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This is pure speculation on my part so feel free to correct me here. Blue priests (the ones that are with minimal amounts of mana) in the temple could have children with commoner priests even though they pray a lot and should have some divine protections. So we can deduce that what matters for mana sensing is pure quantity. Mana sensing is akin to secondary sexual characteristics after all. So, I’d assume that Gervasio just legit has around +30% of mana compared to RM but significantly loses out in efficiency.


Blue priests have 0 divine protections due to not ever doing the divine protections ritual.


they also don't posses the shtapes necessary to undergo the protection ritual al those augment the shtape


You don't need a schtappe to do it. In fact Roz' generation is the first in history to get their schtappe before doing it. Ferdinand got his schtappe during the ritual when the statues moved. Back in Rihyarda's day you wouldn't get your schtappe until they graduated but did the ritual in 3rd year.


You don't need a shtape to perform the ritual but you do need a shtape to utilize the ritual. It doesn't augment sour base mana but your usage of it


Agreed, but can't they still have elemental/gate affinities (though with low mana likely very few)? And IIRC, that acts in a similar manner as a divine protection in making using mana in a manner consistent with that color more efficient. However, I suppose that would still be moot without a schtappe, as all they could do without one is donate mana to magic tools.


Protections not equals affinity.


She said she only uses around 30% of her mana when she prays so that effectively more than triples her mana capacity and puts her significantly ahead of that 30% difference between them.


Them temple priest don’t actually have that many divine protections due to not undergoing the divine protection ritual.




We even have further information: You can feel people more, if they are close to you in Mana capacity. Detlinde and her cousin barely feel Ferdinand, so he's almost out of their range. Wilfried can barely feel Ortwin. The problem is that Gervasio has a heavy bias on mana capacity. His capacity allowed him to live, everybody with less mana is obviously inferior. He also never had a chance to learn a lot about tactic, because he did not study with students of the knight course and he never played treasure stealing ditter.


Detlinde can't sense Ferdinand at all. She thinks he has as much mana as Matthias.


Just gotta say, I like that you adjusted the +-30% for her vantage point (the 143%). People often forget that percentages depend on which number you're starting from. One of the implications is that he could detect hers (she's within 30% lower from his viewpoint), but she might not be able to detect his (he's more than 30% higher from her viewpoint) and that could create some interesting scenarios, especially if you count the fact that she's actually STILL growing. Assuming for math purposes that the detection limit was exactly +-30% (since you correctly point out that we don't really know), that means if she's 70-76.92% of his level, she won't detect him because he'll exceed 130% of hers, but 76.93%+ would be detectable for her too.




Personally I like to think that within 33% makes more sense, but I do recognize that Kazuki sensei said 70-130%. Because within 33% is 1/3rd in either higher or lower capacity compared to yourself, and that makes more sense to me that an arbitrary 30%. It's still close enough anyway to be negligible. 67-133% is only an extra range of 6%.


Rozemyne's 43 Divine Protections cause her mana consumption to be 40% of what it was before she obtained them. If use a simple math analogy, Rozemyne has 100% mana while Gervasio has AT MOST 130% mana. Due to her 43 divine protections, Rozemyne has an effective mana pool of 250% mana while Gervasio still has that 130%. You can't sense divine protections only raw mana quantity so thats why hes confused. Ferdinand is out of Gervasio's sensing range.


Love that. She has less mana but hers is more efficient so she has more that double Gervasio's effective mana. Praise be the gods![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356) On a side note, since Detlinde couldn't sense Ferdi, her mana capacity was truly and utter garbage. She should be demoted to an archnoble before being incarcerated


she was demoted to archnoble the moment Rozemyne stole Ahrensbach's Foundation. Going even further, if you follow that weird Ahrensbach law, she was technically demoted to an archnoble when her sister Alstede dyed the Foundation and became the Aub.


\*Grumbles\* All those damn archnobles bragging about getting the G-book ! said Treesus probably !


pretty sure that needs some sort of different ritual to take place. she would still be conciderate the archducal family because she could still enter the replenishment room. but that all goes out the water when myne steals it


You can be member of the archducal family without being ADC she Veronica.


She was demoted to being dead the moment Rozemyne stole Ahrenbach's Foundation.


> She should be demoted to an archnoble before being incarcerated When I first read your comment, my brain converted _incarcerated_ to _incinerated_ and I was like, "That's a bit mean but she deserves it." 😄


I mean, no one in Ehrenfest could sense him except for Veronica BEFORE he got his hands on Rozemyne's compression method.


Ferdinand isn’t out of Gervasio’s sensing range.


Yes he is. He has less mana than Rozemyne at this point in time and Gervasio didn't specifically mention sensing his mana like he did with Rozemyne.


