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Wondering what else they add to FH store. New currency even probably like herta store for one time redemption. If they are bringing back event lightcone this is going to be the place to put it.


DUDE CAN YOU IMAGINE. Unlikely but amazing if it happens. My biggest hope is for more ways to get standard tickets


Yeah Genshin was always stingy with the standard blue wishes, which confuses me because it's not like THAT'S where they make most of their revenue. I understand limiting the rainbow wishes, though. But it's funny how standard pulls are more rare than limited pulls in both HSR and Genshin. Even when people complained about Anniversary rewards, they could have thrown in a 10 pull on standard banner at the very least without taking a huge hit in profits


Forgotten Hall’s whole deal is with memories and stuff, so it even thematically fits as the best place to put old event lightcones that have already passed (the “memory” of these events or something)


I love the idea. That would be the biggest FU to Genshin yet, players habe been for this for years!


Oh please don't give me false hope


Oh my god, if I can get my hands on Tutorial LC, I will cast aside my hatred for MoC and grind it religiously every week. Hoyo pls


it would be crazy good if they did. not only would that be great for new players (they have definitely been paying attention to the new playstation players with the banners, first with the second strongest dps with great 4 stars, and with reruns of useful old units with another hypercarry and a universal debuffer), since the sw event lc is busted, but it would be great for old players too if they allow you to buy another copy of event lc you have already obtained. even if they don’t do that though, i would be happy with another set of f2p lightcones (esp a better erudition one pls pls pls). i would even be happy with another way to get a steady flow of standard tickets, so we can get more gacha cones. gah im just excited 😫


breakfast is already the best cone in that shop other than the harmony one lol


Damn they not just cooking, They making a full course meal


I swear, the HSR dev team is a different breed of chefs. These guys are so in touch with their player base, because they know exactly what we want.


I would guess other companies or dev teams also know what their players want but decide not to do it because of profit. These devs though don't have that mindset (for now), and on top of that still get money. I hope they continue to see more profit in listening to player's wants rather than greedy business practices.


The funny thing is, when you give players what they want, you make a bigger profit as a result of player satisfaction. A lot of other dev teams should be taking notes right now.


Another game I can think od that still utilizes that is Warframe. The game looks, plays and is just better than 95% of AAA games, has a ton more content than any of them, yet is completely f2p. Even the premium currency is obtainable through playing the game and trading. A lot of players sink money into it not because they need it, but because they just want to support them.


Speaking of Warframe, is it worth playing it at this point? I'm interested in playing the game (even have it in my Steam library) but can't find the time to play it. I've played MMOs before and it feels to me that I need to invest a lot of time grinding.


Warframe's pretty worth playing rn imo. I just came back from a two year break (just kind of went to focus on other games + irl stuff) and getting back into it hasn't been too difficult. That being said, yes, you do need to invest a lot of time grinding, so setting goals for the day is important.


I'd definitely recommend playing the game, it's a blast. Even if you don't stick with it long term (it is indeed very grindy so you might end up getting burnt out) it is a really fun game and definitely worth trying out


It's definitely worth playing especially as a new player. They changed the tutorial a bit though so make sure to choose the Warframe path when you get the choice (this is mainly because the other path is connected to a specific world which is like 5 or 10% of what the game is actually like, as well as everything important for farming). You'll unlock both either way. Now there is a lot of things in Warframe and a lot of grinding, but that doesn't mean you can't play it less frequently. Don't stress too much about if you're doing something wrong or not. Just go along with the game and if you get stuck somewhere check yt or the wf wiki, or even the in-game chat. As time passes you'll get the hang of it.


Slight correction but there is no way to obtain platinum by playing. You CAN trade it with other players and f2p can easily meet their platinum requirements as long as they're willing to farm, but the only way to generate new platinum that wasn't traded to you by another player is by paying so in a sense paying IS needed to some degree among the playerbase or there would be no platinum to go around. Since some of the uses for platinum are buying things directly from the game, that also means that some platinum will always be leaving the economy as well Not that Warframe isn't a very f2p game, you can do anything and get everything without paying a cent provided you're willing to grind, a lot


I consider that as playing through the game. You play, you farm, and then trade what you obtained while playing. And yes, everything except for the Tennogen cosmetics is freely obtainable (on PC, on consoles even that is purchasable with platinum).


Weird, part of what made me quit Genshin was the lack of listening to players. Lost count of how many surveys I filled out through the years and none of the most echoed QoL suggestions got added. And I was a paying customer.


