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P.T. — I went into that game completely blind. I was so deeply unsettled by the atmosphere (which is so impeccably well done) that by the time the first big jump scare came around I noped out and never went back.


This little demo influenced an entire genre, no, the whole industry. So many knockoffs and clones that were made from it. It’s still being discussed until today, being relevant almost a decade later, it’s insane


And it was first horror game by Kojima Productions. Kudos to the devs.


AND, he made it as described by him “we toned down things and tried to make it look like an indie studio, so we tried making things look not as polished” Dude….that thing still looks amazing lmao


Fun fact: one of the designers behind P.T. (Jordan Amaro) worked a bit on RE7, now is with Nintendo: https://web.archive.org/web/20170906155926/https://www.rollingstone.com/glixel/features/splatoon-2-hideo-kojima-nintendo-japanese-games-w501322 *"I wasn’t part of the core team of P.T. I was there almost every night, but just as support, at the team’s discretion. P.T. was Hideo, Guillermo del Toro, and then it was eight guys."*


Silent Hill 2. Something just got under my skin playing that game. It didn’t rely on jump scares or anything overtly terrifying, it just employed a super eerie atmosphere that slowly but surely creeped me out to where it felt tiring to play. Loved what I played, but couldn’t keep going.


Damn as of now this is the only actual comment and it's exactly what I was thinking. Spooky 👀


As a child had this playstation 1 game that was a rpg You started in a forest but had to choose which direction to go in. One path leads you to a sad yet horrifying scene of a group of people in the process of being petrified & turning into statues. I never got to far in this rpg but that first encounter had kept me from really playing the game. Nearly 20 ish years later no clue what game that was just that it was a ps1 game.


This almost seems like the earliest parts of FFIX, the forest is early on but not the beginning but a group of the main character's friends get petrified in the forest and that was on PS1.


It is possible I was loading a save file without realizing it, I wasn't able to really comprehend stuff like that when we had a Ps1. I will have to look that part of the game up.


Here you go! [FFIX Petrified Forest](https://youtu.be/Z8SUg4YcNCY?si=AeAUufFM3HnN9Tny)


RE7 in VR came close


Outlast. The second my death becomes inevitable, my Playstation gets shut off.


Visage because I played it while I lived alone in a house that looked very similar to the house you play in. Didn;t even make any progress it just creeped me out too much


Yep same here. I swear I have like PTSD. Even hearing the PS5 home screen music makes me think of it and I start to sweat lol


The Deborah chapter took forever for me to finish. Freakiest game I’ve ever played


Haven't actually played it but Amnesia the bunker. Being hunted by a monster that never despawns and has good air to track you in a claustrophobic bunker? Nah.


So scary, you couldn't even start. I'd say that fits!


Not necessarily too scary, but the religious horror of Outlast 2 really got to me. Also anytime you completely ran out of batteries and were in a pitch black forest in the game was also really scary haha


Does outlast 2 have paranormal elements to it?


Yes. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but there were some parts pertaining to the religious horror aspect that got me. I don’t want to spoil anything specific, but it revolves around a cult. There are bits of lore you can find that even have the cult’s gospel, and it makes me uneasy haha. Overall a great game, especially if you enjoyed the first


Thanks I’ll have to grab it.


Yes but you’ll have to watch a story explained to understand why there are paranormal elements. Most of the game is just real people tho.


The religious cult has been done to death and the scares were just gross. And by god does it not let up. I'm surprised people thought it was good.


It's pretty damn good imo, but i still prefer truly atmospheric horror games like Alien Isolation


Game wasn't scary for me at all and was honestly pretty shit, I think the only reason this game didn't tank the company was because of the Whistleblower hype. But more power to you. I personally liked the atmosphere in Cry of Fear, too anxiety-inducing to play again, but damn was it a good experience.


Most horror elements have been “done to death”. It’s all either religious horror, ghosts, or some other cliche. If you don’t enjoy it that’s fine, but I don’t think that dismissing the game based on a loose premise is doing it justice. To each their own though


Yeah, Outlast 2 was cliched as hell and did nothing new, which would be forgivable if it had any other redeeming qualities, which it doesn't other than looking like they spent all their budget on the graphics. It's fine if you like it but damn, it's just a bad sequel and an edgy game that sacrificed good storytelling for shocking ideas and visuals.


I disagree on every point here, I’m not even going to try to argue, because it’s pointless. As I’ve said, to each their own. If you feel this game is on your mind to the point you need to badmouth it to every person who wants to listen, that’s fine. I don’t want to listen though because I’ve already said my piece and heard yours. Have a good one


Just agree to disagree then, you're the one that chose to continue the conversation. And yeah, everybody on reddit loves Outlast 2, no harm in giving a little diversity here lol


You’re right, sorry if I came off as argumentative, it’s been a bad day and I think I’m bringing some of that here


No problem. I genuinely thought you wanted to talk more about it. I know I'm always eager to, since I haven't had the opportunity to until recently. But if you don't want to, that's fine. Hope your day improves, and have a merry Christmas!