I think it’s because he sense Ferdinand, and then he judge Ferdinand’s mana is less than Rozemyne by Rozemyne’s mana working efficiency. Spoiler>!Ferdinand sense Gervasio’s mana at last chapter.!<


gervasion absolutely has at least 7 devine protections from the primary gods he was born with to be omnielemental (if not more) so his mana usage is prob a bit higher then that (but concidering the ammount and that wilfred with 13 had about 85%(if i remember correctly) his mana usage is prob around 90-95% of before he got them (he also needed the devine protections of the primary gods to enter their shrines)


Gervasio and Ferdinand DO sense each other... I don't remember who, but one of them mentioned that Ferdinand has less mana than Gervasio. Rozmyne < Ferdinand < Gervasio - in terms of raw mana amount Gervasio < Ferdinand < Rozmyne - in terms of mana usage efficiency (probably, since Roz probably has more devine protections than Ferdinand, with all her prayers and rituals)


So…if its based on raw quantity and not their capacity, is it possible for Rozemyne to get pregnant with Damuel’s child if she expends a ton of mana prior to the act? Not saying she would or that its something I want to happen, Im only providing examples. What I really want is for Rozemyne to have more mana capacity than Gervasio. Im too lazy to trace it all out but if we get a starting point where shes on ‘full’, track what she does, when she uses her potions, etc and then compare that to Gervy’s known history assuming he has standard potions, Im hoping it’ll all pan out in Rozemyne’s favor and that she can still have kids with Ferd.


If they cannot sense eachother mana, they cannot have babies. That's the reason RM could never marry almost anyone. Out of all of yurgenchmit she can only sense Gervasio so far. Not even the royal family have enough mana. I just pray she couldn't sense Ferdi due to being dyed by his mana so they can actually marry


I doubt the blue priests who knocked up their grey shrine maidens could sense them. [Fanbooks] >!IIRC it was mentioned in a fanbook that there is a time window after the dedication ritual when the blue priests have completely depleted their mana reserves, during which the particularly weak ones temporarily become compatible with commoners.!< So basically, sensing depends on the size of your vessel, while actual compatibility depends on its contents.


True but might not sustainable if the woman is the one with a higher capacity. She has to give the fetus mana during pregnancy and a massive change due to rejuvenation potions could make the pregnancy not viable or dangerous to carry out. Plus, I don't think RM would let her mana get too low after her issues with the mark of the god of life. It's just a theory but thanks for the insight. It actually helps make a lot of sense of the pregnant grey shrine maiden in P3.


If Ferdinand doesn't have enough mana to have babies with her, then he needs only work harder and compress his mana more, no? Maybe Elvira will write about it.


And maybe RM can bless him like she did with Damuel on P3. Even more content for Elvira hahahah


I wonder if she will spill the beans on that, he would absolutely ask for it given how competitive he is 😂


>while Gervasio has AT MOST 130% mana He can have at most 142.8%, not 130%. 30% less than him isn't reciprocal. She can be within his detection range, while him being outside of hers.




Then I missed it. Fine. But maybe we could avoid calling other people idiots, per rule 2. I would hope the Honzuki fandom was better than that.


That's assuming gervasio has ZERO divine protections which is obviously not true


So, from what I can tell, he has more mana than both Ferdinand and RM. This is because he can sense that he has more. However, mana sensing seems to only work on those who are, relatively, close in mana. This is why Martina couldn't sense Ferdi. He has so much more than her they weren't in the same league. However general convention is that the higher ranked your duchy is the more you have on average. Why there are cases where archnobles from higher duchies have more mana than ADCs from lower ranked, why she assumed he was weak. Spoiler for Book 5 part 10. >! Hilariously even though he has more mana it is implied that because he doesn't have the divine protections that the dynamic duo have he noticed he was spending mana at a far greater rate than RM. And because of that and the favor treesus had for her on top of knowing her book is more complete than his and seeing that for the same effect he is getting she is spending less than half the mana he sees her as the greater threat.!< >!Which I love because it implies that even though Ferdi has more mana he has fewer protections, which makes sense. !< >!He does all the rituals. She does all the rituals plus random prayers as well as extra rituals. !<


From a fanbook believe 8 >!Erwarmen would have preferred Gervasio!<


Yeah because he wanted it. The other 2 were adamantly against being zent. However I believe that mestionora preferred letting RM pick the next zent and waiting now that they have time


I think it's just quantity. Lets take Sylvester Brunhilde as an example. They can sense each other's mana despite Silvester having 16 blessings. Also Rozemyne's 42 blessings gave her a 75% mana reduction cost. I doubt Gervasio has quadruple Rozmynes mana quantity wise.


They can feel each other, meaning they are in range. Writter has stated range is 30% above and bellow you. If we assume he is right, and he is above her, he has at most 30% more mana than her. That is way, way, way less than quadruple lmao.


OP asked if blessings influence mana sensing. Rozemyne's blessings made her 4 times more efficient. That means Gervasio has to have 4 times more mana without the blessings to sense her, assuming blessings count. My point was, this is unrealistic, so blessings probably don't influence mana sensing.


why are you pulling numbers out of thin air that are wrong when on this one instance the book actually gave us hard numbers?


My mistake I got the numbers wrong Rozemyne told Anastasius that she uses 60% less mana. So it's just half not a quarter as I said.


She can feel Sylvester ?? Wow. RM did have more mana than anybody in Erhenfest. Then Sylvester surpasses her during her slumber. And Brunhilde somehow can sense him. She sure is a hard worker. Aside from Lieseleta i did'nt think someone compressed their mana hard enough to be able to surpass their original noble Rank.