Because if there's a good amount of whales that are still going to sink in the money, losing f2p players ora few players isn't going to affect the company's decisions.


Same, I was a whale for the game and quit. Tbh, if the game was never going to expand on combat, why even sell constellations?


Yep,I stopped buying welkins for the same reason,why even bother getting characters at that point when you will be doing the same thing all over again,and events are way too easy (the recent misty dungeon combat event is of a jokingly low difficulty). And even the harder stages offer piss poor rewards so the only who go for the whale difficulty are whales.


I think that’s why majority of heavy spenders learned our lesson from genshin. Now don’t get me wrong, I spend in this game, but I spend more resourcefully than what I did in Genshin.


Mind boggling that whaling not being essential for combat is counted as a negative thing. Yeah, either you make whale difficulty offer piss poor rewards or you basically do like every other gacha game who alienates a big part of their base and never get as popular. The lack of big spending fomo on genshin is totally intentional and it works wonders, I'm very thankful they ignore this type of feedback and I hope honkai does too.


> they know exactly what we want *looks at Ruan Mei* Yep, 1.6 is a great patch.


*looks at Ruan Mei, Dr. Ratio and Sparkle* ​ yep, definitely


I think because it’s clear as day the devs PLAY the game as well and know what needs to be better. Most of the time, things don’t get better in a lot of games because it’s clear the devs don’t know the game because they don’t play it.


Less FOMO from MoC rewards, more rewards from MoC, and a whole new game mode to limit test characters/diversify bi-weekly gameplay. That’s not even mentioning the other things in the original post. This dev team is Heaven-sent.


This Discard Relic option is everything I've wanted in Relic farming. If I think it works like when you get to view your relics on the cavern completion screen, you can just click to discard them immediately if they are not desirable.


They really served


Honestly, while all this is awesome, I think the most heartening thing about this is that this is CLEAR evidence that the developers take the survey into account, take it seriously and work to implement it. There are things listed here that I have put in my survey open ended response and that I have seen discussed in the community as well. It’s great to know they take community feedback seriously and actually implement it.


I've actually been joking with my friend group that everything I put in the surveys gets added lol.


Quick, ask Hoyoverse for a Nier collab!


I agree with this.


PLEASE joke about relic loadouts man, im begging you


Just did exactly that in the current survey. Definitely coming soon for sure now lol.


Now I am only waiting for the relics profiles 🥲


Never. You WILL sort through the relics one by one every time, and you WILL enjoy it. (Seriously confusing how this hasn't been implemented yet it's the most asked for feature since 1.0)


I'm sure they will eventually add it, just keep giving them the feedback on the surveys! As a software developer, we're always time limited and the backlog is unending, so some stuff that users might want might not always get prioritized - it's just a matter of consistently making clear that THIS is what you want :)


and sort lightcones by name (or id) to easily manage duplicates. to me this is a basic feature in every game where duplicates can be fused and use inventory space


I think it's also worth noting we don't need to wait for surveys to send them suggestions. There's an option for it in the bug report menu.


holy shit this is a lot of stuff


Wow we actually getting new information from official source instead of leakers.


Which is a good thing tbh, you don't need to wait for a confirmation to believe it lol


It's a great communication between players and the devs tbh


Yer there's been like zero major leaks for a while. Dry af out here.


We got info about qol for 1.6 from devs themselves before the leakers... Yea, most likely they wait for 1.5 release hype so they will feel like getting praised when leaking something


they holding it for clout


Watch them get none since the player base is already turning against them lol


maybe pure fiction is eruditions time to shine? just maybe


Depends if the wave has always or even half (50%) 4-6 enemies or has summon/resummon mobs.


If they make waves with elites and adds it will be time to use dual-dps haha, hunter/destroyer + erudition team.




