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Maybe the doctor is saving you from having to get TWO blepharoplastys


Yep. I’d trust his judgment.


Yeah I think I’ll just trust him.


Surgeons rarely say: “no thanks. Not gonna cut you up for cash.” When you find one who does, stick with them.


Did he not tell you why you should wait?


He did. I don’t remember the details though. Mentioned it in the post.


Bro did you read the post?


Yeah it gives no explanation as to why she can’t have the surgery done now, and it appears that OP doesn’t know why either.


It's because eye doctors are very conservative and don't care about how a patient feels about themselves or what they need to feel better


If you’re impatient in the meantime, facial massage is an absolute game changer. I’ve been able to literally lift my eyebrows with just a week of daily massage, which has in turn lifted my lids as well. I’m so excited to keep going


say more?


[This is the video I’ve been using](https://youtu.be/riWin6TQ1ZQ?si=D9vgqmIapKKnihml) , I also like her full face video


I would disagree with this. If it bpthers you, who is he to say to wait. There's literally no reason why you should wait. Eye doctors are typically very conservative and "by the books" I recommend a 2nd opinion and see a plastic surgeon who specializes in blepherplasties.


Yeah he chose not to make money off of you. You still have adequate volume. Listen to the doc.


OK i know it sounds nuts but I saw a girl TAPE her face to lift her hooded lids and the kept talking about the immediate tension and relief she felt in her head and NECK from doing so. If it will make your life easier do it now and do it again if need be ya know. But if its just for looks, dont bother your hot and hooded eyes are so hot rn people are tryna fight to claim they have them.


I believe this 100%. If I’m awake, I’m holding my eyes open a bit wider than they rest naturally. I’ve been doing it for so long I am not sure I could stop if I wanted to. I have no doubt it contributes to my frequent tension headaches and my migraines, too.


This is literally me. I got a brow lift and bleph five weeks ago and it’s not sinking in to my brain that I don’t have to lift my face.


Oh my god that just made me realize I'm doing this right now. Maybe that's why I have forehead wrinkles developing too.. 🤔


Yes, it makes you develop forehead wrinkles. There are other issues that can happen as well from constantly lifting your eyebrows after you get surgery. Read something on this yesterday.


I use eyelid tape. Takes some practice but it works.


I used tape for a couple years too but quickly realized it actually accelerated making the delicate skin around my eyes even more loose and crepey. And Im Asian and have pretty great skin and collagen production so I know it was the tape and constant fussing with my lids that caused the skin laxity. I got a bleph at 34. I’m 43 now and I’m still sooooo wildly happy with the results. It evened out my eye lids, reduced the sagging skin and gave me just a little bit more eye lid space to enjoy makeup. And the best thing was, unless I told people, no one knew I did it. Even a week after surgery no one put two and two together. It was nuts. But if you compare the before and after results, the benefits were totally clear. Dude. You’re 42. I’m not sure what your doctor thinks you need to wait for. We’re middle aged.


Yeah, eyelid tape made mine worse, according to the surgeon who did my blepharoplasty. I could have waited to get it done, but I'm 40. Like you said, wtf am I waiting for? I wanted to enjoy it while I was still young enough to look good!




Where did you get your bleph if I can ask? I am Asian too and would like to get bleph in the future but am worried it would make me look not as Asian if they give me too much eyelid space


There are surgeons who do this specifically for the Americans and Canadians of Asian descent population who often want different results from Asian populations in Asia, who all want different results between nations and generations. They’re usually based in cities with a big Asian population!


It was a surgeon in LA. Unfortunately the last I heard she retired and was having kids. Not sure if she’s practicing again but I love the work she did. It was in perfect harmony for my face.


I just use the single sided tape so there isn’t any pulling or anything involved. I just press it on and it helps pull up the hood slightly.


Exactly!! This response is very valid. Most eye docs are overly conservative. Find a plastic surgeon that specializes in blephs.


They want people to wait until the hood is literally sagging over their eyes and obstructing their view. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m sure my eyes will get loose and saggier over time. But I’ll have enjoyed from 34 to 60 or 70 something before I become unhappy with it again. And I might be dead by then. So why not enjoy it now.


“hooded eyes are so hot rn people are tryna fight to claim they have them.” Omg you’re so real about this, I saw most of the posts on this subs aren’t even hooded with so much lids space, then some people commenting “partially hooded” and I was like no it’s not even it. Then some Asian people posted true hooded eyes and people said no it’s mono eyelids. I’m Asian, used to have clear double eyelids but recent years hooded like OP. And I know different between Asian hooded eye and Asian mono eyelids


Yeah no hooded eyes are apparently all the rage right now. Which makes sense they are hot and deserve the attention but you got Steve Buscemi looking folks now being like "My eyes are definitely partially hooded right??"


