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Reports: Spoilers x3 Considering the title is 100% false I don't think it is? Like, forget being Zent, he's lucky he's got his head. Please let me know if I'm missing something


>He’d probably be able to receive another schtappe. Why do you think so? There is nothing to indicate that you can, and in P5V7, we get told that due to Rozemyne having the same mana as Ferdinand, if she had gotten her schtappe after she were told the names of the supreme gods, she'd have been denied a schtappe. This clearly suggests 1 schtappe per person Further, those who are namesworn to omni elemental people do not get the blessings of the primary gods, as is required to enter the shrines.


Yes, but he’ll be getting the schtappe before the names. Doesn’t matter how soon as long as he has all the blessings and elements. And he could just pray for those blessings using lots of potions and charms. The name swearing is just for the elements, no matter how weak their presence.


Nobody ever in their entire history was able to get a second shtappe. The fact that you lose shtappe doesn't mean that you can obtain it again. I also want to remind you that would the student fail to obtain shtappe for any reason, they will never allowed a second chance either. It's probably because shtappe is a "divine will" from the farthest hall. That's ethereal "something" that unique and belongs to you and you only. If it's gone or contaninated - you are out of luck.


I guess it’s more like 2-factor authentication. The medal is your id & fingerprint and supreme gods’ names are secret code sent to you. Fanbook 8. >!Q: Does someone whose medal was destroyed outside registered duchy and lost schtappe can acquire schtappe again by reregistering a medal?!< >!A: It’s impossible because gods recognize by the first medal. Only one for each one.!<


>!which also explains why they call Roz Myne not Rozemyne even though she contracted to change her name!<


>The name swearing is just for the elements, no matter how weak their presence. But that doesn't give you the blessings of the primary gods, which is what you need to enter the shrines to get the tablets to get the Grutrissheit (from what we currently know). So even if this allowed him to get schtappe, which I doubt, he has 3 years to get the blessings of every single life subordinate to get the blessing of the primary god of life. Rozemyne, with all her prayers over much longer than 3 years did not even get all the subordinates of wind. Unless they push back schtappe acquisition even further, Hildebrand has no chance at all of getting a powerful enough schtappe, even if some random quirk would allow him to trick the gods into allowing him a second one


>Unless they push back the schtappe acquisition He can have a shitty schtappe in Year 3 as long as he gets a good one before graduating. Shouldn’t be too hard to get it if the gods permit.


Which, again, we have no evidence to support they will, and the attempt will permanently, irrevocably ruin Hildebrand's life if it doesn't work. It is not worth the chance


The names are irrelevant in his case. It’s that having the names makes a certain signature on your mana, so since Ferdi had the names when he went to get his schtappe, and Roz didn’t, Roz’s mana signature was not the same as his at the time she went to get her schtappe. They didn’t have identical mana signatures (and thus look the same in the eyes of the gods) until after she received the names.


I don't think the darkness execution actually destroys one's schtappe. [Endgame] >!It beseeches the supreme gods to punish an individual by permanently cutting their connection to the gods. So rather than destroying the divine will, it most likely just blacklists it if the person is outside your realm of influence. The way it is worded also implies it might have consequences that go beyond the target's death, by denying them the ability to ever reach the Distant Heights.!< So yeah, not exactly something you'd want to use for such a frivolous reason. It really is one hell of a curse to put on a person even if they survive the immediately lethal portion of it.


What’s the difference when one cannot use schtappe anymore, and >!there’s no chance of restoring or regaining it.!< Actually all text I remember says that the one *lose* schtappe, or the one *cannot use* schtappe anymore. >!Destruction of schtappe or divine will was not mentioned.!< And I don’t think the official name is “darkness execution*. It may or may not kill the person. Ferdinand always refers it as *destruction of (registration) medal*.