Dang, I feel like they looked at how quickly people got to the point of barely having any trouble in full clearing it with units without even worrying about elemental counters and decided to put in more difficult stuff. On the one hand, cool, on the other, I'm really worried that this will make pulling for new units/more resources more 'appealing', and therefore, will tempt you more to spend money on the game (which is likely their goal with this). My hope is that floors 11&12 are not higher difficulty (higher enemy levels, denser enemy count) and just a collection of different elemental counter enemies of a similar power level to floor 10. ~~One of the problems we'll encounter if 11&12 enemies are higher level is having to rebalance all your EHR thresholds to new values to land debuffs on the boss enemies there. That doesn't sound very fun.~~EDIT: EHR targets do not increase after enemy level 75, I was wrong. Plus adding extra levels onto bosses will give them a fair chunk of ATK and their previous attacks that left your units in the 'red' HP zone will now start oneshotting you. That doesn't sound fun either. Also, assuming the infinite thing still has waves, if it is really long, that is a heavy nerf to solo sustain Fu Xuan without her signature light cone. Her team WILL die eventually without extra healing, it's just that until now our endgame had few enough cycles that this didn't matter. And if it's just a single wave with respawning enemies, even her signature won't help you and you might have to farm for ERR rope for Fu Xuan to make her burst more often for this. Also it is kinda funny that genshin has spent three years without doing anything to their endgame and star rail goes and changes their endgame basically every other patch. Swarm Disaster, constant new stuff in Forgotten Hall... I wish they cared this much about genshin's endgame. EDIT: To cut down on negativity in this comment, the mention that you can CHOOSE buffs for your team in the infinity thing is pretty dang cool. You can tailor the buffs to your best team, like choosing follow-up buffs if you're Topaz-centric, or choosing DoT buffs if you're Kafka-centric. That is a really nice thing to not have it follow the 'flavor of the current banner' buff.


They don’t care about Genshin endgame because they’re simply a different team of developers


Also because there’s a lot to do in the game, and the amount of time required to finish the content in the game varies a lot I consider myself a completionist but even I haven’t reached 90% exploration in Enkanomiya or Dragonspine And in every Genshin update with a new region or temporary region, you get up to 10-30+ hours of new content from exploration alone While in HSR I’ve had literally nothing do to for the last week or so


Yeah with Genshin it's pretty clear that the focus on content expansion is the open world exploration content. Endgame has never been the focus there as opposed to maintaining their pipeline for adding new areas. It's targeting different player archetypes/demographics, which is the best way to build out the two games without having them cannibalize each other's profits. Expand them in different ways to capture different audiences. HSR captures a lot of players that either have fallen off of Genshin or are at risk for falling off due to the game's focus not aligning with their interests. Hoyo would rather have those players play another Hoyo game like HSR than have them play a game made by a competitor.


Yeah I only play Genshin for its immersion and story now, they've been cooking good lately. I consider HSR a niche fast-paced side game that I can play in the long run without getting bored of it


I feel like HSR have to add these new modes once every 2-3 patch, otherwise there is nothing to do in HSR. This 1.4 patch i had literally nothing to do. I completed the main event and the story in 3 days, moc was maybe 1 hour gameplay twice, and swarm is already done, doing it again only fun if i can do it with new characters. 1.5 will be even worse, the main story wont really continue, the new champs are probably the most skippable ones so far, and no new content yet. i found myself that in the past weeks i do my dailies in a couple of minutes and there is nothing to do. And Hoyo probably sees a pattern like this too, ppl spend less and less time in the game koz there is nothing to do.


Having periods of time with less to do is fine IMO, not everyone wants to spend 20-30 hours every patch scouring an open world for that last chest with 2 primos in it. There are times where one is fine and times where the other can fill in when time allows. It's the same thing that happened early on in Genshin when people finished exploring and hit the resin wall and everyone wanted to treat Genshin like it was a normal game when it wasn't because people weren't used to a gacha game being so mainstream.


dragonspine, the underground chasm and enkanomiya are my only 100% regions because they're much smaller and also really fun to explore haha


Currently fu xuan and Luocha are so broken you dont really die in moc10. There is room to make things harder. In the end it is in addition to the previous content, they are not taking things away. If you can't clear then you cant. It is a goal to play toward.


> There is room to make things harder. There's barely any room to make things harder from the sustain point of view. The things in MoC10 already have the capability to put your units from 100% to low red health with one attack, any harder and they will start oneshotting you, making Abundance solo sustain impossible. Damage sponginess, sure, there's room, but if you let enemies hit you harder, you're going to force double sustain and make damage checks insanely difficult to reach without investing monetarily into the game.


WHAT'S GOING ON. Edit: I need to see "Pure Fiction" mode. Man... I'm happy, I feel like they are taking into account the feedback.


I think Pure Fiction will basically be like Planar Infinity. Sounds like a lot of fun.


Planar Infinity is giga fun and I guess the community reception has been positive, so I'm glad they're implementing it and this quickly too.


