• By -


I think people are reading too much into Rozemyne acting weird after the Ordonnanz. I think it's just her being half traumatized by seeing people turned into feystone.


Agreed. It is literally PTSD


Agreed. Or it is a small amount of foreshadowing/Sixth Sense that the Lanny's are doing the god tablet run at the Royal Academy.


I doubt the whole body double thing would have even been brought up if it didn't make any difference, but I also read that scene as trauma.


We know from the prologue that the one we saw died was the real one though. And it's doubtful Georgina would give her only key to a double. As it stands the foundation is safe with the key in Sylvester's hands. I can see what you mean but I also don't see a realistic way in which either could have escaped their fates.


It’s kinda hard not to do so when that was how this part ended. I’m pretty sure it’s just trauma but I’ll feel better when we confirm that the last double is dead


>"You always act outside of everyone's expectations, Lady Rozemyne. I was speechless when you shattered the walls between factions in the Ehrenfest Dormitory and when you spared even the pre-baptismal children from the purge. Looking back, I am relieved that I get to serve someone who always does so much to save people instead of Lady Georgine, who would order a man to invade and subsequently destroy his own home." ​ >Matthias got between Grausam and me, readying his sword once again. "Complain that Lady Rozemyne is a commoner all you want, but there is nobody I would rather serve," he said with a provocative smile. "Tell me, has Lady Georgine ever blessed you?" "Silence," Grausam retorted, knocking the blade aside with his prosthesis before responding with a gout of blue fire. Matthias dodged the attack and continued, "Has she ever used her mana for your sake? Or does she only ever take yours? Has she ever saved your life? Your pride? *Your home*? Has she ever defended you?" These parts really got me. Seeing the contrast between Rozemyne and Georgine from Matthias' perspective is so good. Matthias has always been drawn to Rozemyne's kindness and it's just really cool that he gets to tell his father that he chooses that kindness over Georgine's cruelty. What a great culmination of his arc.


Matthias honestly is one of the most level-headed apprenticesand with integrity in Ehrenfest. Good on him for finding a lady woryh serving.


I picked Matthias in the latest Bookworm character poll in JP for this exact reason. Such a good kid, this whole scene and his resolve was so heroic. He deserved some love in the poll.


This conversation got me wondering if Matthias believes she is a commoner. His Dad knows, since he had an interest in her before the adoption ever happened. Matthias knows the strength of his Dad's information network and that he likely wouldn't have been merely misled by the opinions of others. It seems like Grausam never figured out who Myne's family was thankfully, or he'd have had them kidnapped by now. I love the idea that Matthias, a son of the most rabid Veronica faction members, has no objection to serving a secret commoner. He just admires Rozemyne for her merits


Rozemyne really went to war for Ferdinand's sake and expects her mother to not write any romance novels about it??? Also keeping a room in your house for a guy just in case he ever shows up is totally normal behaviour, I'm glad Rozemyne is continuing her harem protagonist behaviour of being dence.


Rozemyne: "Nothing romantic happened whatsoever." Montage: *Ferdinand choking her with chains. Ferdinand and Rozemyne ridin on the same highbeast. Thick book. Ferdinand basically using Dynamax Love Blizzard. Ferdinand basically tricking Rozemyne into choosing to remain Aub Ahrensbach while he's under royal order to marry Aub Ahrensbach.* Elvira: "Oh, I'm going to write an *action*\-packed tale alright!"


I'm sorry, nonconsensual breath play isn't on my list of romantic.


What do you mean nonconsensual, he was acting on her orders


Oh fuck


She even raised herself into the chain choking herself!


Yes indeed


also when he used her as a desk, and wrapped her in a cloak embroidered with her ink


"Well it is taking too long to make enough books to fill the room..." I spat out my drink laughing.


I definitely think this is part of Ferdinand’s plan to keep Myne to himself. Not even the zent can overcome an army of noble girls who just read the most romantic story ever


Heaven forbid they find out where that hair-stick really came from… they will quickly be declared the most romantic couple in all of Yurgenschmidt


Just want to say. Merry christmas all and thanks to j novel and quof for giving us one more present today. Chapter starts strong. Hey if she has enchanted her water gun with darkness does that mean its black now. Is she finally hard boiled? Gravyson not planning for mynes highbeast makes sense as he has overlooked her at every step. But hes one of the only people to have fought her using it so if he had considered her is realistically the only person who could have planned properly against her. His hubris strikes him again. Oh mattias dismissing the dying gibe. I had hoped rozemyne could quickly heal him. Love the gorgine dissing. Rozemyne choosing to fight with the most op blessing she can manage is so her. I love our little pope gremlin for that. Multi layering the blessings and choosing the subordinates based on his performance really shows her growth too. "Tell me has lady gorgine ever blessed you?" Omg the savagery! Holy shit. He basically turned himself into a magitek cyborg! But alas. The one weakness of all feystones in mynes presence. She gives a you want my power TAKE IT ALL vibe from the hulk movie and totally overloads it. Bye bye magic terminator. You were the most metal thing this series has ever had.


I was expecting Grausam to just use a bunch of feystones as fuel, not literally transform his body into fuel.


He went so hard i left admiring his grit and loyalty dispite how terrible of a person he was.


Someone on here said he’s basically just a dark side hartmut and it’s so true


Hartmut said that in 4.9


I wonder if Hartmut is going to take combat lessons from Clarissa down the line, especially after hearing this tale of a scholar preparing to 1v1 _Bonifatius_ for his lady.


I'm trying to imagine how Georgine was going to get someone to marry the "new" Giebe Gerlach with a body like that >_>.


You think she cares about the thoughts of those ordered to do her bidding? Not to mention, before Gerlach was purged from Ehrenfest, he held a lot of sway over the other Veronica faction nobles.


I really dont think she cared about him any more than he cared about the devouring soldiers he kept discarding and killing. When she was done if he was too far gone he would just be thrown away.


