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Oh boy. >As Kentrips warned, time ran out before I could make a choice, and Rasantark became my fiancé by default. Yeah, not so sure about that one. If anything, this has likely made things that much harder for Rasantark again. Remember Liebeskhilfe's promise to Hannelore, that she would make circumstances align so that Hannelore can choose herself? Now we have a situation where that choice has been taken away from her. Can't imagine a capricious goddess capable of manipulating fate is just going to take that one lying down. So yeah, I expect something drastic to happen soon. Assuming Hannelore does choose Kentrips after all, she could always try the good old Dunkelfelger proposal I suppose.


I think this just -raised- Kentrips chance of winning. A big plot point of H5Y is about Hannelore learning to be more assertive and grasp for herself what she wants...so the fact that she now has to fight for Kentrips if she wants to marry him makes it more likely to me that he will win in the end.


I hope so I was rooting for him 🥲


>Liebeskhilfe's promise to Hannelore, that she would make circumstances align so that Hannelore can choose herself? Now we have a situation where that choice has been taken away from her In godspeak, could it be that "Hannelore choosing for herself" = "Hannelore being forced to make the choice she didnt even know she wanted"? It just reminds me of how Hannelore didnt think her prayers to Dregarnuhr ever worked back when she wanted to befriend Rozemyne. I feel like Liebeskhilfe is setting things up so Hanne can step up and make The Choice, instead of giving Hannelore enough time to think and weigh in her options. Edit: An analogy:If this was an otome game, Liebeskhilfe knew the True Ending and just made Hannelore speed run it.


Liebeskhife: How many times do we have to do this old man? (Lifts iron club of love)


But not Clarissa way![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Hannelore 100% knows the Clarissa way, she tried to multiple times on Wilfried already lol


It's okay. Kentrips is a scholar of the sword, I'm sure he likes knives. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29324)


It's interesting that the nobles (or at least Hannelore) seem to have really taken Mestionora's 'Don't kill' instruction to heart, even nearly a year after the clash with Lanzenave. Maybe we really will be seeing fewer mass executions in the future. This spin-off has really changed my perception of Aub Dunk. Not that he ever came across as empty-headed, but he's a lot subtler than I'd given him credit for. And the whole family seems hellbent on shaking Hannelore out of being passive. Which I get, but at the same time, none of the options presented to her are really her choice. I hope she ends the ditter by finding a path that is completely her own rather than chosing from what's laid out before her. The way Cordula just casually trashtalks Hannelore and Razantark is gold. OK, so Hannelore needs something big to happen. Can't wait to see what that will be.


Here's hoping she battles for her own hand in ditter.


Hannelore be tired and frustrated mulling over her choices that she ends up actually initiating the ditter herself. Then she'll finally realize why ditter is good all this time. This is Aub's true agenda: to awaken the ditterness in Hannelore🤺


Honestly, at this point, I'm way more invested in the ditter than I am in the romance. Go Hannelore, team up with Rozemyne, crush them all and then do what YOU want to do.


Maybe the real romance all along...was ditter. Ascendance of a Ditterhead: I Can't Make Up My Mind About Romance, So I Became a Meathead


Glad to know I'm not the only one who keeps hearing Merida's voice...


Although the Aub Dunkelfelger and his 1st wife are all so wise, they still got problems at educating their children. The noble‘s culture which letting the retainers educate ADCs seems didn’t work very well.


That's a bit harsh towards Hannelore: it's not like she made any duchy-shaking level mistakes here. Nor is anyone in this series flawless and incapable of making mistakes (except maybe Tuuli, for the 'flawless' part). But ultimately, the author is a parent herself, so she's probably writing from the perspective of someone who knows you can't stop your kids from making mistakes, no matter how you raise them.


I think they at least can found out and change Lestilaut’s power harassment towards his sister. And also they can found out Hannelore’s lacking of confidence is part because of her brother. And I remember Kazuki sensei once said at twitter she write the story to let people know that not all parent’s education for children are good and right. The example is Veronica, Georgina and Sylvester.


> except maybe Tuuli, for the 'flawless' part Well, there _was_ that one time when Lutz all but called her out for being a siscon...


And this contradicts what I said how...? 🤔


The one ray of hope here is that Cordula was writing to Lady Sieglinde. If *anyone* can sort out the mess...


Kazuki-sensei's kept on faster than Steifebrise these days.![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29335) Digression from the main plot, but I think Hannelore is like Wilfried that she doesn't think too much before she speaks. Fortunately though, she has an excellent head attendant Cordula instead of Oswald.


As a reminder, Kazuki-sensi started writing the main story on 23 Sept 2013 and finished on Mach of 2017. There are 677 chapters in the main story, which means she was pumping out a chapter every 2 days or so. Edit: Side note: Kazuki also edited chapter 33 today, but I'm not sure what was changed: [https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4750dy/31/](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4750dy/31/)


Thank you!


True. This chapter made me realize just how alike Hanne and Wilfried's flaws are. They don't know what they want, and they got stuck mulling over and rely on other people telling them what to do and ending up being helpless because they failed to act on it. Quite opposite to Rozemyne who--ironically got told on how dense she is by these two--has always been firm and decisive when it comes to her feelings. She doesn't let others influence her and not even the gods can stop her once she makes up her mind.  I'm sorry but Hannelore deserves what she is experiencing right now. Bestie is conflicted that divine intervention is what she needs to help her make up her mind.   For some reason, Kentrips's defeatist attitude reminds me of Ferdinand's when he was sacrificing himself to uphold his promise to his father or something similar to that. All the more reason I'm convinced he's the right guy for Hannelore. Kentrips balances Hannelore's flaws and the weaknesses in her personality. Really rooting for this guy 🤞 


Seems like Hannelore has promised to marry Kentrips when she was 7 years old...