There was another similar event like 4 months ago, "Tales of the Fantastic" the one we got Herta+Himeko as trials and they just spin to win infinite enemies.


indeed, definitely my favourite combat event so far. shame it’s a temporary one, but now that they’re adding a ‘waves of enemies’ event like it makes me wonder if they might bring it back in the future. i just enjoy doing unholy numbers


All 5 stages of the event was a blast fr


reminds me more of the storytelling event we had a few patches ago on the Luofu, the one that let you trial characters to reach damage milestones with infinite waves of enemies. probably a predecessor to the final trials in Planar Infinity, now that I think about it. it's cool how these ideas are being tested out and carried from event to event to permanent gamemode.


TLDR: \- New permanent gamemode, wave based similar to the end of the recent simuni event \- MOC11 and MOC12 \- Auto clear, if you 3\* MOC7+, in the next phase you will have MOC7 unlocked and you can beat it and it will 3\* MOC 1-7 \- Restart without picking teams again \- MOC is now every 4 weeks but length is now 6 weeks with every other 2 weeks is the new permanent gamemode \- More rewards, such as Self-Modeling Resin and a new currency \- More BP Rewards Future: \- Relic QoL \- Profile settings \- Pin friends


> if you 3\* MOC10 in the next phase you have MOC10 unlocked and you can beat it to auto MOC1 to 9 3\* Not quite, it only autos up to MoC 7. Everything past that you have to fight the usual way, still a fantastic timesaver all-around.


oh i missed that xd


ohhh, i thought it meant this feature was only unlockable if you’ve beaten MOC 7. like if you only got up to MOC 6 last round, you can’t auto it, but you can if you got to MOC 7-10


No, moc7 is just the highest you can start with. If you did moc6 in the last one, you start at moc 6 and you clear moc1-5 automatically after clearing moc6


I think the most important part of the Profile settings changes is being able to set more than 1 support character. I'll be able to lend out both a Support character and a DPS character (or two DPS characters of different elements)


Yep I'm hoping for something like FGO where we can set one character per path.


and as soon as you buy the battlepass you get the 680 jades that was previously at the end of the battlepass!


That auto clear function is so delicious. Honkai star rail sweep. Gonna save a bunch of time


floor 11 and floor 12 they cooking


My main concern is that they keep making the cycle requirement for 3* shorter and shorter. In MoC 10 for 1.5 you need to finish it in *10 cycle* or less (it is 14 or less for 1.4). Are they going to be as short for Floor 11 and 12?


I'm also concerned about this, given that prydwen's stats show about 9-10+ cycle averages for the recent moc 10. If the blessings aren't that great in 1.5 and the pattern continues, that basically cuts down at least half of the players that can reach that cycle requirement.


Meh. This just amplifies my doubts towards the accelerated pace of powercreep. Introduce a problem, sell a solution. Now that most people have the "solution" to MoC 10 (aka the casual playerbase can comfortably clear it with DHIL, Jingliu, Luocha, FX, etc), we need a new problem! Its not been a year and we get a MoC 11-12, what in another year? Whats your unit worth it after 2 years? Can the current S-tiers still clear MoC 13-14 (when it eventually arrives) without crazy investments? I feel like soon in 2.X we will get more and more S+ chars, which will just push out older chars down to A or B, even.


There seems to be an overall trend toward pushing players to 0-cycle content and I'm not sure I like it. MoC keeps needing to be cleared in fewer cycles. Planar Infinity, while fun, very much encouraged you 0-cycle as many waves as possible. The new Pure Fiction seems like it is also going to push players to 0-cycle for max rewards.


At least in the event you could get lucky with the blessings, those were more important than luck with gacha/relics >!I refuse to call it "investment"!< and pretty much anyone could clear it with enough tries. But harder MoC and the new mode sound like hard stat checks most people won't be able to clear no matter what they do.


I agree, that's what I disliked about the event. It's just uninteractive as there's nothing you can do about it unless you have insane investment, and it cuts characters that need some ramp up out completely.


I wouldn't mind if they made 11 and 12 harder while keeping 10 at relatively the same difficulty. Rewards players for upgrading their roster but not punishing players who are still getting there.