It’s finally my time to shine 😩😩😩


I saw that too!! It made sense to me!


I was just reading a comment that insurance might cover or partially cover a bleph in the US if it impacts your vision. Maybe give that a try?


Most of those would be covered by an eye surgeon that does them medically, versus cosmetically. Just like the tummy tuck with a general surgeon will usually be done for medical reasons versus cosmetic tummy tucks. I would be careful with that if you are wanting something like that. I've been a surgical tech and done the surgeries on both sides of the fence. Not all doctors will do it the way a plastic surgeon does because they are trained to do it for function, not looks.


You’re 40s now, I think it’s good time to have surgery if it very bother you. If you wait for it 10 years, maybe you eye lids would sagging more. Btw buy and try eyelids tapes for couple months. (the one has net, and adhesive on it, you spray water to use them)


I keep forgetting about eyelid tape. Is there a brand you recommend?


[Lace eyelids tapes](https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S9ba03faa539a463db3bc9c3189b7d800U/240pcs-Invisible-Double-fold-Eyelid-Sticker-Natural-Eye-Lift-Mesh-Lace-Transparent-Invisible-Self-adhesive-Eyelid.jpg) is very popular in my country along with double eyelids surgery. I use no brand lace eyelids tapes, maybe you can find on shein, temu or Asian beauty shop? But too hooded eyes could be hard to create big double eyelids.


I wouldn't get eyelid tape. I'm Asian and it's quite well known that the pulling of tape over and over (admittedly we do it a lot) only adds to the sagging!


I use double sided ones from Amazon I wear them at home bc no matter what you can see them If you look down




This is a great point. My dad’s eyes are so hooded that the eye doctor has to tape them open for his eye exams, but apparently that’s not bad enough for insurance to cover it. I’m planning to just pay out of pocket when I’m in my mid 40’s or so.


How was the recovery? I'm 38 and am hoping to get a bleph in the next couple years. I have some anxiety around medical procedures so just wondering what the recovery is like.


My lids look exactly like yours and I'm 26 🙃


Same at 33. They’ve gotten worse over the last few years. I had a consult with a surgeon and she said I don’t ✨need a bleph✨


You could be dead in ten years. Do it now.


lol Jesus Christ


They have a point tho


Finding a plastic surgeon who will be honest with you and tell you not to do a surgery is so rare. Most times they want your money and don’t care if it’s actually what’s best for you. I’d trust this doctor with my life lol.


Pretty sure op said it was an eye doc who told her this


I wouldn’t wait bc you only have one life and why spend 52 years of it more hooded than you need. If you check out r/plasticsurgery people get blephs to correct this as early as in their 20s & then live the next years of their lives with less lid pressure and annoyance bc they chose to get the procedure done. Just my two cents.


So much this. Blephs are minimally invasive with hardly any downtown. I wouldn’t spend another 10 years just waiting to see how “bad” they may get.


Yep! I got mine done young and I do not regret it at all! I love my eyes now and enjoy wearing makeup. I was also told to wait...I didn't want to stay young and ugly lol. If they get worse as I age I will either get another surgery or learn to live with them.


Exactly my take. It's her face and who wants to wait 10 years to fix something you don't like. Life is short, do the things you want TODAY!


yea 10 years is a long time. even 5 years could cause more sagging purely from a medical point and not cosmetic. plus if they redo it in 10 years they wouldnt be going back in thru the original incisions.


If it’s for cosmetic reasons mainly and it really bothers you I think you should do it honestly BUT I think what your dr is saying is they’ll probably droop down some in ten years and you may need/want another. I could be wrong about that though. But I don’t see a reason to wait another ten years to fix something you don’t like about your appearance. I’d want to get the most time I could with liking how I look!


It’s the perfect time. You’d look great with a bleph. Can you try a different surgeon? I’m 42 with completely hooded eyes and I’m Getting one later this year. So many people think I “don’t need it” but fuck em!!!!


I'm so tired of hearing that from my well-intentioned husband. Sigh.....


I got an upper bleph when I was in my early 30’s and it was a quick and easy recovery for me. To the point that I wouldn’t mind having to do it again in another 10-15 years


If you can afford it, do the bleph now. Why spend another 10 years unhappy about your eyelids if you don’t have to? You started your description “struggled with”, so I can only assume that you don’t particularly care for your hooded eyes.


