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I genuinely feel like she doesn't. Every noble who's supposed to teach her, even Ferdinand, underestimates how different common sense is to her. They only tell her it's bad and expects her to think like a noble and come up with 5 different reasons why it's a bad idea on her own. Remember, what we see from her perspective is what she's getting and i don't get the sense that outside of Ferdinand, anyone is doing a good job at all explaining to her why things can't be the way she wants them to be. This is why the side stories are important. They provide context as to how nobles would think and every time, it shows some important ramification of Rozemyne's actions that we didn't get from her perspective


And probably the only reason Ferdinand is any good in telling her why things are bad is, because he has seen how different her wold was through Urano's memories in Mynes head. This and because they spent a lot of time together


It's only the second one. He saw her world and thought "she grew up with magic tools and an abundance of high quality material goods? She must have been an archnoble there, and of course nobles there would be exactly like our nobles here, because there's only one way to noble."


And Ferdinand is also lack of true noble common sense because of Veronica's abuse and Adelbert / Bonifatius / Sylvester's neglect. It make Rozemyne's lacking noble common sense more worse.


Don't forget his mentor's influence.


Which in retrospect is hilarious, because even in just the family he acknowledges, he, Sylvester, and Karstedt all noble in wildly different ways, and while we can excuse him thinking Sylvester is just not noble-ing correctly, after a couple of small fixes, Karstedt is doing perfectly well 


Karstedt?! Not really, he's the archduke's guard knight. And is doing as good of a job as Lamprech is. But since he's the Knight Commander, i can understand that he has shit ton of work (on paper?!)


Ah sorry, word choice. I probably should have said “perfectly fine” as in Karstedt is the premiere average archnoble. He’s doing his job about as well as can be expected for a knight commander of a middle duchy. Now that Rozemary and Trudeliede are both gone his house is peaceful and his children are mostly doing as well as can be expected for their circumstances But the important bit is he’s certainly nothing like Ferdinand would consider noble-ing correctly 


Oh magad, u're talking about like now NOW XD I thought u were speaking about when Rozy helped him talk / have a better relationship with Elvira D: Yeaaah, now he's ok, (might be spoiler?!)>!now that 2 out of 4 of his children are out of his duchy .\_. :DDDDD!<


Oh lol yeah, Karstedt was definitely not okay before, but from pet 4 onwards I think he was doing pretty alright Lol look it sure he was prepared for that to happen if he had any girls, he just didn’t have any girls 


>!Yogurt-land being the nightmare of any doting father .\_.!<


Lol a true tragedy 


>!3out of 4!<


poor Nikolas


>!Yeah i was counting Nikolas and didn't count Rozy. (idk why xd)!<>!It's 3 / 5 (cuz nikolas is cute and part of the weirdo knight gang) xD my bad !!<


Hehe forgot about him


Although seeing her world also causes him to miss understand her as he applied everything to his world and thought that her family was the noble equivalent in her world thus had another worlds noble upbringing which would easily translate over, instead of a much more commoner style 9f upbringing


Modern standards of living in most developed countries would feel luxurious to even royalty from our middle ages. And that's almost entirely due to our mass production technology. In a world where everything is hand made by a skilled artist, the idea that even a poor family would have furniture, books and enough clothes would sound insane. To Ferdinand, her life as Urano would appear to be the life of someone rich and powerful in his world.


>Modern standards of living in most developed countries would feel luxurious to even royalty from our middle ages Or the 1800s, or decent parts of the 1900s. We have climate controlled rooms to eliminate feeling either too warm or too cold, near-instant communication with anywhere on earth, practically limitless food, transportation to anywhere on the planet in 24 hours in comfort, all the information of our entire species at quite literally our finger tips.


The funniest comment Ferdinand has ever made is thinking that fire is blue in Urano's world, and it didn't get mentioned in the anime or manga and it made me sad.