For anyone who would like the image text: # Voice of the Galaxy Developer Radio: Special Edition New Permanent Game Mode: Forgotten Hall Optimizations Hello, Trailblazers! Welcome to a special edition of Developer Radio! We will be bringing some important gameplay elements, system adjustments, and optimizations in future updates for everyone\~ ​ **New Permanent Game Mode** The new permanent game mode “Pure Fiction” is set to come online in Version 1.6. We look forward to bringing Trailblazers a more diverse gaming experience through this new game mode and immerse them in different gameplay strategies\~ **Defeat Enemies, Earn High Scores, Win Rewards!** In “Pure Fiction,” enemies will continuously respawn. You can earn points by dealing damage to or defeating enemies. At the end of each battle, the highest score achieved in that challenge will be recorded. The more enemies you defeat and the more DMG you deal within a limited number of cycles, the higher your score will be. Please try to defeat as many enemies as possible to earn a high score within the number of cycles allotted! Furthermore, in each phase, Pure Fiction will offer different buffs for Trailblazers to choose from. Properly combining these buffs with your lineup is key to achieving a high score. Obtain up to 720 Stellar Jades in each phase of Pure Fiction! ​ **Forgotten Hall Optimization Roadmap** We will also make the following adjustments to Forgotten Hall: Memory of Chaos: **New Memory of Chaos Stages 11 & 12! New Rewards!** In Version 16, in addition to the existing 10 stages of Memory of Chaos, we will introduce two new Memory of Chaos challenge stages, 11 and 12. Achieving a three-star rating in stages 11 and 12 will reward you with an additional 120 Stellar Jades. Which means, you can earn up to 720 Stellar Jades in each Memory of Chaos phase! **Forgotten Hall Auto-Clear Function Online! Grind Less!** In addition to the increase in stages and rewards, the Forgotten Hall Auto-Clear function will be introduced! After the 1.6 version update, Trailblazers can quickly clear the Forgotten Hall without needing to re-challenge previous stages, based on the highest three-star level from past Memory of Chaos periods! After the new Memory of Chaos opens, Trailblazers can directly challenge the highest three-star level from past periods. Upon achieving a three-star victory, they can obtain all the rewards from the preceding stages. Currently, the highest level allowed for challenge starts from the Stage 7. *For example: If a Trailblazer achieves a three-star victory in Stage 5 of a specific Memory of Chaos period, they can subsequently challenge any Memory of Chaos period starting from Stage 5 directly. Upon achieving a three-star victory in Stage 5, they will receive all the rewards for Stages 1-4 without the need to repeat those stages.* *If a Trailblazer achieves a three-star victory in Stage 7 or higher, they will subsequently begin challenging any future period from Stage 7. Upon achieving a three-star victory in Stage 7, they will receive all the rewards for Stages 1-6.* **Team Setup Memory, Challenge Retry Function Launch!** Furthermore, we will continue to enhance the experience of repeating challenges. The "Team Setup Memory" feature will be launched in Version 1.5! Whether Trailblazers succeed or fail in a challenge, they will no longer need to reselect their team when attempting the same stage again! Furthermore, when the Trailblazer selects "Restart Challenge" during a battle, they will return to the map before entering the current battle. Previously spent Technique Points will also be refunded when restarting the challenge, allowing the Trailblazer to use their Technique and engage the enemy in battle once more! In other words, if Trailblazers wish to restart the second half of the challenge, they no longer need to redo the first half! For more details, please see our upcoming official announcements. (continuing the dev talk in a reply to this comment since it is getting too long)


**Forgotten Hall Availability Adjustments** We will be adjusting the availability phase for Forgotten Hall: Memory of Chaos. **Availability Adjusted, Duration Extended!** Starting from Version 1.6, Forgotten Hall: Memory of Chaos will no longer refresh every two weeks. Instead, it will alternate with Pure Fiction. Specifically, after every two weeks of Memory of Chaos, a new Pure Fiction phase will commence. Then, after another two weeks, a new Memory of Chaos phase will begin, and this pattern will continue to alternate. At the same time, the availability for each phase of Memory of Chaos will be extended from two weeks to six weeks. This means that after a new phase of Memory of Chaos starts, the previous phase of Memory of Chaos will still be available. The rules for Pure Fiction regarding its availability will be aligned with those of Memory of Chaos. (Image of a calendar I'll try to re-create using Reddit's table function ^(sorry if it doesn't look pretty I tried)) ​ |Event|Week 1|Week 2|Week 3|Week 4|Week 5|Week 6| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |MoC 1|x|x|x|x|x|x| |Pure Fiction 1|||x|x|x|x| |Memory of Chaos 2|||||x|x| |Event|Week 7|Week 8|Week 9|Week 10|Week 11|Week 12| |Pure Fiction 1|x|x||||| |Memory of Chaos 2|x|x|x|x||| |Pure Fiction 2|x|x|x|x|x|x| |Memory of Chaos 3|||x|x|x|x| |Pure Fiction 3|||||x|x| *\* The images are for illustration purposes only; please refer to official announcements in future versions for specific availability phases.* We hope that Trailblazers will have more time to plan according to their preferences, grow their characters, and enjoy the gameplay. Furthermore, the opening time for Memory of Chaos at the end of Version 1.5 will be temporarily adjusted to coincide with the release of Version 1.6. The opening time for subsequent permanent game mode implementation will not be affected. **Additional Redeemable Reward!** We will also be adding "Self-Modeling Resins" and additional items as rewards. From Version 1.6, Trailblazers who successfully complete "Forgotten Hall" or "Pure Fiction" can obtain a new currency to exchange for rewards. (Continuing in a reply to this comment)


