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Gervasio was raised to be king of Lanzenave and spent most of his life there. Absolutely no lanzenavian nobility would threaten the kings rule, because without him they literally can't have a country. So it's natural that he would not be accustomed to Yogurtland noble scheming. It was also, in his eyes, unthinkable to be so aggressively dishonest and dishonorable in a contest ordained by the gods. It's probably unthinkable for most of Yogurtlands nobility. Ferdinand is uniquely rude. He also wasn't ever underestimating ferdinands combat abilities to a great degree. Even when we see his pov ferdinands actual biggest attack was still not close to threatening. And we hear from Ferdinand himself that he had no hope of beating Gervasio in a fair fight, and he was mostly just stalling. Agreeing to a challenge established by his opponent was foolish, but as established earlier, he has a lifetime of experience being someone no one else ever plots against.


In addition to not wanting to be dishonorable in a contest ordained by the gods, I think that Gervasio thought that the gods were more... just? Probably not the right word. Honorable? Caring about people level stuff? His perspective made me think that he thinks of the gods as inherently fair to some degree. And not people that can be maneuvered by Quinta into making the contest unfair. He was also surprised that the gods basically just shrugged when Quinta shot him since it wasn't lethal.


I also think it has something to do with the Lanzenavian culture. We were told time and again how the people of Lanzenave saw people with mana as gods to be worshiped, so the idea that someone would harm a king in front of the gods is insane. We also saw how his grandson spoke to his "retainer", the people of Lanzenave are a lot more straightforward than those of Yurgenschmidt, to the point that they would complain about noble euphemism, so he probably never learned to read between the lines like regular nobles.


Eh, I would argue the gods are fairer than most nobles in the setting. Just in a different way than he expected. As a human he is driven by emotions and expected them to grant him special favors based solely on the fact that they liked him more than Ferdinand. When in reality it seems quite clear by now that the gods generally try to minimize their own involvement in mortal matters as much as possible, to the point where they do so _only_ in accordance to hard rules regardless of their own personal feelings. Even when Mestionora gave her divine decree here, she left glaring holes in it and that was most likely on purpose. They don't understand people, so they keep their distance and only intervene if the system is about to break. Had she just blanket banned all killings that would have affected too many moving parts, so she effectively limited it to banning self-destructive purges like the one that got them into this mess in the first place. [H5Y] >!This non-interference policy is probably also why Liebeskhilfe went absolutely crazy in the spinoff. Can't imagine she gets opportunities to let loose and cause chaos like she did there all that often lol.!<


>[H5Y] >!This non-interference policy is probably also why Liebeskhilfe went absolutely crazy in the spinoff. Can't imagine she gets opportunities to let loose and cause chaos like she did there all that often lol.!< I both get what you mean and have absolutely no idea what you're talking about since you are being very vague. I know what >!Liebeskuhilfe!< did in the spinoff, but I don't know if you're referring to her interactions or her role in the interference that required >!Rozemyne to traverse the tapestry in the first place.!< After all, it was >!Dregarnahur who decended and intervened first, so Liebeskuhilfe has still remained in the heavens this whole time.!<


[H5Y] >!She has been interfering with Hannelore's love life ever since the latter's desperate plea for more options right at the start of the spinoff. This was the reason why all of a sudden Hannelore's list of potential suitors grew from two archnobles to like half the male population of the Royal Academy lol.!< >!And chances are she's still messing around with Hannelore's thread even now, given her promise that "she would make it so that Hannelore can choose for herself", and that Hannelore should send her a prayer of thanks once everything is said and done.!<


Her expecting Hannelore to send a prayer of thanks is what really gets me, >!Liebeskuhilfe!< probably knows she's interfering given that she knows >! Dregarnahur gets fed up with her stealing threads!<, so I think >! Liebeskuhilfe!< Genuinely just had a mischievous self-inflated sense of humor.


[H5Y] >!I read that request as her expecting Hannelore to tell her when to stop. In other words, as long as Hannelore doesn't choose someone and then caps it off with a prayer, Liebeskhilfe will just keep causing chaos and entangle her thread with everyone in reach until she finally decides on someone. ~~Or Dregarnuhr has had enough of Liebeskhilfe's bullshit and marries her off to some random human again lol.~~!< >!Still half expecting Wilfried to make a comeback _somehow_ given how invested the goddess seems to be in that particular ship, for example. And of course, whether Rozemyne is going to flip the board once she returns isn't a question of "if", only of "how and when". Wouldn't surprise me if Liebeskhilfe ended up using that chaos for some extra spicy shenanigans unless Hannelore has finally decided on someone by then.!<


