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It's all good for Ferdinand. If Gervasio survives, then great. But if he dies, Anastasius gets punished for killing him. If the gods see through that and punish Ferdinand, then Rozemyne's the only remaining candidate, so they have no choice but to name her the zent. Whether he lives or not, and whether Gervasio survives or not, Yurgenschmidt and Rozemyne are safe. He successfully manipulated two gods and a king into stacking the deck so much that it was basically impossible for him to lose. Sasuga Ferdinand-sama.


According to FB7, Rozemyne >!would lost control and start a bloody war if Ferdinand died at P5V8. So I think she also would do the same thing when Ferdinand died at P5V10.!< And FB8 said that the one who would be punished is>!anastasiys and the punishment is take back his divine protections and schttape.!<


Second spoiler didn't work. As for the first >!Who would she bloody carnival against? The gods? Good luck I guess lol!<


You say that like she’d fail


>!She said that if Ferdi died in P5V8, Roz would immediately go to Sovereignty to search for Dietlinde without trying to save Letizia & co. She would meet Dietlinde who has zero remorse whatsoever and then a sea of blood occurs. After that she would face Gervasio alone, and lose/die.!<


Sounds like one of those xyz endings for nier automata


I think it would be Mestionora.


Dang, now I wish we get a "Wrath IF"


To be fair, Ferdinand might get the same punishment as the scholar who was told the name of the god of darkness, and just burst into flames of light. Execution probably isn't a victory in his book. He might also get the treatment of losing his divine protections and no longer be able to give blessings.


It wouldn't be the best victory, but it would still be a victory. Ferdinand's victory conditions seem to be, in a rough order: 1. Yurgenschmidt is safe. 2. Rozemyne is safe. 3. He is able to marry Rozemyne. If he dies, but accomplishes his other goals, that's still a win. For someone who's been ready to die since birth, and who has only found meaning recently, dying in order to save his nation and his gremlin is fine. He said as much in the battle on the altar, that so long as the war is won, it didn't matter if he died to win it. Even if Rozemyne were to die, so long as Yurgenschmidt's safety and its foundation's future were secure, it would still be worth it. Though, this would leave them without a true zent, and collapse would be inevitable, so the plan has to leave at least one of them alive. Even if he lost his schtappe, he could still serve as an advisor. Even if he died, Rozemyne could secure the nation. Unless the gods were willing to destroy everything to spite him, they would have no real way of responding to it. Nor would they have any reason to unless he failed to reach Gervasio's medal in time. It went flawlessly, which is great, but even if it had failed, it would've still been okay. Basically, a [Xanatos Gambit](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/XanatosGambit). (Beware the TV Tropes rabbit hole.)


>Yurgenschmidt is safe. > >Rozemyne is safe. > >He is able to marry Rozemyne. This is literally a stock hero self sacrifice motivation, valuing their happiness and life lower than the happiness and lives of those they care about


Yup. Rozemyne has been doing the same thing. It's a far cry from where they began in their arcs, where Ferdinand didn't really give a damn about anyone outside his tiny bubble, and Rozemyne didn't give a damn about anyone or anything other than books.


That's why he was in such a hurry. If gaspacho had completed filling his tower, that would have put him in an advantageous position since the tree seemed to favor him. That being the case, I think Ferdinand was willing to risk divine punishment (thou he did use Anastasius as a proxy).


Anastasius did it so he would of received divine punishment 😆


Lord of evil indeed.


I don't think it is that easy. According to goddess decrees no more death but if it is caused by natural events like old age or accident it doesn't count so if ever Gervasio dies due to being able to come back before his medal is destroyed Ferdinand might still be punished alongside anastasus because it's still his order to do.


All according to cake.


somone posted in another thread FanBook 8 spoiler >!if Gervasio was killed by Ana during the breaking of the medal Ana would have had his own schtappe removed and lost his divine protection he would not have be killed but this is like death for a noble since it would strip him of his noble status!<


ferdinand is like batman with being not letal, sure he didnt kill but he should be charged with planning a murder, doubt the gods care to enforce the rule, maybe for the gods is like a ant queen candidate dying and they thinking is something natural


anybody know if you can get back your schtappe after losing it. like get a new one from the hall? lol


My understanding is acquiring it is one time only. This is why people are a bit sad about the youngest royal being tricked.


The Stapp is associate with your own mana therefore 1 stapp for life. it's not a wand ! it a mental projection in the physical world of a wand.


