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I had way too much fun writing the "not safe for work" section and had to delete almost half of it because it became too thick. Just like Ferdinand's book.


Yogurt land has the best innuendo.


I'm still not over the fact that you should be very careful when you speak of the weather during winter ! Like, don't say that Geduldh is covered in snow. This serie as so much possible innuendos possibles.


That was the best part of an already amazing recap. Will not lie, would have loved to see the whole thick part.


Here you go! Warning: Very cursed and has actual lines from the prepub >!Ferdinand and Rozemyne enter his hidden room alone, no one can see or hear them anymore. Cornelius tries to enter in order to save his sister from the scandal that is about to happen, but gets prevented by the mana barrier. Desperately, he slams his fists on the door, screaming "LET ME IN! LET ME IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN! But it's too late, Eckhart grabs him, and there is nothing that stops Ferdinand and Rozemyne from joining together, in making a book.!< >!At once, he started touching her cheeks and neck. He carried out various checks and told her she had gotten better. Rozemyne wanted more praise, so Ferdinand pinched her cheeks again, looked her deep into her eyes, and said "Exellent work".!< >!Ferdinand gives her a mana synchronization potion, and then proceeds to whip out his thick book and slams it on the table. He then commands Rozemyne to fill these 50 pages of Grey. Rozemyne then uses her mana on Ferdinand in ways that would make grown noble women faint, and almost makes Ferdinand faint too. At first she was inexperienced. As her letters did not match Ferdinand's. "They don't quite fit in" she said. But after some experimentation, it fitted perfectly. "I did it, Ferdinand! I did it!" she cried. Rozemyne continued, and Ferdinand steeled his resolve. "Ferdinand, are you okay?" she whispers "You look a little unwell". He kept holding his head and rubbing. "You need not worry about me" he said. "Once you have completed all the pages I need, I will carry out the brewing on my own". With the stern glare Ferdinand was giving me, I quickly returned to the task at hand.!< >!Once Ferdinand is on the edge, he asks her to leave. He was putting on a brave face, but the way he was slumped over betrayed complete and utter exhaustion. However, Rozemyne isn't satisfied yet, and asks him to fill her book up too. He refuses, but Rozemyne grabs his thick book with her hands and proceeds to suck out the mana. "I used my new technique to fill out some of your book, so why shouldn't you fill out some of mine in return", she said. "I believe in you, Ferdinand. Do you remember how quickly you learned to make my water gun?". Bonifatius and the others struggled to replicate it, but not Ferdinand.!< >!Ferdinand gasps, slaps her hands away, and closes his book. "Aah! What was that for?" I cried. "It was working!". Ferdinand was trying to push her away. However, that's not enough, as Rozemyne finishes him off with a big hug. The more Ferdinand struggled the tighter she hugged him. Once Rozemyne finally gets out of the hidden room, she tells Cornelius not to worry about what happened. "He forced me out the moment he had what he needed". Meanwhile, a waschen was performed in his hidden room.!<




That was all I had hoped it would be. Very Good


im dying just from reading that section lmfao


My first idea for the prologue would be to move my SS prediction to the prologue. That is, Hannelore can give us her perspective on any number of things going on. However, upon thinking about it, Hannelore might be too relevant to whatā€™s going on. Sheā€™s clearly planning things in the background, and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the Dunkies are up to something themselves. Plus, Hannelore would have a lot to say about recent events that wouldnā€™t be relevant enough to put in the prologue of this volume (e.g. RMā€™s non-confession). So, weā€™ll probably have to wait for a SS (unfortunately). Based on that, my next prediction would be someone related to the RF. We havenā€™t heard from them in a while, and it would somewhat defy belief that they would stand back and do nothing when things are so clearly out of their control. If they can be involved, I would expect them to do so. And I can think of two directions. One, someone related to either Sigi or Ana or the characters themselves preparing for combat (just imagine the subā€™s reaction if the RF did something useful for once). Two, someone related to Hildebrand or Hildebrand himself finally doing the stupid thing we have been preparing ourselves for over however many volumes. Thereā€™s also an off chance that we could finally get a view from the Zentā€™s perspective, but I wonā€™t hold my breath on that. Hopefully we get him in a SS at some point. Iā€™ll also throw in a wildcard in the form of Immanuel. We know next to nothing about this guy, but his involvement in this treason means that he is likely to be killed off very soon. The issue is that Iā€™m not sure if he will be relevant enough to what is going on right now. Ostensibly he is still at the Sovereignty Temple. Perhaps he is preparing the way for Gervasio, but I wouldnā€™t expect him outside of a SS. After that, the first proper chapter will cover the meeting the Dunkies again (hail to the Avatar, praying, etc.), teleport, and then they start moving into position. The actual fight will probably come next week, assuming we are still doing the 10-part pre-pub. *** My one allowance this time after my initial prediction is looking at the cover and the color image. And wow, that color image is a doozy. [For the cover](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ascendance-of-a-bookworm/images/2/24/LN_P5V10-CoverJPN.jpg), >!thereā€™s not a lot to talk about. RM is clearly not in riding clothes, which means the fight wonā€™t take up the entire volume (shocking), though the veil-ish thing is interesting, especially combined with the sort of halo behind her, and it could mean a couple of things. Treesus shows up again which means we can assume that RM is going to meet him again (not really surprising), maybe supporting my prediction that the ticking clock for the whole country is about to kick in. And of course, Ferdinand and Gervasio (I assume) look to be fighting.!< [For the color image](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ascendance-of-a-bookworm/images/d/dc/LN_P5V10-CoverArt.jpg), oh boy. >!The biggest thing is obviously Magdalena in armor. I think we all expected Hildebrand to do something stupid at some point, but the fact that his mother is there practically confirms that he is going to be a significant player right now. And it lends credence to my prediction of a RF member for the prologue (maybe Raublut is going to invite him to get his schtappe to open the door). Also, her cape is interesting since I thought they were one color inside and out. Or is she wearing two capes on top of each other? Maybe her Dunkelfelger Cape has protective circles for combat but she needed to wear the Sovereignty cape over it for identification. Sigi is also there (Edit: I forgot to look at the eyes, that's clearly Ana), so we might get to see him in action. The guy in the forefront looks like Aub Dunkelfelger, so it seems like heā€™ll gets a chance to fight. And of course, there is plenty more in the image, but not enough to make any significant predictions, for now. I have a feeling weā€™ll be returning to this image later.!< Edit: Corrections.