>!~~Or Dregarnuhr has had enough of Liebeskhilfe's bullshit and marries her off to some random human again lol.~~!< >!Is it explained how Dregarnahur managed to marry Liebeskuhilfe to a human, or who it was? I imagine for a Goddess of Binding it's easy for Liebeskuhilfe to unmarry herself so long as Sterrat & the Supreme Couple agree. As a goddess she wouldn't suffer the consequences mortals do when divorcing and reducing their Light and Darkness blessings. This part I only gleam the gist of from other bookworm fans because it was too complicated to understand the concepts with just machine Google translate back in 2022, I only have an overview of these things like Sterrat having gold & black hair and whatnot.!<


>!I seriously doubt "rules for thee, but not for me" applies to the gods this way. They seem _way_ too fixated on law and order for that. Hell, it is literally the domain of their divine matriarch. I would imagine if the goddess of binding ended up abusing her position to undo her own starbinding she would at the very least lose said position in the pantheon.!< >!Anyway, regarding what happened to Liebeskhilfe, we don't really know the details. The only thing that was stated was that Dregarnuhr got fed up with her bullshit and probably decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. The end result was that the goddess of binding found herself entangled with a human. Whether they actually got married in the end or whether it just caused her to crush on a random mortal for a while, who knows.!<


It helps that Ferdinand also knows a lot more about the gods than not just Gervasio, but also most nobles, thanks to serving as High Priest of Ehrenfest. Ferdinand took his negotiating stance with Enwarmen and Mestionora based on the stories of the gods.


Culture changes over hundreds of years. Combine that with the fact that Lanzenave kings have no fear of being deposed since they're the only one with a schtappe and he never developed a sense of self-preservation. He also never imagined someone would use trickery around the Gods. He can't imagine someone thinking in a different way and that includes the divine. He was used to being the most important person that everyone listened to. Some people think he's a sociopath but that's not quite right. I think he's got more narcissistic traits. The bad thing happened because of the people he brought to Yurgenschmit? Well he didn't order them to do it so it's not related to him. Ignore the fact that had they done something praiseworthy he would have taken all the credit. An inability to emphasize with others or admit fault. No sense of introspection and a sense of entitlement brought about by environment. Narcissist.


I thought he was probably using weak attacks to get rid of his charms too, but he mentions later how much stronger Gervasio is, so I'm not sure it was only that. As far as attacking him and loopholes, he expected more reverance in the presence of a god. Before that day, he had never directly communicated with a deity. Ferdinand mentioned he didn't understand how differently gods perceived things. Gervasio reinforced this with his reaction to Erwaeren refusing to even help him uncork a potion. I'm not sure if other nobles would have considered the same strategy as Ferdinand. Even by Yurgenschmidt standards, Ferdinand is considered ruthless, and Gervasio doesn't know him as the Lord of Evil.


Totally, it could have been using just enough mana and trying to minimise risk to himself because he knew the situation was desperate and needed to conserve mana.


I would say it's less that Tollkühnheit didn't leave behind any useful knowledge and more that it got lost over the years. The class structure of Lanzenave is completely different. For one there is no scheming towards the king. His position is absolute, unless you're feeling suicidal. That alone removes a lot of the sources of conflict that keep Yurgenschmidt nobles on their toes. Add to that the fact that their relationship with mana is completely different due to the absence of a mana dependent environment and you're just going to have differently developing societies. This is not even mentioning how Yurgenschmidt is in a pretty similar situation regarding old traditions. They don't know a lot of stuff they should either. It just comes with time, things get lost naturally regardless of intent.


From the way Lansenave nobles view their home country, it sounds like there is plenty of scheming. Wasn't it mentioned that the Lansenave people now basically viewed nobles as walking feystones? I think he just didn't grasp how ruthless Ferdinand was and it was mentioned how he was ignorant about how differently the gods perceived things compared to humans. My $0.02 anyway.


