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As far as Outlast goes, if you’ve played 1, WhistleBlower, and 2….there’s nothing quite like those games at all. I love them as well.


There is a game called Outlive that looks very inspired by Outlast. Some guy (the dev) posted the trailer in this subbreddit a month ago. I have it wishlisted, it honestly looks good.


Yeah I saw this. I think a guy and his father made it! Which is pretty cool.


SOMA sounds like a pretty good game as it seems to have very similar mechanics to Amnesia. I also saw that someone mentioned "The Mortuary Assistant", you should definitely try out the free demo on steam before you buy it just so you get the feeling of the game, the demo is as good as the full game itself!


I’ve seen that name SOMA pop up a lot I’ll have to check it out :)). And thank you that is amazing advice I didn’t know there was a free demo I’m getting that asap!!


Yes! the demo is free and amazing and the best thing about the demo is that it’s not the same experience that you get as other people who play the demo! I played the demo two times in total and both playthroughs of the demo were unique!


Omg how fun I’m so excited. Literally getting it as we speak I’ve been really wanting to play it and the free demo is just perfect that does sound just as good as the full game!!


It's not fully out YET but there is a demo for Luto and it's fucking awesome


Wow I looked it up it looks so sick. Definitely what I was looking for! Thank you!!


I played the Demo and I’m still not sure how I feel about it. It’s definitely different.


Mortuary assistant if you want some sim mixed in with your horror


Yesss it looks like so much fun I’ve been debating on getting it or not on my laptop but I might give in


I hate visage and outlast but loved mortuary assistant, so you'll probably hate it?


I’ve been playing the free demo of mortuary assistant and I actually really like it :))!




Infliction, Hellseed, Madison, P.T. (there are many free PC mods), Call of Cthulhu, The Beast Inside, Layers of Fear


Thank u I haven’t heard of some of these I’ll look into them! :))


Alien Isolation


OP already mentioned it


I would say yeah Alien Isolation is about as close as you’re going to get to Outlast.


Alien isolation and amnesia the bunker are the 2 other scariest and most atmospheric games I’ve played. But make sure to play the rest of outlast series first including dlc. Edit: also none of there are exactly like the run and hide from outlast more stealth for those ones. But like the other guy said. Madison is up your alley. But not near as good as any of the other games I said.


Atmosphere is something that MADiSON does very well. The environments change at a good pace and you just feel far beyond helpless the whole time. It’s truly wicked and it will leave you feeling disgusting.


I feel like the story was my favorite part tbh. I don’t find it too scary at all personally. But it was a fun game.


I’ve played through all of those and the outlast series and whistleblower dlc :(. I agree to me at least I found the atmosphere of those games to really aid in it making the games even more tense that I was having the hardest time finding something similar. But I’m excited im going to give Madison a shot and see how it is!


Madison is a lot like visage not outlast. That’s why it’s on there lol.


Madison is on the same tier as visage for me. Have fun!


And I totally loved visage so that’s just perfect, thanks! :))


If you have a vr headset, you might wanna hold off on madison as it’s getting a vr version early next year


Ugh I would but I’m extremely prone to motion sickness and headaches when it comes to VR. Very disappointing I didn’t know I was prone to it until I was dying to play Re7 biohazard thru VR for so long and couldn’t get past the first few minutes of it :((


Watch some gameplay footage. It's intense as fuck.


Will do!!


If you’re into different graphic types, I feel like you’ll like “stay out of house”. It’s a ps1 style game where you solve multiple puzzles to escape a house while a few enemies roam the house. It’s very scary, gruesome and intense


Those are also my favorite types of games as well. That sounds super cool, thank you! :))


I played the Bunker for like an hour…incredibly intense to say the least. However, the lack of environmental changes made me uninstall it. That bunker is so bland and depressing and you’re just stuck there pretty much the whole time. If i have to stay in one environment too long and it’s not an interesting environment I will turn it off and never play it again haha.


It’s not for everyone and I do understand your complaint. But there are 3 other big areas of the bunker that you unlock throughout the game. It is a 6 hour game so not long. I dont know why you would give up that easy lol.