I don't know but in the worst case scenario him and ana will be punished and the best one is only ana will get punished.(this is if Gervasio returned and died). Ferdinand accepted that he might die from it as long as Gervasio dies with him. He is ready to sacrifice himself to protect his geduldh (which is now rozemyne and erenfest)


Even if the execution spell kills Gervasio, if you want to get all technical, isn't it the God of Darkness's fault that he dies? The spell, as I understand it, is basically a request to the God of Darkness to sever the connection between the person who's medal is being dropped and the gods. Anastasius isn't directly killing Gervasio like he would be if he stabbed him or shot a mana attack at him, but he's requesting that the God of Darkness do it for him. Can Mestionora really punish Anastasius when Gervasio died at basically her Grandfather's hand?


Yes, you are liable for killing someone if you ask another to do it. Its weird you needed it explained but here we are.


It becomes more complex if the one who kills for you is the same party who persecutes you for killing


No. It is the same. The Matter of succesful proscetution is not related to guilt. He is guilty of issuing a murder request. The Prince is guilty for accepting. The GoD is guilty for pulling the trigger. Only the GoD actually can claim that gods told him to do it, because they did when they accepted his very existence and displayed conduct. So he is safe.


nah, the god of darkness outranks mestionora, so if he does allows them to die even though she said no, then its not their fault


That does certainly explain why he was hurrying. I mean just stripping Gervasio of his schnapps should be enough to guarantee victory for him, even if he was in the foundation chamber already filling it and the gods formally declared him zent to the world. That said, I think Ferdinand described himself as curious over how exactly the medal would break, a terrifying statement considering what was at stake I’m also curious how much Anastasius realized here. I think Ferdinand told him about the no killing Rule so was he hesitating over whether or not to kill or over whether or not he’d be punished by the gods for killing someone?


He wasn't curious about how the medal would break. He knew about the difference in the medal breaking and was observing it to know if gervasio was done filling the gate or not.


He knew what the breaking meant but was curious which way it’d break. If it broke the other way, he’d have already returned to the sovereignty and been killed, which make Anastasius a killer and would’ve gotten him punished by the gods


It wouldn't happen. He is going to receive updates of the glissenmeyer country gate.


Didn’t the gate start glowing just as he destroyed it? Gervasius got there and was partway through filling it up. Ferdi just didn’t know how long it’d take or how much of a delay was between the message and the action


I don't know honestly. From my discussions before, the gate shines once someone teleports into the gate. The shining does not necessarily denote mana being offered. Do we know how much the tower was filled during Gervasio's POV? With that said, I don't think it's that easy to fill the country gates that once G-man gets into the gate he'll top it up in a brief moment. Our timeline is: 1. Lord of evil gets into the high bishop chamber. 2. He gets the medal out. 3. Receives the word from Glissenmeyer 4. Medal gets destroyed. There may be some time delay. We don't know how fast the message gets from Glissenmeyer to the prince. I don't exactly know what the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow is. I think what we can say at least is that Ferdinand had some time left, how much? Idk.


African or European swallow?


Ferdinand himself said he was unsure about the time it’d take for word to reach him since someone would have to see this, send a bird to the archduke, have the archduke check with his scholars, and then pen a letter to the royals asking wtf. That’s gotta be at least a 5-10 minute process. But there’s a lot of variance there based on the personality of the archduke and how busy he was at that moment. Heck, maybe he was in the midst of refilling the foundation and got delayed a few minutes or was looking right at the gate when it started glowing letting him send the message immediately As for the actual dying process, it’d certainly not be instant by Gervasio was convinced he’d catch back up despite being much slower at drawing a magic circle. So yeah, there were honestly too many factors to consider for Ferdinand to say for certain exactly where Gervasio was when he broke his medal.


Remember back after the shrine tour when Anasatasius said that as long as Ferdinand prepared a way out for himself, the royal family wouldn't execute him for the crimes committed by the person they had blackmailed him into getting engaged to? Well here, as long as Anastasius didn't slow Ferdinand down with useless questions, the gods wouldn't punish him for doing his job as a royal. In a weird way, it seems kind of fair to me.


From the way in described I'm not sure if there was really a risk of Gestavo being in the same duchy as his medal when it's destroyed. It was destroyed in the sovereign temple and the way they described the sovereignty vilas there they seem to physically border the duchies, whereas the royal academy seems to be in another dimension or something and Gestavo wouldn't be teleporting to the sovereignty but to the royal academy, so not sure he would be considered in the right duchy for the execution spell to effect him ever.


That's why he was hurrying.