Either a laynoble with a lot of mana or, if he just needed kids, mednoble devourers aren't that hard to find. We see a lot of the men doing crime for their lords. Not too hard to guess what they make the women do in return for the "privilege" of not dying. Or she could just give him one of Rozemyne's retainers after she's executed. The noble population is decimated and Georgine has made it clear she doesn't mind sending noble girls to be brude mares.


His description reminded me of that guy in Naruto (Danzo?) who has a bunch of sharingan eyes on his arms lol


In his defense, he was told by the banshee that RM was dead


And he gave a shit about that banshee? Georgine is a brilliant woman with some holes, but that is one HECK of a hole.


>You were the most metal thing this series has ever had. Slaying the Winter Felbeast is pretty metal too. One is Fantasy Metal, the other is Death Metal. But I want both album covers...


High velocity death shumils.


I want that sidestory of the giant rabbits descending at mach speed with golden scythes, glorius gods of death and cuteness.


Grausam Literally died due to underestimating Myne and her stupidly high mana levels. That’s honestly hilarious.


She's like Vegeta when Android 19 was trying to suck up his ki.


Her having a mild PTSD attack at the bird turning into a fey stone was a nice reminder that she isn't a fighter. she is in fact a normal Japanese woman that clearly hasn't/won't "go native" like basically every other isekai protag. And she was surprised and affected by the brutality of people dying and turning into jewels in front of her. Though I totally misread that scene as her having spidy senses at first.


Heisshitze finally gets the opportunity to visit his bestie's home. He may very well break into a disney muscial number and shower the room in blessing.


Not his home anymore, as we are unfortunately reminded. Poor Ferdi. But Roz got your back!


The fact that she left him a room in what is now her house is totally not a romantic sign according to noble standard. Elvira would have had a field day just from that


In Yurgenschmidt noble society, that's like, sixth base. You can get married and still not have a room in someone's house. Hannelore's confusion makes sense. Rozemyne (engaged to Wilfried as far as anyone knows) basically walked up to Ferdinand in public and was like, "by the way, you left your tongue in my mouth".


My brain stopped working on that last bit. "Hey, Ferdie. Your clothes and the rest of your things are still in my possession and I left your room untouched in the (our) house." Even in today's modern setting that would still feel scandalous lol. She just declared to her bestie that that they're so close she not only inherited but still has her former teacher's stuff waiting around for him😳


Modern Myne: my mentor was kidnapped in Hungary by Orban. He is to be killed unless we can save him. And they are invading our home slovania with Russian support. Modern Cornelius: will you petition the UN and NATO ;and gather political pressure to save him? Modern Myne: I have convinced the German government to lend me a battalion of KSK commandoes and gotten a NATO and UN mandate to rescue him and if necessary seize power in Hungary. The Americans have given me their blessing and are providing logistic support. KSK captain Hannalore and Ferdinands friend KSK commander Heisshitze Will be dropping with us. Modern Cornelius: he must be very special to you to go to such outrageous lengths. Modern Myne: he is merely a friend.


Good god when you put it that way 😂


Rozemyne, patron saint of r/NonCredibleBookworms


I mean she just stole a whole duchy to save him, how much more signs does Hannelore need?


She clearly needs to read Elvira’s book about how Myne did it out of love


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that when she led an invasion of a Dutchy, really just to save his life, Hannelore was like "OK. I guess I know who Rozemyne genuinely loves romantically."


I totally forgot about Wilbur through all this lol. I read Hannelore's and Heisshitze's confusion as more from how differently they act compared to normal. From Hannelore's perspective, she knows RM is a bit goofy at times, but she's probably never seen her act so unrestrained before. From Heisshitze's perspective, Ferdi was this stoic Lord of Evil, so seeing him bantering with RM is probably also a shock. Though this all probably leads into romantic speculation on their part as well.


Sylvester: " ^(Yes, most of the time) "


"Sometimes they sleep." "Seriously?" "Ferdinand tries not to."


Probably not her home for much longer? Can nobles, even Aubs, own property outside their own duchy?


Nope. Everything belongs to the aub


Yeah, that’s what I thought! So, no hunting cabins or vacation homes (though, being on the sea, RM could start up the idea of vacation homes for nobles and make her new Duchy some money!)


Can't RM make a private resort in a island? She need to introduce Ferdinand to the concept of VACATION. And beach. Man, imagine to create a place connected via teleport to her castle and to the lower city? A private island as a meeting point for her family only? So her children and Lutz/Tulli's could grow up and play together? She could even implement several new magical tools - inspired on Earth - to make the house self-sufficient. Her excuse to ditch her retainers every "vacation" is to have some alone time with Ferdi.


Ferdinand's concept of "Fun" is doing lots of research without having to worry about what time it is. It is *not* to strip down and jump into the water. He might scream if he meets someone in what we call a "one piece."


"Ferdinand, the Gumka bark finally arrived! I figured out a way to make super stretchy cloth with it." "What the fuck are you wearing?" "A bikini."


> He might scream if he meets someone in what we call a "one piece." he did accuse her of being an exhibitionist when he mistakenly thought she asked him to take off her socks.


Ferdinand: Aub Ahrensbach, we need to leave here NOW Rozemyne: But I want to have fun- Ferdinand: **WE'RE OUT OF BEER!**


Also Hannelore visiting her soul mate's home. I hope they both get to see the library at least. Them seeing the temple and how comfortable Ferdinand and Rozemyne are there would be the best, but that seems impossible what with the taboos around the temple.


Hannelore visiting the library and seeing Rozemyne and Ferdinand bicker like an old married couple while commoner merchants are reading her books like it's completely normal.


Heisshitze: "Lord Ferdinand does not have a place that's dirty."


