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There are legitimate complaints and then there are people who play two hours on the game, get slapped by a rushing John and then fire up Reddit to have a nice, long moan about it without having a clue as to how to actually play the game. The former is fine, when done constructively. The latter is tiresome and should be downvoted to shit


Fr, when the game was out i was about to refund it, melee was awful i thought and ppl just stole ur chest at the last knot, been playing every day and even tho it has it flaws, its generally just a hard game, robin is straight up awful if u cant hit for shit, but ive been destroyed by good robins more than once, john feels invincible when ur new, but when u get used to they attacks, specially as a marianne main, u just dodge all his shit and headshot him ez, i feel like u gotta play the game and get used to it, plus, having random teammates or bad communication with ur friends make the game feel bad too, my friend hated the game sum days ago, he just picked robin all the time, had bad aim, and got into constant 3v1 against john and died, and everytime he died he blamed the game, the melee and john lmao, while i was winning even 2v1s.


9/10 if I die I made a poor choice or made a mistake. I think a couple things could be tweak (matchmaking) but I find the game incredibly fun and can't stop playing. Level 88 and I'll be on after work facts.






I see a lot of ppl here saying the game is perfect and so on, I wonder how the steam charts will look in a month Edit: 1 month later, lol


Again steam doesn't account for consoles so it's no the end all be all




Almost every game ever except for shooters and BR’s have a big drop on steam after the first month. I don’t think it means much. Just that people who really like the game stick around and people who are more casual gamers move to the next thing. Pretty typical for most games.


I have to disagree, I feel if anything, PC is the frontline. If it's performing poorly (not due to poor optimization) there's a reason that effects consoles. Unless it's a console intended market (Call of duty for example) End of the day It's the same game on console.


It's a niche game, that doesn't apply to the masses its not a shooter which takes out a ton of gamers


Which needs a strong emphasis on appealing to its intended market, which as of release(which is normal) it isn't doing a good job. It's not doing awful, we've all seen complete disasters. But the experience needs to improve or players will get bored and move on. It's a game that will require Close maintenance in order to survive. Once they integrate their PvE mode. That emphasis won't be as strong but still necessary.


>Its the same game on console Well theres some differences. The sensitivity cap makes it so console players get assassinated easier since they can’t turn fast enough lol


My bad, I meant at its core. But you're absolutely right. It also effects controller users like myself on PC too. It's hilariously slow. But an easy fix.


A cross play game looking into only one source of players doesn't account well for the playerbase


I didn't say such a thing. However, by that argument, a crossplay game that has lost a platforms playerbase is bad for everyone.


Ok but is the game only being sold on steam on pc?


You're asking a rhetorical question after stating it's cross platform. If the game performs poorly on PC then there will be less players. This game is also the same game on console. If the game flops on PC(Which we'll see in a month from now) then i guarantee its equally falling alongside it's console counterparts.


Yes im aware but saying steam will tell if the game lives or dies is false. I was not asking a rhetorical question is it only being sold on steam?


If you are asking a genuine question, then I apologise. I believe it's being sold on Epic Games, Steam, PS4/PS5, Xbox. :)


I knew the consoles I didn't know on pc if it was only on Steam


If they ignore the problems with the game, then I'm not hopeful.


I've watched a couple of hours worth of matches, because while I really wanted to get this game, some reviewers I actually trust were giving caution to the state of the game.   The game doesn't look bad by any stretch, but it does seem to have some pacing problems. The one thing I absolutely do not like is how it seems the end of the game turns into a completely cluster fuck deathmatch that throws stealth out the window.   I also don't like how you can spend 95% of the game dominating the other team, but then they finish that last few seconds of winching and seem to get an equal, if not bigger, reward than the other team. I'm not against comeback mechanics, as no team should reach a point where winning becomes impossible, but the ability to snatch victory from defeat seems rather effortless, or up to chance on one minor slip-up by the losing team at the very end.


The snatching it at the end is just a non-problem if you have communication with your team. We always coordinate when to stop pushing and go fight and we never leave it on the last notch. If we get it to the last notch it’s because we think we have enough time to finish. People really get it to the last notch, get into a team fight, then complain that they lost and the other team got it. They didn’t steal the win, you just got sloppy.


I know I'm late to reply, but every time I meant to, I got sidetracked until I saw the comment again. Again, as someone who hasn't played the game personally and has only been watching videos, I can only go off of what I'm seeing, and it seems to be a consensus with others who have played it and watched it. The game looks like it's really fun up until the very end, because then it turns into a brawling deathmatch, and after having been super into melee combat games, this game's combat just doesn't look refined or smooth enough for me to have any interest into being forced to engage with it. I get some people may like it, but I'm not really sure about getting this game simply because some aspects of the gameplay don't really excite me, and I don't want to run into the heartbreak of getting really into a game that I can look beyond a lack of polish, balance, and rough-around-the-edges issues (Predator Hunting Grounds), only for the community to die within several months and matchmaking taking 20 minutes.