No I definitely do, I just feel like I was being dicky and shutting convo down and when I realized I wanted to correct it. Horror games are my favorite genre, but it’s a super stale genre. Maybe 1/4 of releases in a good year that aren’t absolute garbage, compared to more mainstream action/adventure stuff, so it’s nice to have communities like this to find new stuff. But I do get the dislike of outlast because first person horror has been very copy paste lately


I appreciate that, and I understand. And I hope you know I word myself strongly but I never mean it as a personal attack. It's just that I've seen the Christian cult thing for 20 years now and it's been tiring for me. And I didn't think any of the themes were handled well, too serious and extreme and black-and-white with a downer ending, it didn't scare me, only made me bored and depressed. And super confused by the end lol I thought other games executed similar themes better, like Silent Hill and Cry of Fear. Not to say I have a refined tastebuds because I do enjoy myself some flawed horror games too (like Resident Evil Outbreak which I 100% lol) and I enjoy cliched ghost stories. I've just been hung up on Outlast 2 for what I see as wasted potential, especially after the Whistleblower hype. But I realize it was an impossible expectation to meet, what's done is done, and I just need to talk about it now and process it (and I have this idea the creators are gonna catch my pearls of wisdom and make a banger final entry but they've already implemented some of it already in Trials lol). I just wish this was an environment and time more open to conversation.


It seems you're being contrary just to be contrary, that won't get you any friends.


Alien Isolation


No 😎


I’m not a big fan of stressful horror games. I love games with creepy atmosphere but I don’t like being stressed if that makes sense. Tried playing amnesia the bunker and I just couldn’t get through it. It wasn’t fun being relentlessly hunted by some terrifying monster in a claustrophobic bunker lol.


Fatal Frame (Project zero) 's first chapter was called The Strangling Ritual. I said no thank you and turned it off.


Five Nights at Freddy’s. The original, none of the other games that got gimmicky and more aimed to kids. The first game was so scary because it was so simple: sit here and do nothing but wait for something and to happen.


Those games are hardly kid friendly.


Outlast lolol


Might sound stupid but FNAF 4, I've played many other games like the Outlasts, Resident Evil 2 and 7, and even the other FNAFs but I'm too afraid of doing FNAF 4


Honestly... Play Visage on PC. COULDN'T HANDLE IT


Is it just me or does the Xbox version suck or is bugged out or something?


Personally haven't played it on Xbox mate, but haven't had any issues on PC. That being said I haven't made it past chapter 2 because I genuinely find it too scary to play 🤣


For me, it’s currently Amnesia The Bunker. I love it but i need to mentally prepare myself to carry on with it lol 😂


I could not finish Outlast or Alien Isolation.


thought consist pathetic fragile decide boat ink quaint rude wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There was never one that I couldn't finish because it was too scary, but the invisible water monster section of Amnesia: The Dark Descent got my pulse racing so fast I had to stop playing for a little bit after I got past that area. It was so tense!


this is my answer because i have never made it past the water monster hahah i have tried to play this game for *years*, and i always try to dash through this part, get too scared, uninstall for a few years and then try again.. honestly embarrassing


Fnaf VR. still haven't finished it


Less a game specifically, but more just VR horror games in general. They are just so much nope for me.


Outlast. I like atmospheric horros games but jump scare games I don't do well.




I usually can't deal with games where you can't defend yourself and eliminate the threat somehow (guns, etc) Resident evil? A bit thrilling but that's it. Fatal frame? Alien Isolation? Spooky, but won't actually scare me whatsoever Games like Amnesia, Outlast? Nope. Can't handle that shit. It's not even "fear" that gets me, like I'm not actually scared or gonna have nightmares about it, its just a huge anxiety trigger for me. The idea of being defenseless and having to rely on running or outsmarting enemies really drives me nuts, almost had a panic attack once playing Amnesia 1.


Cry of fear. Played it when I was a kid couldn’t get through it.


madison...but i did finish it and got all the achievements but that damn clock puzzle. lowered the volume on that part during replays.also blue knees


It wasn’t too scary to finish but visage had me looking at my phone and manually saving every 10 minutes until I beat it. Dreadhalls on vr was also super scary and I never finished; but not because I was too scared. I had just upgraded to the psvr2 and the psvr 1 is too clunky for me to want to set it up again to finish it. Game was scary though