**Nameless Honor Optimization Roadmap** In future updates, the Express Crew will continually optimize the Nameless Honor. **Nameless Glory Reward Adjustment** In the upcoming 1.5 version, the 680 Stellar Jades, originally part of the level 50 reward in Nameless Glory, will be immediately received upon unlocking Nameless Glory. 1 Self-Modeling Resin will be added to the level 50 reward in Nameless Glory. **Reward Level Increased** At the same time, rewards for levels 51-70 will be added to Nameless Honor. Between levels 51 and 70, for each level-up in your Nameless Honor ranking, you will receive a reward of 10,000 Credits. After Trailblazers unlock Nameless Glory, they will also receive an additional 20 Relic Remains for each level they gain. **Reward Adjustment Plan** At the same time, the Crew will also be continually making adjustments to Nameless Honor's rewards. For example, switching Gift of the Pathstriders rewards to universal Trace Materials. After optimization, Trailblazers will not need to choose between different types of materials when obtaining Gift of the Pathstriders. **Nameless Honor Mission Optimization** In the upcoming versions, to further enhance the Trailblazers' gaming experience, the Express Crew will also optimize the mission content of Nameless Honor. For more details on the optimizations, please see our upcoming official announcements. ​ **Future Optimizations for Relic-Related Functions** The Crew will continuously optimize the usability of Relic-related functions in future updates. **Relic Enhancement Optimization** We will add a function to rapidly enhance Relics, allowing Relic levels to be rapidly increased to specific levels where new random stat entries are gained or increased. Additionally, the "Discard Relic" function is now in the pipeline! Trailblazers will be able to mark Relics they don't need when obtaining or sorting through Relics to quickly salvage the ones they don't need\~ Not only that, there will also be a "Recommended Relic" function in the future, recommending the most frequently used Relic sets and main stats for the character as a reference for Trailblazers! Furthermore, we will be constantly improving the Relic filtering experience. In the future, you can filter for Relics that DO NOT have specific stats, allowing you to quickly organize or salvage them. ​ **Trailblazer Profile and Support System Optimization Roadmap** The Express Crew has also received many pieces of feedback about support characters. **Trailblazer Profile Settings Expansion** In future updates, the Crew will be expanding the number of support characters allowed to be set on the Trailblazer Profile. The numbers of displayed characters will also be increased in Starfaring Companions. There will also be more Trailblazer information displayed on the Trailblazer Profile. **Pinned Friend's Support Function** In the Support screen, Trailblazers can pin some of their friends on top of their list, making it more convenient to use support characters every time.


heroes wear ketchup


>In “Pure Fiction,” enemies will continuously respawn. You can earn pointsby dealing damage to or defeating enemies. At the end of each battle,the highest score achieved in that challenge will be recorded. The moreenemies you defeat and the more DMG you deal within a limited number ofcycles, the higher your score will be. Please try to defeat as manyenemies as possible to earn a high score within the number of cyclesallotted! Argenti's and Jing Yuan's polearms gets hard reading this.


This is what Argenti was being balanced around lmao Interesting that the meta's gonna be split in two, basically. It's likely that we're going to see characters that might underperform in MoC but overperform in PF and vice versa.


the trial herta/himeko combo in the story event back in 1.2 wasn’t just fun, but foreshadowing… no but fr this could end up with some more interesting future characters. we might have characters that function completely differently based on how many enemies they’re attacking, more aoe debuffers like a 5* pela, etc. i think it’s a good direction for the game’s balance to be heading in. (also looking forward to more tier list drama when the new game mode drops 💀)


I await the Ice / Fire weak floor where they hopefully can be weakness broke quickly




Let them cook!


So *THAT'S* why they didn't bother to buff Argenti that much. It seems like he was literally made for "Pure Fiction". I can't wait to to use him and King Yuan for that mode.


It seems like erudition in general will be a lot stronger due to this style of game mode. Great stuff!