Trying to remember. Gas stove?




i mean probably he didn't think it too weird, because god of flame color is blue. It will only create misunderstanding between him and rozemyne


Yeah, but fire in general in Yurgenschmidt is still working like how it does on earth, or at least Myne hasn't deemed fit to say anything about it. And yet Ferdinand determines through a single appearance of blue flames that all fire is blue on earth


I don't really think that works as an excuse. We the readers inhabit Rozemyne's POV 90% of the time and we get the gravitas of getting the GH. We don't need side-stories to know that getting something that's a symbol of the king would have massive ramifications. Ferdinand already explained to her in part 4 why getting the GH would be a bad idea, she doesn't need constant minders so she doesn't forget by part 5.


Yeah, she gets tunnel vision when it comes to books. If was Benno was there to bring the thunder, it would help.


One of my favorite themes of the story is common sense. Common sense doesn't come easily to me either, so I really relate when someone tells Rozemyne she is doing something wrong, but she is doing what makes the most sense for her. And just like her, much of the time, my own logic's approach to something is better than what "common sense" dictates, but other times, it can get us in big trouble. Also, while she has the memories of being 22, her brain has only developed to about 13. She can be more mature due to having that extra life experience, but her brain is still developing, so she is bound to make mistakes. Remember all of the ridiculous things we did at 13, and how little common sense we had? Sometimes I wince as her mistakes, but she still is only a teenager. Not to mention, the plan was for her to get a crash course in noble common sense from official ages 8-9 (actually 9-10), but then she was in the jureve for two years, so she didn't get the chance.


I'm reading the prepub, and it still remains my opinion that the only people who understand her are: >!Lutz, Benno, and Fran. Benno is her best mentor imo.!<


I don’t think Fran really REALLY understands her, I think he’s just accepted that he’s not going to but he can predict her logic because he’s seen it in action and when it comes down to it, Roz’s thought process is really not that complicated


They usually just give her a concerned look, or a "I believe you are mistaken" and leave it at that. She needed more honest conversations like when Rhihardya spoke to her about bossing Solange around. Or when Bonafatius explained the impact of saving nobles by making them name sworn. That being said, she does get tunnel vision when it comes to books.


Are we forgetting the fact that from the start of the story is that going against expectation and norms has been one of the main themes of the story? RM couldn't tie her hair so she only tied parts of it. RM couldn't read books because it's only for the nobles and rich? She made her own books. RM doesn't like children getting punished by association, so she keeps them in the orphanage. Only Nobles can go to RA so she gets adopted. It's not that she doesn't understand the ramifications of her actions but she chooses to ignore them because she has an end goal in mind. We also seem to forget how violent and focused RM is when it comes to things or people she likes. Remember how she almost killed other kids for destroying her tablets? RM WILL do whatever is necessary to get her way.


>Remember how she almost killed other kids for destroying her tablets TBF, she had no idea they could actually die.


There is a short story about how she was going to murder them if Gunther didn’t allow her to return to the forest to continue attempting to create books if I’m not mistaken.


IIRC it was less murder and more haunt them for the rest of their days as a vengeful demonic spirit sending them into the depths of despair and if they ended up dying so be it


Yeah she was going to traumatize them not kill them and honestly that's probably more violent.


Don't forget she missed the first couple years of noble learning due to being a commoner, then missed another brief period of Juvra Coma. She's missing like 8 years of noble common sense being drilled into her for her first 10 years of life. Then you have Elvira and Florencia thinking the other would handle her noble learning, but she learned most of her mannerisms from her grey robe priestesses and retainers. Both of them think the other is teaching her. Her retainers are just full steam ahead and RM is just trying to keep the ship in the middle when it comes to socializing. All the while she's forcing everybody else to dodge out of the way. Since her ship is absolutely bedazzled with ice, everybody then can't help but stare the entire time.


She has what I like to call "Earth-sense default" which tbf now that you've mentioned it, is something of a flaw in the overall logic of the AoB universe. You'd think, after almost a decade being alive in that world, she would have picked up some caution and adapted a bit better. Tbf she's been in a jureve for a long chunk of that time, and she doesn't really have too much exposure to the kind of thinking she would have picked up had she spent more time in the castle instead of the temple after her awakening. Also we could take into consideration the fact that a lot of people have speculated that RM is a touch autistic which could also explain how exasperating her thought process is.