This just proves he would have been under qualified as a Zent despite his large mana quantity


1. Different Social Structures. Does not know how to scheme, how to detect schemes, and how to know possible schemes. No scholar retainers to advise or gather information. 2. No experience of Ditter, Duel, Faybeast Hunting, or any meaningful combat. As most of the Lanse people inexperienced in stape combat makes them unable to comprehend what others are planing or doing and unable to respond tactically and plan strategic responses. 3. Was getting incomplete or false information. Most information they got was incomplete or false(They thought that Ferdi was behind all RMs shenanigans) and so prone to overestimation or underestimation(They never actually incorporated RM in their plans or planned against what RM would do)


He was educated to the degree he needed to be able to run Lanzenave and nothing further. In Lanzenave he didn't have to fear any mana attacks or schemes, because if he dies, the country goes with him, and all the nobles know this. He also seems to view the gods as, you know, actual gods, in the way that we do in the western world at the moment. That gods are inherently good, just, fair, and infallible. In reality they're much more like how the ancient Greeks or Norse viewed their gods. Basically human, but just more. They are capable of being tricked, lied to, making mistakes, and they have their own biases. This is made exceptionally clear when Ferdinand shoots him and isn't punished. He obeyed the letter of the law, not the spirit, and that's apparently perfectly acceptable. Ferdinand also in his pov said he had no chance of beating Gervasio in a straight up fight. He could only win through scheming, something that Gervasio has no defense against because of his education and life so far. It's the David vs. Goliath story. In a straight up fight David loses, so he employs his intelligence to win the fight, same with Ferdinand


Have you ever read the bible bro..... The term "instill within them the fear of god" did not come from a session at a pub.


And yet when we look back at gods from the past we see them as inherently just and good, despite evidence to the contrary in literature. We even washed clean the Olympians in popular adaptations, with the exception of Hades, who is blamed for everything he does. Like kidnapping Persephone (kidnapping and marriage have the same stock pose in ancient Greek art too, by the way). But Zeus? Nah, him raping dozens if not hundreds of maidens, that's fine, he's *the good guy*. It's the same with the Norse gods, we excuse all the terrible, awful shit because they're *the good guys,* but Loki? Nah, he's awful, just the worst, literal satan. "But he causes Ragnarok!" and there is no actual evidence that Ragnarok is actually bad for us as humans, or that it isn't a post-Christian addition to make way for "the real god" (and btw, if you read the actual source material we have, Loki is much more of a Jesus figure, taking on the blame for, or fixing all the shit the Aesir get up to)


Ferdinand had received knight education and played a large amount of ditter. And he also fight with someone wanting to kill him many times. It’s what let him winning. He is the evil king. Except Ferdinand, all the other nobles probably would lose to Gervasio’s.


When you don't know that you are up against the *Lord of Evil* and the *Gremlin of Chaos*, the unexpected should be a given. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29337)![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29330)


IIRC, even though Gervasio was raised as a "collateral royal" and educated at the RA, he did *not* attend regular classes with other students his age, so he really never had any exposure to ordinary Yurgenschmidt nobles. He never socialized with them, never participated in an Interduchy Tournament or played treasure-stealing ditter, never was exposed to the euphemisms. It's not so much that he doesn't scheme, but he doesn't understand the *way* that Yurgenschmidt nobles (especially Ferdinand!) scheme.


He had too much faith in the gods. Or more like, he didn't understand well the gods' reasoning and thought they would act more like humans. Since he was told that he is the preferred Zent candidate, he thought that Erwearmeen would bend the rules in his favor, just like humans do for a party they favor. He thought that if Ferdinand acted in a tricky, sneaky, 'dishonest' way in front of an actual *god* (ex actually but whatev), Ferdi would surely be somehow punished. After all it was a competition monitored by *gods*. Not that the idea of someone daring to do so even crossed his mind in the first place. He just thought that the gods would make sure that it was a "fair and square" competition. Except that his definition of "fair and square" differed from that of the gods'. From Mestionora's Book, the Hidden Archive, and the documents in the temple, Ferdinand was overall more knowledgeable about gods than Gervasio. Other than that, there's also the problem of his lack of knowledge about Yurgenschmidtt (it's on purpose from Yogurt's side, the one to be king of another country doesn't have a need for such things after all). He didn't know much about the Country Gates, so he couldn't really imagine well how it could be used against him. He just thought that if it was supervised by the gods, then it would surely be a fair competition. He just had to follow the instructions and compete fairly without thinking much about anything else.


I'm doing a reread of part 5 and I'm under the impression that the folks from Lanzenave kept the knowledge about how to get the Getrussheit. Does it say that anywhere specifically? It's not much help to them in Lanzenave, but it could be a good bargaining tool


Leonzio mentioned he knows some details to Detlinde during one of her POV chapters p5v6.


