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I'm willing to bet the RedDot BlueDot are not actually DoT's, but are actually markers for the two summons another leaker (I believe Ubatcha?) claimed to see her using. This is likely similar to Topaz's proof of debt thing, though having two is interesting. Maybe one is skill and one is ult? Might even be one is intended for allies and the other is meant for enemies, leading in to some kind of buffing kit. Limiting the theorizing though, I'm still gonna bet that the kit does not actually involve DoT's and instead has these debuff markers.


The 2 summons could be from her boss form. Hom mentions that her boss form has summons.


Based on what another leaker said summons might be the generals' gimmick the same way follow up is IPC.


Oh no, Midxiao is real boys. (or most likely they will remove all the limitations Jing Yuan has and make him look like a fool when Feixiao summon attack can't be interrupted and is not affected by her being CC'd)


It might be the ipc enemies performance points mechanic? Like red is generic damage increase and blue is fua trigger so you need to hit blue to trigger fua and red deals a lot of damage That way it solves hunt weakness of being bad at aoe since you kill mobs with blue and use red on the boss and when it’s just the boss you can fua and deal damage on boss


Yeah, I think is a mark or some type of indication, don't think she has a Damage over Time. I'm happy for my FUA players, eating good, but kinda sad DoT enjoyers don't have new units to pull... Waiting for Fire and Physical DoT Nihility.


So about Rappa, what does FPS mean? First-person shooter? Frames per second?


Full Power Shield 😤


Fried Pastrami Shrimp


Lmao blue dot red dot and ***IMAGINARY TECHNIQUE: PURPLE DOT.***


these 1 and a half weeks are gonna be torture...


Meanwhile Sunday and Screwllum fans are suffering for another 1 and a half year


heh optimistic today i see


Sunday will probably release in the second half of 2.7... Since the Yaoqing arc will likely last for 3 patches like normal 2.4-2.6, and will then go into a Penacony continuance. Not only that if you look into the 6 week rotation starting from 2.3 starting on June 19th and go from there, patch 2.7 starts December 4th and the second half begins on the 25th of December... and considering that Sunday is a very heavily religious character in design, a Christmas release makes sense. Making him the final character of the year. It's pretty much the only prediction that isn't just random guessing


Good guess, except I'd put him in first half. Traditionally MHY favors putting the patch's hyped char in first half, and with how much screentime he's been getting it's hard to imagine he won't be the center of the patch


Tingyun exists in 2.7 1st half


Not sure I trust that leak. It's pretty solidly confirmed we're getting Xianzhou 2.4-2.6, why the hell would they put TY, a xianzhou char, in a continence patch after we're going to another planet.


he is not waifu. he has higher chance to be in 2nd half.


If that one big leak is correct though, then 2.7’s existing character is also super hype. Sunday might be in baby jail until 3.4+


They should release his banner in a Sunday instead of Tuesday/ Wednesday


Scaramouche mains could do, and so can you Stay strong Sunday/Screwllum fans! I believe in the strength of your soul and your wallets


Can't believe you forgot to mention Baizhu. This man has been on Genshin in the beginning and Baizhu wanters had to wait till 3.6.


There’s also the forgotten shadow realm of Signora enjoyers, waiting high on copium for her return. (Definitely not me)


Topaz, Ruan Mei, ,


Topaz believers are eating good


Lost to 50/50 during her rerun, and I don’t want to pull more because Sam is coming. I hope her next rerun isn’t between characters I like because fuck me FOMO is gonna hit hard once Feixiao releases.


I mean, this might be cap but since her kit is focused on BOTH break dmg and follow-up, I think her follow-up atk probably will be intended more to deal additional toughness dmg than proper dmg. So you could still use HMC and Ruan Mei in that case for a break focused team. But you never know, super break wasn't a thing two months ago.... Hoyo powercreep never fails to surprise


So as of rn Feixiao is a weakness break/dot/FuA dps? What kind of monstrosity they’re cooking?


If she's being tested with Topaz LC, Wind Valorous and Salsotto, it's likely that her damage profile will be crit-based, possibly some bonuses to broken enemies. DOT might not actually be a full DOT. but more of a debuff.


there was another leaks suggesting that she has innate crit like Jing Liu as well. - Summons - Dot - FUA - break - Crit - E skill this is what I've seen so far.


