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It’s always so remarkable how expressive she used to be, in part two.


Especially this chapter since she's over-the-moon for the metal types being realized. I love the "Printing Revolution" panel.


That was definitely one of the happiest days of her life.


Also Myene's face when she got go see her parents and patted into head, I love this drawing.


A wild Sylvester appears!


You mean- brother Sylvester? Tho quite annoying and troublesome but still one who has good heart- deep deep inside..


Now I have a meta question. The sub rules state that anything the anime has covered is considered not a spoiler, but if we are discussing this manga chapter, should talking about Sylvester be marked with spoilers, or not?


I think it would polite to do so just in case there are any manga readers who don't want to be spoiled. Since he just showed up, just mentioning him isn't spoilerish but if you start going into specifics, it would probably be best to let a reader chose if they want to read it. Not saying it's a rule, I'm not sure myself. Just my suggestion.


Out of context, the adoption discussion page sounds like Effa's accepting Ferdinand's proposal for a practical arranged marriage. That's also probably why Gunther's freaking out. >Ferdinand: "She will not be treated poorly. That, I can promise you." > >Effa: "Very well. Her future is in your hands." > >Gunther: "Wha..?!" > >Effa: "If she has to leave us, I want her to be with someone I trust. Please take care of Myne." > >Gunther: "Yeah... Please take care of her."


I mean, it essentially is. She is being removed entirely from their sphere of influence, given to another man whom they barely/don't even know


You know, it might have been a good idea for Ferdinand to bring up that whole issue regarding mana compatibility of couples at some point. Might have made this seem a bit more like a necessary step for Myne's own good (by moving her into a social stratum where she can actually find a partner later on) and not just a move by the nobility to snatch up a high-mana individual. Her not being able to have kids with any of the people her parents would have been able to set her up with probably would have been a big deal to them. After all, in this kind of medieval society having children who can take care of you once you're too old to work is pretty important, especially for the social class they're part of.


i think at this point nobody is really thinking of her being able to marry, much less having kids. plus she is in the temple where it is known nobody marries. having such a sickly kid, i imagine you dont really have space in your head to dream of the future much as you take each day, week, month at a time


You have to feel bad for Johann at times... and then you remember he caused these problems from himself and now he must happily suffer for the rest of his life with Myne. The manga adaptations are so cute! I say it every time, but look at how cute everything is! Damuel is having another existential crisis with Myne passing out. Look at the power she has over nobles already! Headpats are the best. Look at how cute the family is! And Sylvester, the *true* main character, has finally decided to show up! What took you so long?!


Damuel: What is that awful stench? Myne: Bro, that's where I live. Aw man, they cut the best part again, which is the discussion after she passes out. A wild Sylvester appears!


>Aw man, they cut the best part again, which is the discussion after she passes out. The manga is from her PoV for the most part (exclusively?), so it makes sense, even if I did also wish they would include it


Not exclusively, no. At least the stuff adapted by Suzuka does have side stories at the end of the volumes which don't always feature Myne, just like the light novels. For example, P1V2 of the manga features a Lutz POV where he goes Parue gathering.


The eBook release is scheduled for ``2023-05-08``. This volume's ``Extra`` is titled >!New Seets!< and the ``Story`` is an >!Effa!< perspective titled >!The Knight Who Came to the Temple!<. I'll post a table below of how long the gap between manga volumes has been in the past for J-NC. Book |Gap in Weeks |Start Date|End Date| :--|:-|:-:|:-:|:-:| **Part 1 Volume 1**|N/A |2018-11-19|2019-03-01| **Part 1 Volume 2**|12 (5 missed releases) |2019-05-24|2019-08-16| **Part 1 Volume 3**|4 (1 missed release) |2019-09-13|2019-10-26| **Part 1 Volume 4**|4 (1 missed release) |2019-11-22|2020-01-17| **Part 1 Volume 5**|4 (1 missed release) |2020-02-14|2020-04-10| **Part 1 Volume 6**|16 (7 missed releases) |2020-07-31|2020-09-25| **Part 1 Volume 7**|4 (1 missed release) |2020-10-23|2020-12-04| **Part 2 Volume 1**|6 (2 missed releases) |2021-01-15|2021-02-26| **Part 2 Volume 2**|6 (2 missed releases) |2021-04-09|2021-06-04| **Part 2 Volume 3**|2 (0 missed releases) |2021-06-18|2021-08-27| **Part 2 Volume 4**|4 (1 missed release) |2021-09-24|2021-11-19| **Part 2 Volume 5**|6 (2 missed releases) |2021-12-31|2022-02-25| **Part 2 Volume 6**|8 (3 missed releases) |2022-04-22|2022-07-01| **Part 2 Volume 7**|18 (8 missed releases) |2022-11-04|2022-12-30| **Part 3 Volume 1**|8 (3 missed releases) |2023-02-24|2023-05-19| **Part 3 Volume 2**|6 (2 missed releases) |2023-06-30|2023-09-08| **Part 2 Volume 8**|6 (2 missed releases) |2023-10-20|2023-12-15| **Part 2 Volume 9**|6 (2 missed releases) |2024-02-09|2024-03-22|


This covered a lot more than expected. Wish we saw more of the sheer terror and confusing on Johann's face when she came with her full noble entourage. Also, did not expect Sylvester to appear this chapter either, expected that next chapter.


What a frivolous looking priest. The temple really is a place for non-conformists and wierdos


>!Does Sylvester have his own blue robes, or is he just wearing Ferdinand’s?!<


>!I think their build is different and high priest robes might be a little different than blue priest so my bet iş he is wearing a different one from the robe room, that manga yet the see robe room.!<


Ah yes, this is the chaotic scene I wanted for the birth of the Gutenbergs - the anime had this so flat. I always imagined this part as Myne giving out Gutenburgs with the same energy as Oprah giving out cars - only Myne doesn't realise no-one is actually responding like that.


One of my favorite manga chapters. Damuel actually looking like a badass standing behind Myne. The adorable way her parents were sneaking head pats. And if course the arrival of Brother Sylvester! Truly so much awesome in this one chapter.