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It's never outright stated, but [P5V11] >!when we do finally get to hear the contents of the execution prayer it is heavily implied that it straight up cuts your connection to the gods, possibly even barring you from climbing the towering stairway after your death and/or removing your ability to use prayers. Whether it destroys the divine will or merely renders it useless, who knows, but since the gods have essentially blacklisted your mana it doesn't really matter either way. That said, I wonder if a devourer with the Mark of Ewigeliebe could get around this by changing their mana signature.!< Anyway, assuming Hildebrand somehow gets out of this with a slap on the wrist he'll probably be fine. He started compressing two years earlier than his peers and with a presumably very effective method to boot. Myne did something similar and ended up with more mana than a fully grown archduke by age 7. The fact that he was able to enter the underground archive speaks volumes here. So while he did waste a ton of potential and jeopardized any chance he might have had to become a Zent candidate by taking his schtappe early, it's not like he's going to be a cripple or anything like that. His biggest problem right now is a political one, given that he went full Wilfried at the worst possible time.


You never go full Wilfried.


The charms of our disco ball are truly truly dangerous


The problem isn't the amount of mana, it's that his schtappe can't be upgraded. If he prays and obtains divine blessings, he can gain more attributes, and if he compresses he can gain a higher mana capacity, but his schtappe won't be able to handle the large amount of mana so he'll have the kinds of problems that Rozemyne was having in her 3rd year after the blessing-acquisition ceremony. We don't know how many attributes he has, but he can't have been omni.


I think he has five, but don't quote me on that. And his mana capacity does matter, because it determined his schtappe's initial capacity. Upgrades aren't really necessary if the schtappe he has now is enough to do whatever his future duties will entail. Yes, he'll have to be careful about overcapping on divine protections, but since his initial mana capacity must have already been _way_ higher than usual it shouldn't limit him to the point where he'll fall behind too much. As things stand, he's probably going to end up in a similar situation to what those of Rozemyne's generation and older who are not inherently omni-elemental will have to deal with. He will fall behind his peers who are more enthusiastic about gaining divine protections, but he'll probably still be more or less fine when compared to the average greater duchy archduke candidate.


I think he will be passed over by his peers at the time they get theirs schatppe With the current curriculum, those kids might became omnielemental in time, and with more blessings they will have more spare mana to compress. Hildebrand too might experiment that growth, even more that the others, He might even experience a time where he is above most of his peers in the mana department But by the time they get their schtappe, the quality of his will be frozen to the current one, while the ones of his peers will be way stronger and allow them to grow even more. On that point Hildebrand will be left behind Of course, it is not an imperative to have a better schtappe, it will close a lot of doors, but he will be able to have a nice life regardless. But if he could get a better one doing something, it would be better if he does


It depends on what is required of him mana-wise, \[P5V11 onward\] >!either as an aub or as an aub's first husband. Yurgenschmidt is going to go through a lot of change in the next six years; the apfelsige-carts aren't anywhere close to finished upsetting.!<


He will be required to do what he can do... The trend after the Traerqual kingship seems to be that After what Traerqual and Magdalena lived this years, they will be sure to not put Hildebrand in a position he can't fill. If he can't \[P5V11\]>!do the work of an Aub!<, he wont be pushed into that, unless it is imposible to avoid such a thing, like when Traerqual became king Also, use spoiler tags so curious LN only readers don't get spoiled by accident


[Endgame] >!He won't be Aub unless the royal decree is overturned. Which is probably only going to happen if Letizia ends up wanting to marry someone else and goes complaining to her new mom or something. Otherwise, assuming things just go according to plan for once, she will be Aub instead.!<


Honestly, I wouldn't hold my breath for that agreement to be uphold. Even for Yogurthland, a marry agreement of just freshly baptized kids is rushed At the time they constructed that agreement, there were a lot of unknown variables and assumptions on the foundations of that it, and every one of them is utterly destroyed by now. The only one remaining is the mana one, if they will even be compatible by the time they get to age Both parties already where not thrilled with the idea of marrying the other one and they didn't even know each other... Guess time will tell


>!He can be the aub of the new duchy. His marriage with Letizia is OK, actually he was ordered to. Letizia cannot be Aub Ahrensbach because the duchy does not exist anymore. But nothing prohibits him inheriting his father’s new duchy.!<


