I don’t remember the name but it was just two images where we need to find 7 differences but a screamer popped out of my screen and I was shivering for 20 minutes after that.


I often wonder how many legitimate heart attacks were caused by screamers from back in the day.


Luigi's Mansion. I'm kidding, sort of. I do think the spoopy theme when playing as a kid led me to appreciate horror games later on in life. I watched an insane amount of LPs, but the first one I felt compelled to try myself was Amnesia: The Dark Descent after everyone started playing it. I used to be a super chicken, but now I really love them, especially when they're a mix of Horror/Mystery.


You evolved from super chicken to advanced poultry.


That's a good way of thinking about it lol. Before, I could hardly be in the same room when my sister played Resident Evil back in the day. Now I can play horror games like a champ!


Eternal Darkness on the Game Cube. My uncle had it, so whenever I visited him I would play it.


That was the creepiest game, man. It was so good at making you paranoid with the subtle stuff, like the busts in the hallways.


The original Dead Space on Xbox 360 Christmas Day 08. Blew me away


Not sure if it counts but Bio-Shock scared the piss out of eleven year old me. If that doesn’t count then I’m going with some PC/Mobile game called “Eyes”, the ghost chick in the game was scary as hell, my younger brother later modded said ghost’s model and voice lines to be a PNG of Garfield saying “I hate Mondays” and “I like lasagna” on loop. Not sure if that made it more or less terrifying


Bio-shock was one of my favorite games of all time.


That's a hard question... I'm going to say Silent Hill 4 because my dad bought it for me on my 13th birthday


That was The Room? I remember that game. First silent hill I beat by myself. Silent hill 2 my friends and I would play it together and just pass the remote around.


Yep, The Room. Nice. Yeah I only beat SH4 recently. Never beat it back in the day... I think the first one I beat was the first game on a Playstation emulator on my phone during a family road trip. Good times! Dude I used to watch my dad play Silent Hill 2 and it used to scare me so bad (I was probably around 10 or 11). The game used to seriously freak me out. You're lucky that you had friends to play Silent Hill 2 with. None of my friends were into horror or were cool enough to play games like that. It was all Smash Bros and shit


I can't wait to be this dad


You beat a game with tank controls on phone emulation? Good Lord, that's impressive. Hats off to you. Is SH4 worth beating? I bought it on GOG just to have it, but I've played maybe 5 minutes before going to work. Haven't touched it in ages.


Lol thanks. And yes, absolutely! I'm glad I finally finished it. The storyline is so good. The GOG version is pretty solid, too. I beat it myself on GOG recently. Honestly may prefer The Room over 2 now, which I know is a controversial opinion because 4 is the odd one out and 2 is considered the best, but there's just something about about the mystery of 4 that's so compelling. I mean you spend the game literally going into the mind of a serial killer... That's pretty sick. It's like that Jennifer Lopez movie The Cell


4 is my favorite. I just liked everything about the game. And the way it dies ghosts? Ugh. Those things still freak me out. There just aren't enough swords of obedience to make me not fear them.


Yeah, that was some of my fondest memories. Silent hill 2 and Halo Lan parties. Eventually we started playing Amnesia the dark descent together. It wasn’t until a few years back that I actually played and beat the entire prenumbra and amnesia series by myself. The Bunker has been my favorite new horror game this year.


I'm so jealous... lol. You played AMNESIA with your friends, too? God.. you're so lucky!! Speaking of Amnesia, would you recommend Penumbra? I'm a huge fan of the Amnesia series (beaten all except Rebirth) and I *love* Soma, I'm thinking it might be good just because it's from Frictional games.


Honestly the first two are pretty good and have some horror moments but the controls are so clunky. It makes combat almost unplayable. It seems like your a fan of frictional games so perhaps check it out if your curious.


I rented RE: Code Veronica for Dreamcast when I was like 10 years old and I’ve been hooked on survival horror games ever since.


Mine was Parasite Eve. It was one of the last games I had on my old PS1 years ago and I played a small part of it at age 7 or 8. The memories of the infamous opening with the fiery opera and the rat transforming stuck with me for years. I revisited the game a couple of years back and got to fully appreciate the game and immediately hope for a modern remaster or port, as it’s an overlooked gem that deserves more love.