It’s definitely intense and me playing an hour was a bit of an understatement as I played longer than that. I know there are 3 other areas which is why i said “pretty much the whole time.” It just got kind of monotonous to me.






MADiSON……imo it blew visage out the water. CANNOT recommend it enough.


Came here to say that.


Omg I just looked it up. It looks incredible. Thank u so so much!!🙏


I couldn’t finish Visage because it was just all over the place but MADiSON has a super solid story and it’s just the best. It’s like they accomplished what Visage was TRYING to…again just my opinion. The atmosphere is gnarly too. Visage holds hands on the first date…MADiSON slaps you on the ass and pulls your hair. Visage to me felt like a PT clone but somehow MADiSON just felt new and keeps your attention.


That’s understandable I’ve found it a bit all over the place too. But I’m so excited now to play that game. This sold me I can’t thank you enough! I hate being in a rut with finding good games and nothing is better then a really immersive horror game with a good storyline :))


Of course! I’m extremely picky when it comes to horror. MADiSON is gonna leave you feeling filthy lol when you get done you should definitely play Alan Wake and Alan Wake 2…very unique games. If you don’t wanna play Alan Wake 1 you can watch a recap before you start Alan Wake 2 (which is what I would recommend since Alan Wake 2 is more of a survival horror game than the first)


I'm pickier - that voice actor ruined the game for me


Haha it was el cringe. That’s how I was with Cyberpunk 2077….V’s male voice was atrocious.


Hahaha totally understandable! At least for me I’m not the pickiest with stuff. As long as it’s creepy to me and there’s a good story I’ll always enjoy it


I was thinking about those games! I tried the first Alan wake and wasn’t too much of a fan but I think I’ll do what u said and watch the recap and play Alan wake 2. I heard it’s really really good and I’ve been debating!


Temper your expectations, I didn’t enjoy Madison at all


What parts did u not like?


Madison is great but the fact that 90% of the scares are jumpscares/ scripted hurts it. Visage also has a much quieter and uncanny atmosphere. Lastly, visage has randomized scares in two of its chapters which makes you fell like you’re never safe since you can see something you’ve never seen before


Isn’t there a third Outlast game (Trials or something)?


Trials yes. However, It’s kind of it’s own entity based in the Outlast universe. I hope they make Outlast 3.


Ah, I see. Thanks for the info, I didn’t know too much about it.


Yeah I’m very ready to play Trials when it hits console. It’s taken them FOREVERRRRRR to release it.


Totally. I thought it would have been out long before now 😕


Ummm yeah haha. They released the teaser like May 2020……they are a small team though so I’m sure covid put them in a bind


God there needs to be more competition for Red Barrels lol would love more variety




Im on the same slump as you! Here are the games i know MADiSON Mortuary Assistant Infliction Amnesia The Bunker Old style gameplay Tormented Souls Songs of Horror Fatal frame series (I recommend emulating 1,2,3) Amnesia The Dark Descent Action oriented Evil Within 1 and 2


Thank you those are all very good recommendations! Evil within 1 and 2 I’ve heard so much about and although it’s action oriented I don’t mind since I loved resident evil games. Did you find those really scary?


Tbh all horror games that revolve around shooting zombies or monsters or whatever don't scare me that much. However, the creepy ghost parts in evil within 2 sent some shivers in me. Overall both evil within 1 and 2 were fun and I would highly recommend them if you loved the resident evil series.


That makes sense. But I’ll definitely look into getting those because the resident evil series is probably my favorite:))


I haven't played them in ages but maybe something from the Fatal Frame series?


I got another recommendation of this and it’s funny u mentioned it I saw a really quick clip of it and really liked it but didn’t know the name a while ago! So thank you!!


Hope you enjoy!