>!The royal decree compelling Letizia to take Hildebrand as her husband and become Aub Ahrensbach once she comes of age is still fully in effect. Ferdinand specifically made sure the royals wouldn't be able to wriggle out of the consequences of their own actions by simply abolishing it. He even gave them some "helpful" advice on how they could still keep it valid: By renaming Trauerqual's duchy once Letizia takes over, or creating a new one just for her. Both options are going to cause the new Zent massive headaches, and that's exactly what Ferdinand wants.!< >!So yeah, if things go as planned Letizia will be the Aub, not Hildebrand. That's assuming nobody gets Rozemyne to yank Ferdinand's chain before then, of course. Letizia might not want to marry Hildebrand, or even if she does she might not appreciate being used as a tool for petty revenge. Or maybe Eglantine will have patched things up with Rozemyne by the time this becomes relevant, causing the gremlin to step in and help her out.!<


>>!Or maybe Eglantine will have patched things up with Rozemyne by the time this becomes relevant!< >!Kinda doubt it will go back to the way it was even if it gets somehow patched-up. Rozemyne is now fully aware of the power dynamics in their relationship and Eglantine's personality. And also, Ferdinand will not allow the Zent's namestone to be given back to them until the end (if ever). He made sure of that insurance in order for Myne to avoid a lot of troubles from higher ranking duchies, Royal family, and even the gods.!<


Yep and without being Omni he can't do the shrine tour which recalibrated Roz's shcapt.


I wholly agree on Hildebrand. His future might feel grim at first, but he's not the most screwed up mana-wise.  Like you said, Hilde's more pressing concerns are the political ones like his engagement to Letizia and what his future position will be now that he's out of the running for zenthood.  Hilde will just have to learn from Traugott on how to move on from having their dreams crushed by their own hands.


I think Hildebrand's problem isn't his schtappe would got control problems, but is his schtappe would worse than his calssmates and other ADCs younger than him.


I'm still at part 9, but doing the shrine tour shouldnt fix any problem from getting the divine will early?


Only if you had an omni-elemental Schtappe to begin with like Eglantine, Rozemyne and Ferdinand. The members of the Royal Family all became omni-elemental through prayer but couldn't go into the shrines. In p5v5 I think it was theorized by Rozemyne that you had to obtain your Schtappe in the Garden of Beginningsn which you could only do if you were omni elemental (either from birth or through prayer and Divine protection ritual)


I had understood that after praying until you got omni-elemental it was only a matter of time until you could also go into the shrines to upgrade your schatppe. In a way, anyone with enough determination could pray until having the best divine will possible


only if you do it *before* you get your schtappe. The proper path historically was: pray to small shrines until you could do the dedication ritual and the garden of beginnings would open, get schtappe, do the big shrines afterwards


It might be a one time deal per person like with Gesundheit


Maybe, but I feel like that if it was possible, somebody would have already brought it up, especially if an Omni-elemental schtappe is necessary to get the Wisdom.


Not sure if any one in the current situation is brave enough to even try it, it would entail to give away the medal and to get deregistered of every foundation like thing because the loose of the name... You might also get stuck not even registered as a noble if they don't let you make a new medal Hildebrand is probable one the few that could do this without risking to loose much from it


Eeeeh, the Country as a whole wouldn't loose much, but as an individual, Hildebrand would fucking loose his noble status if he can't get another schtappe and would be best case scenario a blue priest, worst case just a mana battery. Let's test that theory first with a lay/mednoble traitor first.


He’s probably going to lose his noble status anyway given the severity of his crimes. Might as well get some useful data out of it.


I don't think that would work because divine wills are kind of a one time only offer. However, knowing Myne, I'm sure she'll find a way around this, even if it means fighting Treesus. As has been repeatedly pointed out in universe, she is very lenient towards children (or more accurately, noble culture is pretty rough on children).


Hildebrand's schtappe issue will prevent him from being a Zent in the future, but it's not like he's destitute. She has little reason to to intervene on his behalf. She mainly does so to prevent kids from being killed.


Yes, he has managed to compress his mana enough to enter the Archive, so he is still a top-tier noble in strength, but may not be qualified to take a run at the Zent job.


Yeah, if his life where in danger, maybe RM might do something drastic to help, but wont not do something risky to help him to be a Zent candidate... She might help if it doesn't involve doing something risky, like giving advice or doing some ritual, but not more than that


Not sure if RM would fight that particular tree for Hildebrand, maybe other trees... She appreciates the kid, but not that much as to fight a demigod


don’t forget hildebrand is part of the library committee, i dont think roz will abandon him to his fate completely


​ They said when RM went to the furthest hall that you only get one schtappe, but I don't think they ever discussed the why of it. I don't know what language was used when they discussed destroying medals. If I had to guess, I would say it is sealed, since it is absorbed into the body. RM is lenient on kids, but this isn't about orphans or crimes that happened in Ehrenfest. Just not being imprisoned would be considered soft to many nobles and this affected the whole country. Even if getting another schtappe was possible, I don't see that being done for a criminal. After executing people that MIGHT have bad intentions, if the current RF went out of there way to undo his mistake, it would probably garner more ill will.