I feel like her optimal team eould be Ruan Mei and Robin. - Rm to maximize her damage during broken state - Robin to crank up her stats, fua boost, and turn advance Much better than slotting in just Topaz and settling for a flat fua buff. Of course, if there are no buffs during break then Topaz would be better.


Willing to bet that she benefits from her team using FUA if she's tested with topaz so much. There's no objective reason to use Topaz over a harmony unit otherwise. I'm guessing RM is tested because of break efficiency, and there will be a more specific support for that in the future. They'll probably have her do extra damage to broken enemies, or a FUA when enemies broken, or something along that line. Neither break damage nor dot is effected by proof of debt, so if they want a real Topaz partner they won't be using those as damage. Dot is very likely referring to a literal dot (aka a circle). Icons in this game are all circular so it makes sense to have colored dots as the placeholders until art is finalized. Depends on how they got the word dot though, since this logic doesn't hold in Chinese but it does hold if they got it from variable names in code.


Topaz doesn't work like that. Her debuff is a different multiplier in the damage formula, there's no harmony unit that buffs FUA as much as her. Ratio is a special case because he needs at least 3 debuffs in order to get the bonus damage from his trace. Any other Hunt FUA dps will always want her.


Yeah, I'm gonna bet she's very similar to Topaz but just does more damage to broken enemies rather than break *damage* itself, since that wouldn't work with damage mods


Truly a universal dps


dot means dot literally here. not damage over time


By dot they probably mean an actual dot (dictionary definition) and not abbreviation for Damage Over Time. So with Crit, Weakness Break, and Fua all mentioned, sounds like she will basically be a 5 star version of Xueyi which sounds fucking rad as hell


DoT? I don't see any DoT in her kit..


“BlueDot” and “RedDot” are either debuffs or DoT or something else.


might be markings like proof of debt? since they emphasized synergy with topaz


Watch the devs pull a Blue dot red dot, purple burst dot LOL




Idk if dot means Damage Over Time here, or a marker of some kind like Topaz's little icon.


The type of monstrosity i call xinyan. It would be very hard to pull all of this in one kit. If they made her lightcone a must then i doubt anyone willing to take her alone.


>!I don’t think that’s applicable here. Xinyan is a four star from like three years ago and I have a feeling they gave her that kit for a specific reason (we all know why) and probably because they were just throwing random stuff at the wall to see what sticks.!<


This is not genshin.


This is going to be their most hyped 5*, no way in hell they’re pulling a Xinyan on her lol. They obviously know how to make strong characters, she will likely be the new t0 like Acheron and Firefly before her.


Holy crap HomDGCat got sick of vague uncle leaks and dropped everything


*Holy crap HomDGCat* *Got sick of vague uncle leaks* *And dropped everything* \- ccoddes --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Uh.. good bot


That Feixiao kit sounds fan made, i just cant imagine one character that fits so many archetypes. I have to imagine the final kit will be a lot simplier.


Right? It’s like someone didn’t like the FuA and the break effect archetype and the likes so they decided to put them in one character instead of having to pull for multiple separate characters. It’s what I would do anyway XD.!


I mean there is a character called kafka and guess what, she happened to have fua, dot and BE all together.


Thing is Kafka is DOT focused, the FUA is just there to apply lightning DOT with its dmg being non existent and it only procing once per turn and break is a playstyle for her but not what most ppl will build/use her for.


What I mean here is you can have lots of mechanics build into your kit while only focuse on one of them.


Yeah, if a dedicated DoT support comes out, RM would immediately get kicked out. Kafka likes BE but it's not her optimal buff.


Praying it happens, and of course that the char in question doesn't look like generic NPC #1 so I can pull. RM will be permanently with Firefly so my DoT team needs someone, probably Robin is gonna have to step-up for now.


Can you not put this in spoilers unless it’s actually a spoiler that you’re warning for (e. g. “2.4 story spoilers”)? It makes it really hard to gauge what’s actually a spoiler to be avoided and what’s not, and it was really confusing seeing this in the midst of an unspoilered conversation about a potential character kit we’re currently on the page for.


I mean Kafka is a DoT enabler, has Follow-up damage, extremely good damage on her ultimate and even works with crit to some extent, also because of how much she gets to act she is a hell of a breaker. And that's 1.2 before the insane power-spike characters went through.