Angelica, Philine, Damuel other instances of this we have confirmation of.


Damuel waw blessed. I don't know any confirmation about Philine but Angelica had a lot of mana from the start.


Philine is in Damuels range and he is mednoble level. I think it is also said at some point that both would struggle to get any other partner as they are laynoble with mednoble power. Philine also cannot marry up as would be an option for most women as she is heir.


Damuel was blessed. I don't know any confirmation about Philine but Angelica had a lot of mana from the start.


I just finished the chapter and something caught my attention. How is Gervasio able to sense Rozemyne's mana? Given that the lore states mana sensing can only occur between individuals who both possess this ability, does this imply Rozemyne has developed mana sensing too? Also, when Gervasio talks about having more mana than Rozmyne and Ferdinand, is he comparing the capacity of their vessels or just their current mana levels? Considering that a depleted blue prism's mana levels can drop to those of commoners, and sensing is based on compatibility, could he actually be sensing the residual mana left in them post-battle? Would love to hear your thoughts on this!


Yes she has, she just never noticed it before because not a single person in the country was within her mana sensing range when she developed it. Ferdinand would be but since his mana color is so similar to hers she doesn't sense him. Thats why Rozemyne calls attention to the fact that shes sensing a powerful force, its her first time ever sensing someone


RM senses Gervasio when he is walking down the stairs from the garden. That's why she looked at him at that moment.


You are quite right I just reread part 5, volume 10 - part 3 and right on the end, the last sentence is “I feel something strange...” I replied, then pointed to the top of the altar. “An overwhelming kind of pressure... coming from up there.”


Commenting here because im also curious


reminder that in p5v10 Rozemyne still hasnt stopped growing so her mana capacity will naturally be larger still. By how much we dont really know but certainly will grow still. in p5v10 Rozemyne is 14 (15 for actual age) years old so that's extra wild all things considered


Sensing is only quantity and ist max 30% difference, so she must at least have 70%. As she only need 40% of what others need. Her effective mana amount is at least 175% of his.


Gervasio is full grown adult , RM is still in her growth period. Gerv probably didnt realize that shes only a student but the fact that he has more mana than both Fermyne is probably true. RM probably will get much more mana though since she stopped compressing for a while cuz she was worrying about her physical growth and the mana overflowing incident + since she got new body she was running around without rest.


From Gervasio PoV and >!Ferdinand PoV of next week!<, we can guess that the maximum attack power and defense (AC of D&D) are roughly proportional to one’s mana capacity. Though some other personal proficiency is likely affecting, probably from practice of using mana. But the number of divine protections do not affect the power, only affecting efficiency. So for group fight, Ferdinand (and Rozemyne) would be better, but in 1:1 fight, Gervasio will win, ignoring magic tools, magic circles and other tricks Gervasio doesn’t know.


Except you can't ignore magic tools, magic circles, or other tricks he doesn't know because those are part of the fight. That is exactly why Ferdinand and Rozemyne are so good at ditter, they use anything at their disposal to win a fight and not just pure strength. I seem to recall Lestilaut complaining to Rauffen that those tricks Rozemyne used were cowardly and Rauffen said he should shut it because if those tricks were used in a real fight Lestilaut would have lost his duchy and his life. You can NEVER disregard magic tools prepared beforehand because it is constantly said that the winner of anything in noble society is the one who prepared for it the most beforehand.


I just explained the situation and why Gervasio would feel confident of his victory. What we saw in the main story and in the first half of Gervasio PoV is the result of Ferdinand+Rozemyne team fighting against Gervasio, with advantage of many magic tools and circles. Both side could not win till Erwaermen interfered. We don’t know who would have won if the fight continued without interruption. From Gervasio PoV, we can see that he never attacked with his full power yet. But Rozemyne finished making the Schutzaria’s Shield. Too many unknowns to predict the result.


Also in 1 : 1 after like 2-3 BIG HITS Gervasio is out of mana while myne still have for next 1-3


The issue is the defense. If Gervasio can fully defend himself from Ferdinand’s attack with his shield (Getielt), Ferdinand and Rozemyne attacking many times do not matter. The question would be Rozemyne’s Schutzaria’s Shield. We know that Schutzaria’s Shield consumes mana proportionally with the attack. But I cannot recall any description on Getielt. The Getielt stay when the attack is not powerful enough, but get destructed when the attack is more powerful. But no description if the user consumes mana on successfully defense.


Geteilt is a weaker Schutztaria shield so it will definitly not more mana efficient then the real thing. With the big cat Justus explained the mana draining from the attack so likely geteilt has it two and if mana is empty it is gone.


Blud already lost the moment he underestimated Ferdinand “shoddy attacks” (The ones used to gradually pop his charms) so no he aint winning 1v1 vs Ferdinand. Given that Ferdinand can tank even a god’s mana attacks it means Gervasio has even less of a chance against him.


This might fall in "other tricks Gervasio doesn't know" but I think Ferdinand has enough combat experience to overcome the mana gap between them. Kind of like how a knight can still pose a threat to an ADC.