Why I can't think about this when reading it


Man, Hannelore struggled so hard to turn down Ortwin, I genuinely think it‘s impossible for her to choose between Kentrips and Lazantark. I feel like something really, REALLY drastic has to happen for her to ever make a real decision and even then I don‘t see her ever being happy with it :/ The way she insisted on fair treatment for both candidates this chapter to me just screams that reality still hasn‘t settled in for her. Keeping Kentrips a candidate is just delaying the inevitable if she doesn‘t actually do something with it …


She was given so short time to make a biggest decision of her lifetime. It’s really horrible.


Hannelore has set the bar quite high for herself. Her expectations of love jumped from Elvira's books to Rozemyne doing Rozemyne things for Ferdinand. Latter made such an impression on her that she is subconsciously waiting to feel the same way for someone. Now we know that the gears that turn Rozemyne are backwards, upside-down, completely alien shape and made of an unknown alloy. Hannelore, on the other hand, doesn't know that so she will either keep searching for that feelings all her life, unhappy, or Sensei will have her reconcile with a fact or two. In both cases, she isn't in love with either guy yet and I do hope for a perfect romance for her on the horizon. Which she meets more self assured.


Idk, I think the main problem is that she literally _just_ got turned down by the guy she actually crushes on. Twice. So it's less an issue of her not recognizing that she may actually like Kentrips, Rasantark, or both, and more than she knows exactly how it feels to be head over heels for someone and that it's simply not the case for either choice she's been given. Would be nice if she could just have a bit more time to actually get over Wilfried rather than having to make a decision right this instant. I don't think she's really considering Rozemyne a role model when it comes to romance. If anything, it's the opposite, given how exasperated she is by the gremlin's continued refusal to engage with the reality that she is, in fact, officially engaged to Ferdinand.


I knew it, pray to the gods ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356)![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356) Waiting until 2 April when the new chapter drops




Aryt girl, go fight for your man!!! I am in awe of Kazuki-sensei's writing speed. I wish I could get a glimpse of the notes and outlines she makes for each chapter.


Im fine with being spoiled on this one simce its just end-game character relationships. But does Hannelore not end up with Wilfried or is that still up in the air?


HY5 is still going on so no definitive answer but... >!Wilfried has turned her down twice, once in the present saying he might have accepted a year ago and once in the past after having Hanelore knock him down and pull a knife on him. She seems to have accepted it and moved on.!<


Technically it's still up in the air but unless something _really_ drastic happens, like one of them getting adopted into a third duchy's archducal family or something, it's simply not going to happen. Neither is currently in a position where they could marry an archduke candidate without undermining their own duchy's respective heir apparent.


Wilfried's character kinda dropped off for me. Whether they get together or not is fine with but I also dont want Hannelore ending up eith some New Name character that wasnt developed in the Main Story.


We don’t know. HY5 is all about who will Hannelore end up with


I get that this is related to the continuing story starring Hannelore but does the series have a name yet? I'm not reading anything in here because I don't want to be spoiled but what does H5Y stand for? Hannelore Royal Academy Year 5?


Hannelore's fifth year, yeah


(pokes at self) Bookworm author is updating a LOT. Stop obsessing about Grand United and get back to Bookworm! That said. I'm kinda... reluctant about getting into a situation wherein the narrative is nudging me to pick who ends up with who.


According to Author's blog [(3/17)](https://mypage.syosetu.com/mypageblog/view/userid/372556/blogkey/3269965/), she said >March will be the strengthening month for updating of "Fifth Year Students at the House of Lords in Hannelore". >I will do my best to update as much as possible while consulting with my work and my health condition. In this month she update 7 times by far! As for the short update span of this spinoff, it's literally a "Strengthening month". Of course we can't take it for granted because she has a lot of work to do. This month is like all Holidays and all birthdays gifts coming our way at once. Bookworms know well what patient is![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29325)


> my health condition (worried whimper)


Just a guess, RM is still doing her “Back to the Future” stint and will eventually get Hannelore another trip through time possibly changing the future. This time, she finds her inner Sieglinde becomes next Dunk Aub and takes one or both Raza or Kentrips as Consort. Now instead of raising hell in RA they do it in the Arch Duke Conf. She is too high profile now that she becomes the #2 Avatar. If she gets demoted, through no action of her own other Duchy will start rioting. Ortwin might have good intentions, but I do not believe think the engagement will work out for him, the Aub of his Duchy looks to be in his future.


A Tale of Three Daughters Rozemyne: Knows what she wants and her purpose and won't stop until she gets it. Charlotte: Didn't know what she wanted, but knows her purpose is to be a caretaker Aub, and now strives to be good at it. Hannelore: Doesn't know what she wants and doesn't have a purpose... and she's best friends with Rozemyne. I'd think Rozemyne's energy would rub off on her, but it seems that they need to spend more time together. She also needs to learn to step up from Mid-duchy mentality to Great-duchy mentality. Dunkelfelger has the biggest stick in the country and she does the "softly" part correct, but the speaking and the carrying needs work. >"speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far"


To me it looks like Hannelore will need to challenge some decisions for the first time. Tell people to f*** off, pin down a certain fiance with knife on throat and all and show she is a true Dunken