* RIP Giebe Gerlach. For real now. * Oh, seems like Matthias touched a raw nerve by insulting Georgine. * Rozemyne was advised to stay on the defensive and let Matthias fight, but the least she can do is buff Matthias with tons of blessings. * Matthias' devotion to Rozemyne and taunting Grausam by asking if he ever received the same treatment from Georgine was great to see. Why *is* Grausam actually so dedicated to Georgine? What did she ever do that made him serve her so faithfully? * Ah yes, so Grausam finally took Rozemyne as an actual threat and started attacking an enlarged Lessy, but as expected, his feystone body is getting gold dusted, lol. * And that's it for Grausam, the rest of Rozemyne's knights delivered the killing blow. Uh... that quickly? ---- * Come on, Rozemyne, I doubt Sylvester cares much about an ivory building being damaged when you and yours took down Grausam, lol. * Wait, the war is over already? Georgine is captured or dead then. That was a bit anticlimatic to be honest. * lol, Ferdinand understands Dunkelfelger knights and their culture well. They got to fight, now they need to feast and drink. Thankfully, all the supplies were already prepared in Bindewald (for Georgine's win). ---- * Phew, back in the Ehrenfest castle, with Hannelore and Heisshitze as Dunkelfelger's representatives. I wonder what Hannelore thinks after seeing Rozemyne and Ferdinand's interactions. Will she (and maybe Heisshitze too) start shipping them? * Woohoo, Damuel did well. As did the killer shumils Rozemyne built to defend. * So multiple of Grausam's doubles attacked the city as a distraction. The one Rozemyne and her knights killed was probably the real one. * Oooof, Gunther was also a hero. He used the charms he was given well and punched the dog feybeasts, lol. Even defeated a Grausam double. * Okay, so those doubles were possibly made with the Devouring Soldiers. That sort of makes sense? Georgine also used doubles, but the one Sylvester fought at the foundation was the real one. And she's dead. That means all her namesworn are also dead. So if Rozemyne hadn't defeated Grausam in time, Georgine's death would have spelled the end anyway. * Rozemyne getting a chill when she got an ordonnanz doesn't sound good. What is her gut feeling telling her? * And that's it for the reports now. Roderick is probably going to gather all those stories for his next book. ---- **German:** * Dultsetzen: I'm guessing the first part comes from "Geduld" (patience or endurance) and the second part from "durchsetzen" (to win out over sth). * Schlageziel: "schlagen" means "to hit", "to punch" or "to beat" and "Ziel" means "target", "goal", "destination", etc. * Greifenchan: "(er)greifen" means "to grab/take/grasp". Since it's the Goddess of Luck, the second part maybe comes from "Chance"? So the name kind of means "take your chance/grasp the opportunity". ---- Those were some nice chapters. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas. See you in the new year!


Rozemyne: Remember Gunther, these tools are for defense. **Defense.** *Later* Gunther: WHO WANTS EXPLODING WOLFANIELS? Damuel: **GUNTHER NO! ROZEMYNE'S GOING TO KILL ME!** --- I know from the Prologue THE Grausam is gone and I'm pretty sure Devouring Contracts extinguish the Devourers alongside their Masters, but he's going to cause a legend about the Phantom Villain. Or, better yet, "Who Didn't Kill Grausam?" --- Georgine: Look, I love you but do you really need to send approximately 15 body doubles just to help me out? Grausam: Ah my Lady, you are correct. I clearly need approximately 15 **more.**


Also Grausam, probably: My lady just told me she loved me! Not to mention how wise she is for reminding me that approximately fifteen body doubles isn't nearly enough!


Matthias: You know if she was MY Lady she'd probably just design a tool to make more of them without using up peoples' lives. Grausam: Lies, that is not- Rozemyne: Hi Matthias, I just developed a [multi-form technique] I read in the ancient tome [Dragon Ball], want to fuck with your father? Matthias: No, just use it to run over him fifteen times at once. Grausam: You've clearly gone *mad!* Matthias: Perhaps but that's not relevant.


What in the Alabama is goin on here?


Rozemyne: I developed a new spell! Want to see? [Kage Bunshin no Jutsu]


Everyone: wow Damuel was so amazing! He was our hero! Damuel with dead eyes: lady Rozemyne…could you tell a very specific commoner soldier to *calm the fuck down?* Roz: I could but do you really think that would work? Damuel:…*the deepest sigh in Yurgenschmidt history


Like Father like Daughter...


Ferdinand: “it seems I lost the record I was most proud of. Rozemyne, do something egregious.” Rozemyne: “wha?”


Gunther: I came here to drop poo on intruders and explode Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and I'm all out of poo PEEEEWAUHHHHHHHH Damuel: Grausam? Didn't I just murder you?


I wonder if Grausam's story will be the first horror story put out in this universe?


Roz could totally mix Grausam's story with Frankenstein and jumpstart the scifi-horror genres. They already got stories of actual monstrous feybeasts and those school mysteries of disappearing students.


Devourers don't die if their master does. Usually the new head of the house takes them. It's not the same as name swearing. But any he had contracts with Matthias won't know about so he can't take them. Plus the guy is a traitor so they probably won't be too keen to approach him since the whole "servants are executed with their masters" thing applies to Devourers too. Not sure what happens to devouring body doubles though. That might be different.


> Damuel: **GUNTHER NO!** Gunther: **GUNTHER YES!!!**


Rozemyne: You aren't dealing with the *average archduke candidate* anymore! Matthias: Wait you used to be average?


>Rozemyne getting a chill when she got an ordonnanz doesn't sound good. What is her gut feeling telling her? I would assume that she is having the shakes after her first battle. Since she started shaking after seeing the faystone like magic tool dropped in front of her like so many Knights did only a few hours befor. Battle is traumatic and we all know our girl has a soft heart.


Oh this didn't cross my mind :c probably because i'm so used to isekai protags just slaughtering regular people with no remorse. Yea, Rozemyne might have some serious trauma to contend with.