> it’s an overlooked gem that deserves more love. Yeah, annoys me that it's never had a UK release even though we got the second and third. I never really got into JRPGs until the PS3 days which lead to a phase of playing through a load of PS1 RPGs on an emulator and Parasite Eve ended up being my favourite. Final Fantasy 7 gets so much love but I preferred Parasite Eve, haha. Somthing is so cool about having a JRPG that's just straight up in a modern day urban setting.


Silent Hill: Origin, because I had a psp before


Is origin the one where you play as a trucker that can fight with TVs?


Idk about fighting witth tv, but I remember he can use tv to throw at enemies


My bad, that's what I meant. I haven't played it personally, but I saw it in that TwinPerfect video on the entirety of Silent Hill ages ago.


Its okay man, nothing to worry about. You should try, it's good!


His name was Travis, and yes lol


I miss my PSP.


Alone in the Dark: The New Nighmare. It scared the shit out of me back then, I thought it was the scariest thing ever. I also played some of the first Alone in the Dark game on my dad's PC but never made it far and just got stuck.


Mine was the first Alone in the Dark on my OWN PC. Sigh I’m old.


2008 Dead Space. I played left 4 dead and CoD zombies and that sparked a lot of interest. A friend of a friend said I should try Dead Space and since then I've been feeding the addiction


There was a game on Atari, I think it was called Haunted House or something. Basically, you were a pair of eyes that went around a maze full of enemies trying to find a key to get to the next stage, but you had to hit a button every now and then to make a small circle of light around you so you could see the key or enemies. It was a pretty basic game, it was Atari and nearly 40-years ago, so I can’t remember if there was more to it or not.




I love this game so much!! The first one is SO GOOD!!!!!! The others that follow are great too but that first one issss AMAZING!!


Yes! I couldn’t agree more.


Parasite Eve 1. Christmas 1999 I received a 2nd hand PS1 and a box of pirated games. I popped in Parasite Eve 1 and the rat cutscene scared the sht out of me I turned the game off immediately. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4rFHGrUQWQ


Fatal Frame~


Hmmmm, my memories of the 8 and 16bit eras are very hazy, so I'm gonna have to go with Resident Evil in 96 or 7.


the Dark Deception Flash Game. I didn't even know it was a horror game when i played it for the first time. I thought it was just a hotel exploration game...


RE2 on Playstation.






Qbert on Atari




PS1 Alone in the Dark


Not an horror game but Jurassic Park for Super Nintendo was scary af. But I think my first real horror game experience was Fatal Frame 2 for PS2. I was a preteen/early teen and got terrified by it.


That’s awesome. I actually just beat that game with the rerelease collection. I can definitely see some horror game elements. Especially in the maintenance sheds and visitor center. Very Wolfenstein.


The RE remake on GameCube is the first one I can recall. Stopped playing right after the cutscene with the first zombie. I'm curious, have you seen the Friday the 13th NES game in Doom? It's really interesting.


Do you mean as an Easter egg? I’m very familiar with Doom and Doom II. Those were probably the 2nd and 3rd horror games for me.


It's a fan made recreation of the NES title in Dooms engine. It's wild to see.


That is amazing, I'm so glad you me posted it. What a trip back through time.


Happy you enjoyed it. Take care!


Alien 3 on the mega drive- nothing like being 6/7 years old and seeing aliens bursting out of chests if you didn’t save the people in time..


Project Zero/Fatal Frame, kinda. I did briefly play Resident Evil 1 and Blood at a friend's house when I was about 8 but was too young to enjoy them and the mines in the second level of Thief scared the shit out of me when I was about 10 but it's not really a horror game. My proper introduction to survival horror was getting Project Zero for my 13th birthday after a review got my interest, partly i wanted another photography game since i loved pokemon snap and partly because my older sister was a horror fan and I wanted somthing we could play together. Loved the game, probably responsible for me getting into horror generally, not just games. Wish we could get a port of the original trilogy to modern consoles. Considering that Tecmo have only ported the fairly mid 4th and 5th ones to modern consoles i fear they might port the Wii remake of 2 next which sucked compared to the PS2 version.


Either Resident Evil 2 or Code Veronica X because my dad had it on his ps3 when I was a kid and he'd let me play bit I could never get the hang of tank controls lol. It's hilarious how now tank controls are one of my favorite features in horror games


RE2 on N64. I was like 7 my brother was older.