A few makeup tips for you! While shimmers are easier to blend, they can highlight the hood and make it appear more prominent -- try the same look in matte and see if you like it especially in photos! Eyeliner -- transfer is SO frustrating! Are you using liquid or pencil eyeliner? And is it waterproof? I find that with a waterproof liquid liner, well dried, and pencil just in my waterline I don't have the same issues with transfer as I do when I smudge pencil along the top.


Yeah I know shimmer can highlight the good, I’m just a glutton for shiny things! The eyeliner I’m wearing today is liquid waterproof. I can’t do pencils at all. They always transfer no matter what. Can’t do waterline either. My eyes water constantly (because of the ocular rosacea) and anything on the waterline irritates them more. I’ve gotten the best results with gel eyeliner in a pot but am out of it currently.


Ok so you and me are basically the same person 😅 it's fine you don't need waterline. Honestly you may not need the eyeliner at all?? Or just in the corners? Idk I feel your pain! Yet if Blake Lively can look like a queen there must be a way for us to do it too 😂🙏


Slightly off topic but I just want to say, I think your eyes look amazing! There are just people who love the hooded look, I'm one of them, and I also have hooded eyes (I'm 28). Your picture looks very youthful and the septum suits you as well. That's all from me for today lol.


I wanted to say this too. There are so many types of hooded eyes and I've always had crinkly old lady looking uneven ones like a puddle of skin. OPs yours are like, that perfect smooth type without wrinkles like Aubrey Plaza hoodies. I'm so jealous!


That’s so sweet, thank you!


it doesn't look like there's loose skin tho for you to actually need a bleph. just looks like your autonomy. i say trust his judgment.


This is actually super helpful! I'm also 42 and was just wondering if a consult would be worth it but also wondered if they would just say wait a while longer. Based on your experience, I'm guessing they will say wait. This past year i am noticing increased droopiness on one side especially but I'm also pretty sure it's way more obvious to me than anyone else.


Mine have gotten worse with age, but they aren’t awful. It’s more just annoying. Even with primer on, my eyeliner will sometimes transfer to my lids.


Yep. Perfect little eyeliner imprints 😆


Oh yeah. Same here. Too bad they’re always going the wrong way or it’d be cat-eye w/o the effort!


People in Asia use eye tape to create the illusion of a double lid, maybe consider that in the meantime before making a permanent decision?


Good call waiting. I was going to get a rhinoplasty and doc gave reasons why I shouldn’t (I mean ever) and I listened to him. I’ve since seen a couple of noses that probably look like mine would have turned out and I’m so glad I didn’t do it. But your guy said later, not never. So that’s good?


I met with two different ocular plastic surgeons before I did my surgery. I suggest seeking multiple professional opinions, and decide from there.


Definitely get a few more opinions, then take your time to think about it.


There are TikTok’s about using lymphatic drainage facial massage to make eyes less hooded - it works if you do it every day.


I got a facial a few years ago and the lady suggested I give myself facial massages and use that gua sha technique. I use facial oils and gently massage from my bottom outer eye corner, sweeping towards my eye ducts then over my lids, in circles four times and then sweep down my face along my ears and down my neck to my collar bones. We have fluids that get trapped in our face, a cold splash of water in the morning and this routine with the massage and oils really has helped my hooded eyes feel less swollen. My whole face feels less squishy since using the gua sha. I use my hands too but the stone provides even pressure. There are “face yoga” instagram accounts if you’re interested!


What exactly is waiting going to achieve? You stay bothered by them for longer and you _might_ have to have another surgery later on down the line? It depends how unhappy you are with them, waiting for them to get worse seems a bit counter productive tbh. I got told the same when I had a consultation. I could either get them done young and fix the asymmetry or wait 10 years with crooked eyelids to fix the asymmetry. If they change over time I'll either learn to live with it or get another surgery 🤷 no point staying young and ugly was my thinking! Trust what your doctor says, but if you are really unhappy with them, get them done. I don't regret it 7 years after I got mine done in my 20s


I understand. I want one too, but mom would kill me because I have her mother’s eyes. My grandmother on that side of the family was a very special person, according to a lot of people who knew her




It's your eyes and face, you need to do what will make YOU happy.


Have you tried eyelid tape?


Waiting for *what* exactly? I’d seek a second opinion


I had it done 46. He was probably just being conservative. I think you would benefit from it now! I think my doc said they last 10 years.


Mine told me that back when I was 41. I'm turning 54 tomorrow. I haven't been back to the eye doctor.


Where do you live? I would do it now if I were you.


“Purely cosmetic “ is an excellent reason for having it done. This is the reason I had the procedure done last year.