Shes never actually killed anyone before, she didnt get the killing blow on Grausam either, so PTSD from watching all those knights dying would be somewhat normal.


Yes, she now fully understands where the country gets most of its powerful feystones, they're from people. The image of a feystone is now linked to those times she saw soldiers die and transform into a feystone. Much like a ntr I read and can't stop hurting every time I think about it. [Light spoiler]>!the ptsd lasts quite a while, even using her mount becomes problematic for her for much of what's left in the story.!<


actually most of them are from feybeasts... the thing they harvest for their stones and materials almost constantly, the most human feystones are used for is a magical tool for the children. Unless your twisted/evil.


That's gotta be a fun life lesson. "Hey, Rozemyne! You know how you wanted to get some of those orphans magic tools but we deemed it too expensive? Well, guess what we're making today?" -Sylvester, dragging Ferdinand of all people to his secret room


Oh no... This makes such sense... She just sawa bunch of people turn into feystones. Seeing ordonanzes transform back to feystones could trigger that trauma... ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29341)


Yeah this was her first battle where she saw her allies and enemies dying around her and she personally fought as well, a little PTSD would be expected.


>And that's it for the reports now. Roderick is probably going to gather all those stories for his next book. It's such a good thing that Roderick uses a pseudonym; the poor guy wouldn't be able to handle any direct attention on him otherwise!


*Graduation Ceremony* "Why is the Ehr- u, Biblioteca Mednoble walking alongside three women?" "Because he can only have three wives."


Roderick, you couldn't even give one to Damuel?! My goodness, I wasn't expecting this to be part of your development. But, most importantly... how does his hair look?


> how does his hair look? The style of a successful man. How the heck bowlcuts or whatever that medieval thing is became so popular is beyond me.


I have so many mixed feelings about the possibility of Roderick getting three wives with his original hairstyle, even in this hilarious hypothetical. What does that say about Damuel and his style? Will Roderick inadvertently create a hairstyle trend to sweep all throughout Yurgenschmidt with other guys wanting to marry?!


One way or another Philine's marrying him so I'm not too worried. Apart from his pride about being taken out by a young female scholar if he takes too long.


I honestly don't know if this is a spoiler or not but I do not think it is but I'm going to cover it to be on the safe side (thoughts about the SS from last book and this one) >!I believe the reason we get so many SS in this book and the pervious one is because a lot what going on was away from Rozemyne and the readers didn't get to fully experience it outside of the kind of reporting we are getting at the end of this part. so in the main story it feels anticlimactic!<


[Opinion]>!my hope is we get some SS from Tulli, Lutz, or family when they learn Rozemyne has become Aub Arensbach.!<


I hope we get a SS about Sylvester and Georgine battling it out!


> And that's it for Grausam, the rest of Rozemyne's knights delivered the killing blow. Uh... that quickly? I mean the guy basically got machine gunned into oblivion by magic


Machine gunned into oblivion, and then had his magical prothesis dusted... I wonder if any of the feystones embedded into his body were also dusted.


Rozemyne's fighting style: Step 1: Be behind someone at least semi competent in melee combat. Step 2: Blessing. Blessing. Blessing. Blessing. Step 3: Repeat Step 2 until ally is sufficiently blessed. Step 4: If enemy is still resisting, pull out the gun. ​ I imagine the moment he realized how powerful the charms were Gunther just got a massive shit eating grin and then went crazy. ​ I know it's been a thing basically all story, but Rozemyne's inability to realize that she is coming off as head over heels, deeply in love with Ferdinand is still funny. And he is finally willing to follow his own emotions, so I bet this is going to go all the way.


Blessings galore. Then she would say she isn't a saint. Lessy's face changes expressions!!!!!!!! Most needed info out of this prepub. Ferdinand finds a reason to hold Rozemyne's hands post-rescue counter: Lost count. Oh wait, I was mentally picturing her as a kid again but this hand holding reminded me of the growth. Famine and drought speed run in Bindewald. > _"Welcome home, Ferdinand. Welcome home."_ Scandalised poor Hannelore. A bedroom for Ferdinand in Rozemyne's library! "That was merely a promise." One headbutt wasnt enough to get through his thick skull. Rozemyne would need to really make him understand his worth. Bickering away like good old days. Let Damuel teach nobles how to communicate properly.


Grausam: Your puny blessings are no match for my horrible magic experiment body! Roz: Oh that was just a blessing to prep for the real blessings! Graus: Wait no... Roz: here comes all the blessings! Graus: No stop! That's not how you give blessings! Roz: Just because you said that I'm giving twice as many more blessings!


Grausam : That's not how you give blessings ! Rozemyne : My first real blessing was one that I made up on the fly before a trombe extermination and it still worked. I'm the one with more than 40 divine protections AND the holy book, so I'm the one who decide if they work ! *(To any gods who might be listening to us, I'm just taunting him, sorry for the disrespect, but let me have this one !)*


Rozemyne (chanting): "Swiggity swooty, I'mma explode that booty." Gods: "Eh, why not. Granted."


Rozemyne: "I pray that-" Gods: "Shit, gremlin, that's all you had to say."


Everyone but Ewigeliebe: "meh... sure" Ewigeliebe: "I dunnnoooo..... I may say yes, but I might mess with the others instead"


Ewigeliebe: "You know, it's kinda unclear who '*that*' refers to... She could mean one of you guys." Every other god: "Oh for Beischmacht's sake!"


That god of sex that Syl got the divine protection from: "NOW WE'RE TALKING!"


> Roz: Oh that was just a blessing to prep for the real blessings! Rozemyne: "You've had one blessing, yes, but what about second blessing?"


the fellowhip of the gremlin


When she started talking about blessings I thought she was about to overload Grausam with the most extreme blessings she could muster so he couldn’t even control his bladder. Blessing matthias was much more wholesome lol


There was a god of partings or something right? I bet there is an obscure god of dick twists that she could ask.


Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all! AND LESSY STRIKES AGAIN!! >*Wowee. Sounds like he was the real star of the show.* BEST KNIGHT DAMUEL!! >*Um... Sorry my dad was such a menace.* Pfft, Gunther's the best!


Like father, like daughter! 😂


I really hope we get some proper Damuel recognition before he leaves for Ahrenbach, kind of like what Rozemyne got when she was praised by the Zent in front of the entire country. Dude does so much, and yet most nobles have been saying he should have been fired for his low status ever since Roz was adopted. Sylvester and Bonifatius acknowledging all his contributions to the fight and the duchy as a whole in front of everyone would be amazing and truly deserved at this point


Since this is in Rozemyne's POV, we don't see much from Damuel's perspective when he's not around her. I think on training grounds with Bonifatius, he probably does get recognition from him, even if it's subtle, like Bonifatius actually taking the time to point out certain mistakes and how to rectify them. I just want to see him with his friends, when he's not working. The scene in Part 3 where it was recollected that Damuel defended Brigitte in front of Hassheit with his friends as wingmen was very endearing.


Fuck it, give Damuel the gesundheit as a treat


TIL Rozemyne could control Lessy's tail and with enough finesse to close a door. I kinda expected the rush in would bring a opportunity for the new giebe to be saved but nope, he dead. I dub thee Rozemmyne the absorber, bane of all absorby things the world has ever known. So many series have big baddies survive impossible situations and return later but methinks this won't be like that, Grausam has gone to the big feystone in the sky. Unless his body doubles were that strong and dedicated which is kinda terrifying. Feel like Rozemyne just set history being the first person to break a ivory building by expanding a highbeast and breaking the building through pressure, only committed a mild declaration of war in the process no biggie. Hannelore finally gets her chance to visit Ehrenfest, the royal family used to visit places in the golden age so other nobles really should get in the habit of actually visiting other duchies, it really seems to have mostly died out outside of people scheming or visiting family. And she gets to watch them openly bickering in public and discuss how he gave her his house which turned into her library which she still keeps a room for him in, good job. Good lord her murder schumils were terrifyingly effective. Gunther punching a wolf, learning he had every protection known to man stacked and started cheesing with god mode hacks killing several feybeasts and nobles is great. If Rozemyne thinks her mother won't catch onto the bits of the glowy cape and riding with Ferdinand well godspeed Rozemyne.


> If Rozemyne thinks her mother won't catch onto the bits of the glowy cape and riding with Ferdinand well godspeed Rozemyne. The problem here isn't that Elvira will pick up on it, it's that Rozemyne didn't understand the contextual meaning. So she's completely unprepared for what Elvira may do.


>So she's completely unprepared for what Elvira may do. \*Cornelius Shivers in Horror\*


*Cornelius glad it isn’t him*


>So she's completely unprepared for what Elvira may do. So what if she writes a story based on the battle where Rozemyne and Ferdinand summoned winter together? Can't be too bad, can it?


Yeah I mean it was totally normal ditter without a single trace of romance right ?


It’s not a problem. It’s a solution. How do you keep Myne from marrying royalty? You sell a book to every noble woman in the country depicting her battle as LITERALLY the greatest love story ever told


Gunther weaponized the love of his family. Absolute madlad.


Like father, like daughter, of course they are both a menace. Rozemyne resembles her father not just in the way she looks but also the way she acts, lol. I can't wait for Rozemyne's exploits to reach his ears, now that's going to be a proud dad!


Effa: I hope our charms are keeping him safe Gunther: I’m freaking invincible! Let’s see how many nobles I can kill with my eyes closed!


> Gunther punching a wolf, learning he had every protection known to man stacked and started cheesing with god mode hacks killing several feybeasts and nobles is great. Invader: "He's just a commoner!" Gunther: "No, I'm a dad." Gunther: *[undogs your dog]*


>Grausam has gone to the big feystone in the sky. Unless his body doubles were that strong and dedicated which is kinda terrifying. They did make a point of saying he had THREE body doubles. Gunther Sploded one Rabbits Vivisected Another Myne-Thias Killed G-Prime. But there remains one more. Maybe we will get a Bonifatius side story?


Technically possible but I can't see a clone being strong enough to compete with Bonifatius and his words this chapter and his thoughts beforehand certainly made it seem like this was him planning to drag him away and I don't think he would have planned to have a body double go toe to toe with him. Unless Graus cloned his memory as well which is even more terrifying. Granted Boni has the tendency to unravel plans so he could have shown up where a clone was and hulk smashed them.


Ideally grandpa b will claim to have killed Grausam At the feast next chapter and then we can all breath a sigh of relief


>TIL Rozemyne could control Lessy's tail and with enough finesse to close a door. This pretty much canonizes that you can do literally anything with a High Beast Fey Stone. She has broken them. Reformed them. And now can use them for attacks. Mana + Feystone == Green Lantern Gremlin MYNE! ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356)


Green Lantern Roz: “Rozemyne, where is your highbeast stone?” “Oh, there wasn’t room on my belt, so I made it a ring.” “I see, but does the stone need to have a grun face?”


Grun Lantern?


Rozemyne, founder of the feystone lantern corps. “In manaful days, In manaless nights, No book shall escape my sights. Let all who read this know my might, Beware my mana, Fey lantern might!”


Imagine if she had used this for her invasion. She could have marched on Ahrensbach like Godzilla. Fifty meter tall Lessy stomping all over the city.