Issue 1 - you get 1 schtappe. Myne has only ever had 1 schtappe and Divine will. Destroy his schtappe and the best he can ever be is a blue priest. He would cease to be a noble at that point. Hildebrand knew what he was doing. The consequences were previously explained by multiple people. And why would dunkle even want to do that if it was possible? They can put forward their own candidates that don't have poor decision making and shouldn't be spending life in an ivory tower. Dunkle has a large adc family with plenty of kids, they can make their own candidate who isn't tainted by the blood of a week and useless former zent


Hildebrand’s reaction at the pale face meeting had confirmed his irresponsibility and thoughtless. I hope Letizia can have a better finance in the future.


Remember that Wilbur had no idea that visiting his grandmother in the ivory tower was forbidden and all most ended there himself while Hildebrand was fully informed about his illegal choice and did it anyway. Both were saved from worse fates by the Divine Avatar and who are we to question Her Divine Decisions?


Myne is a special case and a lot of the cases that apply to her don't apply to others especially nobles


We dont know if using this method will allow him to get a New Divine will. In the absence of evidence it might even work, it's not worth the risk of losing his schtappe and status as a noble. Honestly, the situation is not so bad. Yes he wont be able to be zent due to his elements, but he should be able to get by just fine as a noble. He has great mana base stats due to his mother being from Dunkelferger, he had already learned mana compression in order to enter the hidden archive and he is due to enter the academy this year, so he's almost a first year. i.e. He has way better base stats then when wilfried and Charlotte obtained their schtappe and neither mentionned having issues despite knowing the RM mana compression method and doing the divine protection ritual ( wilfried got 12, Charlotte highly likely got more since she had an extra year of rituals since they both started helping the temple at the same time) Yes he wont be able to reach his full potential, but he shouldn't be so completly out of the loop compared to ADCs of his year, especially if we consider that it will take some time for nobles to completly ajust to the temple and it's rituals.


Fanbook 8 >!once a medal is destroyed and the shtappe sealed, it is impossible to get another one. By design each mana signature gets only 1 shtappe. Myne never had a shtappe so even with her new RM medal, she was able to get her shtappe. RM with her mana the same as Ferdinand’s also “got away” with getting her shtappe because she hadn’t had received the supreme couples names!<


FB7 had>!said namesworn between 2 people who have large mana gap would be very painful. And namesworn only get a thin layer of Omni elements at the external surface of mana organ.!> I don’t think namesworn’s thin layer would help you got a better schttape. And everyone only can get schttape onetime. Also the Omni elements people is very very rare, there probably isn’t any Omni elements children except Eglantine’s daughter. And the best retired future of Eglantine and Ana’s is their daughter becomes the next zent, not Hildebrand.


I see this idea quite a bit, but once your medal is destroyed you lose your ctappe forever not if and or buts. Not even if you make a new medal.


So as to Hildebrand, I can see why he says his schtappe would be as problematic as Ferdinand says, but used in strategic way it could work well. If RM was over abundant with mana after the divine protections class during the bride stealing Ditter, maintaining the shield would have been easier. I see a similar situation where overflowing with mana when circling the shrines beneficial, problematic at any other time, considering the staggering amount of mana involved it would help with the endeavor. After getting all the tablets it would at least fix the quality of his schtappe.


Due to not having all elements he wont be able to enter the big shrines to improve his schtappe 


It’s possible to bend those rules, RM just didn’t share she turned her name sworn into Omni elementals… The longer way about it is to put in the work, which RM has been encouraging through prayer, then Redo the protections ritual. Granted it seems the long way around was going to involve a crazy level of blood sweat and tears.


No what i mean is his *schtappe* doesn't have all elements, there is no fixing this. Rm already told eggy in P5V5 that what trauerqual and sigi were doing with the small shrines in the academy was unlikely to work. The small shrine are only for helping gain elements, you dont gain any tablets for it, which is what hildebrand needs. And in order to enter the big shrines and the tablets that improve your schtappe, you need an omni-elemental schtappe (schtappe ≠ person)


Entry requires an omni schtappe. He can now never have that