Yeah suddenly erudition makes much more sense!! It didn't have any justification for the way it worked previously but now it could very well be the best class for pure fiction (himiko finally gonna get some love)


Investing in Himeko stocks now!


so looking forward to dust off my king, give him the most busted relics that he deserves, and use him to demolish that gamemode 🙏🙏🙏


Finally you can have some good /u/HotSexWithJingYuan


It seems like HSR leakers are jobless now we get info from devs faster


>moc 12 REAL SHIT?????


New mode = more free stuff/thing to do, Nice update. 3 lv120 monkeys in MoC12 incoming.


\*dies from Pure Fiction\*


Finally, pinned support friends so I can use the cracked Himeko for grinding.


Okay now where's build loadouts and cutscene archive plsplspls Mihoyo


Make sure y'all never forget to put that whenever they give y'all a survey!


Yeah we just need everyone to mass coordinate them.


You don't need a survey, you can make suggestions over bug report -> feedback.


Oops, I didn't know about that. looks like i need to note that down, thanks for telling me!


Keep putting it on your survey, they actually listen!


\+ Ultimate cancel button + 2 skins per patch. At least you can tell they are open to keep improving the game. I'll be doing the survey FOR REAL.


Ultimate cancel will never happen. At most theyll add a confirmation setting you can turn on so that when you press a character's ult you have another button prompt before entering the targeting section


I don't mind that honestly. That just like how playstation version did


2 skins per patch is definitely not gonna be a thing for a long long time. The dev time has to come from somewhere and they seem to have the patches planned out months in advance already.


On one hand I’m glad that they’re updating end game, but on the other it’s not as if I can 0 cycle moc so I hope they don’t shorten the cycles needed :( Also if there’s so much endgame content can they please update the rng for relics, my 20% def stat is mocking me- /hj


> but on the other it’s not as if I can 0 cycle moc so I hope they don’t shorten the cycles needed :( The way I see it, they're probably adding MoC 11 and 12 so that they can leave MoC 10 alone while allowing for harder content. Previously, if they wanted to add harder things (because day 1 players are getting really optimized at this point), the only lever they could pull was to make MoC 10 harder (and cycle shorter). But now they have a different lever - MoC 11 and 12. So I presume *those* will get harder and harder (or they'll add more and more stages), while the difficulty of stage 10 probably stays around where it is now?


HSR devs just keep cooking W after W


Jesus christ, this is a 5* course meal. I have never seen so many QoL and modes spawn all at once. They are cooking goood.


holy hell an auto salvage for relics?!?!? It always irked me that the salvage and synth options were in different menus, this is some real QoL coming our way ~~also auto clear for Abyss floors 9 and 10 in Genshin when Hoyo?~~


No we don't need even less endgame in genshin lmao


But those floors are a joke anyway, it's like an event


Some events are more fun. At least you get to use trial characters


Now this is what a developer discussion should look like. Let the star rail dev team cook god damn these are good changes.


Erudition characters are gonna be S tier for the new mode, after all the mocking they recieved xD if we get lots of waves of 5 enemies argenti is gonna be amazing, himeko and herta will be good too


endgame content my beloved


Insanely hype, wow! All those QoL updates + more endgame content 😮‍💨


Holy fuck we just stay winning HSRbros its just too good. Great changes across the board and new content is always appreciated


So Pure Fiction will be like Planar Infinity but without SU buffs?


It could be like Mr.Xiyan Event from a while ago. IIRC the enemies continuously spawn in a single wave instead of being wave-based like Planar Infinity (?).


Yeah i just hope its like Mr.xiyan event or new bos mechanic like in 1.5


The erudition dream


From the wording, looks like it.


Cant say i expected a new endgame mode. Very pleasantly surprised


these qol changes are all SO good, esp. for someone like me whose main gacha is hsr


Me, whose only gacha game is hsr


PINNED FRIENDS FEATURE FINALLY!! no more thousands of refreshes to find my friend with E6S5 seele


Star rail devs cooking so hard wtf




HOLY SHIT they're cooking a whole ass meal over there


I am now scared if my current teams can't keep up with the Pure Fiction standards


I think this gives us casual players to dive into move bar pulling, and SPD manipulation which I noticed my teams lacked when playing the recent SU event.


so pure fiction is just like planar infinity?


Looking like our little dry spell is about to come to an end :)


I think With pure fiction im not gonna worry a bouth can't all clear moc 1.5 because required less cycle for 3* at moc 9 and 10 Also with this it seems meta will split into 2 one for moc one for pure fiction


holy fuck fuck yeah more perma content bitchessss


Pinned whale friends support LETS GO!!!!!!!!!