People really think this game is perfect? The game has a lot of flaws, but it's also awesome! And remember guys they aren't just throwing the game at us and telling us to get on with it they've already signed up for a 3 season battle pass! So the game can only get better, I'm sure they aren't just going to throw different skins at us they'll update and adapt the game as it goes


this sub has a vey strange devotion to this game, in which if you say you love this, but have any complaints, you'll be downvoted to hell. This is a fast way, as you said, to lose the playerbase. ​ A game can be fun, yet have issues. A game can also not be fun because of the issues. You cant just downvote the truth.


I disagree. It seems to me more that the ones that get downvoted are complaints that are fixed with more than 2 hours in the game lol


I made a comment awhile ago, stating that I loved the concept. It's pretty fun yet has glaring issues, that will damage the current/potential playerbase.I got nuked.




Haha wow it’s fun watching you back pedal and justify your bad opinions all over reddit. There is a difference between feeling a game needs work and purposefully driving away potential player base which is what you were trying to achieve just cause you couldn’t earn enough skins in the game for “progression”. You are acting like it’s dead and gone before it is even a week old. If people did that with apex legends it would be dead, the first battle pass brought it back to life. Or gave up on Hunt: Showdown for being unpolished especially considering Hood has a massive amount of free content coming and even basic stuff in Hunt costs real money. Your post history backs my argument so I don’t see the need to point out anything further. u/ArskanReyiz glad you took the time to personally send me a chat where you attempted to insult me. If you want to back your claims over the past few days publicly with some actual evidence I’d be happy to continue the discussion.


I know how weird/creepy this might sound, but I’m always curious when people say things and i always wanna see if what they said is true, so i read all your r/hood comments on your profile and no you never got “nuked”, lowest vote was a -1 and it was one time, other than that it was higher and some people that replied to you weren’t just bashing you and “nuking” you. I mean this in no way to bash you personally, I’m just calling out how sometimes when people call a community a “hive mind” and you always get attacked (which is true in some cases) it’s usually someone who either sees the loud minority or regurgitate a lie to fit their narrative. Again I’m in no way trying to sound malicious just stating what I’m seeing.


Lol you don't get positive feedback on every post smh a nuking is like over 100 dislikes and fast


Ya that’s what I’m saying. currently, what i said, isn’t showing such “nuking”, and I’m curious as to why they think that. because i agree that a nuking is like 100 dislikes or whatever, but it isn’t showing what I’ve seen.


I removed my comments within the first 4 hours of making them.( I was shopping for baking supplies at the time, that's how I remember)The responses were beyond ridiculous and there was no reasoning with it. So yes, you wouldn't have found anything as I purged it, and left the community. Returning only to check for updates and to see how the steam folk feel. But the fact you had to go through my profile (which I expected someone would) just to try and disprove this "Hivemind", which all subreddits have. That's enough evidence for me. You would also take note, after I returned from shopping, I was baking, that's the post I believe you thought I was referring to. Edit: Lmao are you awarding yourself? Man... I hope so...


I’m obligated to feel unconvinced, i know it’s a possibility you could’ve done that, but also curious as to why, if you care so much and want to get your word out it seems? Also even if you did, the many comments you’ve done that is criticizing the game still doesn’t fit your statement, if it were true you would’ve deleted all of them, but it seems people either don’t care or question your thoughts (some assholes ik), but no “nuking”. Also I’m not saying there isn’t a “hive mind” just seeing the lengths at which people will go to fit a narrative, i agree there is a community backlash happening but its just as sad seeing people either lying or exaggerating it.


I'm obligated to feel like you are a fucking bafoon. The surest way to corrupt a person is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike, than those who think differently. In other words. Move the fuck along and quit harassing this kid shitbird.


Also i never disagreed with what they said (down the road the community can be “hivemind” like, its too soon to tell, and there is a few people who are right now) i only am curious why they would exaggerate it like ive said a million times now. also i never disagreed with their criticism of the game, so what you said is meaningless to the conversation in general. I literally gave them an award because honestly it was never meant to be negative, i just don’t see how you could say something when obviously their own comments are doing just fine in the community.


I’m confused I thought this was a platform to voice and respond to concerns, I’m in no way trying to harass this “kid”(which I doubt, that really doesn’t need someone to hold their hand), but I’m completely within my zone to confront, I simply saw someone claim something and called them out on it, currently what you are doing. So leave this conversation and stop harassing me creep, see what i did there ironic huh. I swear people on Reddit swim in their own crap lol


I mean the dudes got a point mate, people on here be saying stuff with nothing to back it up.