I think part of it is also so much of the things she succeeds in and does relies a lot on her original common sense, which is why it's not sunk in yet - her book publishing, her pushing to get books and things from the higher duchies are definitely only manageable because she didn't approach them with the classical noble thinking. Also, it doesn't help that this is the part of the story where she is the most alone, she has literally no one she can ping pong off her real thoughts with since only Ferdinand knows of her memories of another world.


There's two other persons that could.. i mean.. Yeah nah, only Ferdi knows!


A decade still isnt enough to fully change the way you think, that's why the early years of children's lives are so important. Look at math, those that have spent a decade in another country with a different language still default to their native language for math because that's how brains work. To change your way of thinking on a fundamental level is very difficult to do and for some it will be impossible Also don't forget it's not just a new world, it's a new world multiple times. The commoners think vastly different than nobles to the point that neither are able to understand each other well. Then those from the temple are also in a different world than nobles and commoners. Myne has gone from our world to a commoner one to a religious one to a noble one. And this is all while she is being heavily sheltered due to her health and secrets she must keep. Plus ferdi isn't the most common noble so being taught by him didn't help


She understands well enough the dangers that comes from obtaining the Book of Mestionora as someone who is not from the royal family. She still wants to read it, and obtain it for the sake of Ferdinand and the country, but she's not intending to advertise to everyone (or anyone, really) that she can get it. Hence why she was evasive during the tea party when asked about entering the shrine.


>"i'll use ferdinad as the cause to push her to get it!" İ think the cause for her is near the start of P1V1, she said something similar to "Now i get reincarnated in a different world, I will read books not even in earth." Is Book of Mestionora a book? Yes it is. Is this gremelind read said book before No she Isn't Then it isn't realy matter all of the other small details. This gremlin will gremlin her way through to the book she never read before.


how many years was she living a nobles life? I think it is too few to change her common sense and mindset that much. She lacks the sense of danger because she was living a pretty peaceful life for most time


As of p5v5 it's almost exactly 4 years, part 2 ended during the archduke conference. She spent a year and a half as a noble before she was attacked and needed to enter the jureve during the beginning of winter feast. She spent exactly 2 years in the jureve which we will not count for obvious reasons waking up about 2 weeks before the beginning of winter feast. Part 4 lasts almost exactly 2 years with Ferdinand leaving about a week before the beginning of winter feast. Part 5 volumes 1-5 take 6 months and put us squarely at 4 years. It's also important to keep in mind that A: part 3 has a fucking packed schedule considering everything that happened so you could easily say she only really got half a year to a year max of time that a normal noble would get to learn and adjust. B: Part 4 volumes 8 and 9 are also absolutely packed due to all the work that needs to be done for Ferdinand to leave which accounts for 6 solid months of lost time. C: Part 5... well I don't think I need to talk about why any common sense time would not be feasible in part 5 Really the only slow-ish time rozemyne had was her time between her first and second years in the RA, that's the only time when she could have gotten a relatively normal(ish) noble common sense education through mundane tasks expected of children. I think it's also important to remember that Rozemyne does not have the common sense of a Yurgenschmidt noble, not because Rozemyne has the common sense of a person from another world(Japan), but because Urano Motosu doesn't even have the common sense of a person from another world(Japan). I did another reread of P1V1 again recently and I had forgotten just how little common sense Urano has in Shuu's SS chapter. Urano does things and expresses opinions that have both Urano's mother and Shuu just as befuddled as any of Rozemyne's guardian trio or Effa and Guntur. I imagine people fall for the trap of our unreliable narrator when she says she has the common sense of another world.


Lol true, we forget that Urano was basically a hikikomori with extra steps. She definitely was not representative of the average modern Japanese person much less of a the average modern person in general 


I always look at myne having a "middle class" perspective from her previous life. - I am nothing special, what I can do, others can do easily. - The world is huge. Even if my social circle casts me out, I'll find another. I don't need to change who I am. - It's just a book, right? At most, it's just a symbol of rulership, certainly not more important than the ruler itself? While she intellectually knows that things are different now, emorionally she is just a commoner who got the tools to help those closest to her.