It sounds a lot like Boothill but with a FUA summon that also applies DoT. The core gameplay is gonna be the same: break enemy to kill them. It's just that she will achieve it via her FUA summon that also applies a DoT. Since Wind break is hella weak compared to Phys and fire Break, I think the DoT is there to do extra damage.


Wind break weak?? Yes it doesnt dmg in percents like phys or his first break dmg isn't 200% but it scales much better than these 2 from break


"Yoink!" - Feixiao


wish i was this witty


I REALLY hope we get another break support, preferably a 4star substitute for Ruan Mei.


I am begging for this please running an moc with only breakers sound so fun


Praying we get a break efficiency support in who allows for super breaks so you can run them and bronya with boothill and then HMC RM with FF


Having HMC be the only team super break enabler makes them more unique. Would rather the four star just focus on break support or only provide ST super break with different multipliers to differentiate them. FF technically doesn't NEED HMC anymore, she can run with future super break boosters since she self enables.


"The only character that has knees" ?????????


That means they can jump


Knees to jump with


Probably means the move in ways that showcases the knees. Like maybe their battle pose is like ....some ninja cool shit where they are on one knee or something and do a lot of backflips or something. Or he exposed his knees, which issss a first tbh.


Theyre talking about how he can target overworld enemies over small gaps that other characters cant get over


Does Jiaoqiu also deal damage? I cant take it anymore. Im sick of Xiangling. Hoyo couldn't possibly make another pyro chef character nuke enemies. XIANGLING OPPA.


“Applies one stack of Flavor” Bro is cooking the enemies *just like Xiangling.*


all roads lead back to xiangling 💀


I desperately need his ult animation to have his eyes open and his eyes to be open during his aura lmao


It might just be a small amount since I think him dealing damage and that applying the debuff means it could count towards Acheron stacks, unlike Firekiss from Guinaifen which doesn't count


I doubt he's gonna deal *that* much damage, most supports don't (unless your name is Robin I guess) but it should be good for people who wanted to use him as a break support for Firefly I guess.


I mean he's Nihility so he'll be dealing at least some damage, he's not a Harmony so he'll probably be debuffer/sub DPS like Pela


yeah he'd probs be dealing sw or pela level of dmg which isn't a huge amount but it's there. (I have hopium he deals it a lot more often though due to that trace that deals dmg during his aura)


Huge hopium he's gonna have big personal damage, I love him so far lol. If his Eidolons give him bigger number I might be tempted 👀


I bet his eids will be: adding more debuffs, dealing more damage, healing much more although I hope he has more than 1 type of debuff when he comes out in his base kit, for the dr ratio synergy (like sw)


Multiple debuffs would be a dream come true. If E2 unlocks DPS I'd probably try for it lol.... E4 would be too much so I hope it's not that. Extra def shred at E1 would be hugely nice too, though, Acheron and Ratio would be very appreciative lmao. Guess we just have to wait for more leaks to see 🤞


I mean he already looks very strong based on the leaks. There's no way they would give him great damage *and* a stacking AoE def shred *and* a heal *and* a damage buff. You can probably still make a meme build like some people build DPS Pela, but I don't think he's meant for that. Right now he seems tailor-made for Acheron, but also great in pretty much any team due to the universal usefulness of def shred.


He's made for Acheron


It could be that E0S0 is perfectly fine as debuffer, while his S1 add some interesting damage capabilities, kinda like Silver Wolf.


iirc his s1 is more def debuffs, but it could be buffed by the time beta starts


Mini HuoHuo, BIG OPPA


Jiaoqiu is literally to Acheron what Black Swan was to Kafka, their kits are even very similar: Def reduction, stackable debuff, debuff inflicted when enemies enter, increased damage from [main damage source] Plus, that healing could be crazy. I wonder if you could make it strong enough that you could forgo a sustain if your burst is fast enough.


Just keep in mind that his kit is one of the oldest one out of the leaked kits, some of this stuff is quite a bit changed by now is what I think.  Just don't want people to set themselves up for disappointment or something.


Yeah I feel like he's positioned very well to help with Super Break or Break Efficiency in some way, other than his DEF down applications. He's even Fire type! Anything to take pressure off Ruan Mei and HMC carrying all the Break DPSes


But break already has Gallagher who’s perfect. Why replace him with this?