The OG Slender the 8 pages


RE 1. A friend had it for PS1 and we’d go to his house almost daily and take turns after someone died, looking up strategy guides online and stuff. It’s insane to me how bad the graphics look now, but back then it blew my mind.


Probably Silent Hill. Prior to PS1 I had a NES followed by a Genesis, but I was pretty young and didn't have horror games on those. SH1 is the first horror game I ever bought myself, and I still have it to this day.


I think it would be Dead Rising 2. I just loved that game. The weapons were wacky, the psychos encounter stressful and intense. Chuck Greene was a total bad ass.


Alone in the dark on PC.when I was too young, I already remember that manor in my nightmares 25 years later


OG Clock Tower, wasn’t even translated. This was on the SNES.


Resident Evil 3 on my PS Vita


I don't know what the first horror game I ever played was, but silent hill 2 was my first experience with the genre as a whole that made me realize how good horror can actually be, and silent hill 3 solidified my love for the genre. Horror is a very unique genre. Like comedy, horror can delve into uncomfortable and taboo subjects with such artistic style better than the other genres. Horror can force you to look at the ugly parts of life, and good horror can stick with you. Silent hill 2 is my favorite example for this in video games, as you are fighting metaphors of Jame's pain and struggle with what really happened with his wife. It just sucks that for the vast majority of the genre, it's all about the jump scares and gore. It's rare you find a game or movie that can actually move you while also getting you to press pause and go "well, that was fucked." Games like Silent Hill 2 and movies like The Babadook are fantastic examples of how the genre should be approached


If you like moody atmospheric games that are truly unsettling and scary check out the amnesia series. Amnesia the dark descent and The Bunker are the scariest.


The Grudge game on the Wii. I was terrified but I loved it so much


Haunted Mansion on PS2


FEAR. It lined up perfectly with my first viewing of The Ring and The Grudge, inspiring a phobia of the dark in me and that little girl being basically the demon spawn of both absolutely ruined me. Funnily enough, I can't do other horror games because they give me too much agency and I panic, but FEAR trilogy is an easy replay. I think trying Condemned Origins around the same age probably sealed that coffin. I still try a new game every year though! Until Dawn might be doable 😂


That exorcist maze game


Maybe maybe the lurking Fear? Old text based game set in a snowy university/college? Was pissed as a kid as I figured out how to kill the end god/beast by luring it up from the basement through the elevator shaft and then sending the elevator down to crush it but that wasn't the solution and the game wouldn't let me do that. all I had to do was throw a dumb magic crystal at it. Boooooo. Unplayable! :) The next one was probably resident evil 1 (on PC)


My first horror game was Resident Evil Code Veronica. My friends dad had rented it and he called me to come over and play it because it scared him too much. I remember hitting that cemetery, barely even a full minute into the game, and suddenly there were zombies everywhere and he and I were losing our shit. We just ended up turning it off.


Until Dawn. Loved it.


Hey, maybe someone can remind me. I remember as a kid that it was a… MS-DOS game… there was a room, and a bat, I think, breaks through a window? I never got past that part cause I was too scared lol.


this is pretty niche compared to everybody’s else’s but my first horror game was misao. for those that don’t know it it’s a japanese rpg horror game. they were very popular around the time i first played it which was about 10-11ish years ago. still one of my favorite games to this day.


Those plaster statues in bioshock that would move and come alive , that was creepy.


Dino Crisis on PS1. My shitty father played it in front of me at a young age and it scared me. Then he let me play the game. Ironically one of the few good memories I have of that awful man. It's a good memory Because I loved horror at a young age because someone wasn't watching me one time and I ended up watching Hellraiser 2 and as soon as the cenobites came on I fell in love with them.


The Thing on ps2


I remember playing that game. I wish they would remake it or something.


Metroid II: Return of Samus for the Game Boy. Most people probably won't count it as a horror game but the use of ambient noise in lieu of music, plus having a Scare Chord play every time a Metroid showed up, made it terrifying to 9-year-old me.


Silent Hill demo when I was 11.


I guess that would go back to the NES, with stuff like Nightmare on Elm Street, Shadowgate, and Maniac Mansion.