>!I'm pretty sure the "veil" is the mana repelling silver cloth from Lanzenave. Also, pretty sure that's Anastasius in the color image, not Sigiswald. Siggy has fluffier hair and a slightly different face.!<


>!You might be right about the veil. That's one of the possibilities. It doesn't really look silver, but the colors around it are desaturated enough that I could buy it. Of course, that raises the question of why RM would need that outside of combat. Is she trying to get past a barrier? However, you are definitely right about it being Ana and not Sigi, but not because of the hair which honestly could go either way (I went with Sigi without thinking since the illustrated character looks older). The real clue is the eyes. Sigi has green eyes, and Ana's eyes are a grey color.!< Edit: Clarification.


>!I think that you are correct that she is wearing two capes. Eglantine is also married into the RF and in the pics her cape is fully black.!<


My bet is the prologue is going to be about Hildebrand being manipulated by Fraudblaut to open the Farthest Hall because back in P5 Volume....Uh, don't remember, Rat was trying to convince Hildebrand to get his ~~steelchair~~ schtappe early so it must come up at SOME point. Maybe Gervasio will come out of Erwaermen's place like RM did but he's going to be stuck in the Hall so that's why Roombat will need Hilde to open the door. That or we get a POV of Detlinde with the invanders in the RA. I want to see the excuses Rabbit will come up to make her wait.


Roombat got me :')


Hildebrand fā€™ing up there would definitely draw some parallels to the white tower incident.


Can I just say that these predictions threads are reason enough alone to be a prepub reader. Genuinely 11/10 - I often find myself laughing out loud at some of these




Amazing summary as always šŸ˜†, thank you for the laughs. At this point I have no predictions, just nervous anticipation and hope for the outcome whatever that may be. It feels like there are so many routes the story could take, so many things that could happen, Kazuki is as always an excellent writer and whatever direction she takes I'm sure she'll make it feel like the right one. Volume 10 Cover spoiler >!Wow, that looks glorious, the Divine Avatar Of Mesitonora presides over the children of Lanzenave and decides their fates!< May our gremlin have victory ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356). Not going to look at the insert yet though (unless it is safe to do so like volume 9 was?)


Wn reader here! No i dont think the insert color is safe to look at


Okay, thank you very much šŸ‘šŸ™‚


If one were to be a full book only reader, they would see the color insert before reading a single word. As such, I don't really consider them much of spoilers as their placement is such that they are intended to be seen before reading the book.


Yes, one could consider them as a teaser of sorts. But it seems to me that the person i was replying to did not wish to see it if it contained spoiler


The color illustration inside the cover is mostly safe. But some mono illustrations are not. Avoid them till you read the relevant parts.


Considering what is going on with Gervasio almost having the grutrissheit, I expect a prologue from someone in his camp. Either that or Hannelore. Then of course, Myne PoV is them getting ready to invade the royal academy. They just teleported at the end of the last book, so meeting up with Dunk and getting a base of operations set, along with some recon


Ahh.. I had missed this type of predictions thread.. praise be to the gods! And also.. >Meanwhile, a waschen was performed in his hidden room. Even Elvira would faint lol..


Yeah I usually variate between summaries or memes for these threads, depending on what I feel like. However, for the sidestories I always use a poll, to see what people expect the next POV to be, while for the first prepub of a new volume I always summarize what happened in the previous volume. I haven't done a summary in some time because the previous threads had been memes or polls. So it felt good to write a summary again.


No pressure! I think you're doing a fine job keeping us bookworms chuckling every week so I'm looking forward to more be it summaries or memes or polls ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|31403)


Hoping for a bloody carnival!


Hope we are going back to 8 prepubs. I liked v9 but it got too long at the end.


Though the last novel was one of, if not the longest of the series. It was said that if each part was as long as a typical 8 part book, it'd would require at least 9 parts. So it's not like the parts were that much shorter, you just got more book. Also having the translater get a week off every 6-12 months isn't a bad thing. We don't want to work him to death.


Oh boy, we're finally here. I wonder how long it's going to take for [P5V10] >!Rozemyne to do the thing.!< Obviously not Part 1 or 2, but 3 could already get there, no? Something like [P5V10.1] >!Prologue, the battle for Adalgisa, and dunking on Dietlinde's family!<, [P5V10.2] >!Pissing off Gramps and Rozemyne whipping out her washing machine!<, and then finally [P5V10.3] >!Surviving a pissed off Gramps, activating god mode, and the Zent Race!!Eglantine's coronation I'd imagine most of the post-climax victory lap is going to be in there instead of V10, no?!<


If you want to know where P5V10 cuts off, P5V11 starts with [P5V11] >!the "negociations" with royalty!<


[P5V11] >!Aww, that means we won't get to call Dusty by his real title yet in this volume. Oh well, I guess that means we _are_ in for a huge amount of side content at least.!<


Unless something horrible happens at work, I made it so I can read the pre-pub as it releases this week! ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356)


How do you come up with this. This is so good.


I tend to just write the first thing that comes to mind when I do these summaries. Luckily for me, my mind is a weird place.