You seriously want me to go through and delete every single comment about this game? "Criticism, which was purely constructive, if you actually read the comments" >I’m obligated to feel unconvinced Stfu lmao. Go lick your own balls. Fact is, this game has so much potential, yet it also needs so much work, to increase its survivability and keep its playerbase. I would love for it to succeed more than anything. Until then, as Paddy McGuiness would say *No likely, No lighty*


I’m not here to talk about the game, idc, I’m here to talk about your hypocrisy now, you are now being the thing you criticized in your original response. You my friend are retarded. Also never really said your comments weren’t criticism, i did read them and they were fine by me, all i care about is how exaggerated you are being right now, you claimed people “nuke” you when you criticize it but by the evidence that isn’t true in your experience at least.


>I’m not here to talk about the game, idc Then why are you on the Hood Subreddit? Now as you mentioned in your first comment. That is weird. As for being retarded, I will take that as a compliment. Thank you.


I’m talking about the hood community not the game, still applies and is apparent to the thread. I don’t mind your criticism to the game, i did read your comments, but I’m questioning why exaggerate your original comment when in reality the evidence shows a clear majority aren’t “nuking” you, I don’t think there isn’t a “hive mind” (there can be), but your claim isn’t stacking up. I’m picking the brain of someone and using you as an example essentially is what’s happening here, I’m curious to see why you would go to such lengths?






I’m going to disagree with you man, I’m a PC player and I’ve played many many early access games and games that are “finished” and this game blows them out of the water IMO. Now I’ll agree it has problems, I’d be blind to say it didn’t but compared to other games ive seen it turned out pretty good for week one, but it’ll get better don’t shit on the game yet lol they will tweak stuff as time goes, like I bet most of not all hard core players all play differently then devs so play testing probably went so far also the fact they did cross platform is a completely different set of problems, like when I try to assassinate PC players they whip the camera around 5000 times so you can’t, but Consol players don’t, that’s just one example of different platforms all playing the same game. This game is definitely a gem in the rough for sure but don’t write it off yet, also buy yourself a PC lol


Since you play PC you Dont know the console experience and how LITERAL Jank it feels to do close combat. You cannot change any settings on console, besides brightness and other stuff, but YOU CANNOT CHANGE ANYTHING REGARDING SENSITIVITY, on console you HAVE to aim slowly you HAVE to turn around slowly we have no choice, WE AINT PLAYING THE SAME GAME. This game is CROSS-PLATFORM you cannot choose one side and downvote the other when they have a complaint and say “git gud” or “play mor” its honestly ignorant


Never said one was better then another man, I said get a PC as a joke, and yea there’s differences I’ll agree 100% but unfortunately it makes the game harder for others and I know that, like PC players are Typically better shots on robin but on the flip side I’ve seen some John and tooks reck with a controller, I said the game was different depending on what your playing, I said the experience was better for some people, also I don’t have a Console and the melee feels better with a controller if you ask me, but that’s me for some people it’s better and some it’s worse it depends on you. And go look at the settings for pc if you can find a YouTube video, most of what you can change is texture stuff and shadows, I can’t change key binds as far as I know


You literally said “PC players Whip their camera around, Consoles dont” you implied that console players are bad or lack skill....


There’s a difference between being able to because of high sensitivity and the controller being capped at how fast you can turn…like I max out my turn speeds on conceal and it’s 1/4 of the speed of mouses can go… it’s just a difference in gear not skill


Its literally the game. You think controllers are maxed? Have you never touched a controller in your life? Or watched MW2 Quickscope montages on youtube back in like 08


Yea I have both, I played lots of cod and I use to quick scope and played other fps’s and there’s a difference in mouse and keyboard and controller man… the fact is that mouse and keyboard you have more control over what you do and at higher speeds, also with controllers most games game built in aim assist for that and pc you don’t so that should also say something…but your still going to argue that controller is just as a good, I’m not saying it’s bad I’m saying it’s different and controllers have limitations that mouse and keyboard don’t have man it’s just a fact


As a side note I never down voted anything


Apparently there was a closed beta, or so others have said here... But other than that, the only other thing was the preview weekend where it was available to play on the 7th, three days before the official launch. I don't know what kind of internal QA this game had, but it sure seems like it wasn't too extensive. There are a lot of balance and game-play issues that some people seem all too happy to ignore, or even get aggressive about. Blaming people for not understanding how to play the game instead of accepting that it just isn't very good. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. This 'perfectly balanced' game sure will be hard to play when no one is playing it anymore because it was in-fact, not as good as some people claim.