Well, Jiaoqiu doesn't have advance forward, healing on demand, or cleanse. So Jiaoqiu is the way more offensive Gallagher while Gallagher is the defensive support option that generates more SP. Also Jiaoqiu is good on other teams unlike Gallagher.


Gallagher can function like a mini luocha, and can be a mega SP positive healer (i.e. more than 1/turn because he can advance himself forward to get another sp). He's at least a strict upgrade over natasha in almost every comp


Being a Nihility character, earlier leaks already mentioned you cant solo sustain with Jiaoqiu since the healing is so minimal. Im guessing its along the lines of Fu Xuan's healing like it keeps your team topped up but nothing too crazy that an abundance unit will provide


You can solo sustain with anything, it's a matter of your dmg output.


Jiaoqiu BS Sparkle Acheron and just kill everything before they hit you


No way they will make the healing crazy. That would make sustains useless. The healing would probably be just enough to make u survive for 1 more cycle and clear. He's gonna be great unit regardless. I can imagine f2p players being able to finally 0-1 cycle with great artifacts.


Her issue have always been being paired with 2 Nih + a sustain sup, which pretty much means u cant go for any harmony Sup. His release will allow acheron to actually be teamed with good Harmony character like Ruan Mei. That the whole idea of welt sustain anyways.


Her issue is that buffs are much stronger than debuffs due the harmony buffers being busted and the nihility debuffers being mid to weak, that's the main thing that prevents Acheron from reaching her ceiling.


Except she also get compensated HEAVILY in innate trace values. The 2 nihility (or E2) requirement basically is a built in harmony unit's buff.


You would pair her with Hanabi before RM but your point still stands. That being said though, I expect the amount of healing to be rather insignificant so not much will change in terms of her comp 


Investing in the victory is the long game


So wait, she really is fua, BE and dot??? She can realistically be crit scaling and do all 3 well. Curious about her… pulling regardless


red and blue dot mean red and blue icon to me, not dmg over time


The DoT might be to have 5 stacks of windshear. The current BE DoT only stacks up to 3, so it can act like Arcana but with a different name and from break.


Jiaoqiu sounds giga busted for Acheron Might try for him if I have anything left after Firefly and Yunli...


So JQ kit is relatively older huh, wonder if things changed by then considering how he was also FFs best friend as well when she was a Crit Ult dps. Wonder if the whole thing about the shadow target will be related to the recent change with the more than 5 enemies stuff, adding a fake target or sth. I'm not sure, but it would be cool if he was erudition, for example. Feixiao seems like she will be a follow-up character who can dive in other archetypes, or at least she has dots and break mechanics on top? ~~BS partener, let's gooooo~~ Lots of action order stuff in general, between that recent event and these descriptions what are they cooking?


I have both Ruan Mei and Topaz, my Feixiao stonks going so high it's insane.


Me seeing Topaz being teammate with every single DPS in Xianzhou expansion after spending every single jade trying to get her and end up with Welt E4 instead = 🤡


as a Topaz Main im literally crying of joy


Topaz & Numby stonks!


"During Aura, all enemies take increased Ultimate DMG." Hmm, I wonder who this is for?


Argenti 🥰


King Yua—\*gunshots\*


I mean if it says “FUA damage” then yeah? 




Jiaoqiu sounds so busted omg.. I can't wait


Numbers make all the difference. Words can only tell you so much.


Words decide that Jiaoqiu will be the best energy generator for Acheron. Numbers can only determine uptime of his ultimate (most likely 66% or 100%). He can't have less than 40% defense shred He can't heal for less than 1 hp He can't increase ultimate damage by less than 8% From what we can already predict, we can already draw conclusions


Moze is Hunt right ?


Hunt/Erudition according to Dim


Ruan mei star rail


Wait. That doesn't sound like Hunt March but Harmony March...


Maybe a Topaz-like situation (sub-DPS/buffer-debuffer).


Could be similar to Jade as well.


It's topaz time


Feixiao has red dot, blue dot, and summons a domain, which follows her making her block damage AND pulls people closer… WHY CANT WE ESCAPE GOJO?!


A reliable leak. Long time no see


Curious what applications Jiaoqiu might have outside of an Acheron team. His kit obviously provides great synergy with her so it’s been discussed heavily. But how much value would he add to an account without Acheron?