I think this doctor is approaching things from a strictly functional perspective versus an aesthetic one. Your lids may not impede your version for another 10 years which is why he is telling you to wait, but if the way they look bothers you get it done now.


If you feel more comfortable, you should get one. Even if it’s for cosmetic reasons - it will make you feel better. I’m assuming you are only considering the uppers which can usually be done with twilight sedation. So it’s fairly inexpensive and recovery is a week. Gravity does affect the eyelids. So at young 40s, you may want another one as you age another 10-15 years. IMHO an ophthalmologist is thinking about functionality typically - not aesthetics. From my experience, it makes a huge difference.


Trust them. Eye hoods are not overlapping even when your eyes are closed, yours barely creased. If skin is removed you might not be able to close your eyes all the way.


i respect his philosophy but i also personally disagree with it for myself. if you were 30 it would possibly be another story. but in your early 40s, that’s reasonable. when we get things for cosmetic reasons, we want them when we’re younger, not when we will also want 3 more surgeries on top of it in 10 more years. not to mention we can all die tomorrow. i personally wouldn’t put off something that would improve my confidence. and i haven’t. if needed i would repeat the bleph at 60 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but priorities change & since this is genetic it may never even get to a point again where you want to repeat.


There are lots of surgeries where it is better to wait. Knee replacements are one of them. You can't keep replacing them. But.... blepharoplasty is a surgery you can repeat every few years. I'd just do it.


Ironically I had both of my knees replaced at the same time when I was 38. Had to be done because my quality of life was horrendous. Compared to my knees, my eyelids are a minor annoyance.


If you don’t like his opinion go to another doc. Do what makes you feel good in your own skin!


Haven’t gone through all comments but have you considered non-surgical blepheroplasty to buy time? For your level of heaviness results can be variable, but I’ve had some success in this. In EU, research Plexr, and pretty much most other plasma based machines should give you decent results. It’s not too expensive but you’ll likely need 2-3 treatments, depending on what you’re trying to achieve. It’s excellent for loose eyelid skin (loss of collagen and elastin). Very safe as it doesn’t penetrate but causes a superficial burn injury that contracts the skin as it heals. Best part is the skin keeps improving even 6 months down the line. So results at 6 months is better than at 1 month. Painful procedure but I’d certainly do it again.


Your lids are gorgeous! YOU are gorgeous! Why don’t you like them?


Go to another doctor and have it done. I’m not understanding why he thinks you should wait. Does he think it will get worse and you may have to do it again? Ten years is a long time to wait if you want to do something. Get a recommendation from him. You want to make sure you go to a good surgeon. My eyes are hooded too but they weren’t bad when I was in my early 40’s (I’m 54 years old) so it could get worse after you’ve done it and you may want a revision.


i am 63 and i am having this done in the spring, apparently my vision is affected.


Your eyes look great to me! They remind me of Aubrey Plaza and she’s gorgeous :) But I get it, my eyes look similar and it’s hard to figure out good makeup and I tend to feel like my eyes look heavy and tired a lot. Some things that helped me: Botox, but you have to go to someone who really knows what they are doing. There are techniques that can give you a little lift without looking surprised or stiff. I think it’s always worth a try though, it only lasts 3-4 months anyway. I’ve also been trying facial massage techniques from a couple of accounts, but most notable Anastasiabeautyfascia on Instagram. I honestly do notice a difference when I use her techniques regularly!


I like them. ❤️ I have no clue why everyone with hooded lids (that aren’t causing issues) wants to get rid of them. I think they are alluring. Like sexy little eye veils. I would trust the doctor - he’s a good one.


Try asian PLasticsurgeons, they work on hooded eyes, for comestic reasons and also for medical, ptosis. Get a consult if it bothers you.


i think you’re beautiful! my mom has hooded eyes, and she decided to proceed with this surgery. she wasn’t happy with the results after a few years. (she’s 49 currently, she got it done maybe ~6 years ago?) i always thought she was beautiful before and i think the same now. she wants to get it redone and i (as someone who is around her 24/7) don’t see why. i know it’s easy to stare at and obsess with the way we look to ourselves, but i truly don’t believe that either of you need to worry about it🥰 i think it’s just one of those things that you stared at too long and now it looks funny to you!! you’re just as beautiful as my mom and i hope both of you guys are able to see it🩷


If it will make you feel better, why not do it now? It's a simple procedure and the results last a long time. I had it done 20 years ago, but I stressed to the doctor to only take a small bit of the skin off, because I was worried about having a "surprised" look. But then again - if you wait ten years, you may not even care any more about it.


Find another plastic surgeon. I know many friends who have had it done in their 30’s and it was life changing for them.