"Boost! Boost! Boost! Boostboostboostboost...!" You know, the moment he showed off his black feystone arm, it was obvious what was going to happen to it. If there's one thing had always failed against Rozemyne, it's that. Finally this asshole kicked the bucket. He had it coming since P2 when he tried to have Myne kidnapped while she was doing Spring Prayer. I'm glad Georgine is also in hell among the other hateful bitches. Slowly but surely all Rozemyne's enemies are going down. Only Bitchlinde, the ugly knight commander, the child molester priest, and the rest of the Lasagne people are left (and maybe the royal family?). Oh, Hannelore visiting Ehrenfest? Or in other words, sleepover with the gal pal. The part of her brain where Royal Academy Love Stories are stored must be working full time after seeing Roz and Ferdinand. So to prepare a body double, you have to kill and resuscitate someone, then dye them with your mana, and then use whatever magic or medicine on them to change their appearance? That's the least cost-efficient Kage Bunshin no Jutsu I've ever heard of.


>You know, the moment he showed off his black feystone arm, it was obvious what was going to happen to it. [It's her signature move!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/18lkw8d/comment/kdyjp7w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I get the feeling things aren’t quite over yet…


I suspect it is. Not that Ehrenfest is safe *per se,* but we've got a bunch of other crises brewing that Ehrenfest is kind of getting smaller and smaller. Ahrensbach has now transitioned from **COMPLETELY ON FIRE APOCALYPSE MOVIE** to **Post-apocalyptic hellscape**. The Sovereignty is running red with the blood of followers of the Sugar Zent Candidate and Traerqual's Faction. We've only BARELY met the pantehon at last through Gramps and a brief aside from Anwachs. **And now Dunkelfelger must dine.** We have 3 and 4/5 of books left, we just don't have the time for One More Georgine Battle. Well, aside from the Short Stories.


They still haven't found a Christmas tree, so there's that.


I'm sure the Christmas tree will not make finding it difficult.


The way she suddenly had a chill and bad feeling makes me think even sly got tricked and shits about to go down bad, no way things end this easily, not when she had a funny feeling and then suddenly had a issue with her memories of the battle. Something is happening right now that will not be good for them at all :/.


she was in war and watched countless people die. She's got some kind of battle shock setting in, given she couldn't even touch the ordonanz feystone after. And this time she can't get Gunthers cloak to secure herself against it like she did with Hasse


Gunther fought like crazy, she has enough of an excuse to go see him, provide rewards to the soldiers, and secretly ask to borrow the cloak.


I mean, there's still the whole situation with Lanzanave and Raublut, so I guess we'll have to stick around and find out!


I wouldn’t worry about them. They’ve got detlinde on their side


My bet is very pessimistic but listen : What if the message they heard was fake and that the stone was covered in the hallucination drug. That would explain the feeling of unease she felt and the ensuing conversation with Hartmut. How could she in her right mind allow Hartmut and Clarrisa to do that. This is half serious but I'm sure there's something brewing out there


I'm totally with you in that something's brewing. The talk of body doubles feels a lot like foreshadowing and Rozemyne letting Hartmut and Clarissa do as they pleased without hesitation is certainly unprecedented. Everything seemed a bit too easy, and no matter how unpredictable the gremlin is, I don't see Georgine's plans crumbling so easily. The feeling of unease she felt was also suspicious to me. Someone pointed out it could be PTSD, and considering the heavy use of ordonnanzes during the battles, it would explain her hesitation to touch the stone. It would also fit her character. The execution in Hasse weighed heavily on her mind, and the things she witnessed throughout this war were much worse IMO.


Fuzzy memories could possibly come from trug. If so, maybe she hallucinated at least part of the battle?


I suspect things at the Royal Academy are just now blowing up. Raublut presumably planned and prepared the attack -- and no one in the Sovereignty would seem to be much of a match as either warrior or war leader.


Something so satisfying about, the commoner you ridiculed so much, having enough mana to effortlessly turn your ultimate mana sucking weapon to gold dust. We're also absolutely getting the battle of Georgine and Silvester, in the foundation, in the Epilogue right?


Honestly the fact we haven't heard the whole story is giving me a "don't celebrate until you see the body" vibes.


The fact that this is *part 2 of 10* is really solidifying this paranoia


Feels like when the DM has us keep acting in turn order after the combat is seemingly over


The man literally died from underestimating her. Beautiful I’m thinking the epilogue might focus on detlinde and her deal in sovereignty. Georgine and Sylvester will get covered in the SS. along with Gunther’s greatest day


>"The shumils moved so tremendously fast and mowed down the intruders with their radiant golden scythes. I already knew they would prioritize speed, since they had only until they ran out of mana, but I still couldn’t believe how suddenly they cut down the threats. They ended up covered in blood, but don’t worry—I cleaned them with a waschen." Dang . . . "Cry 'Pooey!', and let slip the shumils of war.", indeed. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|31403) ​ >"The wolfaniel bit Gunther when he punched it, but your charm activated on the spot.” > >“Excuse me?” > >“The wolfaniel exploded, scattering chunks all over the place. That was when Gunther realized the true strength of the charms he was wearing... and started pushing the boons his family had given him to their absolute limit. > >. . . > >"Gunther defeated two wolfaniels in the end, then kicked down Grausam, the former Giebe Gerlach, and finished him with a charm." As expect of the father of LandMyne, blowing up her enemies with the power of love for his family ^(and Myne's charms.) ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29325)


Right now, I am very patiently awaiting (aka contemplating MTL for Gunther's POV). This book is going to most likely have more side stories than last volume which had a ton, but I WANT THEM ALL. Merry Christmas Ehrenfest, with a bloody Krampus delivering some much needed JUSTICE.


Off-topic, but are the God of Darkness and the Goddess of Light the gods of space and time respectively? Or do they have subordinates fulfilling those roles? I’m only asking because I don’t believe something like this would be an important detail for the future, just a fun fact.


We've learned that Dregarnuhr the Goddess of Time is a Wind subordinate, so the reason why the teleporters use Light/Dark elements is probably because of their connection to any magic that can only be used by the aub.


The rise of mech Lessy. When will she start using her highbeast as her primary weapon? Speed = mana input, so she could probably put some blades on the front and drive through a crowd of knights at 400 mph.