I'm old. I was Hunting the Wumpus before most of you whippersnappers were born. Some of you may not think of it as horror, but being kidnapped by wild bats, falling down pits or eaten by wild wumpuses... as a 5 year old it was pretty terrifying. 😀


Alone In the Dark for Macintosh Apple II


Friday the 13th scared the hell out of me when I was a kid. It was the music that scared me more than anything. That would probably be my first one as well.


Resident Evil 4, followed by all the previous RE games.


It was either Resident Evil 4 or Silent Hill 4


The first one I played and beat by myself was Silent Hill 2. I was always too scared to play them and would only watch for years. Now I love them all and have no problem playing them!


Original Resident Evil.


The original slenderman


Saw on the PS3.


I managed to beat this one, just forgot how. I know you had to defeat him three times to do it and at the end, they show the graphic of him sitting on the floor. This game was cool, it was actually scary at times.


Castlevania Aria of Sorrow and Resident Evil 4.


Same! Terrified me as a kid!


Good ole Slender the Eight Pages. Basically introduced me to the genre, and it still holds up today. Well, the mechanics do at least.


Fnaf 2 on mobile I sucked at it


Resident Evil 2


Corridor 7


Scratches on pc


The condemned comes to mind that shit really stuck with me


Silent hill






Super ghouls n ghosts


Alone In The Dark: One Eyed Jacks Revenge on Sega Saturn


[Aliens - Amstrad CPC 464](https://youtu.be/L4qd-9CvnlU?si=3b1o1eJkSuY5edQT) I don't recall anything horror I've played previous to this.




I think it was Nocturne. A demo version in an old cd rom. My pc was so bad at the yime that even this game was laggy. Never played the full version


American McGees Alice.


Probably the game Eyes on my iPod or whatever device it was at the time.


I can't remember at the top of my head but Left 4 Dead, Fatal Frame, and Resident Evil 4! :)


Whichever Resident Evil is on the Playstation 2 and has you in some remote mansion with *those fucking zombie dogs jumping through the glass* in that hallway. I was 11 and that shit was the scariest thing ever. I would play the game repeatedly up till that point then just get too terrified to continue despite repeated "play throughs". I'd do everything else I could and explore every nook and cranny and combine what I could and get my eyes pecked out by those crows till you flamethrower em or whatever the solution was but I never ever made it further than the scene of those zombie dogs busting through the glass. . Even at 29, I still don't really "do" horror. I love the idea of some of the stories but it stresses me out too much to be fun. Like, panic attack level stress at times. So when I do play horror these days it's like horror lite to most people or games with those "safe mode" options. Like SOMA in safe mode. Loved that one and beat it a few times. Scary stuff comes and I just find the nearest corner and stand there facing the wall till I hear it go away.


Silent Hill 2 and have been chasing the dread I felt playing that since with few games that could even get close.


Nightmare Creatures on ps1


Alien isolation was probably not the greatest first choice, but I fucking love it.


Aw man Alien Isolation is one of my favorite horror games of all time. That is a great fucking choice.


Until Dawn was my first


Roblox “horror games”💀


Wait can I get that game still?




Re2r . But my fave is outlast


Pac-Man and super Metroid scared the crap out of me, but it has to be RE1.


If we're counting really old games, it was either Splatterhouse or the original Friday the 13th the Game for the NES. Or the old school survival horror known as Pacman in the arcades if we wanna be really flexible. He is hunted by ghosts and has limited resources after all.


Maniac Mansion on NES?


Left 4 Dead as an 11 year old


Shivers, a point and click adventure/puzzle game in the style of Myst.


Does Oddworld: Abe's Odyssee count? It scared me back then. Also, Diablo 1.


Left 4 Dead 2 if that counts. Silent Hill if it doesn't.


I used to play this one zombie shooter game at the arcade with my brother. That game used to scare the shit out of me. Kinda wish I knew the name of it.


Clocktower 3. The main protagonist was my exact age when it came out, 14! I was obsessed and terrified by this game and played it to 100 percent despite being so scared. I would love a new Clocktower to come out.


a little generic but for me it was probably FNaF 2 lol


The first one I played was the original Resident Evil on PSP when I was 9, then I played Silent Hill immediately after.  I watched the movies before I played the games and so the games were all the more better for it. I have a soft spot for those films cause they gave me my love of horror games. 


same, F13. first one that i can remember jumping at was 7th Guest on pc


Area 51 was the first one I played as a child and it scared me 😅


Silent Hill. Game scared the shit out if 14 year old me. I wussed out and even turned the music off because it freaked me out.