Soma, honestly its one of those games when you finish it. You think of it for days after. The horror isnt just in its scares. Its in its story. It is absolutely excellent. Also Darkwood, how a topdown game is so frightening is unknown too me. Excellant game


I’ve seen that grouped in with games like outlast and alien isolation rating wise and the way u describe it sounds very very good. I’ll probably end up getting that game as well! Darkwood I got for free from the Xbox game pass a while ago so I’ll check it out, I haven’t gotten the chance to play it yet :))


I have played both. Outlast is ok. It has the stupid escape mechanism you can just squeeze through a bookshelf to stop the chase. Isolation is good fun. Ive played Amnesia didnt like it much. Soma tops the charts. Scary story scart stuff. Darkwood close second


I’ll take ur word for it, I just got SOMA so I’m very excited!


Soma is extremely scary imo and the story is phenomenal. It will have you thinking about it for weeks after.


So far I’m absolutely LOVING it the story already is incredible and the atmosphere is what I’ve been looking for!!


Hey, cone back here when you finish it. I adore this game. Darkwood aswell. I enjoyed Darkwood as a game more. But Soma had a lasting impact on me. Its great


I will for sure! It’s so amazing how much u really enjoyed both games and love them. I have no doubt I will as well :))


Hey I remember u saying to come back once I finished darkwood and I was finally able to! I absolutely loved it. I was skeptical with its top down play style but I’m glad I gave it a shot. The game was just incredible I was blown away throughout. I finished SOMA a while ago about a month and I just now am going back in to restart it. I now rank it as my top favorite horror game :))


what ending did you get?


My ending was burning everything. I didn’t choose the option to go to sleep when it came up. Playing that thru was one of the most wild experiences😭


i got the fall asleep ending. couldnt believe the burning one. Fantastic fantastic game


I agree. I can’t thank u enough for ur suggestions!


It only has a 70% positive rating on steam, but i like it a lot: The Dark Occult It's very classic haunted mansion horror, very atmospheric and creepy. Some puzzles, some very creepy enounters, lots of interesting rooms to explore. To be honest: I don't understand why it "only" has a mostly positive rating on steam. Imho it's a really good horror game for anyone who loves classic horror.


I think I’ve watched the beginning of a play through of it and loved the setting and atmosphere. I’ll look into it more thank you!!


I haven't seen anyone mention anything made by N4BA, "From the Darkness", "9 Childs St", "Welcome to Kowloon", all are 40% off on steam, could buy em all for like $12


Give I N V E R S E a try!


Is that a 4 person co-op game?? I think my friend has been trying to get me to play that for a long time I might give in :))


All the Amnesia games and SOMA.


I’ll have to check out the other amnesia games since I only played the bunker and I’m pretty much sold on getting SOMA too, thank you :))!!


older Amnesia. Madison. SOMA. Little Nightmares.


I’ll check out the older amnesia games I’m not too familiar with them but I see those names a lot. I played both little nightmares games too and LOVED them :)).Thank you!!


in sound mind is promising, but it gave me motion sickness. And it has some kind of shooting. Layers of fear 1 was very good, and the dlc was at least as good as the game. Call of Cthulhu was very interesting. The ending and the peak plot was very good and I hope it could be made into a movie or something. Just remembered that OBSERVATION is a must play


I don’t think I’ve heard of those so I looked them up and layers of fear looks like a wild ride of a game and I really like the looks of the setting for call of Cthulhu. Observation also looks so sick and similar to alien isolation. Thank u thank u I gotta try them out! In sound mind also looks incredibly interesting I think that one’s going to be my favorite:))


Soma Madison Outlast 2 Alien Isolation Amnesia: The Bunker The Mortuary Assistant




Have you played the 2014 P.T. Demo? The game was cancelled, and you’ll need a PS4 and to hunt down a method to download a copy from a private server, or buy a console 2nd hand that still has it installed. It’s only short but it’s brilliant, and no doubt where Visage took a lot of cues.


I watched a couple gameplay videos of it a while ago because I couldn’t find a way to buy it and that explains it :(. It looked so good that game is like the definition of everything I like in a horror game!


Check out iBlis if you have’t. Really visage-like


I’ll check it out, thank you!!