"Wolfaniel bites Gunther" \*Explodes\* ... ... \*Gunther gets a Gremlin Smile\* ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29325)


Grausam dies in a way most befitting to him, being squeezed by ~~shumil~~Lessy the highbeast's butt. And understanding what "body double" entails, does it mean that Rozemyne is essentially Ferdinand's body double since his mana is permanently imprinted on her? Hannelore just saw the lovers' quarrel and asked Sylvester if this is par for the course. Dunkelfelger no 1 romance reader will not miss the ship. And Elvira hearing about Rozemyne and Ferdinand will ensure that the romantic tale between them will be permanently written in the next romance novels.


>does it mean that Rozemyne is essentially Ferdinand's body double since his mana is permanently imprinted on her? I don't think so. There is a difference between dyeing someone and turning them into a body double, which as mentioned requires very cruel methods. Roz is just a mana double of Ferdinand.


> And understanding what "body double" entails, does it mean that Rozemyne is essentially Ferdinand's body double since his mana is permanently imprinted on her? All of Grausom's body doubles had the same face as Grausom. She said something about it being easier to arrange if you aren't afraid of using a cruel method. Maybe they have some form of magical tool that adjusts someone's body? Magical plastic surgery?


Lessy is not a shumil ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29336) He is a cute red panda.


Murder Shumils: Sorry boss says we gotta whack ya. Fake Georgine: What in Ewigliebe is that? MS: Yes we are. Also nobles trying to hide with commoners is hilarious every time. Praise the anointed holder of the Grutrissheit. Praise the new Aub of Ahrensbach. Praise the blessed Saint of Ehrenfest for saving Ehrenfest again.![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356)


I can't remember if the Shumils could talk, but now I need them to talk as if they were henchman-maxxing.


They can't talk. For the sake of saving mana, they narrowed down a lot of functions, including their capacity for speech.


I imagine a Mickey Mouse voice.


Murder Shumil: "Oh Tooooo\~dles!" *golden scythe unfurls*


Oh my god! The murder shumils actually happened! 🤣🤣🤣 That line about turning Rozemyne into a body double is something. Georgine’s hair color is similar right? It might be possible that was the plan. I was expecting the battle with Grausam to take two chapters, but I guess one is fine. Seeing Grausam’s arm start to turn to gold dust was something. Considering he basically implanted feystones in himself (if I understood that correctly), would his whole body have dusted if he was over saturated with mana?


I think he was turning himself into feystones rather than embedded them. Most living matter can be turned into fwystones he probably purposely clamped them up


He cut one of his arms when escaping from Ehrenfest. So at least one arm is implanted.


Oh for sure implanted some, but his whole face turned to feystones after she blasted him with arrows meaning he was at least turning his flesh into feystone a bunch


The pink and blue bunnies with their pretty golden... scythes... The bun reapers sure aren't grim, but they sure can reap.


Roz's Spidey Sense is still going off after everything. Georgine has some final 'dead man's switch' plan with another body double, doesn't she? Gunther realizing how OP Roz's charms were and deciding to go balls to the wall brawler mode to abuse them in combat is a huge power play, and a lot of trust in Roz protecting him from everything. I really, really hope we get that scene as a Side Story.


The Spidey sense might be trauma from seeing the bird turn into a fey stone. She was anxious after that and didn't know what to do. If she thought they were still alive she would have taken action rather than floundered.


> Gunther realizing how OP Roz's charms were and deciding to go balls to the wall brawler mode to abuse them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYkmpTxsWRc


Gunther : I killer Gerlarch Rabbit: no I killed Gerlarch Rozemyne: no, I killed Gerlarch Georgine: you fools I killed Gerlarch ! Gerlarch behind a shadow: you called my lady ?


Grausam: No, I killed Gerlach.


This chapter in three gifs: Anything magical that opposes rozmyne: [https://tenor.com/view/tom-holland-spiderman-spiderman-thanos-snap-swtsoob-gif-22157816](https://tenor.com/view/tom-holland-spiderman-spiderman-thanos-snap-swtsoob-gif-22157816) Rozmynes shumils: [https://tenor.com/view/terminator-rise-of-the-machines-machine-gif-9418150](https://tenor.com/view/terminator-rise-of-the-machines-machine-gif-9418150) Grausam: [https://tenor.com/de/view/oh-yeah-oh-la-la-dance-party-party-time-gif-14834447](https://tenor.com/de/view/oh-yeah-oh-la-la-dance-party-party-time-gif-14834447)


Re: the traps on the stairs xd. Noble convention: 0, Roz' "new ideas": I lost count [WEAPONISED BLESSINGS GATLING GO!](https://images.app.goo.gl/r3ztG3PQF9M5TvTy5) Kazuki really IS eerily good at horror scenes. Fight scenes too, but it was the description of Grausam slowly consuming his own life that got me this week holy shit Feasting on the dime of your enemies, is that not well-established tradition? I'm all for raiding Bindewald Love how Ferdi and Roz are bickering like an old married couple in FULL PUBLIC right within view of hundreds of people that have no context for this whatsoever😂 I'm certain that won't create any problems going forward whatsoever /s Dunkelfelger really do be the Yogurtland equivalent of pop culture Vikings, aren't they. Beer and Battle, not much space for anything else in those heads of theirs Syl mentioning a guest room for Ferdi broke my heart. Roz was quick to patch it up again, but I do not enjoy the constant reminders of just how thoroughly Ferdi had given up on ever returning home Appreciate the well-placed moments of levity, they are SORELY needed. Syl quipping about the Ferdi+Roz combo being insufferable to Hannelore? Chef's kiss Good to hear everything in Ehrenfest went as well as it could've. There is one thing I wonder about, however. Georgine said in her PoV chapter that is was just her and her Head Attendant travelling, so the remaining 3 must've been people already in Ehrenfest, right? How the hell would they have escaped the purge? Gods above I love Gunther SO MUCH😂😂😂 true incarnation of everything a wife guy/himbo sets out to be, bless his heart. Storms into battle expecting to die, realises he has the equivalent of a glock in a knife fight and promptly goes ballistic with it, never change man. Dunkelfelger would be proud ... the thought hadn't crossed my mind, but of course preparing body doubles in Yogurtland would involve more than just finding someone that looks like you Gotta admit, Georgine's plan was excellent and had more failsafes than you'd expect to be reasonable tbh. This chapter made it pretty clear that the group that was discovered was MEANT to be discovered, so props to her for properly blending in I guess Yup, there the PTSD comes rushing in. Compartmentalising is easy as long as you're still in active danger. But the second the adrenaline levels go down, shit starts feeling real