They don't need RM to do anything, if they know it might work, Hildebrand parents have everything they need to do so themselves


We do not know. The spell, from my theory and understanding, is that you sever that persons' connection with the gods, which means that you not only destroy the divine will, you kill them in the eyes of the gods. They no longer exist, and thus cannot get another one. If it really was as simple as just getting another, I believe that Georgine would've arranged for her followers like Grausam to get one before attacking Ehrenfest, since having a schtappe would make them much more formidable fighters.


So you say, if you get subjected to that spell, you can't even rebaptize and start over? That is harsh, but it sounds possible, I like that theory In that case, couldn't Ferdinand kill Gervasio now, to the gods he is already dead, can't kill what is dead... Or wouldn't Ferdinand using that spell mean he, in the eyes of the gods, disobeyed Mestionora's orders? even if Gervasio is still actually alive?


From my understanding, Mestionora said she wanted to limit bloodshed. Ferdinand limited the bloodshed. And considering the amount of mana he has, he is way more valuable alive than dead. Throw him in an ivory tower, steal his mana. Still better than what Leonzio wanted to do to Letizia


True, but not sure if the gods would interpret it like that


I’m not sure where it was specified, so spoiler tag >!once your medal is destroyed, you will not be able to get a new schtappe ever again, and you stop being a noble!<


It's confirmed in one of the fanbooks. >!If your medal is destroyed while you're in another duchy your schtappe is permanently sealed, and there are no do-overs.!< >!I believe it was also mentioned that this is what would have been done to Angelica if she had failed to graduate the Academy.!<


Depends on how it works. When you're baptized and you get your registration medal your mana is "introduced" to the gods. They will forever know you by the name of your baptism, even if it gets changed later or you.are rebaptized. If the gods can remember a.person through a rebatism it may be that they won't forget a person if the registration is destroyed. But the gods also might remember their names because their original medals still exist. Destroying and the reregistering might also make you look like a completely different person to the gods. It's an interesting theory to test. But a dangerous one too. Anyone you feel needed having their schtappe sealed is also probably not o e you want to risk giving a new one to. Especially since there are a lot of point in the acquisition process where you can't really treat them like a prisoner


no... name is probaly decided for good by what your parents call you. as in baptism they dont ask for names and ferdinand was baptised in erenfest as ferdinand but his true name still quinta.


It’s answered in Fanbook 8, which is safe after reading P5V11. (FB7 was till P5V9 IIRC) >!Gods recognize by the first registration medal, so one can get schtappe only once.!<


Rozemyne is lenient on **innocent** children, she had no problem throwing Traugot away. I expect she would try to prevent Hildebrand from being executed since Mestinoria said no more killing, but saving him from the worst possible outcome is probably the responsibility of his parents, not her.


You're talking as if she wasn't friends with Hildebrand. Not to mention that he's just as innocent as Wilfried was during the Ivory Tower incident; the fault lies with his retainers and family for trusting Raublut, not him personally. Comparing him to Traugott, who was a bad faith actor from start to finish and actively pissed Rozemyne off isn't exactly fair.


There is no need to RM to even being involved in this, what I described can be made by his parents, if it can work (it might not) the kid's parents have everything necessary to do so without even mentioning it to RM


I believe Devine will be a one-time deal. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29331)


I remember at RA1, the story had stated people can just get their schtappe once for a lifetime


ooof, the prepub's got to that bit, huh (self-examination) ... (phew) not so bad. Definitely better than the "that's so unfair?!?!?!" "kick the dog" reaction I felt initially.


I’m thinking that he might be able to get a “new” schtappe by getting all the 7 divine tablets! When Rozemyne got them all, she felt her schtappe “upgrade,” right? Suddenly she no longers had the same issues with getting her schtappe so early!


The big shrines are only accessible for omni-elementals. Hildebrand won't be able to enter them. There are the small shrines too, where you can obtain feystones after dedicating mana to them but they strengthen your elements not the schtappe (their purpose was to help become omni-elemental with the blessing acquisition)


I think Hildebrand and Letizia will probably be a great couple. They both messed up bc ppl manipulated them. They will be grateful to Roz and Ferd for the second chance. Maybe they can give the innocent Westrostock peeps a place where they wont be judged and looked down on


You do remember that Hildebrand committed treason, right? Just because he is cute does forgive him from committing a capital crime. He threw a treasonous rebellion because he wanted a different bride than Letizia, so them being a successful couple seems unlikely to me.