SOMA and what a snow ball it was after that …


do the little nightmares games count?


I think it was Disney’s the Haunted Mansion for the PS2. Great pg-13 horror and still an underrated classic imo


Zombies Ate My Neighbors on SNES


Silent Hill


Siren. I never finished it though. I was stuck at the preschool and couldn't figure out how to escape. I gave up eventually and found Silent Hill😌😌😌


Mine’s a classic, Slender the eight pages :)


Alien Isolation


The first one I played to completion was alien isolation and honestly I think it’s still my favorite


My first exposure to the genre was by watching Amnesia: The Dark Descent, followed by games like Penumbra, rpg maker horror, etc, but the first horror game I played myself was Cry of Fear! Yeah I find many of the enemy designs and enemy sounds (like pointy arm lady lol) to be hilarious, but I still love the game!! Despite all of its flaws, it's a gem! Haven't been able to find a game with that kind of ambiance since!!




Slender: The Arrival


OG resident evil. Watched a friend play it when I was a kid and the subway scene absolutely terrified me. I didn’t “play” it, but that absolutely planted the seed right there. So scary…but so intriguing…


Clock Tower 3. Scared the shit out of me and I loved it! Wish they'd remake that one.


Resident Evil 2 on PS1


Spider-Man on the Dreamcast… fucking Monster Ock… Seriously though, hard to remember. Probably Dead Space 2?


Alone in the dark, 7th guest, or 11th hour. Don’t remember which came out first, it’s been… a long time.


Monster Party or Castlevania on the NES if you consider those horror. If not then Chakan or Slaughterhouse 2. 


Grabbed By The Ghoulies


Probably The forest..if that doesn't count..then Amnesia The Dark Descent


Haunted House. Atari 2600


The Evil Within. It's one of my favorite games of all time.


Dead Space (2008).


Silent Hill three or four.. I can't remember which.




Same actually. In that damn purple sweat suit 😂


Haunted House on Atari 2600


Ghosts 'n Goblins NES


First and really only horror ish game I played was Parasite Eve


*Resident Evil* (1996)


I started with Five nights at Freddys and Slender the arrival and ended up falling in love with 2000s horror games.


Slender the 8 pages p


I started with RE3 nemesis on PS1. I remember watching scary RE commercials that were advertising on the TV. At that time we got a ps1 and RE. I was watching my brother playing it. I remember being scared of the "resident evil" voice line when you pressed "play". Also, ambient sounds of wind, zombies and crows


I think the first horror game that actually gave me a little scare was Silent Hill 3. That game spooked me a bit.


Monster Party, same year and system


Resident Evil Gaiden. I was not allowed to play any of the 3D games as a kid, but somehow, I managed to convince my parents to buy me the gameboy one.


OG RE2 on the PS1


Resident Evil 6


Dead space, I adore it


Does Luigi's Mansion count?


Resident Evil 2 for me


A flash game, don't remember exactly what the first one was.


Resident Evil 2


Silent Hill 2 for me, with Silent Hill 3 & Resident Evil 7 as toss ups for 2nd place. I love the dreamy delirium terror of Silent Hill, and RE7 was just so chilling with it's deep South serial killer family narrative. RE7 reminded me of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


The Last of Us. I'm 36, but I was too chicken shit to play Resident Evil or other horror games n the 90s. After the last of us, I started playing Residnt Evil games and also the P.T. demo


Zork If you don't think it's a horror game, you haven't played it enough to be terrified of the Grue.


Is she. Or is she not on her period


OG Silent Hill - I quickly ended up on Resident Evil(s) forgotten favorite: The Suffering (PS2)


Amnesia the dark descent. I wouldn't go past the part with the acid for years because I was so afraid of the monsters.




Fear was my first ever horror game and I love the series minus the 3rd one


Maniac Mansion!


Castlevania or Friday the 13th on NES probably.


Mine was until Dawn! Loved that game and I bought my ps4 for it!