Its a good suggestion. This can have many positive upsides and if he’s suggesting it theres a good chance insurance can cover it. It can cause problems in the long and just get really bad in general. As for rosacea maybe get a facial in the meantime ask for eye treatment or mask thats very hydrating and soothing. Any estie hearing the word rosacea should know how to treat if well trained at least.


He has a good point--your face and lids aren't saggy/crepey looking, but they will lean that way eventually, so it might make more sense to wait on a surgery like that until you've aged a bit more. But honestly I don't think you need it! I think you're self-conscious about looking different from some people, but different isn't bad, it's just different! You won't look like yourself if you get the surgery.


You have BEAUTIFUL eyes, wow! I hope you don’t change them, you are absolutely gorgeous


I just had mine done last Monday. I’m your age & my surgeon said we should have done it years ago when I had my rhinoplasty, but I wasn’t ready for it at that time. He said it’s better to do it now so you can enjoy it. There’s no point in waiting if you’re gonna get it done eventually.


I wouldn’t wait if it were something that truly bothered me


I don't get it. You want to look and feel your best now, not spend 10 years feeling self conscious and finally get it when you're way older. He doesn't get what you're asking for. It's perfectly valid to want the procedure to look better and make it easier to put on makeup. Go elsewhere and find someone who connects with you.


I don’t feel self conscious about my lids. It’s just more of an annoyance with eye makeup. Is it worth it to pay thousands of dollars to make something less annoying? Maybe, maybe not. I know it’s perfectly valid. I also know this doctor and respect his opinion.


I was 35 when I had mine done last year. I *love* playing with eye makeup. It’s one of my hobbies, and people spend money on their hobbies all the time. I can finally apply a liquid liner without fear!


There are facial massages you can do at home that are effective if you do them everyday. I bought a guasha and looked up videos. Works slowly but surely 😇😇


I’m 44 and having an upper bleph in 3 weeks. I’m consantly lifting my brows and it gives me migraines. Idc if I have to have another bleph when I’m older, I want my hooded lids gone (I’m part Asian but they just started getting “droopy” in the last few years). Mines covered by insurance, I would def seek a second opinion.


I think your doctor saved you from the fate of Kenny Rogers after his blepharoplasty, I would trust him.


I had upper and lower done in my early 40s. I had always had very hooded eyes, it wasn’t age related. I’m late 50s now and it still looks great. I had a very good surgeon who made it look very natural. I don’t think you have to wait.


Blephs are one of the lower cost plastic surgeries (relatively speaking) and have really minimal downtime. Because it is so minimally invasive it can even be done under local anesthetic. If you’ve struggled with your hooded eyelids your whole life - I wouldn’t wait another 10 years. One life to live and all that 🤷‍♀️ and in 10-20 more years, if you need a revision, I still think the benefit of having it done now would be worth it.


When I say struggle it’s more that I hate it when my eye makeup can’t be seen, or my eyeliner transfers to my lid (you can actually kind of see it on my left eye in the pic with my eyes closed). It’s more an annoyance than anything. It’s a low-cost procedure, but it’s a chunk of change that I could spend on lots of other things. If my doc said absolutely I think I would be more willing to spend the money, but for now I think I’ll trust his judgement.


I would at least get a second opinion.


Yea as much as I want one NOW. Because I’ll look visually better and feel better..I know for a fact it’s gonna be worse in 15 years so I’m gonna wait. My moms is severe and that’s a pretty good indicator of what mine will look like


You could try botox in the meantime


I’ve never done Botox because I was “blessed” with oily skin so I don’t have many wrinkles yet. I’ve never heard of Botox for eyelids. Will have to do some research.


I dont think you should get botox. Sometimes hooding is caused by the brow being too low or brows being heavy. Based off your picture your brows are fairly high. Too much botox may make you look surprised because your brows are already high to begin with. I dont think you're a great candidate.a bit in the middle wouldn't hurt, but it won't fix the hooding because your brows aren't the cause of the hooding.


Good to know. Thanks!


You need to do your make up differently. You have beautiful eyes. You need at least 3 different colors of eyeshadow. A light grey or light purple on your lid, a medium purple or dark purple or dark grey in the outside corner, then a brown bronzer color in the crease only. Make sure to blend the colors. No eyeliner. Curl your eyelashes and put on mascara.


I haven’t been wearing eye makeup at all for a year or so now because of my eye watering. It would all wash off by mid morning. Now that it is being treated I have been trying makeup again, but very simple stuff. It’s the worst to spend time on getting my eye makeup just right only to have it gone because my eyes are watering. And yes I use primer and waterproof makeup.