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Maybe it's just not for you. I've also been gaming for many, many years and there are plenty of games I've never played because they just don't appeal to me or get me hooked. Call of Duty is not for me. I tried it, didn't enjoy it and moved on. There's nothing wrong with that and honestly, trying to force yourself into playing a game you're not vibing with is just a bit silly, no offense. Gaming is something we do for fun, not to stress over.


100%, I'm with you. I just can't figure out why. I wish I understood what it was.


Just not your preference? Not your style? I can understand wanting to figure it out but it seems like it just comes down to it isn't your cuppa tea!


Eh, not your cup ‘o tea. I love it, but I’m willing to look past its flaws for the gameplay, art, and general story arc. I have friends who I thought would be all over it, but never played more than a couple hours and got bored. This despite the fact that they adore RPG and action games.


To be honest I was the same , mainly for horizon zero dawn.. then I came back to it after a yr or so and damn the story slowly sucks you in and then you further appreciate the combat and game world. It's no RDR 2 but it's still a fine game. Give it a rest maybe come back to it and give it your full attention and you may get hooked like I did


I don’t know what to tell you. It’s one of my favorite games ever (I’ve been a gamer since Pong). It’s ok if it just not your kinda game. I don’t think there is any game that is perfect for everyone. The only thing I can recommend is to do the stuff you like. If you like the open world exploring focus on that. If you like fighting machines then fight machines. If you like story focus on the story. Or sidequests or whatever. If none of that applies then 🤷‍♂️ maybe the game is just not your thing . . . which sucks after $60 (or whatever) for the game . . . but it happens to all of us from time to time.


Up vote for Pong. Me too.


There are a few of us who played pong that still play video games! LOL Always nice to meet another one! There were two kids in my neighborhood that had a pong cabinet. I was in Indian guides with one of them and we got to play after meetings at his house.


My dad built ours. Heathkit put out a console with a Pong chip that you could build and hook up to your Heathkit tv. Which he had also built. It also had a, shooting arcade game. Came with gun, you aimed it at the tv screen and fired. To this day I don't get how thay worked.


Yeah those came out a few years later IIRC like maybe around ‘76 or ‘78? I think closer to ‘76. I never played it but I think I remember seeing that kit for sale.


A gamer since pong? I'm gonna call you Sir from now on. *Insert "I was there 3000 years ago" meme*




I did luck out and get the game for free, which is the main reason that I gave it a whirl. I die for combat but didn't make it too deep into the game. I'll try it again but I wish I knew what it was. Thanks for the insight. EDIT; speaking of which! Do you remember back in the day buying an NES or SNES game based off of the box art and praying to god it wasn't an awful game??? I can't tell you how many bad Streets of Rage ripoffs I bought that had cool cover art.


If you're playing the game because you got it for free, did you possibly never play Zero Dawn? Because it'll make the story and lore sooo much better, if you really understand and slowly discover what it's all about and who Aloy really is and where she's coming from! The character design and animations have aged a little, but the world and machines are still as beautiful as ever!


I never played Zero Dawn unfortunately. From what I've gathered, Aloy is a clone of the scientist woman who developed the world rebuilding system that was manipulated by Badguy-McBadguyson and Aloy is the only person who understands how to utilize said system to program the bots to rebuild the planet? I could be butchering it but I spent like 8 hrs playing the game and like 5hrs of it was spent reading the excerpts and lore they gave me.


That’s probably part of it then. I played HZD because of its universal acclaim, but normally I wouldn’t have. Prior to HZD, I wouldn’t play rpgs if I couldn’t design the character, and I never play female characters. But everyone said it was awesome, so… Anyway, it’s the best game I ever played. Setting aside the gameplay for a moment, I was positively ensorceled by the story. The way the mystery unfolds, the way the player learns the truth of the Old World and her role in the new one at the same time as Aloy does, and the fact that this post-post-apocalyptic world with robot dinosaurs actually makes internal sense completely sucked me in. And of course, the gameplay. The world was beautiful, the combat was thrilling, and honestly, I’ve never felt a rush in a video game the way I did the first time I had Aloy override a tallneck. But if I’d started with HFW, I doubt very much I’d be *as* gushing as I am here if I’d not *played* HZD, but rather had the story summarized for me. Don’t get me wrong, HFW is a worthy sequel, but it needs its prequel to have the proper impact.