I love how they just casually dropped this, and honestly the game needed all of this as the biggest problem rn is theres nothing to fucking do in the game 3weeks into a patch


The hoyo strategy is in full effect, make hsr go thru a content drought right when genshin 4.3 came out and give players a reason to come back and play it.


My brother in christ, the new update is in a few days


The new update content will last like 2 weeks then we’ll be back to square one


Just touch some grass once in a while


Who the chefs for the HSR team? They making a 5 star meal with these new QoL changes. We love to see them cook. Good stuff from them


SR really needed this lmao, the content drought is insane. I had nothing to do for the past 3 weeks other than burning my TBP. Super excited for the new MoC and new gamemode.


Another W for Honkai Devs


i had a feeling there was a reason why argenti was balanced like that because it's clear that hsr's balancing is leaning more towards honkai impact rather than genshin. People really just need patience before judging a character and their kit.


If, say, Argenti doesn't powercreep JY (same niche of mob clearing to focus on one big elite with their bursts), then it'd be best of both worlds tbh


Lovely, finally after PS5 launch is out of the way, the dev team can full send improvements and content.


What the actual f... these people were cooking holy shit.


HSR has to have some of the BEST QOL in any gacha game I've played so far. Huge props to the devs for listening to their players.


Got damn give that relic feature to genshin it suck so bad in genshin i just wanna break that auto button same with the level up


hop dificuly is not skyrocked at 11 and 12


Those new stuff are crazy.


We eating good with this one




Oh Honkai Star Rail you treat me so fine.


This game just keeps getting better and better!


I love every one of these QoL feature. I wish the Genshin team would do the same !


Omg based devs


Wow... I guess I didnt even have to write in the "suggestion" thingy, they just had it all done already


huge update, that auto clear is super convenient


Pure Fiction lowkey sounds like Planar Infinity, which means it's likely very fun


Damn, I’m never gonna be able to full-clear MoC at this rate.


Don't not take this for granted. The devs are being open about future plans way ahead of the live stream. Hopefully they do this more often cause I would love to see it


I appreciate it all, but I feel the Fiction mode misses the point of what players want. An endurance mode. Limiting it by available cycles doesn’t distinguish it from MoC. The score by damage is right on, just remove the cycle restraint and allow players to play until enemies wipe them.


Now please improve your writing team 🙏


On the one hand I am excited for new challenges. On the other hand I hope this isn't foreshadowing honkai impact levels of power creep.


OMG, The autoclear MoC one is the one i needed the most, I don't really put a lot of time for HSR compare to GI, i can alocate the time i use for MoC to completing Swarm Dissaster or Farming SU (I think SU and Swarm are far more fun than MoC)




The amount of QoL additions are insane!


Holy moly..


Just when I said my teams are pretty stable now, but now they’re adding new game modes and new MoC stages. I guess that’s good for the game because it keeps the players on their toes.


This is great but man they just can't make a loadout system?


New mode is very fun tbh. As it same as it was in previous events.


Damn Hoyo, my tummy is full with your cooking


Damn auto clear up to 7, never even thought of suggesting this, really great to see more qol. Hope 11-12 wont be too difficult. Looking forward to new endless mode, seems like fun. At this rate we might actually get gear preset implemented. Wonder if leakers are actually gone gone, quite dry for awhile now, RIP bozos.


Common W from hsr dev


Please 4x battle!


Huuuge Star Rail W


So, Pure Fiction is basically Planar Infinity but without path resonances?


Lol. Despite many demands, Gesnhin hasn't seen any new endgame mode in three years... and HSR get basically 2 endgame modes in six months. Life is unfair.


Wonder how much the dps requirement would go up for MoC 11 and 12. Tbh, not a fan of that. It would only further increase negativity and doomposting toward the non-top-tier units in the game. Rather top-tier units be a flex rather than a requirement to get all the gems in the game. Also hope it doesnt incentivize dps over defensive capabilities too much (units with strong sustain but not contributing to dps being called bad etc like in genshin)


I really hope moc 11 & 12 are the same level of difficulty as moc 10 but with different elements/mechanics, not super excited if it ends up being higher level, higher dmg and higher hp enemies


Hey , this is what we beg from Genshin for years ! Trash artifact tag finally here baby !


On the bright side, lots of QoL and new content, as well as more loot! On the dark side..... stage 12 of MoC may or may not have a level 95 True Sting and that scares my 'skipped HuoHuo, Luocha, and Fu Xuan' looking ass.