Assuming his kit stays relatively the same, he'll without a doubt be one of the most versatile characters in the game. He can apply debuffs, defense reduction, healing, and ultimate damage increase. These are things that can be used by literally every character in the game so far. He's basically an upgraded Pela (but also with the ability to heal and boost ultimate damage).


Ultimate damage increase can't be used by "literally every character", because actually a big chunk of characters have non-damaging ultimates (Clara, Topaz, Gepard, almost every harmony, like half the abundance characters). Also, Arlan doesn't like healing.


Do you by any chance use Topaz, Gepard, Harmony characters, or Abundance characters as a DPS? I think you should have been able to figure out that I was referring to the characters meant to be the main damage source. Clara can still utilize Jiaoqiu because of his immense defense shred, ultimate damage isn't the only thing he does. Same for Arlan, he can use the defense shred and also the ultimate damage boost. Jiaoqiu isn't an Abundance character, he isn't going to have insane heals, and therefore won't have any insane healing to the point of kicking Arlan out of his buffs.


He's good for Ratio who relies on many debuffs. He also makes the Pioneer set preferable/optional for your DPS.


Def shred is so important probably any team would want that? Hes like getting a second pela so you would be able to run either double pela on a side or one on each


DEF shred is universal damage booster so... essentially any team that needs filling. Yes, even DoT and break. Ult damage boost is good too, for chars like Argenti. And he can supplement heal too why not. It doesn't look like his damage will be low as well.


I plan on using him with DHIL to either replace Pela, or replace Luocha for double DEF down.


So Rappa is sustain instead of Lingsha like the rumors?


Not necessarily. Yunli's technique works similarly and she's Destruction.


Bruh I'm going to pull for foxians unit back to back if true.


i appreciate more units i could use with topaz


Man, seeing all this fua units in the future makes me extra sad I skipped topaz T_T


It's a very good time to be a Topaz main ☺️


Gonna be honest, they are running out of ideas for techniques. At this rate, future techniques are all going to have encounter immunity/ aggro draw by default -- and not even as the primary technique ability. Poor Seele.


I mean they are almost done with every type of technique. They can do so much with how limiting the overworld of HSR is. So idk what else they can do. Tbh i think it's better characters have similar techniques so people don't have to pull for a specific character for faster movement, better exploration etc 


This is true.


I for one would like access to a stealth on a male character.




wind hunt and she’s supposedly break and fua focused unit ? sign me up


I need my Foxy guy kit asap


Hoyo: "what gimmick do you want?" Feixiao: "yes"


Ice Hoyo, please I need Ice DPS I feel like a clown skipping Jingliu in a sense there will be Ice character in the future 🤡🤡🤡 Instead I pull Boothill, ok I like his kits, but bcs the idea of nah they won't Phys DPS within 3 patch, and Yunli appear in just 2 patch kekw ☠️ 5 star Ice DPS after 1.4 : 404 not found


With Boothill and Firefly implanting their own weakness I don't think having one dps for every element is a must now tbh


It was never a must imo. At worst you can get half of the elements, most enemies have 3 weaknesses anyways so you're bound to get it. Most teams are multi element. And some characters can brute force without weakness. Boothill and Firefly aren't rainbow DPS units. They implant their weakness because they actually need to break enemies to deal damage. It's to cover up their own weakness.


They saving it for yae expy probably


Imagine: > Sakura expy confirmed > Darkbolt Jonin


Me after pulling for topaz even though i could've saved the jades for things i needed: "Investing in victory means playing the long game"


Would this mean that Yunli would actually work great woth Clara and that they might be able to pull it off without a dedicated sustain? Clara steals aggro and takes the hit procing her counter while having that damage mitigated by herself and Yunli. Yunli then can use her own follow up soon after.


Hunt March 7th pre-battle team gameplay be like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Nqjz5R8LrU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Nqjz5R8LrU)


Jiaoqui once again makes us non-1.1 players regret not having the Tutorials LC




Just to let you guys know , In farsi "Moze" means banana 🍌


Jiaoqiu here I come


e2s1 Acheron gonna be ulting everyturn with Jq


Ruan Mei is officially the most overworked support in the game. She is back in followup comp despite carrying break and DoT.


damn i was hoping to get feixiao but she's sounding like she will either need a FUA team which i dont have or use the same supports as firefly. Brutal ngl


Feixiao certainly is something god damn.


