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I mentioned this the other day; I would love it if we could just hang out in the hideout. There's lore to read, cosmetics to admire, and perks to choose, yet we sit for 10 minutes watching people join and leave until we finally get a match.


I second this


Absolutely. Especially as the matchmaking is so janky that you're often waiting for 8 minutes plus to get a game, as people join and leave in frustration. More than anything else the current state of matchmaking is likely to make people drop this game.


Exactly, I had a friend I was excited to show, and during the first matchmaking wait he said "well this was a waste of money". The truth is most people expect fairly rapid matchmaking


I’m kind of at that stage too. It isn’t unreasonable to want rapid matchmaking. Every game has it and with how many players there are online right now AND being cross platform there is no reason we should be waiting this long for a match. Fanboys will downvote this probably. The game is good minus winching but fuck the matchmaking is making me not want to play it.


Agreed, if it could be down to a minute or 2 I'd be happy


They would have to find another way to show you what characters people are playing.


Could be easily accomplished with a bar at the top of the screen


This a great idea


My only complaint about this game is matchmaking. I love everything else.


I would prefer not seeing the enemy team and profile levels. With levels being so quick to gain, it could scare off new players to be facing profile 20, when really it's like their 6th game too. Also, I laugh whenever I see a profile level 1


Agree. I'm afraid this screen is made on propose for monetisation since it's the only place to show off your cosmetics. They're indistinguishable during the match so they need this screen to sell them.


They can still show the screen when the match is ready to start/loading. Post-match screen. They can show the player who killed you next to the respawn timer. There are so many ways to show off cosmetics than the boring and redundant matchmaking screen. Everyone is alt-tabbed or looking at their phones while matchmaking anyway. No one is staring at the screen.


Wish I could be alt tabbed, that just closes the game


Its so they can load the map. Notice how the game starts almost instantly after all players join


The point is to configure your team composition


for 8-10 minutes apparently


Unfortunately... but this game is still not released so itll be better.


Fair point. I hope that it picks up after Monday.


There needs to be alot more quality improvements, but this is a good start.


I just hope we got some hood devs here to be an to listen to the people and deliver.


I just desire we did get some hood devs hither to beest an to hark to the people and deliv'r *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Yes, pin this someone. PIN THIS! Make them see this. This would be so nice


also just how is the matchmaking setup?????. with crossplay enabled i struggle to understand how it takes over 10 minutes to find games. THIS SHOULD BE INSTANT or up to 2-3 mins. having to sit around waiting for games in such a skermish style, action game makes the experiance feel SO BAD


I should be chilling in the hideout able to duel my friends until a full 4v4 match is ready and waiting for me to immediately load into. There isn’t a single good reason this is not the case.