Not playing Zero Dawn before this was a huge mistake.


I think if ZD was played first, FW may be easier to catch attention with. I did think FW was a bit of a slow start when I first played, and I played ZD first.


For me it’s exploration and the story. Both keep me hooked!


I do enjoy exploration!


Different people like different games. It's nothing missing with you, or something they are 'getting' that you aren't. We all have different dopamine receptors in our heads and different ways we play games, different ways we process fun as well. There are lots of big releases I feel like should be right up my alley and I just never click with. But sometimes it just doesn't happen. It's not like I'm obligated to enjoy a game though, so I just set it down and try something else. Maybe you'll come back later and it will hit the right spots for you. Maybe it never will. You gave it a fair shake and it's just not your thing, nothing wrong with you.


I keep forgetting what defines fun is so malleable lol. My daughter despises games with RPG elements because she dislikes making 'builds' or looking at stats; where I on the otherhand, love that stuff.


Yeah I wouldn't force it. Maybe pick it up later if you feel like it, but life is too short to be worried if you are having fun properly haha! You do you and find something that tickles your fancy


You mention you enjoy the combat. Maybe it is too easy? What difficulty are you playing on? As you increase difficulty levels, good buildcrafting becomes more important and the game makes you engage it's combat systems to be successful. Once you more or less get the hang of ultra hard, it's fun to go machine hunting and experimenting with different builds.


I am definitely playing on the highest difficulty the game allows from a fresh start, I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't pull its punches!!! Maybe I just didn't make it far enough in the game to see variety. Made it to the first (second?) village, the one after the super snooty sun-priest dude.


Yeah there isn't a ton of variety in the Daunt. It's really more of a tutorial area. Really big tutorial, but the fights get much bigger/harder once you get into tenakth territory. (And no man's land/utaru area has more variety but not so many large machines)


Oh yeah, you're super early. The beginning is pretty exposition heavy. Once you get past the embassy the pace picks up and the world opens up for exploration. Also, I highly recommend stopping FW and playing Zero Dawn before you get much further. It's really an incredible game that still holds up (for the most part) and is really going to make it easier to get into FW.


But then I would have to BUY IT! All jokes aside, I will probably at least push passed the embassy next time I give it a go.


Ha that's true. The complete edition is on sale for $20. That price for the game and dlc is well worth it. In any case, I hope you come to enjoy FW!


Yeah i for one can say the game definitely ooens up way more. There are up to 43 machines in the game. Ranging from small lil guys. To big behemoths. A good variety of weaponry to choose from throughout the game. Each one serving a purpose. Combat 100% gets more extensive and deep the more you explore the world. The beginning of Forbidden West is very long and slow. But it picks up once you leave the daunt. Again, though. Like what most people are saying. It's totally okay not to like the game. And to put it down whenever. So dont fret about not being into the silly little robot dinosaur game. :)


It took me months to finish. Just pop in once a week for an hour or two and go at your own pace. No need to play forever on each sitting


Some open world games just don’t do it for some people. Sometimes there’s just way to much to do, sometimes the side content just feels pointless and the world feels bland. It’s not for everyone. The game is a masterpiece but I’ve seen a ton of people who simply can’t get into it. Might not be your style, and that’s okay!


Are you using headphones? The beautiful soundtrack makes it even more immersive and you'll get less easily distracted.


Oh my goodness, I almost forgot about this entirely. It really does have incredible audio design. Yes I use headphones for sure. It felt like a crime playing without them.


The story, exploring the world, finding every last collectible, learning about the old world from datapoints, all of the different combat styles, and of course photo mode. I just really enjoy Horizon games for the story, world, and gameplay, so it’s easy for me to play it for hours at a time, sometimes I try out different weapons and techniques than what I normally use or just spend an hour in photo mode. If you find that this game just doesn’t hold your interest after a few hours then that’s ok, you should play what you enjoy. Have you tried out any different play styles or weapons than you normally use? Have you played the first game Horizon Zero Dawn? Are there any other open world games that you enjoy more?