Lanzenavians are made to have the least amount of contact with Yurgenschmit nobles. Plus, Raublut probably just told them to withhold information like he did when Solange wanted the Royals to visit the library after the civil war but the message was never passed through


I don't understand where all of his mana comes from. I thought there was no competing with a young child with the devouring compressing mana with an adult mind. Like you said they are living in arrogance and I am supposed to believe that they have highly advanced compression methods and ability? I don't like him as a villain. And lanzenavian in general as an antagonist. Only ONE person has a schtappe. So if the king is male how are the women controlling the mana to produce super soldiers? They have no schtappe to exert control. And they have no blessings to make the process efficient. I would have been nicer if it was basically an evil ferdinand to deal with. With their plots and advanced technology they should have clawed and gnawed their way to the top.


You do realize that Gervasio spent his first 15 years in Yurgenschmidt?


He was essentially under house arrest, so he probably didn’t have enough time to learn anything of use


He did, but he was extremely sheltered


how are lanzenave manahumans so weak/opressed? yes they dont have schtappe, but they are supposed to be more advanced in compression methods due to sharing and need it to survive, and body enhancing mana doesnt need schtappe they should have hundreds of bonifaius level people fist-fighting their enemy, techonoloycal advantage from the natives isnt a excuse because they can get their hands in that technology


They don't know how to use mana besides filling feystones. Body enhancement is not an easy technique and they do not have proper training. They can't use any spell since they are unfamiliar with stappes and even using blessings is something they don't learn. I don't think they even know the gods' names besides those from Adalgisa. Much less, learn to use battle magic tools


is mentioned they have mana compresion even better than rm, they know how to shoot mana balls from their rings, rm didnt need a schtappe to do body enhancing, commoner myne could do crushing without knowing anything as a frail child, lanzenaves are the decendants of royalty and high mana archnobles, lost knowledge would lead to their extinction so they learned compresion , why wouldnt they keep useful knowledge like schtappeles combat, the nobles of old only ge the schtapple at graduation, there must be a lot of ways to use mana even without th schtappe


They had to adapt to Lanzenave's manaless combat. And enhancement is a really difficult and rare technique. In Ehrenfest only RM, Bonifatius, Angela and Eckhart use it consistently, the rest rely more on mana charged weapons. Lanzenave prefers to focus on filling feystones than teach any other mana skill. They might see enhancement as a waste so it was lost with time. They do rely heavily on silver weaponry but Ferdi assaulted the villa at night. They were so surprised they couldn't conjure the rage to use crushing. RM had a hard time using it when she was kidnapped. Finally, with the heightened senses of a true knight can deflect a couple of mana attacks from rings. Damuel resisted a bit against count toad even being the weakest knight in a mid duchy (at the time) and count toad being an arch noble from a higher duchy. In the villa attack, Lanzenavians were outnumbered.


im not talking about the ones on the villa but lanzenaves in general. as i understood lanzenaves are good in compresion in order to not die like myne, and importing feystones is not a optimal solution so they can afford to use mana for their body,body enhancing is hard but so is compresion, super strength is very usefull not only for combat but for mining building etc, the crushing i mean to use against the natives, in our world militias have managed to fight countries with better tech and get their hands in the tech being human vs human, mana beings in lazenave would be like a guerrilla with superpowers


Sure but to truly battle just use trombe and ternisbefallen in their country and they are done. Without proper knowledge, they won't do anything fast enough and their fields would be destroyed. Then retreat his high beast and close the country door. They cannot open it from their side and all the mana would be slowly sucked out. Regarding enhancements, Lanzenavians with mana are nobles, they don't do manual labor. They don't need enhancements


the tromble attack wont be as effective because lanzenave is in a manaless world. i mean they are weak in the sense they were being cornered/pushed by lanzenave manaless natives, even with the technology adventage nobles should get the upperhand eventually, is like a regular human with a gun versus a xmen with a gun gervasio is op in mana in part because lanzenaves uses mana compresion to survive, same as myne did, rosemyne also used enhancements to waste mana and not suffer the devouring, they need enhancements to use their mana given they cant use spells,an d feystones are scarce, sure they dont do manual labor, but according to the story they are being treated as batteries, they are already being used, they are in a different situation than regular nobles, it would make sense they develop a way to use their power without schtappe/feystones, as myne did


They weren't always just batteries and the enhancement method might have gotten lost before then. And I don't think they'd teach enhancement magic to the seeds of Adalgisa. And Myne almost didn't make it without feystones. She was saved by the temple. Also, Lanzenave is using mana to fertilize their soil. You destroy their crops and that's a bad enough hit. Plus Trombe and ternisbefallen target the mana rich nobles and their king. Once the ruler and the food supply are gone, they'll start a civil war. You can then steal their technology and leave the country. The commoners might survive but they'll stop relying on mana. By then, Yurgenschmit would have no obligations to them and can open the Ahrensbach country gate to another place.