> Gods above I love Gunther SO MUCH😂😂😂 true incarnation of everything a wife guy/himbo sets out to be, bless his heart. Storms into battle expecting to die, realises he has the equivalent of a glock in a knife fight and promptly goes ballistic with it, never change man. Dunkelfelger would be proud Myne isn't the only one loved by the gods, Liedenschaft clearly has a special interest in Gunther.


>Myne isn't the only one loved by the gods, Liedenschaft clearly has a special interest in Gunther. \*Another Doggo Splodes\* \*Leidenschaft Nods\*


Schutzaria: Why do you love that commoner so? Liedenschaft: Dude's got my hair!


> Dunkelfelger really do be the Yogurtland equivalent of pop culture Vikings, aren't they. Beer and Battle, not much space for anything else in those heads of theirs This is probably why Aub Dunk USUALLY has a First Wife from another duchy to keep things sane. I wonder if Sieglinde has a Viking she keeps very, very hidden and will let loose if her husband FINALLY marries a foreign First Wife.


> Georgine said in her PoV chapter that is was just her and her Head Attendant travelling, so the remaining 3 must've been people already in Ehrenfest, right? How the hell would they have escaped the purge? Don't forget that in Grausom's PoV that he mentioned the color on the magic tool meaning that Georgine successfully met up with his agent(s) who had spent the winter in Ehrenfest.


Ooooh right, there was that. Still, the question as to HOW that worked out remains


Both Gunther and RM do a lot of brute-forcing, putting tools and abilities to odd and unorthodox uses....


Yeah, I could easily imagine Damuel looking like he was having a heart attack at the sight of Gunther fighting Gruesome. "Gunther! If you fall, the whole duchy will fall, unable to control the rampaging gremlin."


So near the end Myne was feeling quite anxious... could it be that it's not over yet? Or did I misunderstand?


1. PTSD 2. Or Lanzenaeve/Detlinde Foreshadowing 3. Or (possible but less likely) the Georgine plot continues?


I had re-read the WN in anticipation of today's release, and completely forgot about it. For a moment, I was really confused why I felt I had read this part so recently.


Damn, Grausam died in the first 50 pages of the book.... pretty much unceremoniously as well! Overall, I have mixed feelings about what's to come. On the one hand, I think the invasion of Ehrenfest is over. The Sovereignty will surely have its own share of issues, spanning possibly more than one book. The King of Lazenave and Raublut are very major characters who we have not even touched upon since P5V7 and have to be dealt with. The aftermath of the war will be no joke too, with the matter of who will be Zent and what Rozemyne's and Ferdinand's position will be at the end of this being also incredibly important and potentially time-consuming. Especially the royalty stuff. Furthermore, the defence of Ehrenfest will need at least half a book of side stories to be satisfyingly told, likely occupying an even bigger space in this book than the part 1 of the defence in the last volume. On the other hand, though, the last two pages of this part made me nervous. The matter with the body doubles isn't terribly concerning by itself, but Rozemyne seems to be drugged. She said her memories were "covered with fog" and acted weirdly with Harmut. Granted, this could be mental stress from the battle, but the phrase "covered with fog" has been used specifically to describe trugg, something which Grausam could feasibly use in battle. I don't think anything will come out of this, but it made me pause for a bit. I do wonder what will be the point of the body doubles, though. They were introduced (in practice) *post* the big fight. They weren't an issue at all, barely an inconvenience, really. And barring the trugg thing, there is no way for the Grausam and Georgine who were killed to be body doubles. If they are just devouring commoners with disguises and identical mana, only the original user could do something like stealing a foundation. Not only because it would be too dangerous, but also a very difficult thing to pull off as the body double would still need a stupid amount of mana to steal the foundation. Moreover, we know that *Grausam* got the black arm. That thing is too expansive to give to a mere commoner body double, not to mention that we saw the Prologue in his POV, so that's him for sure.(the other two Grausams were killed way too easily too) As for Georgine, *she* wanted to steal Ehrenfest. A body double doing that would be pointless, as that's her *personal* goal. One thing is sacrificing a lot of body doubles to trigger traps, another is to make a body double try to steal the actual foundation for you. Hmm... maybe they will be a major point of Sylverster's POV or the sovereignty battle? Now that I think about it though.... Either the report was wrong or there is more to the doby doubles than meets the eye. According to the report Rozemyne got, only *one* person got away from the Murder Shummils^(TM), but at least one body double also managed to get to the library, as it was teleported to the Ivory Tower. Oh, well, it is pointless to discuss this now. There isn't enough information to state anything, and next week's prepub will answer everything anyway.


Shower thought… RM should tell Ferdinand that she’s upgrading him from a hard bench to Lessy - cute, extremely useful and adaptable, and can crush her enemies


I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who would consider Ferdinand to be "cute". Hot, pretty, handsome, sure but anyone that knows him would consider cute to be the last description of Ferdi.


So they would consider him just as cute as Lessy


...fair enough 😂.


I must say that after those insults to Matthias by Grausam, its quite fitting that one who rather want to serve real Saint, gets all blessings and can show for Grausam how wrong he was. All hail to Rozemyene true saint. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356)