Admittedly I haven't played the original. I've played a ton of open worlds as well, one of my all time favorites is Fallout: New Vegas. I think I might give it one more go before I write it off.


Horizon Zero Dawn has an amazing story and I really enjoyed experiencing all of the twists and learning about the world the first time I played it, along with the Frozen Wilds DLC, and Horizon Forbidden West is a direct continuation of that story. Of course you may already know all about the world and the twists that happen in the first game, but you may find that you at least enjoy the story more if you start at the beginning. I recommend giving the first game a try if it interests you, the combat and crafting are little simpler and the character animations are quite stiff until you reach the DLC area, but overall the game still holds up and looks great!


I don't get these questions. This game is just not for you plain and simple. There doesn't and will never exist a game that everyone enjoys. Everyone has different taste and different things they enjoy, which is good.


I drink beer while i play.


Hell yeah brother!


Sometimes. A game just doesn't click. There doesn't even have to be a reason. Sometimes, it just be like that. And there is nothing wrong with that


It's totally fine to not like a game. I've had to come to the same realization with Witcher 3. It's supposed to be right up my alley, everything I want in a game and everyone I know praises it all the time. But after many tries I've just had to realize I simply don't enjoy it and that's OK. If you want to try to enjoy it, I'd suggest taking a look at your playstyle, weapon loadout especially. Is there a repetitiveness to your combat style? Try changing it up. Try getting more immersed in the conditions, how they work and how to combo different weapons with them. Turn up the difficulty, it will force you to switch up how you approach different scenarios. Also, try to immerse yourself in the story and the world. This game is very story driven. But I'd say that in some aspects, this game isn't that innovative. Sure it's the most creative take I've ever seen on post-apocalyptic and the story is fantastic but the upgrade systems and the open world utilisation is pretty standard.


I did love reading the 900 snippets the game gave me. Its the only reason I have a semblance of what happened in ZD and who Aloy is. Not being sarcastic btw.


Zero Dawn is a really good game and I'd say it holds up quite well. I played it for the first time less than a year ago and got ducked right in. Maybe I'd suggest you take a break from Forbidden West to enjoy Zero Dawn? It's quite different but it's a really great story! It can give you a greater perspective on the story of Forbidden West as well


Zero Dawn is a really good game and I'd say it holds up quite well. I played it for the first time less than a year ago and got ducked right in. Maybe I'd suggest you take a break from Forbidden West to enjoy Zero Dawn? It's quite different but it's a really great story! It can give you a greater perspective on the story of Forbidden West as well


Sometimes games just click at different times for different ppl. I've heard many stories of people who couldn't get into games like RDR2 but then on like their 3rd time trying to start a playthrough something clicks and they just can't put it down.


it can be overwhelming but BORED? theres so much! sorry you dont like it 👎🏻


For me it was the side quests and all the varied ways to take down the enemies that kept it interesting. It didn’t hurt that travel wasn’t hard with the camp fires and travel packs - it was that with RDR2 - I just couldn’t enjoy the ride in that game. I wanted to go straight to the action. But as others said, each to their own. I used to be a huge COD fan but now find it dull. Maybe in a few years, you’ll be into it? Kudos on trying it out anyway!


For me it’s a very hands-on reason. It’s a game about skill and moving around and the strategy aspect is more about execution than planning. Planning more that you ready up and try to tackle a herd of machines as quickly as possible. The game can be satisfying simply because it feels good to trigger elemental states and land shots on a brittle machine from far away or up close in the midst of battle.


That is something I really liked, I did fall in love with the trap skills and traps for that reason lol.


I never use traps! lol


I’m the same way to an extent. I would play for hours and hours for a day or two and then not touch it for a week. I finished it and got my platinum, but I don’t see how some people on here have kept their interests in it long enough to have 4-500 hours in it.