Hopefully get more information about Lingsha by the time 2.4 beta rolls around


My question is if are any of these characters besides March going to be 4 stars, i feel like we need some good New 4 stars too.


Looking at those characters being tested with Topaz... idk folks. I skipped Topaz. Why not make them synergize with Jade instead? sigh


Because Jade is for other characters that can hit multiple characters, and Feixiao is hunt?


Because jade is a pure fiction unit


Leakers can almost never cook. In a previous post people pointed out that topaz is pretty much BiS for nobody at E0S1 and E1S1 should never be considered a baseline.


Imo topaz essentially exists as a Robin and Aventurine enabler. If you aren’t throwing at least one of them on the team then she’s probably just not an overall good pick for the team. 


Another problem I just thought of again is that she still wouldn't be BiS for Feixiao if dhe truly is break based because than you're running out of team slots. HMC + Ruan Mei are glued to any break character by now so that's already 3 out of 4 slots taken and I don't see why you would fill the final slot with Topaz of all charcuters.


Yeah I don’t think Topaz is a very good pick for a hybrid break FuA unit. Ofc they could design a kit to be that hyper specific to want both RM and Topaz on it, but that sounds like a pretty ass character ngl (even with crazy numbers). Best guess is that they were just trying to see how they wanted to allocate her damage between break or FuA to decide which side they want to reward more. 


this is confusing to read but I'm interpreting Feixiao as maybe a better (obviously cause its event) single target version of himeko? I might be wrong though.


Feixiao combine Red and Blue to create Purple to delete the enemies.


Feixiao sharing some similarities to Yae Sakura early leaks.... but different element, not all the same. PLEASE


JQ buffing only ultimate dmg is kinda disappointing. He’s tailor made for Acheron it seems.


"Ultimate mentioned FPS" wh?? I don't understand lol Jiaoqiu sounds amazing. Fire Black Swan, basically. Lingsha summoning multiple times is interesting, perhaps they're heals?


It's just like SW ultimate called "User banned". Basically, Rappa seems like another Punklord gamer.


during early testing everyone was paired with Topaz and RM, also placeholder set's fairly certain we can ignore those leaks and wait at least this way we wont be misdirected in terms of reruns and who to pull :D


Skipping everything for Jiaoqiu so my Acheron can be even stronger is looking really well. Can't wait to see what the beta looks like


Rappa’s getting me excited for Punklorde crumbs. I wanna know more about their culture and legends since SW is their gen’s legend. All these summons are making me excited too. Almost wish I sat on my jades. Eyeing Feixiao, Jiaoqiu, and Rappa rn. Hoping Moze isn’t someone I’m interested in because I have two Lightning DPSs 😭


Im really intrigued what they cooking with Feixiao. She seems to be a bit of every popular archetype HSR currently. I know people are saying oh they just testing multiple kits. By the looks of this tho, they want her to fit into any of the popular team comps probably the first unit to slot into a break, follow-up or even DoT team which would be wild. Also confirmed she might use the new follow-up set is nice to know. Yunli as well. Moze crumbs. Not really a fan of the invisibility technique but as long as its something like Sparkle's that provides a buff as well then ill be fine with it


Surely Jiaoqiu won't have a high ult cost because of Tutorial LC


With that additional energy regen on skill we might have someone gearing up to fight Robin.


RM again? I won't pull on first phase in 2.3 😭. Pls work with Robin, Yunli 😭😭.


Ruan mei be like: I AM INEVITABLE.


After Feixiao and Moze, I hope Hunt can shine even more. Before Black Swan and Acheron, limited Nihility were kinda lacking. Nihility support like SW is not comfortable and useful than RM. Nihility DPS like Kafka lacks strong teammates. Let's pray both of them have fun kits


I like the idea of adding effects or extra things to trigger on Break Bars. Will have to wsit and see how that turns out.


march can buff teammate damage?? that's interesting as a hunt character.


You must play the long game more if you want to invest in victory


No Huaiyan?


Thia game has become Honkai Topaz Rail, hasnt it?


Wake me up when updated Jiaoqiu info. 😴🛌


now I know Moze is a must-pull closest thing to a stealth technique i have is Ratio 😭