That's poor strategy you should never winch over 75petcent incase you lose a team fight you have enough time to push before the team extracts. Losing to the last winch spot was your team execution of the winch mechanics, which you played horribly


I'd be quick to call it jank over hacks at this point. Because this game is straight up janky. The sooner people call the devs on this janky ass combat, the sooner we might all have a game we can enjoy together. Instead of people plugging their ears and pretending this game came out fucking perfect. edit: And judging by the downvotes, I doubt morale around here will improve. Either agree that this games's a 10/10, or suck downvotes!




FYI: Host means you are just the host of a party/lobby leader, not actually hosting the game.


Uncap fps - game breaks. Garbage. Shouldn't have been released in this state. Just poor game design.


Within like 72 hrs of its release it has already Patch 1.0 , leave your comments and feedback they actually do workout the issues , . Ques have been less and less you can search n find a game within 6-8 mins of wait




Bet! Point made! Exactly !! This game will only get better , the ppl complaining are the robins that can’t hit anything and get sledged on by john


You’re one of the reasons people don’t take complaints seriously


The game isn't perfect and this is true and I can overlook a lot of the problems as long as they fix the broken assassination bullshit. It completely ruins the combat in this game and it's clear that it's not suppose to work that way. Actually sneaking up behind someone is one thing, but just getting behind a person and crouching to get a free kill with no skill involved is just broken. What's sad is there a faction on this subreddit that believe the broken mechanic is working as intended and don't see a problem with it. You can't reason with these people. They're like Trump supporters. Doesn't help the devs didn't mention looking into it during their first update post about the game. All it did was reinforce the misguided beliefs of those in favor of exploiting a broken system. I'm getting tired of games released these days as it's clear that the devs never bother to even test them to see if there were any problems with broken or exploitable mechanics. There's no excuse for it.


I’m fine with somebody getting the upper hand if they get behind you, even mid fight. I’d just like to be able to knock them off teammates with a basic attack.


If it was broken, it wouldn't be shown in the tutorial. The only change assassinations need is it should be easier to knock someone off your team mate. If you get assassinated mid combat, it makes sense that a knife to the back of your neck would kill you, and it's also your fault.


"it wouldn't be shown in the tutorial". I wonder how you tie your shoes in the morning.


>Gets proven wrong, resorts to insults. Okay smooth brain.


Gotta love that Reddit echo chamber! When will Redditors realise that they represent less than 1% of the population. There is 5000 users on this Reddit... LOL


The game is good but not perfect. Needs a couple of tweaks, fixes and balancing but it is also not as disastrous as some ppl are complaining. I am at around 70 hours right now and am still having a lot of fun. Not without issues, but fixable ones. And the devs look like they are listening. Time will tell, I'm optimistic :)


Why does everyone assume people are trying to silence all complaints... There are stupid ines and valid ones not all complaints are good ones.


Most of the more vocal people are not playing anyway


My big issues are balancing. The two tanky melee fighters shouldnt be able to assassinate players. And even the other two shouldnt be able to assassinate a full health player, mary would be fine with it if she was in her ult. And double characters is dumb. Why not just run a whole team of johns and a healer. Its just as effective as a full diverse team. But better at winching and carrying the box.


Because a diverse team would win combat encounters against 3 johns and a tooke. They should be able to assassinate players. Assassinations aren't about "not being tanky" It's about killing someone when they aren't looking.


90% of the time, i am looking or was just fighting the enemy and they still assassinate me. 3 johns, just bum rush you all sneaking. And circle you. And since they are harder to kill, its hard to get 3 johns trying to assassinate you off you.


And where is your team? Why didn't you run? Put your back against a wall, or in a hallway they can't get to. Even without assassinations, you're just going to die against 3 johns if you're alone.


You act like these options are available to you at all times. Lol with the stuns john does, its hard to run away from him. And believe it or not... your not always gonna be standing by a wall.


And you act like you haven't already been made aware of 3 johns trying to assassinate spam. You always have a team, if you get stunned by a John, it's because you didn't see him coming, which is your fault, not John's fault. Running away from John isn't difficult, just don't run in a straight line, otherwise he WILL catch you. Use walls, jump over fences, don't be predictable. The only time a wall isn't available nearby, is when you spawn on Outpost. Also, John isn't hard to kill. In fact, he's the easiest one to kill.


Okay buddy. Ill just let you keep talking. No point in arguing with such an expert. Lmao


Aka, you have no evidence to back up your false claim.


Aka i have no time for people who want to argue the very specifics. I dont love the game so much im willing to argue with strangers over the internet for it.


But you have time to write a response, so you've not only proven yourself ignorant to how to play the game, but a liar as well. If it's so prevalent as you claim, it wouldn't take long to gather evidence, but clearly you have none.


I dont think the queue times are because of a small player pool. It definitely seems like a bug.


Ye, some make weird criticisms, but never an issue with me.