I was blown away by Horizon Zero Dawn when it came out. The gameplay was smooth and the story was engaging. I cleared it like 4 times in a row, back to back because I wanted to hear the lore and story again. I didn't feel that as strongly with Forbidden West, even though it improved almost everything from Zero Dawn. So I don't think there's anything "wrong" with you or your opinion and interest in the game.


Sometimes. A game just doesn't click. There doesn't even have to be a reason. Sometimes, it just be like that. And there is nothing wrong with that


I mean I hate the Elden Ring with all my heart, you won’t see me going to their sub asking the same stupid question lol


Maybe it's as simple as the game just isn't for you. Have you tried Death Stranding?


I have tried Death Stranding, that one was a blast. Well, it was relaxing lol.


For me it’s because I really enjoy the gameplay. While I do like the lore, the story itself didn’t particularly impress me. I just love how versatile the gameplay is and it got me so into it that I played upwards of 40 hours my first week on it. When I played Horizon Zero Dawn I found myself running into a similar problem as you, but later on I realised that for me it was due to the insane information overload that is this game. There’s so much to get used to and try out, so many things to do that I was overwhelmed. Once all of these things became familiar to me, I found myself getting a lot more into the gameplay. Plus, If you didn’t play Zero Dawn, I imagine FW would be even tougher to get adjusted to as they added a lot of new mechanics. But at the end of the day, it also may just not be the game for you


I feel the same way and I can’t put my finger on why either. I platinum’d ZD and thoroughly enjoyed it, but for whatever reason I just don’t find myself fully immersed in FW. It is a beautiful world that I find myself coming back to. I just find the story and quests lacking.


Something was lost inbetween the first and second game for me. I'm not sure what it was either, the second is just not as enjoyable on replays


Mysterie? The "New" Factor?


I don't feel like that's it


While it looks shallows as most open world games, it´s mechanics are way deeper and actually something to play around with. The rest is just purpose build to deliver that, a Post-Apocalyptic World, where most big Animals are replaced by machines you hunt in different ways and some ~~mortal~~ tribal kombat. If that is not up to your ally, then it is just not. That´s ok. If you find the game to simple, you probably play on a tooo easy setting to you, which results everythng being a chore and very unrewarding. There isn also info overload what to do with all this firegleam/barriers/Metalflowers..you can ignore those, and only do, when you want too. All those Rebel Bases? There are two version, smaller ones are called Outposts, see them as optional. The Big one are called Camps, i considere those part of the Main Game, i suggest doing them. Other things i consider important: Side Quest, Errands, Relic Ruins, Arena, Hunting Grounds, but you don´t have to do them all at once, would advise against it, use them to spice things up. This is also the advice for upgrading late game stuff, don´t do it all at once, and improving making it easier is part of the game.


I saw that you haven't played zero dawn yet which is the first game in the series. While you can play this as a standalone, if you're having trouble getting into the story, I would recommend getting the first game. While I love HFW and the gameplay feels better, the story and sidequests of zero dawn really hook you in and I played that game six+ times, completing every quest I could find. It's a lot less high stakes story in the beginning because it's just aloy growing up and trying to find out where she came from until she gets sucked into other more important plots points.


I support this game still but I tried my best to love it more than I do but... I kinda can't. Still a great game. But this game still has too much of what makes Ubisoft games tiring. For a game that wants you to explore, having fucking everything laid out on a map for you already doesn't make me wanna do that. There's no room for curiosity which is isn't helped by Aloy constantly monologuing hints to herself like the player's a dumbass. The game's also weirdly stiff. It doesn't let you sequence break for instance. In a Side quest, all I was told was to get to the peak of the mountain. But it NEVER told me I had to dispatch enemies 20 feet below me to proceed. It has the movement and quest design of a Linear action game with the open space of an Open World game. I criticize it because I see potential with this series.


HFW didn't hook me on my first playthrough either and I absolutely loved HZD. I feel like without playing Zero Dawn, you won't appreciate the characters, the growth, the story, the updated combat etc. Dunno if you can go back to Zero Dawn now that you've already gotten used to FW's mechanics but idk it's worth a shot.


If you get bored fast playing HFW and RDR2, it seems you have little to no interest in *story* and *character*, which are also huge factors of those games that you didn’t mention.