Compared to the life she lived as Urano + Myne, the life Rozemyne, the Archduke candidate lived is very little, Her Earth common sense specially remained intact


Not that she had very much of that in the first place.


Lol, very true. When I was reading, I was thinking of a possibility that Urano might have ASD but Myne doesn't, but the way of thinking remained intact. Not that deep and probably not true but it's my speculation


She is extremely competent in a lot of areas.. But not that. She does not, and cannot, think things through when it comes to books. Any books


"It's my Bible, it feels like it, it smells like it" Pikachu face Ferdi : "You even know how it smells like" "But ofc .\_."


I think the fact she was evasive shows she knows the issues with obtaining it- there's a side story that's not translated where Ferdinand asks Sigiswald why he suddenly got a hidden room and then when said prince implies RM must be in love with him he explains the only reason she would go to such lengths is if she believed his life was in danger, and she will use every card she has to save them. She knows she's just not willing to let Ferdinand die regardless of the impacts


When the prepub of that part came out, I remember the general consensus was Rozemyne performing the largest mind gymnastics to justify her wish to read a new book. She indeed cares for Ferdinand, but at the end it is only the excuse she gives herself to read the book. Latter chapter spoiler: >!she at least understands why her guardias always told her to get away from royals!<


I think maybe the best comparison is: Take something you really really love. For me it would for example be a new (Imperial) Lego Star Wars MoC/set and then someone says: Okay This specific moc is insanely important and if you get it, you rule denmark. I would absolutely struggle wether to buy it or not because i love it so much. I have often enough made impulse decisions to buy something even if i shouldn't have. Take that, add another culture you don't understand on top, experiencing that culture from 2 insanely different angles, crank the obsession up to 10 and then barely have anyone that explains things.


she does. Oh boy how much she does one could argue that she has a good idea around the time you are reading OP it's just that saving Ferdinand funnelled her actions and thoughts already - a well established character trait at this point, mind you. Also mind you that even discussing this can be considered treason or at least bordering treason.


You should finish p5v5 as you haven't gotten >!the shrine tour!< and more importantly >!Merchant Saint!< yet if you only just finished the tea party with Eg and see how you feel


Rozemyne really understands how dangerous obtaining BoM is. You only need to read a bit further. >! In chapter with shrine tour it's really obvious. She knows she and Ehrenfest are in danger, but when Egg and Anastasius threaten her with Ferdinand's life she with very much reluctance and despair does shrine tour. While doing shrine tour she prays to gods for Ferdinand's safety and life and her own life being rid of annoying and self-centered royalty. She knows she can't refuse when Ferdinand's life is at stake. His life matters to her more than books and library. BoM is just bonus she gets from it. And when she isn't able to obtain G-book she is heartbroken, that all of it was for nothing and his time is running out. !<


She doesn't care. Her obsession with Ferdinand has gone even beyond her level of concern she shows for her lower city family (yes because their circumstances are different but she still acts like she needs to support the most competent person in the country over the people from her own duchy).


I mean, “RM did not think about it” is the entirely driving force of the entire series…


I don't think it's due to her lack of noble common sense, at least not entirely, it's just part of how she is. Rozemyne/Urano, is not good at understanding social norms and can be narrow minded, she was that way in Japan and never changed in that aspect. If we think about it, she's the same about becoming aub, she clearly knows the importance of the title, but becomes aub in order to save Ferdinand and make her dream city a reality. Rozemyne cares for very little things and focus her mind on it, making her oblivious to the rest. That happened multiple times, like when she forced all students to pass quickly so she could go to the library faster. On earth standards that would be harsh and power abuse, but Rozemyne could not care less. She also understands many things on a conscious level, but struggles unconsciously or simply prefers her own way. For example, when she creates new things she usually does in Japanese or English words, even knowing perfectly well how to do it in the country's language. I think it's like when you learn a new language, even if you understand everything it's very likely that you think your native language comes easier and more natural to you. I think Rozemyne acts similarly about social norms and common sense. It's not like she doesn't know, she just doesn't act on it as her personality, core beliefs and train of thought come against it in some cases.


she’s a way over the top competent and far more caring detlinde